//------------------------------// // Running through the Jungle // Story: The Wayfaring Strangers // by BiasedAmerican //------------------------------// Soviet climbed towards Tankery to wake him up. But just as he got up to the branch, Tankery woke up and jumped off of the tree. "That works." Soviet thought. Tankery landed on both of his feet. He stood still, he looked stiff. He then let out a suppressed scream. "Yeah, looked like it hurts. Anyways, we need to keep moving." Soviet said. Tankery still stood still and was holding back tears. "For fuck sakes, I'll carry you." Soviet annoyingly said. Meanwhile in Canterlot... "Sister! The Griffons summoned two dangerous creatures!" Luna frantically yelled, as she ran to Celestia. "Send a message to Twilight, she'll know what to do. But for now, we'll alert our armies of this new situation. But we're already spread thin, Twilight and her friends are the only ones able to handle this task at the moment. Alert the garrison at Ponyville." Celestia ordered. Luna ran to write a letter. But for now, Celestia was worried that if they did manage to summon such a beast, Equestria might fall. Meanwhile back in Vietna- THE EVERFREE FOREST "You know that grey camo isn't going to help you in this forest?" Soviet pointed out. "Yeah yeah sure." Tankery reluctantly agreed and decided to put the British WW2 era uniform back on. He also holstered a SMLE Mk.3. "Better, oh and also. I believe that music should be playing since we're in the jungle. Agreed?" Soviet asked. Tankery nodded. "Good." Soviet then spawned a pair of headphones and they both put it on. Tankery groaned and said annoyingly, "Really? You play Megalovania?" "Yes, and shut up." Alex answered. "I swear to God I will burn this forest before YOU DO!" Tankery annoyingly yelled. "Fine, fine, I'll play something else." Soviet reluctantly replied. Soviet then began to play Sympathy for the Devil. "Finally." Tankery exhaled. A few minutes later after slashing through the forest and being hunted by wild animals, they find an opening. "I hear water, holy shit we found a river!" Tankery yelled. "I'm betting $40 bucks that we're going to hit a village if we follow it. Either that or we mount up that mountain." Soviet pointed at the mountain range in the distance. Meanwhile in Canterlot... Princess Luna ran into the room, screaming "Sister! The mages of the other nations have summoned something! It's dangerous! I've seen them take down Cerberus when I put them together in their dream!" Luna yelled. "Then I shall notify the elements of Harmony, they've handled threats like these. We shall notify them of the situation, we're already spread thin with the other nations starting a war with us." Celestia explained. "I hope your right sister, because they're headed to the Elements." Luna replied. Back in Ponyville, Twilight was rushing towards her castle because she heard that she would be receiving an urgent message. She frantically opened the two main doors, she saw Spike walking around and she ran up to him. "Spike! What messages did we receive?!" She asked. "We do have one, let me get it, hold on..." He then burped out fire and a scroll with a red ribbon appeared, and landed in his hands. Twilight used her magic to pick it up and to unroll it, she was shocked from the message. She was shaking and she tried to gasp but she couldn't. Spike asked her, "Twi? Are you okay?" He asked. There was no reply, she immediately ran out. Spike was confused on what the letter said or what it did to Twilight. He was curious, and when she dropped the scroll on the floor, he picked it up. It read, "Dear Twilight, we've recently discovered that the Changeling and Griffon mages had summoned a deadly weapon. They called it the Humans, they can summon their weaponry. Princess Luna has discovered that they are heading to Ponyville. The Elements of Harmony are needed to defeat this great evil approaching. If you spot them, try to stop them. More Royal Guards will be sent to garrison Ponyville to assist you in your capturing or purifying of the dangerous creatures. We wish you luck, we wish we were there to assist you, but we are shorthanded as it is." Spike was scared shitless. He ran out of the Castle to see more Royal Guards arriving at Ponyville. There were only a handful, he counted 20. He was worried on what was to come. Twilight has been running throughout the town to alert her friends, mainly the Elements of Harmony. She was had already told everyone else besides Applejack and Fluttershy. As Twilight arrived to the Apple farm, she ran towards Applejack when she was carrying a bucket of apples. "Applejack! We're all in danger!" Twilight yelled as she ran. "What I'm tarnation do you mean, Twi?" Applejack asked. Twilight finally stopped in front of Applejack, out of breath, she said, "Celestia sent me a letter, they- said-" she took a big breath and continued, "something is coming and it's very powerful!" She exclaimed. Applejack didn't know how to react, but she remembered