the wedding is off (a reimagining)

by wertyui

9- we just wanted to reaffirm our maya culpas too you all

Celestia and the mane six, along with Shining Armor had managed to gather up all of Canterlot for a big meeting, she and the others wanted to apologize and set the record straight for good. The crowd looked on at the many figures that had been prominent in the last three months, Celestia, twilight, cadence, spike, the mane six, and Shining Armor stood on the balcony, Twilight was the first to speak, who removed her tin foil crown because just like celly, she felt unworthy of her title.

"All of this started when I began to suspect that the bridesmaid was evil, I did NOT suspect she was a changeling, after all, that's when I burst into the wedding hall, and proclaimed that nopony should stand next to Cadance. I Ignored the inquiries of Fluttershy and Applejack, I approached the podium and pointed at "Cadance", crying, "She's EVIL!" While aggressively cornering her, I condemned "her" behavior towards my friends, the sudden disappearance of the bridesmaids, and the spell she cast on Shining Armor. I didn't sheepishly ask about safety concerns and then get smacked in the face, I was not forced to sleep outside, and I was not RAPED by the queen of the changelings, those were all LIES!"

Shining's eyes grew wide open, just how much did twilight say about them?

"Then when I was captured, I (sob) still believed she was the imposter, so I attacked her (sob) if she hadn't proven to me she was my former babysitter, I may have killed her right there!

Twilight broke down crying, Celestia nuzzled the neck of her faithful student and got up to speak

(don't worry reader, ill write you a hall pass if you don't wanna read this tedious repetition)

"It has been really foolish of me to send Twilight out on all the dangers that come to Equestria, and it was because of me that Luna became Nightmare moon, but instead of doing my duty and stopping her myself, I acted like a fool and sent Twilight out to stop it plus I refused to listen to her it was me and Luna that should've stopped Discord when he stole the elements of harmony, instead, I made Twilight and her friends stop him."

"Um, dearest sister" Luna spoke up "you are forgetting about then thou sent back her letters to you to break the hold discord had over her mind, if anything, it was me who did nothing"

"Not true, you organized the letters for a year, just for that occasion" Celestia stated

She then turned to the crowd" anyways, now the fact that a massive attack on Canterlot has happened inadvertently because of us, we chose a silly wedding over the safety of our people. and I've relied too much on the elements of harmony stopping our problems and keeping peace and harmony in Equestria, even if it is fate, some things go beyond fate. and Although it's true that I defended you from chrysalis and was even in the process of being turned into food for you, which in a way, that sacrifice makes me a bit like Jesus, but regardless, the fact we let it happen in the first place in inexcusable"

Celestia then turned to Twilight, "I'm sorry my most faithful student, I have been a rotten teacher to you, " she then turned back to the crowd below, "And I'm sorry to you all, I have been lazy for the past few years, and I beg forgiveness from everypony."

Tears started forming in some of the ponies in the crowd as Celestia stood back and Shining Armor walked up.

"Thank you, and you don't need to apologize to me, I mean for your sake, you've been the leader for thousands of years, after all those years. Why wouldn't you want to have a successor, even the immortal need a break."

"Me, Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard, I was the one that surrounded this city with a force field, yet the problems with this wedding were within, instead I chose to turn my back on you all and go through with this wedding regardless, hell I don't even deserve love in the first place, anyways as my sister explained, she barged in, claiming she was evil. and chose to believe that imposter under the excuse of "stress" so I told her to forget about her being my best mare and said if I were her, I would not show up to the wedding at all, then her friends took my side and abandoned her, lastly, Celestia told her that she had a lot to think about and left leaving her all alone. However, when I got to 'Cadance's' room I saw that she didn't even go in, I figured she must've calmed down and gone back to settle things with Twilight, but when I returned I saw that she was nowhere to be found then 'Cadance' turned and gave me a look of evil, I then discovered the whole truth and the fact that Twilight was right all along"

(oh, youre back, i know, waaaaaaaay too long)

"Before I could do anything, the imposter had me under her spell, I was a prisoner within my own mind." he said as tears streamed down his face, he then turned back towards his sister, "Look all I know is that somepony really close to me, I grew up with, and I love a whole lot, could have died and it would be on my head."

