//------------------------------// // Tunnel Visions // Story: Mayhem On The Mountain // by Bluecatcinema //------------------------------// Far from the monastery, the pigeon sent out by the mysterious figure soared through the sky, single-mindedly focused on its mission. Eventually, it arrived at one of the Forefather's distant outposts, which was bustling with activity; agents moved about, storing and transferring several black market items and similarly ill-gotten gains. As the pigeon flew toward the assembled agents, one group was moving some crates full of smuggled crossbow bolts over to a warehouse. "More lifting, more carrying..." One groaned. "Don't know about you guys, but I didn't join this outfit to be a gofer." "Try telling the bosses that." Another agent scoffed. "I wouldn't." A third retorted. "I've heard all sorts of stories about what they do to agents who step out of line..." "Those are just horror stories to keep us all walking." The first agent sneered dismissively. "Well, I for one, am not keen on finding out for sure." The second agent shuddered. "So I'll just do my job without complaints, thank you very much." "Me too." The third agent agreed. "Wimps..." The first growled derisively. At that point, the pigeon descended upon them. "Whoa!" The second agent yelped. "Who let in the feathered rat?" "Get rid of it!" The first agent demanded, waving his hooves at the pigeon in an attempt to shoo it away. "Do you even know what kind of diseases those things can carry?" "Hold up." The third agent declared, as the pigeon perched on his hoof. "I think it's a messenger pigeon." “Messenger pigeon? But we don’t even use pigeons.” The second agent frowned. “Something tells me this ain’t from the home base.” The third agent grimaced, as he removed the scroll from the pigeon's leg. "Let's see what we've got here..." The agent began reading the letter. The pigeon, having delivered its message, took off, going back the way it came. “‘Dear Borefathers’… okay, starting off with an insult, that’s promising.” The agent rolled his eyes sarcastically, “‘I am writing this letter to inform you all of your imminent demise’...” “Whoa now!” The first agent gasped, “Is that a death threat?!” “Who would even have the balls?” The second agent mused. “Well, let’s see…” The third agent declared, as he continued reading, “‘In case you’re wondering why you’re receiving this letter, it’s simple. I hate you guys. That much is certain, I hate you guys with every tired muscle in my ‘saintly’ body. And like that guy from the book about screaming without a mouth (Barley Ellisorghum, by the way, look it up), I will tell you how much I’ve come to hate you from the moment I heard about you guys…’” The third agent recoiled in shock, “Oh, man…” “What, what does it say?” The first agent looked at the letter. “It couldn’t possibly be that-” The second agent joined him. Soon, the two agents shared the unnerved look of the third agent, unnerved by the colorful language on the paper. “‘Opinion of you is lower than a Tatzlwurm’s belly’... ‘Your organization is full of steaming piles of’-ugh!” The second agent couldn’t finish the sentence. “Lauren Almighty, how long does this go on for?” The first agent glanced at the notably long letter. “I don’t know, I’m still trying to read through all of it.” The third agent grimaced. “What the hell is wrong with this guy? It’s one thing to send the Forefathers a death threat… but to say all those things…” The first agent cringed. "How could they even think of writing something like that?" The second grimaced. "...And how could we even do that? It's physically impossible!" “This goes beyond hate mail.” The third agent frowned, “This writing’s one thing, but did this guy and the pigeon know about this place?” “You don’t think the RDL sent it?” The second agent gaped. “No way, the higher powers wouldn’t let them get away with this…” The first agent shuddered in revulsion, “Depravity.” “HEY! What’s with all the slacking?!” The agents turned to see the misty form of Silas approaching them, a scowl on his face. Immediately, a jolt of fear ran through them. "M-Mr. Necross, sir!" The first agent trembled. “Bad enough I’m stuck playing errand boy, now I’m out here in this damn hole picking up some rusty old artifact. I mean, what the hell even is an 'ankh'?” Silas ranted, “So