//------------------------------// // Christmas Special: Shokugeki // Story: The Chef's Life // by vincent789 //------------------------------// It was Christmas. Today a massive Christmas feast was held in the main hall of the restaurant plaza. But that isn't all. No, today was a massive tournament. In this tournament all the schools came together and fight. A food wars or Shokugeki as the name of the host stated. This event was already massive normally. However this year was especially big. Every twelve years, one gets held on Christmas day. Those events are extra large, this is due to a simple fact. They would combine a Christmas event and a Shokugeki event into one. Usually this gets held inside of the dragon castle, making it the single largest event in the world. This year was special however. The king wanted to hold it in the Golden resort. And the Golden resort allowed such an event. The reason was unknown to the hosts of both events. However both the CEO of the Golden resort as the king knew the reason. The truth? It is because of Twilight. She is the VIP to this event. Thanks to Twilight, hundreds of knew ponies, dragons and lots of other creatures dared to become a chef this year. Mostly female, but some male creatures were inspired by Twilight to start a career in cooking. Twilight had single hoovingly become the most important figure in the cooking world. An Idol, An amazing chef, An friend. She was all of these things. This food wars came to be due to her actions. Some were bad, other good. She wasn't at the top, she was reachable. She wasn't a winner, she was a fighter. And this made her an idol. The knowledge she held helped others, the food she made inspired others. This made her an amazing chef. And finally, she had made more connections to the top than most, she befriended all the princesses. She is an friend to the masses. All of this combined, made her the most important figure in the cooking world. Even if she herself wasn't aware of it at all. No, Twilight was too busy with her own life. To think of how the world saw her. All her positive actions was about to be rewarded. And her negative ones already have. "Twilight how is the dish?" Spike asked as he entered the kitchen Twilight had been busy in. "I am done." Twilight said. "So what is it?" Spike asked. "Well. I made self-made ice cream using dragon milk. Pancakes with ice cream and lava cake chocolate. A true desert." Twilight said. "Do you expect to win with it?" Spike asked. "Nope. I am going to join it for fun. Not to win, not this time around." Twilight said. "Very well. Can I taste it?" Spike asked. "Sure. Let me make you a plate." Twilight said. She placed the special pancake on the plate first. This pancake was thick and very jiggly. She placed the special ice cream on top of it. And drizzled the chocolate sauce over it. "Here you go. One pancake for Spike." Twilight said as she placed the dish in front of Spike. "Why did you give me spoon?" Spike asked. Twilight didn't answer, instead she went back to the kitchen to clean it up. Unable to hold it any longer. Spike attempts to spoon the pancake, it was so soft you could spoon it. As soon as he spoon some of the pancake with some ice cream and chocolate. He takes a bite. If Spike had clothing, it would have exploded. As he released an food orgasm in the form of a moan. After that he eats the rest on the plate as if he is starving. "That... That was amazing. I can see why you called this simple dish, a golden desert." Spike admitted. "It is good. Indeed. But not my best. I choose to make a good dish, over making my best dish." Twilight also admitted. "But that is fine. Twilight. Making a good dish, is more important. Than making the best you can." Golden said as he entered the kitchen. "Let me guess. The reason is because we are going to have to 'sell' our dishes to other to get passed the first round?" Twilight guessed. "Exactly. You did your research. Will you ever present your best?" Golden asked. "Perhaps in the later rounds. If I make it that far." Twilight said. "Very good. I can not wait. The event starts in two hours. I recommend getting to your station." Golden said. "I already have. Everything is already ready." Twilight said. "Ah. You are just cleaning up. Aren't you?" Golden said. "Yup. I am used to make a lot of things, in reasonably short time. I have worked a little inside of Canterlot castle canteen after all." Twilight admits. "I see. Yes. You do look ready. You also have fame that makes you noticeable. Shokugeki always chooses the most living under a rock people. But even those living under a rock will recognize you. Your name alone has actually made people realize that you are in this event." Golden said. Twilight simply smiled as she slowly walked towards her station. As soon as she stood there, she noticed that a lot of creatures were watching her. Not just ponies and dragons. But also a lot of unknown creatures. Some that even Twilight has never seen before. "Hello everyone. I am today's host of this Shokugeki. And I am going to explain what you are doing today." The host said into the microphone. "Today we are going to sell our products to our people of the resort. As you know full well. This resort expects quality and quantity from our contestants. Now as you already know, today's theme is Golden. In this case they are not talking about the color, but the quality." The host explains. "The resort has brought out their best chef and twelve unknown outsiders. One of these outsiders is their champion or VIP. Next to me, we have the CEO of Golden