Twilight walked up and hugged her brother as he cried the last ones to come up were Twilight's friends whom she had reconciled with, they were the last ones to look at the crowd.

"And us," Rainbow Dash said loudly, "The Elements of Harmony, yet we have betrayed them, AND you all, me the element of loyalty, the only pony I've been loyal to is myself, I chose my ego and chance for stardom over a friend's hurt feelings."

Applejack - "Me, the element of honesty, Ah' thought Ah' was bein' honest when Ah' told everypony to go and check on 'Cadance' it was mostly mah' fault, if Ah' hadn't turned on Twilight like that, none of this would've ever happened, Ah' was wrong to do that to a friend."

Fluttershy - "Me, the element of kindness, I was mean when I turned my back on Twilight like that."

Rarity - "Me, the element of generosity, I chose to be generous to an impostor instead of a close friend."

Pinkie Pie - "Me, the element of laughter, I made a friend cry and hurt her deeply."

Princess Celestia came back up and joined them, "We are greatly sorry for our foolish actions, so once again, i beg for forgiveness."

"ALL HAIL PRINCESS CELESTIA!!!" said a pony from the crowd, pretty soon the whole crowd joined in.


Forgiveness was easy from the ponies, cause let's face it, even though they're well-intended, they're putts

"They're not the only ones who have to apologize" cadence stepped up "me-the princess of love, I fueled hatred without even being aware of it

"Me-the plucky assistant, I have no element to betray but I'm sorry anyways, and rarity, I still love you!"

"And thank you all" Twilight said, "but, I don't deserve your apologies, I was the worst of all of them, me, twilight sparkle, element of magic and student to H.M, used my magic powers for my own selfish desires, I lied to all of you about my situation and ruined the lives of those I cared about, all for petty revenge and to rub it in that I was right, well I got my own taste of it, and let me tell you, it isn't sweet, speaking of which" she turned to Celestia "I have a letter to write, spike, please take a note"

With that, spike pulled up a scroll and quill, ready to jot down whatever it was twilight had to say

"Dear Princess Celestia, I found an empty cup hollower than a barrel over the course of 3 months, revenge is a waste of time, all it does is leave you unfulfilled and even more depressed than you already were. Especially since those I care about were hurt both mentally and physically, by ME I might add. Revenge took a toll on me as well. I may have got a cathartic feeling, but it didn't last. All I got, was the kick in the beaver that I deserved. And I also learned that being right is not always right. I should've solved this problem that arose from circumstances beyond my control. Or controlled my anger to keep from saying something I regret, but nooooooooooooooo, I just had to barge in with no evidence, get locked in a cave, wherein I tried to beat up the REAL cadence. Thinking she was FAKE! Then destroy the wedding hall AFTER the love wave, trick spike, and cadence into my will like that GODDAMN BUG WOULD, and ruined everyponys lives! Being right doesn't matter, you know what does? Friends, families, loved ones, respect, dignity, compassion, understanding, and justice, I also want to thank the crowd for forgiving all my friends, especially since they were not only unaware of information they couldn’t possibly have access to, but were being more mature about it, to begin with. Forgive and forget, because even though many will betray you in life, true friends always try harder after they make a mistake. Yours truly, twilight sparkle"

Suddenly Celestia felt somepony tapping her from behind, she turned and saw Luna who had a smile on her face and was levitating her crown.

"Sister, I believe this is yours," she said, Celestia smiled and levitated the crown from her sister's aura, and placed it on her head. Meanwhile, Shining Armor felt a hoof on his shoulder, he turned and saw his beloved who levitated his face towards hers and kissed his cheek. She then looked with sympathetic puppy eyes.

"Shining, can you ever forgive a "princess of hate?" Cadence sheepishly asked

"Hey, when have I ever not" shining said

If I can say I'm sorry

If I can say I really cared

If I can say I'm sorry

If there's love inside somewhere

If I can let you know

I'd let everything go

To keep you from closing the door

If I can say I'm sorry

Then maybe I need say no more.