out with it, why are you all standing around for?!” "W-we received a message, sir." The second agent said nervously. “What? I didn’t see a courier come in.” Silas glanced around. “It didn’t come in by courier. There was this pigeon. He had this scroll tied to it’s leg.” The third agent explained. “Pigeon?! Who the hell uses pigeons anymore?!” Silas snapped. “Well, this one, sir.” The third agent replied. “Very funny.” Silas snorted, “Well, who sent it?!” “We’re still trying to find out, sir.” The third agent grimaced. “And what’s taking so long? Did all of you flunk out of school or something?” Silas sneered. “Hey-” The first agent snapped but Silas instantly glared at him, cowing him into silence. “The thing is, the letter is proving rather… ‘hard to read’, to say the least.” The third agent said hesitantly. “What? What does it say?” Silas demanded. "I'd... Prefer not to say out loud, sir." The third agent said sheepishly. "Let me see that!" Silas snatched the letter out of the agent's hooves and started speed reading, “‘Dear Borefathers…. Imminent demise… Tatzlwurm’s belly… pile of…’” He snorted, “Ugh, the audacity of this guy.” He scanned through the rest of the letter quickly. “I'll pin your tongues to the ground like croquet hoops... rip your hearts out with a rusty spoon... riddle you all with crossbow bolts until you look like a selection of cheeses... like a Faust damn pig!’” The three agents shared looks of discomfort. Silas continued through the letter: ‘Now, I’m sure by now, I got you all very pissed. If the lot of you have taken offense from my declaration of hatred, allow me to give you my address so we can duke it out. Three hundred miles north-west from your location, you will find atop a mountain a monastery belonging to the Wise Lotus, guardians of the Fountain of Eternal Wisdom. In case your dumb asses can’t put it together, it’s a decorative reservoir used for discharging water, water that makes you ‘infinitely smarter’. Maybe after I kick all your asses, I’ll take a dip in it so I can learn more ways to buck you guys, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I will await your arrival with anticipation… and carriages full of body bags. Sincerely, Master Mantra P.S. Just in case you didn’t catch it the first two times: I hate you guys. I hate you so very, very much.’ Silas lowered the letter, his expression unreadable. “Mantra? Do any of us even know a ‘Mantra’?” The first agent glanced at his fellow agents. “I don’t think so.” The third agent shook his head, “And what’s this about a fountain? Wise Lotus?” “I don’t know, but whatever’s going on, they clearly have a beef with us.” The second agent frowned, “What exactly is the Forefathers’ protocol for handling stuff like this?” “Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it?” The agents glanced back at Silas, whose face twisted into a nightmarish glee. “This ‘Mantra’ has thrown down his gauntlet… among other things.” Silas explained, adding the last bit with a bit of spite, “It would be rude to decline such an invitation.” “...Sir?” The first agent asked, not following. “I say we go to this mountain and pay Mantra and his Wise Lotus a visit.” Silas declared, “And by ‘visit’, I mean a beating. And by ‘beating’, I mean total annihilation. Once we deal with them, we’ll take the monastery and this ‘fountain’ for ourselves. If this fountain’s the real deal, then such a gift would surely convince Father and those fools to bequeath me my rightful place in the Ouroboros hierarchy, if not more! I shall not let this golden opportunity pass!” The agents shared an awkward look of confusion. “Get the word out.” Silas suddenly announced, “Ready the airship for deployment. We’re to leave for the monastery effectively immediately!” “Sir?!” The third agent asked, shocked. “I’m sorry, did I stutter?” Silas said coldly. “But Mr. N-Necross, sir, you’re not authorized to give such a command.” The second agent nervously pointed out, “Only Father and the Ouroboros can do so. To go on an unsanctioned mission, without debriefing them, is against their tenants and is sanctions for-” “I don’t recall asking for your opinion!" Silas snarled. "I am not going to waste my life away in mediocrity any longer. We’re doing this, so do as I say, or else!" Shadows flared around him, terrifying the agents. "Bu-but-" The third agent quivered. "But what?!" Silas growled. "The ship, it... it needs refueling and resupplying." The first agent cringed. "It won't be ready for a few more hours." “Oh for crying out- fine, FINE!” Silas spat begrudgingly, “We’ll wait till the ship is ready. But once it is, we are departing and taking that Mantra asshole down and his fountain! And I do not want to hear any excuses or belly-aching! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!” "Yes, sir!" The agents fearfully. "Good." Silas nodded. "Now, as I said before, get to work!" "Yes, sir!" The agents repeated. As the agents set about their work, Silas chuckled darkly to himself. "Let's see Father and his sycophants deny me my due after this." He gloated. "When I bring them this fountain of knowledge, they'll finally be smart enough to see that I deserve to stand amongst them!" Silas cackled madly. The nearby agents tried their best not to look too unnerved by this display, preferring not to rouse the ire of their "secret weapon". Meanwhile... Fletcher and the others found themselves trapped, the boulder which had rolled over the cave entrance blocking it completely. "You gotta be kiddin' me!" Fury growled, pushing uselessly against the boulder. "We're stuck down here!" "How could this have happened?" Fletcher asked. "A big boulder rolled over and blocked the entrance." Caboose shrugged. "I thought that was obvious." "But not by accident." Survival declared. "That boulder was too round, too coincidentally big enough to block the entrance, to have been the product of a simple random rock slide." "So you think somecreature dropped it on us?" Fletcher frowned. "That is a more than distinct possibility." Survival nodded. "I'll bet it was the monks." Fury narrowed his eyes. "They've probably been waiting for the chance to take us out..." "They are the most viable suspects." Survival acknowledged. "More like only suspects." Fury scoffed. "But even so, I fail to see what possible motive they might have for doing so, let alone why they would do something so drastic." Survival mused. "It's quite a mystery we have on our hooves. I look forward to unraveling it..." “Right now, our main concern should be to figure out how to get out of there." Fletcher declared. "As well as finding whoever sent the letter." "So what's the plan, Mon Capitan?" Caboose asked. "For now, all we can do is continue down the tunnel." Fletcher announced. "Not like we really have a choice..." Fury shrugged. "Logically, there must be another way out, somewhere in these caverns." Fletcher noted. "It's finding where that way out is that's the problem." "Then onward we shall go." Survival smiled. "Yay..." Fury scowled. "I knew I should've packed my spelunking gear..." Caboose sighed. The foursome walked away from the blocked entrance, making their way further into the cavern. At the same time, some distance away, the mysterious figure was making his way back to where he had his captive contained. “Well, the time has come.” He called out, “After a hundred and one letters, your stay here is at an end. And as I graciously promised, I’mma break ya loose and return you to your buddies… However, since you’ve been a good boy, I might as well give you a tip off about what’s going to happen to your ‘buddies’...” No one responded. “Oh, come on, don’t tell me you’re still mad about the letter. I thought the one about the tongues and the croquet hoops was pretty clever.” The figure scoffed, “Besides, I think I counteracted it with that book reference.” Still no one responded. The figure felt something was off. “...You’re already gone, aren’t you?” The figure realized. The figure raced over to where the prisoner was. The figure’s hood rustled a bit as he took a deep breath… and then saw that the cavern was empty. The cuffs used to hold the prisoner in place were on the floor, next to a sharp piece of stone which had been chipped out of the wall. “Oh, you clever so-and-so.” The figure growled. “A stone lockpick? Well, that’s just great! Gotta find him before he tips those assholes off!” The figure rushed off deeper into the cave, hoping to pick up the escaped prisoner's trail. Some miles above, the Red Rio was back up and running, still flying over and observing the monastery. Currently, Armory was directing the drone to try and spot some trace of