resort. He is going to tell us, the VIP of today's event. Golden if you will?" The host asked. "Thank you. Before I say who our VIP is. I am wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! Now as you know, I am the CEO of Golden resort. Golden Orb. And I will be one of the judges this year. Now this VIP is very well known inside of the cooking world. Say hello to Twilight Sparkle!" Golden shouted. As gasps and sounds of awe fill the room. Many quickly realized that this individual really is a big shot. The host noticed that last years champions all look shocked at the revelation. And most of the food testers also were in awe. "Do you think your VIP will beat our Champions?" The host asked. "No. She is only joining us to show her skills off and to have fun. She herself isn't here to win. Just expect quite a fight out of her." Golden admits. "Before we start. Champions, do you have anything to add to this revelation?" The host asked. "All I will say, is that its a real honor to fight against Twilight Sparkle. I cannot wait to see her dish." The number one champion said. "And Twilight Sparkle. Do you have anything to add?" The host asked curious. "I might not win today. But winning isn't the true victory. No the true victory is the ability to fight against these great rivals. May the best win, may the greatest reign true victory!" Twilight shouted. "HUZZAH!!!" Everyone else shouted in the background. "Alright. Lets begin in... 3... 2... 1... BEGIN!" The host shouted as the doors open. Most contestants had everything already prepared. Twilight did the open kitchen idea, this allowed the guests to watch Twilight prepare the dishes. It would take a little longer, but usually this meant more of a show than only the food. As the crowd entered, it became apparently clear. Despite Twilight name, she didn't do so well. People automatically gravitated towards the known top, while leaving Twilight in the dust. Again Twilight knew this would happen. She knew she wasn't going to make it very far. After all, for her, this event was just another event. Nothing truly special in her eyes. It brought nothing extra for her. No additions, just a bit of recognition. Atleast that is how it was, in the beginning. As times went on, more and more were actually visiting Twilight's stall. After a solid five hours. This round of the event ended. Twilight had gained just enough votes to be able to go to the next round. Just barely. Just like her entry in Lunarium. She had gotten lucky. Regardless, the next round was going to be a bit harder. You need to make a dish and satisfy the judge. But this was not an ordinary judge. This was the king of the dragons, king Hightower. "Welcome to round two. This round will see half of the contestants eliminated. You are to impress me. That is all. And for those asking, yes I can eat everything. I have been born omnivore." The king explained. "You got three hours to make a main dish. Succeed within these three hours and you go to the semi-finals. In the previous round five thousand nine hundred and sixty five contestants were eliminated, good luck!" The king said. "Your time starts, NOW!" The king shouted. People were starting to rush it towards their test kitchen. Twilight meanwhile casually examined her chances and her choices. Twilight decided to make a special dragon sized burger with Hollandaise sauce made from golden dragon eggs. As Twilight began making her own burgers, she choose burgers that was pre-made. Instead of making her own. Instead she would bake the burger in the oven for a hot moment. This way Twilight only needed to focus on the meat, the sauce and chopping the ingredients to proper size. Making a burger bun the size of the dragon version would take atleast three hours, and that is minus the amount of time it needed to set in the fridge. And the fact that if she messed up, there was simply no way to recover. So the burger meat itself, contained quite a bit of venison instead of ordinary meat like pig. No, Twilight opted to go for a mix of bunny and bear. She chose bunny to make in really soft. And bear to flex her serious skill to prepare meat. First Twilight would have to remove the gumminess of the smell. Instead of trying to cover it, Twilight opted for a more unusual approach. She would instead enhance the smell using special spices instead. She also used the bunny to create an odd, soft and tough texture. This was done to imitate the meat that the king usually ate, with the exception that she would not follow the same path as his personal chef. The few things that Twilight knew of the king, meant that she goes all in on the things she knew. Using breading and ordinary eggs from chickens. Twilight transformed it into a proper burger, the size of a dragon. Before she started on the sauce, she needed to prepare for the final transformation. By using ordinary ingredients, she hoped to instill an low expectation. Even though she was absolutely not normal by any means. Twilight decided to use tomato, lettuce, white onion and pickles as her topping. The lettuce was used as crunch, the tomato was used as sweetener, the onion as balance and the pickles as sour taste. With the meat usual tasting strong, she would need some things to balance the scale. Crunch, sweet, sour and an object to balance everything. The meat would provide a meaty taste and spicy taste. While the bread would provide a buttery and floury taste. The final product would contain all the ingredients for a perfect burger. Crunch, sweet, sour, meaty, spicy, buttery, floury and something to balance