Sonic Enters A New Generation

by Idiotboy24

Hitch departs & Welcome to Zephyr Heights

Location: Maretime Bay Sheriff Station

After the fiasco that went down earlier that day Hitch and Sprout were inside the station figuring out what to do. Well mostly Hitch, Sprout was doing nothing but that´s beside the point, after talking about arresting Sunny Sprout quickly remembered about the visitor they met earlier.

“Hey Hitch what about that thing we saw before, what was it?” After thinking for a moment Hitch responded.

“That thing is not the main concern sure it helped Sunny but that won´t stop us from getting her.” Hitch exclaimed.

They talked a little bit more about what to do but when Hitch suggested they both go after Sunny, Sprout was too scared to do it and made up some excuses to try and not leave Maretime Bay. This caused Hitch to go by himself while leaving Sprout behind with instructions, to maintain the peace and keep everypony calm. Little did Hitch know that Sprout was not going to be all friendly anymore, before Hitch left Maretime Bay he had one more thought in his head. ‘What was that blue thing, why did it come here?’.

Location: Canyon

Sonic, Sunny and Izzy were all making their way toward zephyr heights after getting some much needed rest from yesterday. They were slowly making their way toward the top of the mountain and they were talking to each other about the situation.

“So Sonic how did you stop the splat-a-pults?” Sunny asked, to which the hedgehog smirked and replied.

“Simple I ran toward those machines and took em down by disabling those spinning wheels.” Sunny and Izzy were both amazed, “But how come you knew to do that?” Izzy questioned.

“Let’s just say between us three right now, I’ve taken care of things similar to those machine too many times to count.”

Both Sunny and Izzy shared a look of disbelief at how Sonic did something so unbelievable but he acted so casual about the whole thing, before Sunny could continue questioning Sonic, Izzy decided to speak up.

“You know not to freak you guys out or anything, but you do know that pegasi can steal your luminescence don’t you?” Both Sonic and Sunny were confused.

“Our lumi- what?” Both quickly exchanged glances at one another before listening to Izzy.

“Luminescence. You know your Sparkle” she looks at both and Sunny before replying

“yours is lavander and yours is Yellow.” Both Sunny and Sonic were confused and looked at themselves before Izzy resumed.

“And the happier you are, the brighter it shines!” before they could continue talking they heard something land above them, they now moved a lot more cautiously being aware that they might not be alone.

Something then swooped behind them causing them to look, it continued from above them until some rocks fell down near them causing the trio to run forward, they looked back to see a figure following them “Hurry guys!” Sonic exclaimed before they stopped at a wall.

Without wasting time Sonic started pushing his friends up before running up to the top himself, after reaching the top he saw Izzy make it while Sunny was still trying to make it, Sunny then looked behind her to see the figure still following them.

But she was so focused on the figure she almost didn’t realise she was slipping off the cliff. “Sunny!” Izzy shouted before Sonic ran up and grabbed Sunny by her hooves pulling her up to safety.

All three of them after a few moments sighed in relief before suddenly a Pegasus shot out from below revealing herself, both Sunny and Izzy screamed and hugged together with Sonic in between who had a very curious face.

The Pegasus them did some tricks climbing up some rocks before landing, afterwards she lifted up one hoof while looking at them with a stern expression. “A real Pegasus” Sunny said with awe “Nice landing” Sonic complimented.

All of a sudden the Pegasus realised what she was seeing in front of her. “Woah a Unicorn, Earth Pony and a Blue hedgehog together!” She exclaimed with surprise. “Finally someone got it!” Sonic said out loud.

Zipp was still in shock before smiling to herself “Well this day just got a whole lot more interesting.”

But then she heard hoofsteps coming towards them and saw two pegasi guards, she then jumped toward the edge of the cliff before looking at the group. “Don’t tell them you saw me.”

“Yes mam.” sonic quipped.

Zipp smiled before jumping down the cliff. “There’s no way we could we don’t even know your name.” Izzy yelled before smiling, she then turned toward both Sonic and Sunny

“she seems nice.” then they heard a scream and looked behind them to see the pegasi guards looking at them with nervous expressions.

“Thunder get it together!” the blue one said. “But, but that’s and earth pony.” the blue Pegasus then replied.

“Their harmless and have really tiny brains.” this caused Sunny to frown, they then turned their attention toward Izzy who was Smiling with her mouth opened wide.

