My Little Pony: The Days of New Equestria (Season 2)

by ScorchingFlamesInc

Episode 17: ...And Back Again (Part 1)

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara's screams came to an abrupt stop when they were spat out of a portal, and into a set of bushes, both of them landing back-first.

When Apple Bloom raised her head, she watched in horror as the portal closed.

"NO!" she screamed.

Apple Bloom struggled to get out of the bushes, with pointy twigs poking her body no matter how much she moved. She persevered, however, and got out of the bushes in no time. She checked on how Diamond Tiara was doing, and it seemed as if she was struggling even more than she was.

"Alright, Diamond Tiara, Ah' gotcha... this may hurt a bit..."

"Okay... I trust you..."

Apple Bloom grabbed one of Diamond's hind-hooves with her mouth, and pulled her out. Of course, Diamond Tiara couldn't resist expressing the discomfort she was getting by being scratched by twigs.


Luckily, it was already over in seconds. Apple Bloom released Diamond Tiara's leg, and she got up on her hooves.

"Thanks..." Diamond groaned. "It hurt... but thanks..."

"No problem..." Apple Bloom looked around. "Where are we, anyways?"

"Hey, don't ask me! I'm just as confused as-"

"SSSHHH!!!" Apple Bloom hissed. "Listen..."

Both of them stood still and listened. They could both hear the sound of a cart being dragged.

"Should we follow?..." Diamond Tiara whispered.

"If we do, we need to be careful..." Apple Bloom replied. "You never know what could change the future..."


Starlight and I were in for a landing when the portal opened, but to our surprise, it wasn't that bad... at least for me. I managed to miraculously land on his hooves, and I celebrated with grin. But, no surprise, my excitement was short-lived, when Starlight landed right on top of me.

"A warning would have been nice..." I whimpered.

"Oh sure, blame me even though the growing volume of the screaming wasn't a hint..." Starlight hissed. She got off of me, and we both saw the portal close.

"Well, that's just great!" I huffed. "Dear Celestia, I'm done with this guy! What's the motive here, anyway!?!"

"Fun? Chaos? I don't know. Chaos is more in-line with Discord..." Starlight replied. "I'm lucky enough to remember the spell this time, but... the others! We need to find them?"

"But how?"

"I don't know yet, but I'll think of something. We always do. But on another note... what is this place?"

"I dunno. It looks like somepony's home."

Starlight and I looked out of the curtains that we were inside, and we got a good sight of the house's interior. Let me just say that it's not a run-of-the-mill house. I mean... it was! There was just some pretty weird knick-knacks around the place. There was a stand with a large cylinder that had silverware sticking out of it, and tied to the arch attached to the stand was a bunch of bottles. There were lots of weird pictures and choices of art, too.

Starlight and I were going to look around, but just then, we heard hoofsteps approach the doorway. Starlight and I ducked inside the curtains, but I guess we should have known they'd see moving curtains.

"Somepony's here!" an unfamiliar mare's voice piped.

"It came from those curtains!" a male voice said.

"Well where else would it have come from?..." a rough female voice mumbled loudly.

Starlight and I both held our breaths.

*Cozy Glow...*

Screaming, Cozy Glow fell and landed right smack in the middle of a table. She stood up, her gaze focused on what was beneath her.

"The... the Cutie Map?..." she squeaked, a smile starting to grow on her face. "I'm... I'm home! I'm home!!!"


Cozy Glow's celebration paused, and she finally focused on her surroundings. Yes, she was back in the Castle of Friendship. But there was a catch... Twilight Sparkle and her friends (consisting of the rest of the Mane Six, Starlight, and Spike), all sat in their respective seats surrounding her. They looked like the way they did back when Cozy Glow was evil, and none of them looked happy.

Cozy Glow knew where she was. She was twenty years in the past... a time where she was supposed to be imprisoned.

The filly nervously chuckled.

"Um... hello... heh-heh..."


Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom peeked out of the brush and saw the source of the noise. All it was was just a cart, being dragged by two ponies that they couldn't see.

