The Softness Of Her Heart

by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Do you like it?

King Sombra's P.O.V:

"Do you like it?" asked Fluttershy as she showed me my new room. For the last week she's been moving things and cleaning, and now I finally know why. "Because you've been helping me so much, I decided to give you a gift."

I looked around the room. Although it wasn't like the one that I had back when I was ruling the Crystal Empire, it was better than sleeping on a sofa. "Yes, I like it."

I even put a smile on so that she wouldn't think that I didn't like it. And so that her feelings weren't hurt. Why did I even care about how she felt?

Just as she was about to say something, a pink ball jumped in through the window. Wait. A pink ball? The last time I checked, balls couldn't jump.

Fluttershy jumped and squeaked, "Pinkie, you scared me."

I looked at the pink ball and saw that it was a mare. With a curly pink mane. That explains why she was called Pinkie.

Because she's pink. I nearly laughed at my own joke, but stopped myself as I didn't say the joke out loud, and if I did say it, then the pegasus would make me apologize to the pink ball, and I didn't want to do that.

I was a King, and Kings never apologize to anypony. I heard the mare say, "Sorry Fluttershy, but I remembered that I never threw Sombra a welcome to Ponyville party, or a you're going to be reformed and have so much fun with us party. And now that you've given him a room, I can throw him a you've got a room party. Ooh! Ooh! I know! I can throw him a welcome to Ponyville party, and a you're going to be reformed and have so much fun with us party, and a you've got a room party! Three parties mixed into one! Twilight kept trying to stop me from coming here for some reason. Do you know why?"

She said this all as fast as she could. And then she turned to me. And gasped. Her gasp was so loud that I had to cover my ears. "I never introduced myself!", she screamed. "Hi Sombra, my name's Pinkie Pie, but my full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but ponies know me as Pinkie Pie, and they call me Pinkie. I would've asked you your name, but I already know your name, because you're the evil unicorn guy who tried to take over the Crystal Empire, but was defeated by the Crystal heart, and then when Discord disguised as Grogar resurrected you, you tried to take the Crystal Empire again, and we defeated you again, but you tricked us, and destroyed all the elements of harmony and nearly took control over all of Equestria, but Discord helped us realize that we didn't need the elements, and then we did our friendship thing and defeated you, but then you survived somehow, and Celestia kept you locked in the dungeons, and then she decided that if Discord could be reformed then so could you, and then she decided that Fluttershy would be able to reform you because she's the one with the kindest heart, and that's how you're here. And how I know your name. And because I didn't get to throw you a coming to Ponyville party, or a you're going to be reformed and have so much fun with us party, I'm going to throw you a you've got a room party, and a you're going to be reformed and have so much fun with us party, and a welcome to Ponyville party and you must come. Because if you don't, then you'll regret it. And when I say that you'll regret it, I mean it. Anyways, the party's going to be at Sugarcube corner this evening, and I want both you and Fluttershy to come. Understand? Bye now, I've got to go and start getting everything ready for the party!"

And like that she was gone. She left me with the mystery of how she was able to talk so fast without needing to breathe, and how she was able to bounce.

Fluttershy giggled as she took in my state of disbelief. I managed to ask, "How did she manage to do all that?"

"It's better not to question it. Pinkie does the most impossible things. Once Twilight tried to understand Pinkie's Pinkie sense, but she was unable to." And that was Fluttershy's reply.

Fluttershy’s P.O.V:

I couldn't help but sigh. This was to be expected, that PInkie would want to welcome him. But how would other ponies react? Would Sombra behave? Would he fight with Twilight and force her to give his magic back when he sees her? Will he try to escape? All those questions flashed through my mind.

“Is something wrong?” Sombra asked, tearing me out.

“It's just, I don't mind Pinkie, but I am not sure how the other residents would take it and such, you know?” I lowered my head.

His expression became a weak smile. “I understand but don’t worry about me. I often attended parties in the past and I can get along with foals, believe it or not. Besides, I don’t think that the pink mare thought it through.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“Do you think Celestia will allow this?” he explained. "I'm not reformed, and if the pink mare throws me a party and invites everypony in this town there, won't they be in a state of fear after seeing me? I don't think that Celestia told everypony that I was being reformed."

"Um...I think she might, and it's only a party. And I'll be there to keep an eye on you, so that you won't try to do anything. And if you do try to escape or take your magic back, or something like that, which I don't think you'll do, I'll be able to use the stare, and me and my friends could use our friendship against you.", I told him.

"You need not worry, Fluttershy; I won't do anything like that. Trust me.", he said, and our eyes met.

I blushed as I started thinking about how beautiful his eyes were, and nodded. "Okay, I'll trust you. But that doesn't mean that I'll let you go anywhere out of my sight. And I want you to behave yourself. Understand?"

"Yes mother, I do.", he replied, and smiled as my cheeks went red.