by Equidaeon

Misty Autumn Evening | Parts 197 - 203A

After enjoying a light lunch, you find yourself presently standing by the fireplace to enjoy its warmth. In the back of your mind, you continue to reminisce over your past experience.
Turning around to warm the other side of your body, you stare at a very content Notaulix, who is currently lounging on the sofa with his eyes closed and a belly full of toast and jam.
Looking over at the clock, you note that it's still somewhat early into the afternoon. There's plenty of time left in the day to do something.

Returning to your current source of amusement, your gaze falls back upon your changeling companion. You watch the steady rise and fall of his breathing, noting how deep and relaxed it is.
At first, you think of nothing in particular. However, the longer you stare at Notaulix, the more a question that has lingered in your mind since the day you discovered him presents itself at the forefront of your thoughts.
Specifically, you think back to that day nearly a week ago when you found him caught by the Tanglehoof vines.
Notaulix had explained to you why he was there due to being outcast from his hive because of starvation issues, along with wanting to avoid coming into contact with the ponies, because he couldn't transform.

However, you've wondered just exactly how he got there... On that particular day, you had made the decision to undertake an expedition deep into the heart of the Everfree; something that you don't often do for a variety of reasons.
It's prime manticore territory above all else, but it's also the only practical place that you know of to harvest precious Cinder Balm, of which the looming first frosts of winter threaten to end the season of.

When you found Notaulix, he seemed so weak and malnourished that a stiff breeze could topple him over. How could anyone in that condition expect to survive out there, let alone travel to that point from wherever he came from?
And on that subject, where did Notaulix come from? You don't recall ever reading or hearing of a changeling hive existing in Equestria. Just how far did he have to travel in his condition? Days? Weeks?
Many such questions are on your mind, but no matter how you try to reason on them yourself, you arrive at the same conclusion every time: The logistics just don't add up.
Indeed, it seems almost impossible to you. That's why you've decided that now is as good of a time as any to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Moving away from the comfort of the hot fire, you walk over to the sofa and sit down next to Notaulix, prompting him to open his eyes and scoot back slightly, giving you more room.
Once you've collected your thoughts, you turn your head to look at Notaulix, who stares back at you with his curious blue eyes and ears perked up at attention.

"Hey, do you mind if I ask you a few questions right now? There's something that has been on my mind." You say to Notaulix.

"What do you want to know, Anon?" Notaulix asks.

"It's about the day I found you out in the Everfree. I understand why you were out there, but... How exactly did you even get there? That's what I want to know." You respond.

"Oh..." Notaulix begins, his ears drooping slightly and expression saddening as he thinks back to his recent near-death experience. "I... I walked there? I'm not sure what you mean, Anon." Notaulix says, seeking clarification.

"You were all the way out near the center of the forest; I just can't understand why you would have gone out there, especially in the condition you were in." You explain.

"Really? That's where I was? I wasn't even close to the edge of the forest yet?" Notaulix says, sounding surprised upon learning of this.

"Huh? I mean yeah, that's where you were, but why were you even out that far? It would have been so much safer just to walk around the outskirts of the forest... What side did you enter the forest from, anyway?" You question him.

"I... I don't know, Anon." Notaulix answers.

You can't help but furrow your brows as you try to piece things together in your mind, now more confused than ever.
"You don't know? Do you not know how to orientate yourself and tell direction?" You ask.

"I do, Anon! I... I know how to follow the sun, moon and stars! All changelings do." He responds in a somewhat defensive manner.

"Really? That's great to hear. Still, you must have some idea where you approached the Everfree Forest from, right?" You ask once more.

You patiently wait for Notaulix to say something. Instead, you watch him begin to fidget around ever so slightly as his ears droop lower, as if agitated over something.
Whatever that may be, you have no idea. Even so, you didn't plan on making your friend so uncomfortable with what you thought was a simple enough question. Because of that, you decide to adjust the topic slightly.