"We've seen enough..." Diamond Tiara insisted. "Maybe we should go back..."

"No..." Apple Bloom hissed. "That cart... it's an apple cart."


"And... and... I dunno. We can turn back."

When Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara turned around, they heard a loud CRACK, and the apple-cart began rolling down the hill, right in their direction. Both mares jumped out of the way, and the car crashed right into a tree. Apple Bloom exhaled, but then she heard the sound of creaking, cracking wood. In horror, she looked up at the tree above her, and it started to fall... right in her direction. This was it... this was how it was all going to end.

But before Apple Bloom could think about anything else, she felt something snag her neck, and pull her out of the way. The tree crashed on the ground, but nobody was harmed.

Apple Bloom couldn't see the face of her rescuer, and the fact that they had their hoof around her made it harder to see.

"Sorry I had to do that..." a stallion's voice said. "But it was either that, or getting crushed by a dead tree."

"Those darn carpenter ants must have gotten to our cart..." said a mare. "We better keep a better eye out for those things... anyway, are you okay?"

"Yeah..." Apple Bloom gulped. The stallion let her go, and she got up. "Ah'm oka-..."

When she saw the welcome eyes of her rescuers, Apple Bloom could feel her heart drop to her hooves. She would consider it impossible, but again, she was in a situation with time-travel.

"Are you okay?" the mare asked.

"She's probably just a little shaken' up from what just happened," said the stallion. "Are you two lost?"

"I guess we are," Diamond Tiara replied.

"That's too bad..." the mare said. "How about you two come with us? After that, it's probably safer for you two."

"Plus, we could use all the help we can get... if that's okay with you two."

"I mean... sure, I guess," Diamond shrugged. "Just let me see what she thinks."

Diamond Tiara brought Apple Bloom out of the couple's earshot, so they could talk in private.

"So... it would be rude of us to not help them," Diamond Tiara started. "We'll give them a hoof, and if we end up getting rescued, we'll have Starlight erase their-... Apple Bloom? Apple Bloom, are you even listening?"

Apple Bloom stood and stared at the couple that helped her. They were busy picking up whatever they could, and talking about how they were going to handle this situation.

The more Diamond Tiara analyzed Apple Bloom, the more she realized the truth about who that couple exactly was. And Apple Bloom's soft, shocked voice confirmed it.

"Mom?... Dad?..."

*Cozy Glow...*

When Cozy Glow appeared, it was going to go in one to three ways... either Twilight and her friends would run, attack, or defend themselves immediately.

"Spike! Alert the Princesses!" Twilight ordered. Spike immediately ran off to get a quill and parchment.

"Wait! You don't understand!" Cozy Glow shouted. "Yes, I'm Cozy Glow, but I'm from the future! I'm reformed!"

"Likely story!" Rainbow Dash barked, already flying out of her seat. "Do you honestly think we'd believe that?"

Cozy realized that she was right. "Fair point. But you have to believe me! I'm-"

"Save it!" Starlight's voice shouted. Cozy Glow had little time to react, as a blue shield formed around her, trapping her in a forcefield. She tapped it, and realized that she was stuck inside.

"We'll keep her here until the Princesses arrive," Starlight explained. "She won't be able to use her magic in there."

"How is this possible?..." Twilight wondered. "How did she not only escape from stone, but also regain her Alicornhood?"

"Ah' dunno..." said Applejack. "But Ah' hope Chrysalis and Tirek didn't escape as well."

"It's a good thing that Discord is keeping the bell far away in his dimension!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash hissed.

"Relax, Dashie, it's not like she knows how to get there."

Of course, Cozy Glow did know... she just wasn't the one that stole it.

"The Princesses will be by to pick her up," Twilight started. "They'll keep her contained, and we'll try to figure out what the hay is going on."

"Is nopony questioning why my curls are gone?..." Cozy Glow wondered out loud. "My curls are gone!"

None of them responded, so it was pretty clear Cozy's forcefield was sound-proof.

"They can't hear me..." Cozy said. "Eh. They probably wouldn't believe me about the curls either. I wouldn't have believed me either..."