everything. A binder. And that is without the hollandaise sauce. As the hollandaise sauce would provide a sweet addition alongside the taste of egg and another binder. Cutting the onion into full rings, the tomato was cut into slices, the lettuce was taken leaf by leaf and the pickles cut into fine cubes. Twilight prepared the toppings. And finally as last, she prepared the hollandaise sauce. Twilight looked at the clock, she had two hours remaining. Twilight then prepared the massive plate and began baking the burger. As soon as the burger is in the massive pan, the alarm from the oven goes off. The burger buns were ready. Twilight removes the burger buns and places them on the plate. While the burger was sizzling, Twilight quickly realized that the king was watching her closely. But she made him no attention, she was far too busy watching the burger. After a few minutes, she placed the burger buns back into the oven. The oven was quickly turned to low heat, this was to keep the buns toasty and hot. After a while, Twilight flipped the burger to show a perfectly baked side. This was Twilight's cue to place the buns back onto the plate. Twilight turns the oven off, for good this time. After a hot moment, the burgers were ready. Twilight grabs the pan and flips the burger onto the bottom side of the bun. She then placed the onion rings on top of it. This allowed the onions to crystallize a little. On top of that went lettuce. After that goes the tomato and pickles. Finally she placed the hollandaise sauce on top of it. Placing the top side of the bun on top of it. And as a little bit of garnish, she placed a little bit of the sauce around the burger. With some baby leaf sticks on top it. And with that, Twilight finished her burger. It took her two hours and thirty minutes in the end. Twilight looks up, most of the other contestants were already gone. She was in fact the last one left. "Are you finished? Champion of the Golden resort?" The king asked. "Yes your highness. My version of the dragon burger with Hollandaise sauce is complete." Twilight responded confidently. "Oh. That is quite a challenge. You did not only challenge this event, but also my head chef. That take a lot. I have a lot of faith in you." The king said. "Then if you please." Twilight said as she placed the massive plate in front of the king. "It smells rather delicious. But you used cheap ingredients, why?" The king asked. "I am afraid that will not matter. Please eat my creation." Twilight dismissed. The king raised his eyebrow, before picking the burger up. He inspects all sides before taking a bite. He then placed the burger back onto the plate. "Do want a review first? Or my answer first?" The king asked. "Your answer." Twilight said. "You pass. I will see you in the semi-finals." The king said with a smile. "Alright. So, how was it? Did the cheap ingredients make a difference?" Twilight asked. "No. In fact, the fact that you only used cheap ingredients allowed the more expensive things on this burger to shine. Like the meat itself." The king admitted. "Also, you used an combination my head chef said, wouldn't work. After tasting this dish, I wholeheartedly disagree. This is regarding the meat. Besides that, this burger was well balanced. Very impressive." The king complemented. "Thank you. Anything I should know before moving on?" Twilight asked. "Yes. Only ten others passed. With you, it is now eleven." The king said. "Thank you. I will see you in the next round." Twilight said pleased. "Before you go, are you good at patisserie? " The king asked. "I am average. Why?" Twilight asked in return. "The next round might be difficult for you then." The king said worried. Twilight gulped, "Dully noted." she said, while walking towards the next room. As soon as she stood in the next room, it was clear that he wasn't joking. There were tons of cakes on the table, with only eleven cake plates empty. It was going to be clear, this was going to be hard. "Welcome to the semi-finals. With the VIP from the Golden Resort, we got everyone for this round." The host announces. "Just like the years before. This is the cake round. It is to check if everyone did the proper schooling. For more than just cooking." The host explains. "But this is more than simple cakes." Golden interrupts. "Exactly. This is not just about aesthetics but also taste. In fact due to it being Christmas, taste is more important than aesthetics. So for those not very good at cake making, we only score on taste. Not aesthetics and looks." The king added. "As two of the four judges explain. This year aesthetics is ignored, and taste is only factor. This is to make it fair for those outside of the dragon kingdom. Like Twilight Sparkle." The host explains. "Now, the theme for this year is, logs. Good luck." The host said. "Exactly. You got three hours to make a cake. Good luck!" The king's main chef explains. "One last thing. Try to make it original. Good luck!" The kingdom's most famous patisserie adds. "As all the judges at a chance to speak. The round starts in 3... 2... 