//------------------------------// // 1- starting this shit off with a bang! // Story: the wedding is off (a reimagining) // by wertyui //------------------------------// with Princess Cadance and Shining Armors powers combined they had generated enough to send the changelings packing. they floated up in the air and surrounded the room in a powerful beam of light. Chrysalis, in her arrogance, had witnessed its power, the elements watched happily as Shining Armor and Cadance's love for one another gave them power. a shockwave was then created, causing it to blast Chrysalis and her changeling army out of Canterlot and off to parts unknown. Everypony in the city cheered as a power that fuels their whole world from which they would be frozen without it, driving back the ones who wished to take advantage of it. This blast also managed to free Princess Celestia from her cocoon prison. But as for Twilight, she was not so happy. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine," she said as she got back up on her hooves, she then turned to Twilight who had her back turned from them, and approached her. "You have a real wedding to put together," she said, but her response was the sound of sobs, then silence. "Twilight is everything okay?" she asked her placing a hoof on her back, she kept sobbing, the next one who saw her sad and approached her was Shining Armor. "You all right Twiley?" he asked, the next one was Applejack. this went on for an hour like musical chairs until... "You okay, sugar cube," she asked, finally Twilight snapped. (before we continue I must stress why she acts the way she acts, you see while twilight was in the caverns, she attempted numerous times to break out using her magic, this magic ricochets off the many crystals and shot back at her, and these crystals, along with her raw emotions caused her mind to erase certain short term memories and replace them with new ones. so since her alternate timeline was formed in her mind, she's been planning to get back at her friends, ruin her brother's marriage, and remove Celestia from power, now, on with the story) for a few seconds, she force choke her flesh and blood in ire and fury, squeezing ever so tightly around his throat, then releasing him, nopony said a thing, they were too shocked, twilight herself took a few moments to calm down, and said. "a real wedding, A REAL WEDDING?!,IS THAT ALL YOU ABSOLUTE TARDS CAN THINK ABOUT????!!!!!!!!!" her scream of anger echoed all over the room, then there was dead silence, they had never seen Twilight this angry. "Twilight, what's your problem?" Rainbow Dash asked "YOU'RE my problem, can you not see what has just happened?! We nearly lost Canterlot to a group of monsters that wanted our love. They nearly got all of Equestria, and still, all you care about is the damn wedding?!" "Twilight, please calm down," Celestia said kneeling her head down to Twilight, but Twilight turned and slapped her face, causing her to step back from her. "Why the fuck are you out here, unless you have something to say, crawl back in your cocoon?!" her voice cracked like an old road "Twilight I...." "Glue it you son of a bitch!" There were audible gasps from everypony in the room, including Celestia. She was cussed at, and insulted, by her own student, Twilight continued on with her verbal tirade. pinkie, however, found it amusing "heh, glue it, I get it!" "This is exactly what I was trying to warn you about at the rehearsal," she said pointing at the husk of the cocoon, decimating it with her magic "I was trying to warn you, and what did I get as a response?!......banishment, betrayal, and scorn!!!" twilights head was reeling as she remembered the things they said to her "You can forget about being my best mare, in fact, if I were you, I wouldn't even show up to the wedding at all." "Come on ya'll, let's go check on the princess." "You have a lot to think about." The first one to speak up from her outbursts was Applejack, "look, all of us are sorry, 'specially me, but if ya' had just come in here with proof that she was evil, we would've believed ya'." she said. Rarity added, "I have to agree with applejack here darling, even if you were right in the end you didn't make the greatest case for yourself, you kinda just barged in here accusing all sorts of things" rainbow dash backed her up "plus you were kiiiiiiiiinda acting like a filly!" Twilight's rage grew, "So you just decided to abandon me for that black hag based on THAT, or we’re just using that as an excuse to dump me like an ex,?! I’m starting to wonder if you were even my friends in the FIRST PLACE!!!" she then turned to Celestia, who had her head hung low in disappointment. "And furthermore the only one around here that has a lot to "think about" is you, because do you know what happened DO YOU KNOW what happened after you left me in this godforsaken hall?" "No," she sadly admitted. "She trapped me in the caverns below Canterlot." her eyes were now moist, teary, and bloodshot. eyes that look fit to burst out of her skull. "I was so...embarrassed....(sob)...and frightened, plus the imposter told me.....that.....I was never going to be found! I could've died down there, but clearly, that didn't bother you, long as you could have your precious little ceremony! if I hadn't found Cadance and escaped with her. we wouldn't be having this thing at all!!" she said trying to calm herself down, but she just couldn't, she turned to Celestia. "Why did you reject me Celestia?!" she snapped "was I not GOOD enough for you, did I have to keep my muzzle shut until you wound me up like the dancing monkey I am!?" "Twilight, I was disappointed, it's true, but I would never want to reject you, and I regret it dearly. But let me ask, if my faithful student is screaming 'SHE'S EVIL!' in the middle of a wedding rehearsal, and my 'niece' breaks down crying in offense, who do I believe? Applejack is right, had you just come in here with proof say a photo, we would've believed you." Then in a fit of anger, Twilight pounded her hooves on the floor. The vibration from it was so hard that it