something. "Fluttershy! She's in the forest, we need to get her, quickly!" Applejack quickly ran off to Fluttershy's house. Meanwhile down the river... As Soviet was patrolling the area, when Tankery reported on the radio, "Spotted heat signatures on thermals, a bear, multiple critters and a miniature horse, heading East." Tankery reported in a quiet voice. Soviet grabbed the radio on his shoulder and replied, "Do not engage, heading East. If you see a house in the forest, stay in cover and wait for me. We'll enter once we regroup." Alex ordered. "Roger." Tankery responded and cutting of his radio shortly after. As Twilight and Applejack were heading into the forest, they heard growling, "Twi? Do you hear that?" "Are those..." Starlight glanced at the treeline. But it was already sunset, she couldn't see much other than the eyes. "I do, but I don't know what it is.." Twilight replied. After her sentence, multiple yellow eyes were seen in the shadows. She immediately knew what they were. "RUN!" Twilight yelled. As they ran, timberwolves ran out of the treeline and ran after them. But as Twilight and Starlight zapped one of them with a magic bolt, they retreated back into the treeline. "So, I'm guessing that we'll go visit Fluttershy tomorrow morning?" Starlight suggested in an exhausted voice. While this was happening, Tankery was following his Asian bloodline and courageously hiding in a bush. He was still waiting for Soviet to arrive. He looked upwards into the sky, it was already night, he wondered how it got so dark this fast. Tankery suddenly heard leaves and branches being crunched around him, he looked behind him and saw Soviet behind a tree. He motioned his arms to wave to Soviet to call him over. Soviet saw the arm and crawled towards Tankery. Tankery gestured that there was a house over the bush line and the pony or the critters haven't arrived back yet. He heard Soviet whisper to him, "Probably camping, best to check the house to be sure, then we'll wait inside." Tankery nodded and continued to wait for Alex's go-ahead. As a minute passes and no other sign of life seen besides birds, Alex pat Tankery's shoulder and he got up from his prone position and began walking silently towards the house. He was a bit crouched while walking, Tankery did the same. At this point, they were at the sides of the walkway leading into the door. As they approached the windows, they both equipped night vision goggles and scanned the insides of the house. Tankery flicked his fingers to grab Soviet's attention, it of course worked, and gestured to open the door. Alex nodded and Tankery silently opened the door. Alex counted down his fingers, showing Tankery, he counted down from 3...2....1, with one being the middle finger, and now they rushed into the house. A glass vase next to the door was knocked down and shattered. 4 silent thumps were heard upstairs, this quickly alerted the duo and they both rushed to hide. Tankery chose to hide under the couch while Soviet hid behind the chair in the corner. The room was dark and they hid their breathes. As the figure of the house was seen, it was a pony. It looked over railing and it looked shock. It saw 4 green eyes staring at it, but the duo didn't realize. The pony stood still and it's shocked face became visible. Alex gestured to Tankery, Tankery thought to himself as he was trying to figure out what it meant, "Mask? Voice? Breath?" Soviet then whispered to Tankery, "Voice changer." Tankery then summoned a voice changer, this time, it was garbled for intimidation tactics. While Soviet had his Combine voice changer he thought of on his dreams. Soviet then got out of his hiding spot and slowly approached the pony. He put his hand in front of him, gesturing that he's peaceful. He decided that he shouldn't reveal his voice to further enhance the intimidation. As he approached the pony, he got a clear view on who it was. It was Fluttershy, and she was scared shitless. Alex out both hands in front of him, gesturing her to calm down. [Soviet and Tankery's equipment] She was shocked and scared, as a bipedal creature with 2 green eyes, clad in black uniform and equipment. She managed to get a few words out, but she was quivering. "Are...... You... Lost?" She asked in a scared tone. Soviet nodded. Fluttershy somewhat was relieved that she was able to communicate with this strange creature. She began stuttering, "Is... Is that your... Friend?" Soviet nodded again. But this time Tankery got out of his spot and slowly walked next to Soviet until they were shoulder to shoulder. Fluttershy was scared, she woke up in the night and expected that her bear came back and broke her vase on accident, but no. It was these strange, mute, bipedal creatures that towered over her, holding strange metal rods, she didn't know what to do besides give her hospitality because she knew they were lost. "You.... Can s-sleep on the couches.." she stuttered with a forced grin out of fear. The duo nodded and raced to get the biggest couch.