“What do we do about that!” The green one asked “Well did you bring the shield?” “what shield?” This caused the blue Pegasus to look at her partner “Didn’t you read the guard guide!” she asked. “Yes!… okay no.” this caused a groan to come from the blue Pegasus.

“Fine I got this.” she said flaring her wings walking toward them.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait. You know it’s kinda of weird you’re walking towards us like that so I have a question?… are you a Racist?” Sonic asked.

“What no, I’m just a guard. What even are you?” Sonic then facepalmed “Here we go right back to sqaure one.”

Location: Zephyr Heights Elevator

They were now all in an elevator Izzy had tennis ball on her horn while Sonic and Sunny were just standing idly by waiting. “That’s creative” Izzy commented.

Sunny then began asking questions to one of the guards while Sonic decided to get his phone out and listen to some music on his own.

It was all interrupted when the blue Pegasus spoke “Hey, hey, hey, hey, don’t answer anything. They could be spies.”

After that happened Sonic then looked out the window with both Sunny and Izzy in tow looking outside admiring the view of the city then on one of the big screens a news channel started up.

“Good morning Zephyr Heights, it’s another beautiful day in the big city. Looks like warm breezes and clear skies, for tonight’s royal celebration!”

“Royal celebration? Ha! Talk about good timing!” Izzy exclaimed.

“Tonight’s royal bash for queen haven will be stunning, but the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp’s performance.”

“Wow with a name like that she must have a song called Drip, Drip, Drip. Which will either make you think of something very naughty or a bad tribute act to Wet, Wet, Wet!” Sonic expressed with a chuckle getting a laugh out of both Sunny and Izzy and even a small chuckle from the guards.

“This just in, an exclusive vid from Pipp. For all you loyal fans out there in ZH” it then switched to a video. “What is up, everypony. Big shout-out to all my fans the Pipsqueaks.”

“At this rate she could write a novel and still be relevant.” Sonic quipped once again getting a laugh from his friends.

“So tonight’s the night, I can’t wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys! Ok, guys I love you lots. Got to go. Pipp, Pipp, hooray.”

The guards and Izzy yelled what Pipp said even Sonic said it as well for his own amusement.

They then arrived at the top and proceeded out the elevator. “Move it.” the guard demanded “You betcha.” Izzy replied they began moving forward, Sunny took note of all the pegasi not flying and began questioning it.

“Hey guys isn’t weird that no pony is flying?” Sunny asked.

“Now that you say it Sunny I’m starting to notice it as well.” The conversation was short lived as it was interrupted by their Unicorn friend. “They have a castle!” They looked upwards to see in fact that there was a huge castle in front of them.

Location: Zephyr Heights Castle

They entered through the doors to the throne room to see more guards marching while still be escorted by both the green and blue Pegasus. “Wow” Izzy awed

“You know for royalty I’m actually impressed.” Sonic praised.

“Now before our queen” the green Pegasus announced. Trumpets started playing causing the trio to look forward in curiosity, Sonic then leaned over to the green Pegasus and whispered to him

“You don’t get paid enough do you, because that was very good.” The guard looked at Sonic with a small smile before getting back into position.

Everything became silent as the guards kneeled down and the trumpets stopped playing, the trio looked toward the front to see a little fluffy, white dog with wings walk out in front.

This confused both Sunny and Sonic. “Your majesty!” Izzy exclaimed before kneeling making Sonic smile and Sunny confused. Then lights came on as the dog stood up and started barking upwards causing the group to look up and see 3 pegasi fly downwards.

The one on the left was Pipp who talked earlier on the big screen who was currently scrolling on her phone, the one in the middle had sunglasses on and was the mother from what they could tell, and on the right was the same Pegasus that they met when they first arrived.

Izzy, Sunny and Sonic all leaned over, Izzy waved at her “Hi new friend!” The Pegasus then looked at them before having a worried look and shaking her head at them this caused the group to zip their mouths and nod before returning to their normal spots.

“Guards, state your business, and please make it quick. We’re on a very tight schedule today.” She stated.

“Like that one rockstar game that everyone wants.” Sonic quipped while looking at the royals.

“Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure, Pipp needs to rehearse and I need to practise my laugh. AhHa Ha Ha Ha! Hm still not right.” The guards then spoke up.

“Your highness, we found these intruders in our territory.” The queen took her sunglasses off to then gasp at what she saw.

“An earth pony, a Unicorn and a Blue Porcupine in Zephyr Heights!” This caused Sonic to groan loudly

“We’re seriously doing this same stchick every time I go somewhere aren’t we.” Sonic said to himself.