caused a window to crack hard. "I DIDN'T NEED PROOF, I SAW IT WITH MY OWN TWO EYES, SHE WAS EVIL, SHE WAS THE THREAT AGAINST CANTERLOT, CADENCE EXPERIENCED IT TOO!!!! ASK HER AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL ABOUT IT!!!!!! and what gets to me most is, what if I did need proof, WHAT IF, I was acting irrationally, would that STILL excuse the fact that we were facing the threat of an attack?! would that excuse the fact that nopony thought to carry out ANY checks for the behavior of Cadance?! or Shining?! don't forget I studied under you for years! if anypony can tell between a stress relief spell, and mind controls ITS ME!! Didn't any of you bother to think it could've better been safe than sorry?! Or were you all just too blind to your own ignorance and selfishness because your potential positions in power are more important than our friendship?!" "as for you shiting armour. you are the cum shot our mother should've swallowed! how DARE you choose that lanky charred temptress over your flesh and blood! how dare you leave me at the time I needed you most, you should've stood up for me! "BUT I DID STAND UP FOR YOU!" shining tried to argue in desperation, "They had no reason to believe you when you said you hadn’t seen her in years, you didn't even know her real name was Mi Amore Cadenza. I spent the last few YEARS with her. Your friends have no previous experience with her. So, don't blame your friends because (sob) you got such a lousy brother" "oh I'm blaming, I'm blaming you ALL none of you deserve to be spared" twilight showed no signs of relinquishing her anger Rainbow Dash had just about had enough, "Twilight, please shut up, you're acting like a filly again!" Twilight's rage had now reached its crescendo, but before she did she murmured "you still don't get it, cunt" "SO HELP ME GOD, IM GONNA GET THROUGH TO YOU ALL, AND IF THIS IS THE ONLY WAY, THAN SO FUCKING BE IT!!!!!!!I" she said lighting up her horn and starting to shoot blasts of magic. First, she shot down the beautiful curtains that were hanging on top of the windows causing them to fall off, and the beautiful plants that stood in between the curtains fell off and shattered making the plants and dirt scatter all over. Then she looked up at the ceiling and shot down the chandelier and curtains around it, causing the chandelier to plummet to the ground and shatter, the mane six were directly hit. quickly throwing the chandelier off themselves, they tried to stop her. "Twilight!" Cadence screamed at her, but Twilight didn't listen. "Twilight stop!" Celestia said, but Twilight just kept on going, even with all her friends trying to tackle her she kept going, her final destruction target was the arch that stood on the stage, the one with the bells on them, with one shot of her magic, the arch toppled down onto the stage and broke in half, causing the bells that were on it to snap off and land in front of Shining Armor. After she had finished, her body was now boiling red with fury, her face stained from tears, everypony backed away a good 5-10 feet, Celestia approached to try to once again reason with her, but Twilight's horn charged up like she was about to attack, she herself backed away slowly, for she thought she had already known the truth. "You told me that I have a lot to think about, well I did think about something.................. wanna hear?" Twilight said with a hint of cold sarcasm. "spike, take a note please" spike in fear for his own life pulled up a scroll and quill and began to write Dear Princess Traitor Today I learned that friendship is nothing but a boatload of fuckin shit. It's nothing more nothing less if not a waste of time, emotion, and resources. all they ever do is use you for their own selfish desires and pretend that they like you just to get what they want. And when you are no longer of use to them or you piss them off even in the slightest, they up and ditch you like a broken tool. And that's just how I felt about everyone in this room, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie the elements of Honesty, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and laughter. But after today they should change them to filthy lies, selfishness, cruelty, ego, and irritation. None of you worthless panty waste fucks showed the least bit of sympathy for me in this wedding hall and you up and went on ahead without me with DAMN SMILES on your faces! And in all honesty, I'm surprised you all learned nothing from that Lesson Zero incident. and out of all of you traitors I expected at least Spike, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and maybe even Dash to have my back. But in the end, you all are just as evil as that GODDAMN INSECT and every other Adversary we faced. Each and everypony of you is terrible, and I regret ever moving to Ponyville in the first place and meeting all of you WONDERFUL PONIES only to have you stab me in the back and abandon me when I was only trying to save your sorry ASSES!!!!!!!!! I finally realized now that making friends is a big waste of time cause sooner or later they'll just abandon you. So I came to a decision............................... I'm fuckin done with this fuckin friendship, I'm done with all of you. if you wanna marry that asshole, be my guest, but I want nothing more to do with the rest of you TRAITORS. and shining, your nothing more but a CORPSE to me now. Have a nice life knowing you lost the one pony you PRETENDED to cared about. get fucked with all my heart Twilight Sparkle AKA The former element of magic (and your new worst enemy) and that was it, "Celestia, take this phony friendship and SHOVE IT! I QUIT!!" she said, before she left she had one last parting gift, she turned to the stained glass window bejeweled in her friends honor when they defeated discord, with tears in her eyes, she shot at her own depiction, causing the colored glass to bounce off off her lavender face, "oh, and one last thing, shiny, fuck you" she then stormed out of the big hall, leaving behind a group of ponies and a former teacher inside the ruins of the wedding room.