the missing agents. "Where did they go?" Ballista frowned. “I don’t know. Faust, I didn’t think we were down for that long.” Armory grimaced. “Dammit, Caboose. The moment I see that bucker, I’m tasing his meta-loving flank!” “Right now, we should focus on finding them before tasing.” Black soothed him, “They couldn’t have gone too far.” "Cold comfort." Ballista shook his head. "That monastary's like a maze." "I've gotten through mazes before." Armory claimed, as he resolutely continued guiding the drone's search. "Let's just hope the others haven't gotten into too much trouble..." Black said optimistically. "Wait, look over there!" Sterling suddenly pointed. "What, is it them?" Armory said panickedly. It wasn't their four friends, but actually Ube and a group of monks, notably leaving the path leading down to the fountain. The monks were visibly tired and moaning in pain, while Ube himself seemed rather happy about something. “Well, that is the end of that.” Ube declared triumphantly, “Our little problem has been taken of and things will finally go back to normal.” "Finally." One of the monks mopped his brow, exhausted, “I was sure someone was gonna blow the whistle on us.” “I just wish we didn’t have to lug that big boulder around.” Another monk groaned, rubbing his back, “Why the hell did we even have that thing?” “I heard it was supposed to be rolling down the long staircase to ward off invaders.” A monk recalled, “I’m honestly surprised it was just big enough to block that hole.” “Yeah. And heavy too. I’m gonna be sore for weeks.” Another monk grimaced. “Quit your bellyaching, all of you. All that matters is we took care of the problem.” Ube glared. “Yeah, about that… how’d you think Mantra is going to feel once he finds out that we did all this without telling him?” A monk questioned. “Mantra can kiss my flank." Ube said defiantly. "He was taking too many chances with those clowns. And with Relic. But thanks to me, the circus has finally left town." He gloated pridefully. "Now, one of you go tell the boys downhill that the problem is solved and they won't have to worry anymore." "I'll go." One of the monks nodded. "Excellent." Ube grinned. "And while you're doing that, I'll be checking in with Mantra." "Are you going to tell him?" Another monk asked. "You know, about-?" "Not just yet." Ube cut him off. "Mantra doesn't need to know unless it's absolutely necessary. And what he doesn't know won't hurt him...." As Ube and the monks dispersed, the observing group shared a look. "You heard that, right?" Ballista frowned. "Yeah." Black said grimly. "What are the chances the 'clowns' he was talking about are our clowns?" Sterling frowned. "High enough that we shouldn't dismiss it easily." Armory mused. "We need to keep looking, find the others, just to be sure..." "They've got to be there somewhere." Black said hopefully. "How many places can there be?" "Enough that you shouldn't waste time with the pointless chitchat." Ballista said bluntly. "Come on, techboy. Less yap, more flap!" "Nopony likes a backseat driver, you know..." Sterling pointed out. "And I don't like not knowing our boys are." Ballista retorted. "So let's get to finding them, already!" Silently, the Red Rio flew off again, seeking to investigate the area further. Back in the caverns, Fletcher's group were navigating the winding path as best as they could. "Geez, this place goes on forever." Fury shook his head. "Let's hope not." Caboose declared. "We've probably already missed breakfast. I don't wanna miss lunch too..." "I think we have slightly more pressing concerns right now, Caboose." Fletcher rolled his eyes. "Tell that to my stomach." Caboose joked. "Survival, any thoughts on how we should proceed?" Fletcher asked. Survival didn't answer. He had halted, and was staring off into the darkness, almost as if he could see something there. "Survival?" Fletcher repeated. "Are you listening to me?" "Doesn't look like it." Fury snarked. "We are not alone down here." Survival suddenly announced. "Of course we're not." Caboose nodded. "There's four of us." "He meant there's somecreature other than us in these caverns." Fletcher pointed out. "And you know this... How, exactly?" Fury said skeptically. "Call it a hunch." Survival declared. "So we're going by hunches now?" Fury scoffed. "Great..." "Maybe it's whoever