She saw most of her former enemies give her mean glares... Fluttershy's was less apparent, but she could still tell that the usually kind pony didn't give her the benefit of the doubt as much as the others.

Cozy Glow wasn't sure what was going to happen to her, but she wanted to be gone as soon as possible.

"Where are they?..." she whispered.

*Leo and Starlight*

Leo and Starlight listened closely to the voices outside the doors.

"I saw something move behind those curtains!" the first mare's voice said.

"That's strange... I don't remember having anything behind my curtains," said another voice, this one squeaky and bubbly.

"Why would there be anything behind the curtains at all, Izzy?" the male voice asked.

"I dunno..."

"It's not rats, is it?" a fifth unfamiliar voice asked.

"Well, it's not impossible," the first voice replied. "It seemed a bit bigger than rats, though..."

"Well, you're not gonna find anything unless you open it," said the rough voice (that reminded me a little bit of Rainbow Dash).

"Alright, ladies, allow me to take care of this..." the male voice said. "Listen here! Whatever, or whoever's in there, come on out!"

Starlight and I looked at each other. We didn't really have much of a choice. Either we came out, or the stallion would barge in himself.

"Should we?..." I started.

Starlight sighed and nodded. We both came out from behind the curtains, revealing ourselves to the ponies.

It felt like looking into a different world, for one thing... and it was a different reason other than being in what looked like the inside of somepony's very weird and strange home.

In front of us stood five ponies. Four mares and a stallion. They all looked extremely shocked to see two complete strangers in their closet, but when they looked at me, they seemed even more shocked. I'm guessing they've never seen (or maybe even heard of) Alicorns before?

One mare with a hot-pink mane and a tangerine-ish coat approached us. She took a quick look at Starlight. And then, she looked at me, my horn, and my wings. Out of the five ponies that found us, she seemed the most shocked and interested.

"A-another Alicorn?... I-I never thought I'd see another one up close!" She then glanced at Starlight. "And... and you! You seem familiar, but... maybe I should ask some questions first-"

"Alright, Sunny, give them space," the stallion told her. "Before we ask them anything else, first they should tell us why they're in our friend's house."

"Would you believe us if we said time travel?" I blurted.

The five ponies all looked at us funny. I couldn't blame them. Of course time travel is possible in Equestria, but it's prone to seeming like a wild excuse anyhow.

"Hold up..." a white Pegasus (the one with the rough-ish voice) started. "...time travel?"

"Yes!" Starlight nodded. "Listen, it seems sketchy when you first hear it, but this is Equestria, after all! There's endless possibilities for many spells."

"What do you all think?" the pony called Sunny asked her friends.

"I don't know how comfortable I would feel about trusting two ponies that randomly appear in someone's home..." the stallion mumbled.

"I second that!" the white Pegasus agreed.

"Aw, come on you guys, I'd love to have some new friends!" the unicorn grinned.

Sunny looked at the only other pony that hasn't spoken yet. This one was a pink pegasus, and had very fluffy wings. "Pipp?"

Pipp looked up from her... phone? "Oh!... um... I'm not so sure... I suppose we could give them the benefit of the doubt..."

"You're not going to stream this, are you?..." the white Pegasus asked.

"No! Of course not! I've grown since then! I understand that streaming certain things can lead to consequences."

"Mhm... sure..."

"Come on Zipp, why can't you just trust me!?"

"Girls, girls, girls!" Sunny interjected. "Now's not the time for this. Okay... here's what I think... I think we should give them a chance. After all... if I never trusted Izzy... or you two... I never would have made some of the best friends a mare could ask for!"

She felt like Twilight to me. Very mushy, yet meaningful dialogue, along with that desire to learn.

"Alright..." said the stallion. "Alright, I'll give them a chance."

"Yeah, I guess I can too," said Zipp.

"Great!" Sunny beamed. "So... I have a lot of questions I'd love to ask! First of all..." Sunny looked around for something, but immediately gave up. "Oh... right... don't have the notepad... that's fine... anyway, first question, what are your names?..."


