//------------------------------// // Landing in Equestria // Story: Equestrian Arc // by Jayswing103 //------------------------------// It was a normal day for the Straw Hat pirates. Nami was navigating the ship, Ussopp was tinkering with some invention, Chopper was prepering herbs, Robin was reading a book, Zoro was sleeping, Franky was stering, and the others were fishing. Suddenly Nami shouted out, "There's an island up ahead! Everyone prepare for docking." Everyone rushed up to the front to see the new island. As it was getting closer everyone got to their positions ready to stop the boat on the shore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice day in equestria. Not a cloud in the sky, well of course except for the one Rainbow Dash was lying on. She was getting ready for her daily nap when she suddenly heard shouting. She looked towards where the shouting was and saw the shore. What she saw startled her. It was a pirate ship. Now noone had seen a pirate ship in over 1000 years, but she still knew what one looked like when she saw it. She was too far away for her to make out what they were saying, or what these ponys looked like, but she knew she had to warn the princess. She swooped down to the library and frantically started knocking on the door. When Twilight opened it she accidentally got a hoof to the face. Rainbow sheepishly looked at her while she said, "Sorry." "It's fine Rainbow." she said rubbing her sore muzzle. "So what is it?" she questioned. "I need to send a letter to the princess imediately." said Rianow her voice growing more worried. Twilight noticed the change of tone in her voice and startedd to get worried too. What could make her friend so upset? "Pirates are here!" she exclaimed. "What?!" Twilight yelled. "Yeah. I saw them on the shore, and they had a big ship with a flag that had a skull and crossbones on it. It also had a straw hat on top of it." Rainbow explained. "I have to tell the princess right away. Spike take a letter!" she said. "Got it." Spike said. Dear Princess Celestia, My friend Rainbow Dash has spotted a pirate ship on the east shore of Equestria right near Ponyville. She said it had a flag with skull and crossbones on it definately a sign for pirates. She also said it had a straw hat on top of it. She seems very frightened of it. I hope you are able to take immediate action in defense against these pirates. Yours truly, Twilight Sparkle. "And done." Spike said as he finished writing the letter and sent it off to the princess. "Come on." said Twilight, "Let's go get a closer look at those pirates." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Canterlot castle. Princess Celestia recievied the letter, and was surprised by it. The last time there were pirates here was over 1000 years ago, and it didn't end well. She knew pirates would do what they want to get what they want so she said, "Captian. Go get your troops ready. We're about to fight a very dangerous enemy." "Yes ma'am." said the head of the royal gaurd as he bowed to her. Celestia had an ominous feeling this would not bode well. As soon as the troops were all gathered Celestia teleported them all to where the pirates were waiting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Straw Hats had been enjoying a delicious meal by Sanji before they set out. They wanted to be at full strength when they set out to explore. "Hey. What kind of meat do you think is on this island?" Luffy asked. "I don't know. I just hope there are some good herbs." Chopper said. "I wonder how long until the log sets." Nami mused. "Maybe there are some ruins around here." said Robin. "I'm pretty sure I saw a villageso they probably have all that and some supplies to fix up the ship with." Franky said. Suddenly there was a loud sound outside, and someone yelled, "Come out pirates!" They had decided to comply since they finished eating anyways. What they saw stunned them all. There was a large group of horses, and some even had wings or horns. The one in the middle stood taller then all of them and had both. "The grand line sure is a wierd place isn't it?" Robin commented as they stepped off the Sunny. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle had both arrived at the same time as the princess and her army. Celestia shouted out, "Come out pirates!". They waited for a moment and then what came out surprised them all. Out came ape like creatures. They had no fur and stood up on two legs. One of them was even a skeleton and one looked like a deer on two legs. They all stood as high if not higher than Celestia herself, except for the deer. Then to their upmost surprise one spoke, "The grand line sure is a wierd place isn't it?". Then the skeleton spoke, "I can't beleive my eyes. Though I don't have any." then he let out a loud laugh, "Yohohohohohoho. Skull joke." And then the one with the straw hat started laughing too. She was by now quite startled by these things. Nonetheless she said, "Go away pirates. We do not take kindly to your kind. Whatever it is you want we will not give it to you. If you want something you will have to take it by force!" At this all the gaurds let out a loud yeah. Most of them looked confused. Then one of them with an orange mane spoke up, "We don't want anything. We just want to stay here until our log sets, and we can leave to the next island." She was confused by her speach. She didn't understand what she said. Log? Set? She must be trying to trick me she thought. "What ridiculisness is this? A log? I have never heard of such a thing. Nonetheless since you refuse to go peacefully we will have to force you to leave. Gaurds attack!