1... GO!" The host shouts into the microphone. Twilight understood what they meant with log. They meant Yule logs. Which is a type of cake primarily served in cold areas and during Christmas. But Twilight doesn't know how to make a Yule log. So instead she makes something similar to it. A Swiss roll. All Twilight needs to do, is make a flat cake and roll it into a log shape. She needs to make sure, the cake is dark brown. And the filling is slightly lighter in color. Baking a flat cake is easy. Twilight has done it lots of times. The filling is also easy. Twilight decided to go safe. Even though she knew she would fail this one. After lots of baking. Twilight managed to make the Swiss roll look exactly like a Yule log. And taste was probably similar enough. Twilight just hoped it was enough. Even though she knew that this was the end. Or it would have been the end if Twilight's luck didn't strike again. The other contestants were too greedy, so they put way too much into aesthetics then they should have. Which caused their taste to suffer. Something Twilight exactly needed to move to the final round. After the four judges judged the other dishes. Something that the other contestants weren't allowed to be with. Twilight turn came up. Twilight enters the room and listens closely. "And our final contestant. The VIP of my resort, Twilight Sparkle. Before we start, and please, do be honest. Is there anything you want to add before we start?" Golden asked. "I am incapable of making a Yule log due to lack of knowledge." Twilight said honestly. The famous patisserie smiled, "That is a good answer. I may be famous, but even I do not know everything." She said pleased. "So what did you make to compensate for it?" The head chef asked. "A Swiss roll." Twilight said. "That is a good alternative." The famous patisserie said while nodding. "As much as I would love to agree. The taste is all that matters." The king said impatient. "Very well. Twilight if you would?" Golden requested. Twilight then proceeded to cut even pieces of the cake and shared it with the judges. "How about we take a bite first and review it later?" Golden suggested. "Agreed." The other judges said. They then all take a bite of the Swiss roll. And after a bit of munching. They were ready to review it. "Well since the king was impatient. How about he starts then?" The famous patisserie suggested. "Sure." The king said while shrugging. The king clears his throat. "First of all, I am pleased that this isn't another Yule log. I was getting a bit tired of seeing the same thing over and over. And secondly this tastes as it looks, which means. This is a good Swiss roll." he said, he looked quite pleased saying this. "Okay. My turn. So, a Swiss roll is also very Christmassy. In fact it is also much more reasonable. Most households can make a Swiss roll, but most others can't make a Yule log. And finally well done, this tastes exactly as I expected. In the best way possible." Golden said pleased. "As much as I am tired of Yule logs. The theme stated log, which meant. Anything that looks like a log is a log, whether it's Yule of Swiss. It doesn't matter. Well done." The head chef stated. "If you can't tell, let me admit it. We were getting tired of seeing Yule logs. Even though they are in theme. Those weren't the only things we meant. And besides that, I fear that your competition choose aesthetics over taste despite our warnings. Which why I declare you a finalist, due to keeping to theme and to keeping to chosen ruling. Congratulations!" The famous patisserie said happily. Twilight blinked surprised. She expected semi-finals. But she didn't expect to be a finalist. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but then proceeded to close it right away afterwards. Realizing that Twilight looked more surprised than expected, the famous patisserie decided to add a few more chosen words. "Very well, we didn't expect you to go this far either. But think like this, if you win. You will obtain a whole lot more than if you simple lose. I will give you this much, the finals is going to cooking related." The famous patisserie said serious. "Thank you. I guess we will be seeing you in the final round. The final cooking round." Twilight said determined. Twilight proceeded to walk to the final room. Inside a whole bunch of familiar faces awaited her. And above all else. The final judge is going to be Spike and Elly. And from the looks of the final plate, it is going to be a main dish. Behind Twilight, another contestant entered. This one was very much a dragon. "Welcome to the final round!" The host suddenly said. "This round is going to be interesting. Twilight Sparkle vs the previous champion of dragons." The host declared. "This time around, there is two judges. Prince Spike and Princess Elly are the judges. The main dish is the chosen type and the theme is Vegan." The host admits. Twilight saw as the dragon gasped at its meaning. "Which means, this is meatless dish. And no fish is allowed either." The host said. "This is going to be interesting. The dragon is a meat lover, the pony is a herbivore." Spike said. "Correction. I am an omnivore. Just like your father." Twilight said in response. "Exactly. Which is why this is going to be tough." Elly said smiling. "Born? Or raised?" Spike asked surprised. "Born." Elly answered. Spike looked surprised at Elly and she simply nodded at him. Spike looks very shocked at this revelation. "Anyways. The predator vs the omnivore." The host said excited. "You got three hours. Good luck!" Spike shouted. "Touching meat and fish is banned. Good luck!" Elly shouted also. "Let's begin in 3... 2... 