“We have them under control, your highness” the blue Pegasus stated. “And we deployed the shield.” The green Pegasus stated.

“Is this an attack on the night of our royal celebration? Why are you here? Who sent you?” Sonic responded quickly.

“Okay listen chill out I know this looks bad but first, lay of the Drugs please, secondly we came here because we want to go sightseeing, and finally that laugh was kinda solid six out of ten for sure.” The queen smiled a little bit at the compliment but continued to stress.

“Nopony must know that they’re here.” But the sound of a phone broke the tension.

“Check it out Pippsqueaks, live from the castle. It’s a real Unicorn, Earth Pony and Blue Porcupine.”She turned the phone toward the group causing everyone to gasp.

“They are never gonna get it right are they.” Sonic said deadpanned.

“This is so not a filter.” Pipp continued. “Pipp! There’s nothing to fear. Those nasty little ponies and Porcupine have been captured your queen will protect you.” Sonic’s blood was boiling from them continually calling him something else.

“Shut it off” The queen ordered.

Sonic finally snapped “FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR MOTHER CAN YOU GET IT RIGHT FOR ONCE!!!” Sonic yelled angrily catching everyone off guard including Pipp.

Everyone in the room now looked at Sonic who was panting a bit after yelling so much he looked up to see all the eyes in the room looking at him “Sorry about that. But it’s really infuriating when you call me a different species.” Sonic explained.

Sunny finally decided to speak up “Excuse me, majesty. We only like to ask you a few questions about magic.” This caused the queen to snap toward the group’s direction.

“Guards! Please escort these ponies and porcupine to the dungeon, until I can question them properly. And confiscate the book.” Sonic then facepalmed loud enough for a small echo to travel across the room.

“What? No, no” Sunny protested but the guard took her journal. “But-but your majesty, I just wanted to ask you a few questions, please.” All pleas from her were met with the queen ignoring them. They were then being escorted to the dungeons.

“Did she just say dungeons?” Izzy asked rhetorically.

“Well this sucks” Sonic commented.

“What else could go wrong today?” Sunny asked herself.


“It is I Sheriff Sprout.” Sprout exclaimed.
“Sheriff? where’s Hitch?”

“We need a real Sheriff.”

“Tell us what’s going on!”

“Hitch would know what to do!”

A bunch of ponies were asking a bunch of questions about yesterday and of where Hitch is. Sprout tried to calm the tension but to no avail, worry started growing rapidly which then lead to some earth ponies mentioning the Unicorns coming back to attack.

“Actually, what if you’re all right? The Unicorns could come back, they could even bring the Pegasi, we are all in danger!” This caused everyone to gasp.


Sprout:Now, is not the time to be complacent
We should do something

Something is lurking, something is near
Something is feeling stranger, stranger
Stirrin' up discord, whippin' up fear
Whispering softly "danger, danger"
Outsiders creep up, slow and steady
Wings glistening, horns at the ready
Think what they could do to the status quo Phyllis:(oh, no)

Sprout:They're gonna steal, plunder, and pillage
They're gonna take over the village
Don't just sit on your butts and do nothing and wait
Let's enter a blind, irrational state (ooh)

Better get nervous, better get tense
Better not let them catch you blinking
You don't need a reason, fillies and gents
This is no time for us overthinking

Sprout and Ponies:Mob (Mob?)
M-m-mob, mob
Mob? (Mob?)
Angry, angry, mob
Mob, m-m-mob, mob, mob, angry, angry

SproutFight, see in black and white
That's your pony right
Time to lift your manes and proudly
Throng, numbers make you strong
Millions can't be wrong
Specially when they're screamin' loudly

You might not have a bale of hay to borrow
Are you saddled with your sorrow?
Are you scared about tomorrow?
Well, it's all gonna work out painlessly
If you follow my orders brainlessly

Sprout and Ponies:What're we? (we're an angry mob)
What are we? (we're an angry mob)
Look at this corn (it's on the cob)
Look at that guy
Rob:Uh, my name's Rob

Sprout and Ponies:Mob, mob, m-m-mob, mob, mob, mob, angry, angry
Mob, mob, m-m-mob, mob, mob, mob, angry, angry

Mob, mob, m-m-mob, mob, mob, mob (mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob)
Angry, angry
Mob, mob, m-m-mob, mob, mob, mob (mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob)
Angry, angry, mob