//------------------------------// // At the Castle gates // Story: Finieous Fingers and the mediocre crossover // by Ellery Quinn //------------------------------// Finieous reflected on how they last got into the castle... Not this time! No siree! "I know how to get us all in!" Finieous led his her fellow travelers behind the castle and opened his her back pack. Castle Battlement "Hey! Guard #2! do you hear that?" Guard #2 woke from his on the job nap, "It sounds like singing!" They rushed to the other end of the castle where it seems a small dwarvish clan was digging a hole under the back wall. Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone Raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home Skin made of iron, our presence completely unknown To dig and dig under the gates They won't hear us from a mile away! 1 mile away Derpy Hooves wondered why someone wanted a 30 pound bolder delivered to the princess of friendship but she sure as heck would get it there pronto! The address was even weirder To the Princess of Friendship from her old friend D.X.M. air drop in vicinity of source of music. It was possible to deliver due to the music being unmistakable. Back at the castle Guard #1 sent a message to the barracks, send out grond the merciless pronto stop intruders sited stop Pinkie broke in on the proceedings of the digging, "Bad guy incoming! Minor key!" The dwarf musicians swapped to a minor key, and the singing stopped. Grond came to the entrance of the hole. Finieous whimpered, "Oh shit! we're screwed! " They all set out to commit hara-kiri a long hard battle against Grond, who came in like a wrecking ball. When they everyone thought they would not survive to see tomorrow, Battered before they could react by Grond unstoppable rage. Twilight yelled, "How do we stop him?" "I don't know how!" BONG! Just then, the mail came. Right on Grond's head. "Hey Twilight! I just need you to sign for this package from a mister X Machina! He also sent this! " Dearest Twilight, I give you this only weakness in recognition for 9 years of good times. Sorry you only got a cameo in G5! Love, Deus