Cozy Glow felt incredibly nervous as the guards, along with Twilight and her friends, led her up to the Princesses' thrones. After the Princesses were notified, a few guards were sent to retrieve her, and they brought a magic inhibitor relic so Cozy couldn't do anything to fight back.

When they finally stopped, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna immediately stood up.

"Princess Celestia..." Cozy Glow said. "Listen, if you could just put aside my past and listen to me for just a second-"

"They know your tricks, Cozy Glow!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I appreciate you speaking for us Rainbow Dash, but this is between us and Cozy Glow," said Princess Celestia, approaching the filly.

"What's the point of talking to her anyway, when she's clearly going to lie to you?" Spike asked.

Princess Luna joined up with Celestia. "Well, that's what truth spells are for..."

The Princess of the Sun approached Cozy Glow, her horn aglow. Normally, Cozy Glow wouldn't be the biggest fan of this kind of thing, but this time, she welcomed it... it would allow her to clear things up so she could have some actual help in finding her friends and getting home.

Princess Celestia proceeded with the spell, and Cozy Glow could feel a small tingle in her head and throat.

"Huh. Why didn't we do this in the first place?" Starlight wondered.

"Okay, Cozy Glow..." Celestia began. " did you manage to escape your stone prison?"

Cozy Glow didn't really need a truth spell to explain herself. If anything, this would just serve as a boost in convincing them that she's telling the truth.

"... I escaped from stone twenty years in the future," Cozy Glow explained. "A student of Twilight's, Luster Dawn, was sent to reform me, along with Tirek and Chrysalis. And it worked. Ever since then, the three of us have been learning friendship, and saving Equestria. We've also had a fourth friend help us along the way, but that's unrelated to the situation I'm kind of in. In short, I'm from the future, a red Alicorn trapped me here in the past, and I reeeeaaally need your help with getting back to my time."

There were a couple of different reactions among the Princesses, Twilight and her friends, and the guards. Some of them looked at each other. Others just stared with their mouths open.

"Are you sure you cast the right spell?" Luna whispered.

"Yes, I'm sure I cast the right spell..." Celestia muttered.

"It's true," said Cozy Glow. "In fact, if you go out and find my statue, I will still be there. If that isn't even enough, then all you need to do is set my past self free, and she'll be there."

There was a bit of chatter between everyone. And fifteen minutes later, they were outside, all standing in front of the statue. As to be expected, on the tippy-top of that statue, was a filly that looked like Cozy Glow, holding her hooves on her cheeks in fear.

"See?..." Cozy Glow motioned to the statue. "And as I said back inside, if that's not enough then just let her go, and then put her back inside... you can put her back in without Discord, right?"

"Yes, yes we can..." Luna answered. "Shall we, sister?"

"I suppose..."

Celestia and Luna then proceeded to free Past Cozy Glow by lighting their horns, and blasting the statue... specifically where she was supposed to be. The stone around Past Cozy shattered, and the filly fell onto the ground. She stumbled onto her hooves.

"Urgh... what the-" she looked around. "What are you all doing here?... Am... am I dreaming?... Is that another me?"

"Yes..." the original Cozy Glow said. "You are dreaming. But now you must dream something else. NOW!"

"Well... that's all we need to know..." said Celestia. She and Luna then worked together to bring Past Cozy Glow into her stone prison. What remained of her in the aftermath was a small statue of Cozy Glow holding up her hooves in defense.

"Well, we're probably going to have to erase her memories of that if we want to preserve the future..." Cozy suggested.

Everypony and Spike looked at her.

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara...

The couple, Pear Butter and Bright Macintosh, led Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara down the trail. They all had apple products in some spare saddlebags, since they decided to go and finish with delivering the orders.

While walking, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara kept a slight distance so they could privately discuss how things were going to play out name-wise. Apple Bloom, of course, couldn't share her name since she was their daughter. Diamond Tiara sharing her name wouldn't be a big problem, except she knew that Apple Bloom's family was known for doing business with hers.

"Well... maybe we weren't born yet," Apple Bloom said after a pause. "And they would know if we had familiar colors to our filly selves."

