No Time Like The Presents

by Runic Script


“Da da duuuh, da da duuuh, da da duuuh, du-dum~”

Spike bit his lip to keep from humming any more of that melody Pinkie had taught him for sneaking around. It did sound pretty good, but he wasn’t sure if humming to himself was quite the best thing to do to not be seen.

Quietly easing the door to the grand hall open, he looked around the dark room for anything moving before tip-toeing his way over to the huge Hearth’s Warming tree and the stacks of gifts arranged under it.

“Alright, let’s have a look.” He put on a serious face and carefully grabbed the first gift with his name on it, holding it to his ear and softly shaking it. The quiet clinking and jostling of gemstones reached his ear and he grinned to himself for a short moment before putting it back down just like he’d found it.

He went through a couple more gifts that way, carefully shaking them, sniffing them and weighing them against other gift boxes to compare before his claws knocked against wood and he paused, looking down in confusion. There was an odd little wooden clock shaped like a simple tiny house or maybe clock tower, with a door at the bottom.

“Huh… was that here before?” He checked the name tag that said it was for him, before turning it around to see the words ‘From Discord’ on the back of the tag. Picking it up he looked a little closer, even more confused now why Discord of all people would send something boring like that. “This is weird… Is there some kind of trick to this or is the trick just that I’m confused?”

“Merry Hearth’s Warming!” The door of the clock suddenly popped open with a chime and a springboard on a spring popped out, a small yet not small enough Discord in a purple and green Spike costume standing on top of it and being carried right into Spike’s face. The dragon yelped and flailed back in surprise, dropping the clock only to find it floating up instead of down, the dressed up Discord pulled back into it despite the fact that even his butt alone seemed larger than the whole clock.

Spike blinked, finding his balance again. “...Discord?! Wait, it’s not even-” He glanced at the clock face to see both hands right at the top. “It’s already midnight? Wait, that’s not important! Discord, why are you in my clock?”

“I’m not Discord, silly! I’m Spike!” The Discord(?) popped out again, blowing a raspberry at him and forcing him to take another step back in surprise before the springboard pulled back in.

Spike thought he saw some tapes all over the draconequus’ costume but was a little distracted by an odd crinkling sound coming from below him. He looked down in panic, afraid that he’d stepped onto a gift and torn the wrapping, but found to his relief that it was only the sound of his foot on the crystal floor when he’d stepped back. Something about that didn’t seem quite right though. “Wait… hey, what? No you’re not! I’m Spike!” He thought for a moment, then scrunched and stepped forward to glare at the clock. “And also my butt definitely isn’t that big!”

“Of course it is~!” The door opened again and Spike suddenly got a face full of soft, crinkly purple dragon butt, his hands held out ineffectually to try and push his back as the cloud of pink and purple powder puffed into his face made him feel all dizzy.

“W-what’s…? Are you wearing a diaper?!” Spike wobbled a little as the disguised Discord pulled back in once again, staring at the floating clock with one eye wide and filled with green swirls, making him feel even dizzier.

“But of course, what else would a baby dragon be wearing if not a thick cushy diaper?” The purple butt suddenly came back out again, hitting him in the face a second time and causing him to fall on his thick cushy diaperbutt with a loud crinkle. He blinked slowly, staring up at the tiny Discord Spike through his swirling eyes.

It popped back in and Spike sat there for a moment in a daze, eyes swirling and head feeling fuzzy and fluffy and stuffed full of poof, his frilly butt and his puffy belly feeling bigger and heavier than he remembered and stretching his tapes.

He looked up as the clock popped open again, only to find Discord popping out, pointing and laughing at him. He blinked in confusion several times before sitting up a little straighter with a blush and a pout. “H-hey! Stop laughing at me!”

“Sorry little baby butt, but a big pudgy crinkly diaperdragon like you is just too funny~” Discord winked and blew a raspberry at him before popping back into the clock.

Spike blushed more and wobbled to his feet, moving forward to glare at the clock from up close again so Discord could hear him. “Well, it’s not nice! A-and I’m not a big pudgy crinkly diaperdragon!”

The clock opened again only for Discord Spike to pop out again right into Spike’s face, grabbing his cheeks with both puffy plush paws and press a big smooch on his lips.

Spike squeaked and blushed even more, stumbling back and blinking in confusion. “I-I… what?”

“Gosh, but doesn’t it feel so good when people laugh at your big frilly silly diaperdragon babybutt~?” Spike popped out with the clock’s seventh chime, wiggling his big frilly crinkly purple butt at him.

“T-that’s not… it doesn’t… feel good?” Spike whined and stumbled a few more steps back, the clock floating after him.

“Doesn’t it though~?” Spike popped out yet again, this time shaking his hips and blatantly rubbing both paws into his crinkly pamps. “I’m Spike and I’m a squirmy blushy pokeypamps diaperderg~”

“S-squirmy blushy… pokeypamps diaperderg?” Spike squeaked and stopped backing away, instead squirming and rubbing the front of his diaperderg pamps.

“Oh yes, and there’s only one thing better than being laughed at for being a silly frilly babybutt diaperderg doing his prissypamps potty dance~” Spike popped out dancing around, looking rather clumsy and silly as he pressed his paws into his pamps.

Spike blushed and started dancing as well, waddling and squirming and shaking his butt at the clock. “O-oh? And what’s that?”

“Why making others look even sillier and funnier than yourself, of course. And your good friend Discord is just the draconequus to help you play your diaperdragon tricks on your friends~” Spike winked and gestured him closer.

“He… mmmf. He is?” Spike waddled closer, waiting for an answer before leaning in to try and look through the doors. “H-hello? How many times did this- mmmpppfff!”

The clock chimed for the twelfth and final time, Discord popping out and pulling the silly frilly dragon into a big smooch, only this time he didn’t let go when the board pulled back into the clock. Spike squeaked and blushed and returned the kiss, eyes swirling faster as he was pulled headfirst through the tiny doors of the clock, his puffy and poofy self getting squished and squeezed halfway through before his butt got stuck. He wiggled and kicked his legs, slipping and squishing further inside inch by inch until with a final pop his tail slipped in and the doors slammed shut behind him, leaving him squished up against Discord inside the just-barely-big-enough clock, squirming and panting and drooling as his eyes swirled and his pamps poked and his head was filled with poof and floof and thoughts of tricking Twilight.