wrote the letter." Fletcher suggested. "That would be a solid way of advancing the plot." Caboose nodded. "Which way do you think we should go, Survival?" Fletcher inquired. Survival glanced around, taking stock of the surroundings. "...This way." He pointed to a tunnel on the left. "Another 'hunch', right?" Fury scoffed. "Something like that." Survival said cryptically. "Now let's get moving..." Following Survival's lead (grudgingly, in Fury's case), the group continued their journey. At the same time, the mysterious figure was darting through the caverns, trying to find the escaped prisoner. “Come on…” The figure stopped at a crossroad in the caverns, with several passageways, as his hood rustled again, “There’s no way he could have gotten this far!” He turned towards one path… With his mysterious power, his sight darted down the path, seemingly charting it out for the figure, taking note of everything, from turns to jutting rocks to the occasional bat resting on the ceiling. However, to the figure’s dismay, he saw no pony. “No…” He turned down another path, his power allowing him to see down it, only to find nothing again “No…” He glanced at another path, only for the same result, “Dammit, where are you, you miserable piece of-” He turned to another path and used his special magic to visually roam down the path… but to his shock, he came across the images of three familiar ponies and a griffon. “What the… is that…” The figure was taken aback, “Oh no. Oh, BUCK!” He was panicking, stomping around, “What the hell are they doing down there?! They’re supposed to be back up there! Oh, why now is everything going to- buck, buck, BUCK!” The figure, in his rage, slammed one of his back hooves into the wall, causing the whole cave to shudder slightly. Elsewhere Survival sensed something in the cavern's stone, and started heading towards the figure’s location. "This way." He urged, to the other's bemusement. “Hmm?” The figure used his mysterious ability once more, and realized that the heroes were quickly approaching his location, “Crap! I gotta find that asshole, then I’ll deal with them!” The figure turned, and retreated down the tunnel he had been moving through. Further down the caverns, Fletcher's group followed Survival's lead. They found themselves reaching a fork, with tunnels ahead of them. "Okay, Mr. Hunch." Fury said dismissively. "Got any idea where we go from here?" Survival looked at the two tunnels, took a deep inhale, and closed his eyes. Seconds later, his eyes snapped open. "This way." He pointed down one of the tunnels. "How are you doing this, anyway?" Fury asked. "I have my ways." Survival answered. "Such as taking note of the wear and tear on the walls and the ground, picking up unusual scents in the air..." "The one time I forget my aftershave..." Caboose sighed. "...Not to mention how the dust is less thick in certain areas." Survival continued. "That suggests that these areas have been traversed through far more often than the others have." "Very clever." Fletcher nodded appreciatively. "I had a feeling your observational skills would come in useful on this mission." "Happy to be of service." Survival smiled. "We should hurry, before the trail gets cold..." "Isn't it always cold?" Caboose asked. "We are on a mountain, in the Frozen North, after all..." "Flap my life..." Fury groaned, exasperated by his colleagues' antics. The group rushed down the tunnel. At the same time, the mysterious figure stopped in his tracks. "What the... they're getting closer." He said, growing more agitated. "How are they getting closer?! Time to pick up the pace..." The figure changed direction, picking up the pace as he did. Back with Fletcher's group, Survival suddenly stopped. "Wait." He held up a hoof to halt. "What is it?" Fletcher asked. "Do ya got an itch?" Caboose said, completely serious. "We need to go... This way." Survival pointed down adjacent. "Any particular reason?" Fury demanded. "Just a feeling." Survival answered. "Terrific..." Fury growled, as they changed direction again. Up ahead, the figure looked back. “Come on! What bullcrap is this?!” The figure snarled in frustration, “I have to keep moving!” He ran down another tunnel. Survival stopped again. "This way!" He ordered, moving down another corner. "Seriously?!" Fury groaned. "Boy, so many twists and turns to this story... Literally!" Caboose joked. As the group weaved through the caverns, the mysterious figure did the same. "This just isn't my day..." The figure groaned. "Was that a left or a right turn I just took? Lousy caverns all look the same..." "These caverns are flappin' identical!" Fury scowled. "How can you know where we're going?" "I just know, okay?" Survival replied. As they turned another corner, the group found themselves facing the mysterious figure. “What the hell?!” Fury gaped. “Ahhhh…” The figure trailed off. ’Dammit, knew I should’ve taken a left turn!’ “Looks like you were right, Survival.” Fletcher nodded, as he approached the figure, “Who are you?” “Um, ah…” The figure stammered, not sure what to say, before straightening up, “Fine weather today, ain’t it?” “Um, we’re in a cave.” Survival deadpanned. “I’m in a cave?!” The figure gaped. “We’re in a cave?!” Caboose gasped. “Oh, for the love of-” Fury snapped, “Enough of the bullcrap! I already had to put up with yahoos at the monastery, and I’m at my frickin’ limit! So you’re gonna tell us what we want to know, or I’ll make sure no one finds your body!” “Oh-ho, lookie here, we got ourselves a badass.” The figure spat, no longer bothering to fake obliviousness, not taking kindly to the griffon’s threat. “I would like to see you lay a talon on me, chicken-puss!” “Why you-” Fury gritted his beak. “Wait!” Survival stepped in between them, “We mean you no harm. We came down here looking for answers.” “Well, you shouldn’t have come down here!” The figure snarled, “I mean, for crying out loud, shouldn’t you be back up there guarding the monastery?!” “Wait, so you know that we were sent here to protect the Wise Lotus?” Fletcher raised a brow. “...Buck.” The figure cursed under his breath, as he let out a fake yawn, “Well, ‘bout time for me to be hittin’ the old dusty trail.” The figure began backing away slowly. “So you guys can see your way out, right-” Fletcher performed a combat roll, cutting off the figure's retreat. “I’m afraid we can’t let you go just yet.” Fletcher announced firmly. “Lauren, you’re fast.” The figure gasped, “Look, you really don’t have to do this.” "You kiddin'?" Fury scoffed. "I've been needin' to hit somecreature the whole time we've been on this stupid rock!’" “No, seriously, you really don’t want to fight me.” The figure urged, “You guys really should be resting for-” “Come on, what are you, chicken?!” Caboose taunted. The figure paused for a moment, as his posture grew rigid. “You know what, fine. Have it your way.” The figure said airily, with a hint of restrained rage. “But do know I gave you all an out.” Without warning, the figure grabbed Fletcher by the hoof and flipped him over. "Ugh!" Fletcher grunted, as he landed hard on the ground, the wind well and truly knocked out of him. "Ooh, you shouldn't have done that!" Caboose growled. Caboose threw a punch, which the figure deflected with his own. Undaunted, Caboose threw another punch, and another. Each time, the figure swatted his hooves away. "Hey, quit it!" Caboose pouted. "Make me!" The figure chided him. "Why, I oughta..." Caboose snarled. The irate agent launched a sidekick. But the mysterious figure caught it with ease. "Yuh-oh." Caboose cringed. The figure threw Caboose against the wall. "Ow..." Caboose groaned as he collapsed on the ground. "Avenge... Me..." "Who's next?!" The figure challenged. Fury made to step in, but Survival moved over first. “Stop! We don't have to fight!" Survival pointed out. "Speak for yourself." Fury sneered. “Look, I’m not just down here because I enjoy the scenery.” The figure retorted, “I need you four to march your happy asses back where you came from! I can’t have you running around down here!” “And why is that?! If you would just calm down, maybe we can talk this out-” Survival urged. “Only talking I’m doing is with these bad boys.” The figure held up his hooves. “You want answers, hit me with your best shot!” “Fine. But you asked for it.” Survival gritted his teeth in frustration. Survival leapt forward, jumping against the wall for added speed. The figure ducked his jump, and retaliated with a leg sweep. Survival leapt over the appendage, and tried to grab the figure's cloak. With speed Survival didn't expect, the figure jabbed his outstretched hoof with a series of pressure