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brook spoke, "I can't beleive my eyes. Though I don't have any. Yohohohohohoho. Skull joke." Which made Luffy start laughing. Then the one with wings and a horn spoke, "Go away pirates. We do not take kindly to your kind. Whatever it is you want we will not give it to you!" Which made all the horses burst out in agreement. Luffy, Chopper, Franky, Brook, and Ussopp were all surprised that they thought they would do something like that. Nami then tried to reason with them, "We don't want anyhting we just want to stay here until our log ses, and we can leave to the next island." The one in the middle spoke again, "What ridiculisness is this? A log? I have never heard of such a thing. Nonetheless since you refuse to go peacefully we will have to force you to leave. Gaurds attack!" With that all the horses rushed them at once. Sanji and Zoro stepped up ready to fight. "Zoro Sanji!" Luffy suddenly yelled, "Don't kill them.". Zoro mumbled, "Fine" and Sanji said, "Okay." With that Sanji went to kicking some of them and Zoro cutting through their armor easily, but niether of them killing the creatures. After the battle and every horse was knocked out Luffy went up to the one that was obviously in charge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is impossible. What are they? She thought as all of her gaurds were cut down or kicked within 5 minutes. What was the most surprising was when the one with the straw hat, who she now knows is the leader, told them not to kill anypony. She didn't understand. Pirates were notourious for taking everything they wanted and killing anyone in the way. So why was this one different? She realized she alone would now have to fight them. By now the sounds of fighting had attracted everypony in Ponyville. She charged up an electric bolt and shot it at him. It hit him head on, and he didn't even blink. It was like he didn't even feel it. Everypony was shocked at this. Didn't magic even affect him. She readied another bolt and this one was stronger. But she missed the mark and peirced right through his hat. He suddenly got very angry and shouted, "Look at what you did to my treasure!" His treasure? How can a hat be his treasure? Suddenly his arm streached and she put a barrier around herself. Everyone gasped at this. The force of the punch broke the barrier and hit her sending her flying into a tree. She was near unconciousness and completely amazed at his strength. He stood over her and she asked, "Who are you?" He replied by saying, "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm the man whose going to be king of the pirates." Then she blacked out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He stopped 5 feet away from her, and was about to say something when she fired an electric bolt at him. Little did they know he was made of rubber and electricity didn't work on him. So everyone except his crew were surprised when he was unharmed. He was about to say something again when it fired another bolt, and peirced right through Shanks hat. He suddenly got very angry at this horse for putting a hole in his treasure. "Look at what you did to my treasure!" he yelled. He then threw a punch at her and all the horses gasped when he did that. He connected with something, but broke through it and hit her. He sent her flying into a tree, and went over there. "Who are you?" she asked. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm the man whose going to be king of the pirates. Suddenly she fainted, and Luffy started getting worried. "Chopper! I think I punched her too hard! Come help her!" "Right." he responded grabing his medical kit. He walked over to her to examine her, but someone spoke up, "Don't touch her!" He turned to see a purple horse. He could tell she was scared. "Don't worry. I'm a doctor. A doctor's obligation is to help anyone in need. I won't harm her." he promised and continued walking. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle was scared at these turn of events. The one with the straw hat defeated her mentor the most powerful being in all of Equestria with a single hit. What were these creatures? Suddenly he spoke out, "Chopper! I think I punched her too hard! Come help her!" To say she was surprised would be an understatement. These creatures were pirates, and just knocked out everyone standing in their way, including the princess. Don't they want to plunder, or loot? But no. Here they were saying they wanted to help her after he just knocked her out. It was too much to take. She couldn't believe they would actually help her after what just happened. "Don't touch her!" she shouted out. She shied back as the deer like thing suddenly turned to her. He said, "Don't worry. I'm a doctor. A doctor's obligation is to help anyone in need. I won't harm her." he said. She looked into his eyes and saw the truth in them. She believed him and let him go to do whatever to the princess. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors note: So how did you like it? I had the idea suddenly while in the shower. There were no proper One Piece and FIM crossovers that weren't a one shot so I decided to make one. Tell me how you feel.