1... Go!" The host shouted excited. The dragon instantly panics and runs towards the pantry. Meanwhile Twilight simply considered her choices. As omnivore, Twilight has had many chances to make food that is Vegan. So she simply looks in the mental library of her brain to see anything fitting. It is then, she found an interesting one. A vegan burger. Made to taste exactly like a burger and act like one. But totally Vegan. A totally beyond burger*. She called it that, since it tasted out of this world. Twilight then went to collect vegetables and some fruit. Chopping it up and turning it into a small burger. For the buns she would again use, pre-made buns. As even ordinary buns take atleast three hours including the time to set in the fridge. After doing the exact same tricks she used in the round before the semi-finals. She did make a few changes, like a brioche bun instead of an ordinary white bun. And the use of a secret sauce she made herself. Made it special in her eyes. Since the burgers were kind of small, she choose to add some additional dishes to the dish. Like french fries and a homemade mayonnaise sauce. Made this dish come to life. After cutting the potato and frying it. Mixing the mayonnaise sauce in a mixer and baking the burger while adding similar ingredients as before. Twilight was able to complete this dish in the same time as last time. This time with more to eat than a simple burger. It took her two hours and thirty minutes. Meanwhile Twilight's rival didn't do so hot. He was two hours and thirty minutes deep and had yet to show anything for it. As Twilight inspects what he has at the moment, she realized that he had made a grave mistake. He used fish sauce, which isn't Vegan approved. But that was minor, compared to the biggest oof he performed. He added meat chips to add a meaty flavor, not realizing that they contained meat powder. Which is also not Vegan. Twilight looked at the judges. Spike hadn't realized it, but Elly had. She looked sad at Twilight. Slowly nodding in agreement. After the final thirty minutes. He was complete. He made a Miso soup with vegetable noodles. "Three hours is up!" Spike shouted. "Alright. Did both contestants keep close to the theme?" Spike asked. "I did!" Twilight said confident. "I am pretty sure also." The rival said. "I am sad to report that our dragon did not keep the theme. He added fish sauce which isn't vegan approved. And meat chips which contained meat powder, which is also not vegan." Elly said saddened. The rival instantly drooped at the truth. Twilight felt incredible empathetic towards the dragon. He did fine if it wasn't for those hiccups. Twilight knew better than most what it feels like, to know yet not to truly know. "Alright. So, let's go with the dragon first then." Spike took a single sip, and he instantly knew it contained something that wasn't vegan. "Okay." Elly said, as she tasted a little. But she knew, just how disappointed the dragon must be. "And now the VIP." Spike said as he took a bite. The burger tasted exactly like a burger, but he knew it wasn't. It missed that meaty flavor. This was definitely vegan. "Yeah." Elly agreed. She took a bite, and remember Twilight giving her this exact one. But an earlier version. One that did originally contained meat. It was vegan, this time around. And it tasted much better. "As the dragon probably already know. But due to not keeping to the theme, I am going to give this to the VIP by default." Spike said, he sounded sad at the truth. "I sadly must agree. It was an excellent fight. Perhaps you will regain this title in the future." Elly said, also agreeing with Spike. "You heard it folks! This years winner is Twilight Sparkle!" The host declared shouting through the main microphone. Twilight could hear cheering come from the room next door. But Twilight wasn't very happy. No she felt sad more than happy. This would have been a great showdown, but it ended by such a letdown. "Twilight you decide. Who gets the honor to serve dinner to the king in this years Christmas?" The host asked. "The previous champion. He gets the honor. I am happy to win, but I am letdown by the end. I may have won this war, but this does not feel like a win. I simply want to celebrate Christmas with the people in the hall. Not to be stuck in a kitchen, making even more. I will leave that, to the previous champion." Twilight admitted. "Are you sure? You might never get such a chance." The host asked surprised. "Yes. I will get plenty of chances in the future, if he ever comes to visit my humble cafe that is in the works." Twilight said smiling, "This is going to be my Christmas present to this young dragon." The dragon looks in awe at Twilight, and in a gruff voice he asks, "Are you truly certain? I do not wish to take the honor of winning away from you." "My young dragon. My win is from being able to have participated for so long. I am pleased to have been able to battle against the greatest dragon chefs of the next generation. My honor goes to the fact that although I have won, I am willing to share my victory with those around me. I didn't do this alone. May this fight be a lesson for you, if you are willing to stand up after falling down. Then you will gain my utmost respect." Twilight encouraged. "Very well. I will do my greatest. At this years Christmas celebration." The dragon said, a fire had been lit behind his eyes. Twilight nodded and entered the next room. Her rival was quick to follow her into it. "Congratulations. This dragon cup goes to Twilight Sparkle. And the reward has been shared with her rival. Do your best, I expect it from you." The king said, with his voice raised. Twilight proceeds to take the cup and wishes the king a merry Christmas. Twilight then proceeds to spend the rest of her Christmas celebration reading a good book and eating incredibly delicious meals made by the dragon greatest chef. Twilight wishes the readers of this book a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.