"It's too risky..." Diamond Tiara replied. "We'll have to make up names..."

"Like that will do anything..."

"Anything can happen. And it's the only way."

Apple Bloom's parents turned around and allowed them to catch up.

"Are you two doin' alright?" asked Bright Mac.

"Mhm..." the mares nodded.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to help us out, by the way," said Pear Butter. "We feel bad about not taking some time to get to know you two. What are your names?"

"Well, um... I'm..." Diamond Tiara struggled to come up with a name, but Apple Bloom decided to cut in.

"Her name is Twinkle Tiara..." Apple Bloom said, apparently enthusiastic... thought Diamond Tiara assumed otherwise. "And Ah'm Apple Red."

"Those are nice names," Bright Mac smiled.

"Thank you.

"You two go on," said Diamond Tiara. "I need to talk to... Apple Red... some more."

"You two have been talkin' together quite a lot," Pear Butter smirked.

"It's a very long, processing day..."

"Well, alright," Bright Mac said. "We'll check back if anything happens."

Apple Bloom's parents went ahead, and Diamond Tiara gave them a moment to give them some distance.

"I see right through you..." Diamond Tiara hissed.

"What do you mean?"

"You seemed impatient and stressed when you introduced our fake names."

Apple Bloom's apparent good mood faded. "Because Ah' don't want to spend my time waiting around for you to think!"

"Why do you seem so bitter all of a sudden?"

Apple Bloom sighed. "Ah'm sorry. It's just that... I think seein' them again is messing with my head. Not because they did anything, but Ah' want to do the task, and enjoy what Ah' can with my parents!"..."

Diamond Tiara nodded. "I understand... and hey, since I'm thinking about it right now, can I tell you something?"

The two mares decided to carry on with their quest.

"Go ahead," Apple Bloom said.

"Sometimes..." Diamond paused, but just for a moment. "Sometimes, as I grew up, I wish my life was a little bit more like yours."


"It's... it's stupid, especially coming from me... Let's just catch up with your parents."

Diamond Tiara picked up her pace, and Apple Bloom went ahead and did the same. Apple Bloom could tell right away that this wouldn't be the last of both subjects.


Sunny paced around, and began to recount all of the answers that Starlight and I gave to her..

"Okay, okay... so let me get this straight... you two were sent here because back in your time, this red Alicorn named Sephtis sent you and your friends to a different time, and then did it again. Only this time he separated you from your friends. Your name is Leo... a stallion Alicorn that wasn't originally from Equestria in the first place... and your name is Starlight Glimmer, the one who was mainly behind the creation of that spell, and also one of the first students of Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

As Sunny finished her sentence, I could feel her excitement grow.

"I... I didn't tell you that last part," said Starlight.

"Oh, right... sorry... you probably need some more context."

"She's always been interested in everything that Twilight Sparkle did, from being sent by her own mentor, the Princess of her time, to unifying all of Equestria in peace and harmony," the stallion explained.

"My dad told me a lot of stories about her when I was little," Sunny continued. "And I remember him mentioning your name quite a few times. To this day, I remember nearly every single detail. Even after he..."

Sunny fell silent. I started to get the idea, but Starlight needed to process it a bit longer.

"After he... oh!" she realized.

"It's fine..." Sunny said.

I got curious. "So... you said you know a bunch about what Twilight Sparkle did... Has your Dad mentioned anything about me or my friends?"

"Um..." Sunny bit her lip in thought. "I don't... think so."

"Oh... strange..." I went quiet. "I'll have to look into this some more later..."

"So... now I want to ask some questions," Starlight started. "We've told you everything about us, so I'd like to hear about you and this... timeline we're in. Who are you, and where are we?..."

Sunny and her friends proceeded to either introduce themselves, or give them their full names.

Sunny's full name is Sunny Starscout.

Izzy's full name is Izzy Moonbow.

The Stallion's name is Hitch Trailblazer.

Pipp's full name is Pipp Petals.

And the white Pegasus is named Zipp Storm (fun-fact: she's Pipp's sister!)

"Wow. All of those are really nice names," Starlight said.