"How about this? Here's an easy way we can determine what side you approached the Everfree from: Where exactly did you come from? Where about is this hive that you talk about located?" You gently ask.

Despite your best intentions, Notaulix unexpectedly reacts by staring up at you wide-eyed for a moment, before quickly looking away.
You begin to feel worried as you stare at Notaulix, who occasionally makes an attempt to look back at you, only to fail, followed closely by flattening his webbed mane against his neck as he finds himself unable to meet your gaze.

"Notaulix? What's wrong?" You ask.

"Please don't be mad at me, Anon..." Notaulix meekly requests as he stares out at the fireplace, his expression conveying a mixture of emotions.

Fear? Shame? Sadness? It's difficult for you to tell.

"But why would I be mad at you? There's nothing th-" Is what you begin to say in an effort to comfort and reassure Notaulix, until he suddenly interrupts you to reveal the source of these feelings.

"I-I-I can't risk anything bad happening to my hive brothers, my hive sisters and my Queen, Anon. E-Even if I was exiled from them, I... still love them." Notaulix begins in a stuttery, uneasy manner.
"So I can't... I can't tell you where my hive is located. Anon, I don't trust you enough to tell you such a precious secret." He finally admits.

At first, you find yourself being surprised by Notaulix's sudden emotional confession. You certainly weren't expecting this from what you thought was an innocent enough question.
Though the more you think about it, the more you realize how you had failed to consider why he might not want to answer such a question. Because of that, you quickly begin to feel bad for causing Notaulix such anxiety.

"Hey, that's okay. I wasn't thinking when I asked that question. I completely understand; you don't have to tell me sensitive information like that if you don't feel comfortable doing so." You say to Notaulix in a softer, reassuring tone.

Despite your effort to brush off the incident and improve the soured mood that has fallen over the two of you, Notaulix continues to stare at the fireplace, presenting body language that is clearly unhappy.
After enduring the uncomfortable silence for longer than you care for, you decide to switch tactics and employ an old tried-and-true method...
Scooting closer, you reach out with your right hand to the area behind Notaulix's left ear, which you begin to gently scratch. Notaulix initially flinches at the contact, causing his ear to flick back against your hand. After that, it only takes a moment for the effect of your fingertips to be seen, as he ever so slightly begins to relax.

"There's no need to get yourself so worked up. I'm not mad at you." You say in your continued attempt to be reassuring.
You allow some time for your words to soak in as you continue to gently scritch behind Notaulix's ear. Your actions soon produce the desired result when Notaulix finally looks back up at you, albeit with sadness apparent in his blue eyes.

"That isn't true." Notaulix flatly states.

"Come on now, don't be so hard on yourself. Why would you think that?" You question him.

"I can feel it. There is less love coming from you now, Anon." Notaulix responds, closely followed by returning his gaze to the fireplace.

And just like that, your hand is left hovering in the air as you freeze up. The weight of Notaulix's words come crashing down on your mind as you try to comprehend them.
How could this be? While it stings to have someone you care for tell you that they don't trust you enough for one thing or another, it isn't the kind of thing that would make you think less of someone, let alone Notaulix. After all, you know and understand that he was completely justified to not divulge the location of his hive.

Combing carefully through your thoughts and emotions, you repeatedly reach the conclusion that your feelings and attitude towards Notaulix have not changed.
And yet... Here he is, a changeling, a being that most definitely has a stronger grasp on the subject than any other race, telling you that something has changed.
Regardless of this fact, you're still determined to try and turn things around in a more positive light, even if only to cheer him up.

"Well..." You begin while resuming the ear scritches. "...just exactly how much did my love reduce? I can't imagine it could have been that much." You question Notaulix.

At first, your changeling friend doesn't respond. You leave the question hanging in the air as you redirect the attention of your hand to behind his other ear.
Notaulix quickly reacts to this by tilting his head to the side, allowing you better access to all the right spots. Slowly, his webbed mane begins to creep back towards its normal posture.