point strikes. "Gah!" Survival yelped, clutching his temporarily useless appendages. "...Pressure point strikes?" The figure took advantage of Survival's faltering by delivering more jabs to his foe's side, shoulders and neck. "Urrrgh..." Survival groaned, dropping like so much dead weight. “Wow. Sorry, but I expected so much more from you guys.” The figure shook his head. “Why don’t you try me on for size then?!” Fury snarled. The battle-hungry Griffon produced two of his spears, and lunged at the figure. “What the-whoa!” The figure evaded his strikes, causing sparks to light up the cave when the blades struck the stone behind him. "Pretty quick, aren't ya?" Fury sneered. "But are you quicker than this?" Summoning his powers, Fury created a gust of wind that pushed the figure back against the wall. For the first time, the figure grunted in pain, just barely managing to keep his footing. “What the-how the hell are you-” The figure’s hood rustled, as he saw the blue-tinted vision of his opponent. To his surprise, Fury’s image took on a purplish glow, especially around his eyes, “...Holy crap, you’re a Nightcrawler?!” "Yes, I am." Fury scowled. "Got a problem with that?" “Buck no! This is awesome!” The figure cheered, much to Fury’s shock, “I always wanted to fight one of you guys! RDL, you guys really delivered!” “Hey, he’s not the only one who’s strong-” Caboose pouted. “Stay down, little Timmy, the big boys are talking.” The figure chided, as he stared at Fury, punching his front hooves together, “Oh, I am going to have so much fun now!” “I don’t know why you’re getting excited. You’re in danger.” Fury sneered. “We’ll see about that, chicken-face.” The figure taunted. “Taste the wind, motherbucker!” Fury roared, readying another blast of wind. “No, taste this!” The figure retorted, as he placed his hooves together. Before Fury could react, an orb of pure bluish-white energy manifested between his hooves almost instantaneously. "What the flap-?" Fury gaped. The figure swung his hooves, launching the orb right across the cave. It struck Fury in the chest, resulting in an explosion of light that sent Fury flying against the cave wall. "Ugh!" Fury grunted, feeling like he had just taken a sledgehammer to the chest, “Mother… flapper!” The others gaped in shock. "What was that?!" Fletcher gaped. "Some kind of secret combo?" Caboose asked. "Or even a cheat code?!" "I don't believe it..." Survival whispered, having recognized the technique from what he had seen earlier. “Don’t tell me you’re done already.” The figure told Fury, “That was a slow pitch. Surely a Nightcrawler like you is made of sterner stuff, right?!” "Shut up! You just got in a lucky shot!" Fury scowled, getting back down from the wall. "You won't be so lucky this time!" With that, he conjured up several spears, all floating at his side. "Famous last words if I've ever heard them." The figure sneered, as he manifested another orb between his hooves. The two readied their stances, ready to open fire. But before they could… "STOP!!" Survival suddenly called out, catching both their attention. “Oh, what now?!” Fury and the mysterious figure snapped in unison. “I know who you are!” Survival declared, looking at the cloaked figure, “You’re Aural, aren’t you? Aural Sight?!” The cloaked figure’s charged orb of aura faded as he looked at Survival. "You." He looked at the cloaked figure. "You're Aural, aren't you?" "...How do you know that name?" The figure retorted. "Show your face, and maybe I'll tell you." Survival demanded, “Enough of the fighting!” “The hell, Fievel?!” Fury glared, “I was about to own his-” “Fury.” Fletcher hissed as he got back up, the griffon shutting up, giving a petulant scowl. The unknown figure glanced at Survival for a moment… before sighing heavily. “Fine. If it gets you guys out of here faster…” The figure lifted his hood, revealing the face of a donkey, the head being a dark grey fur with a lighter grey snout, and a black mop of a mane and two long ears on each side. There were a few wrinkles on his face, showing his age, but his most notable attribute was his eyes being shielded by a pair of black spectacles. “My name is Aural. Aural Sight.” The donkey introduced himself firmly. "Ooh, a donkey! You don’t see those in MLP fanworks every day!" Caboose called out, still flat on the ground.