"Why thank you," Izzy smiled.

"As for where you are... let's see..." mumbled Sunny. "Considering the fact that Princess Twilight was still around where you two came from... you're many, many, many moons into the future."

"That means you're veeeeeeeeeery far from where you came from," Izzy said.

"Yeah, I figured..." I muttered.

"What's it like here?" inquired Starlight. "What kind of inventions have been introduced? Is friendship still going strong?"

"Well... um... well..." Sunny stuttered. "From what my dad told me... after Twilight was gone... things kinda went downhill."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Friendship... with creatures, but especially ponies... fell apart..." Sunny explained. "Magic was lost, and all three pony tribes lived either fearing, or hating each other. I don't even know much about the other creatures."

Starlight's eagerness fell. She processed what Sunny just said, and finally, she said what seemed to be a clear and understanding response.

"So... everything that we did... Twilight, her friends, me... turned into something that lead to nothing?"

"I wouldn't say that," said Hitch. "After all, if it wasn't for Sunny, her dad, and their fascination with Twilight and her actions, everything would still be like this. Because of that, all five of us were brought together, and things are changing for the better."

"Well... Sunny... I think that would make her very proud of you."

"Aawww, that's so sweet!" Pipp gushed.

"Friendship aside, there's a lot of new and exciting things here in the future that would probably fascinate you," Sunny said. "Since... you know... you're from what we call Ancient Equestria."

"Well, that..." Starlight pointed at Pipp's phone. "Doesn't surprise me?"

"It doesn't?" Zipp asked.

"I can thank Leo for that. He's the main reason why there's phones in Equestria."

"Wow... didn't see that coming," said Pipp.

"You're the one that invented phones?" Hitch asked.

"Considering none of you know who I am, I don't even know!" I exclaim. "And for the record, I never inven-... Um... yes. I did bring them here."

I wasn't going to tell them I was a human that brought phones to Equestria. I said I wasn't from there, but I never gave specifics.

"Well, we may have phones... but there's many other things that would surprise you," Sunny promised.

"I'd love to see it, but I can't," said Starlight. "We need to find our friends and get home. It wouldn't be as much of an emergency, but Sephtis could be causing havoc as we speak! And I need to have some time to make the spell I need in order to get the others."

"Hold up. You said that you created the time-travelling spell," Zipp said. "Why do you need to stay back and make a spell that you already know about?"

"I do remember the spell. But considering the fact that I don't know where the others are, I need to make some changes to the spell, or maybe even re-write it entirely, so I can find them and bring them back."

"Well, you do what you need to do," Hitch said. "I'd hate for us to be the ones to hold you back from doing the right thing."

"Thank you, Hitch. Now, I'll need to find something to write on, and something to write with..."

"What can I do?" I ask.

"Wait, you can't help her?" Sunny inquired.

"No... I may be an Alicorn, but Starlight is far better at this than I am."

"You could go out with the others and get to know them better," Starlight suggested. "You could also learn more about their time as well. I may not get to learn, but you could always learn yourself and tell me about it later."

"That's not a bad idea..." I shrug. "What do you all think?"

"I'd love to get to know you better!" Izzy beamed. "We could play games, tell stories, and do all sorts of stuff!"

"Well, first, we should show him around," said Sunny.

"So I guess it's settled," Starlight said "You all can go out and have some time to yourselves, and I'll stay here and try to make this new spell."

"How will we know when you're done?" Pipp asked. "Zipp, do you have your phone? You can give it to her and she can call us when she's finished."

"Sorry, Pipp, I don't."

"You can all just come back here at sunset," Starlight suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," said Hitch.

"Alright, everypony!" Izzy squealed. "Let's go!"

Izzy then ran out of her own home without warning.

"Wait up!" Zipp flew after Izzy, and the rest of them quickly followed.

I was last. Mainly because I took one last look at Starlight. She was giving me a confident smile, like she knew that things would play out well in the end.

I wasn't as hopeful, but I was at least happy that we had some new friends to keep us some company.

Starlight shut the door, and I ran after the others.