"Only a little." Notaulix finally admits after letting out a small sigh.

"See? That isn't so bad, right? I'm sure that whatever caused this little drop is only temporarily; it'll be back to normal in no time." You say in response, while also moving your hand to rest on Notaulix's withers.
"I really appreciate that you're being honest with me, Notaulix. You could have just made something up, but you didn't. I value that kind of honesty, especially if we're going to be working together." You continue.
"Look, I won't ask about where you came from again, okay? It really isn't important for me to know." You conclude, giving Notaulix's withers a few reassuring pats for emphasis.

"Okay Anon. Thank you." Notaulix says, now sounding a bit more relaxed.

With that, you leave your hand gently resting in place as a calm silence settles over both of you, staring together at the flames dancing in the fireplace.

After a few minutes of that, you decide that it's best for you to get up and go do something else, allowing Notaulix to have some time to himself.
Giving your friend one more firm pat on the withers, you rise to your feet and walk over to put another piece of wood on the fire. While doing so, you weigh the options in your mind for what to do next.

It doesn't take long for you to decide on checking out your much-anticipated new pair of boots. Temporarily leaving the warmth of the fire behind, you walk back to the front door where you last left the wooden box containing them.
Picking up the box, you return to the living room and pull up one of the chairs closer to the fireplace. You then set the box down onto the chair, and get to work untying the string wrapped around it.
You steal a glance at Notaulix as you work, noting that he appears to be uninterested in what you're doing, choosing instead to stare out into his own little world.

Once you manage to work the knot loose and release the string, you put in a little extra effort to quickly wind the string up into a small bundle for later uses down the road. For now, you place the bundle of string in one of your pockets.
Feeling your excitement begin to renew itself, you wiggle the simple wooden lid of the box until it pops free, breaking the wax seal of the Royal Guard in the process.
Setting the lid aside, you peer into the box and get the first glimpse of your new footwear. Not wasting any time, you quickly grab hold of the boots and pull them out.

As you do so, a small piece of paper falls down onto the floor, which you ignore for now.

Carefully inspecting the new boots, you find yourself amazed by what you're holding. From top to bottom, toe box to heel, these are nearly an exact replica of your old boots when they were new.
There are some subtle differences, such as slightly different colors from the materials used; and on further inspection, you notice some minor alteration in the construction compared to the originals.
Still, the quality looks superb, and you can't help but be impressed with the job that Sturdy Stitch did for you, especially considering that footwear like this was something completely new to him.

That old stallion isn't a head craftspony for the Royal Guard for nothing, you think to yourself.

Eager to try them on, you set the box aside on the floor and sit down on the chair. After loosening the laces a little, you plop the new boots on the floor and work one foot in, followed by the next.
Once your feet are inside, the laces get tightened and tied off. Finally, you stand up and take the first few tentative steps to see how things feel.
Much to your delight, the fit and finish feels just right. As your steps turn into several laps around the house, you can't help but feel very pleased with what has been made for you.
Even so, you can already feel it in your feet that these are going to need some time to break in. There's no way you're taking any long walks through the Everfree in these right away.

Returning to your chair, you sit back down and take a moment to admire the new boots some more. Your attention soon shifts to the piece of paper that fell from the box, which you now notice has writing on it.
Leaning over, you stretch out your arm to try and pick up the paper, though it ends up being just out of reach. Before you can get up to reach it, a green aura surrounds the paper, levitating it up to your hand.
Grabbing hold of it, you look up at Notaulix and see him looking back at you, his ears and webbed mane now perked back up at attention.

"Thanks." You say to Notaulix, earning a smile from him in return.

Looking at the piece of paper, you discover it to be a simple note that reads...

Dear Anonymous
I want to thank you again for providing an old colt like me with such an interesting project.
Sure beats mending a harness or fixing novice mistakes for the thousandth time!
I expect a full written report within three months to know how these boots of yours work out for you.
If there's any problems or improvements that could be made, I want to know about it. Be thorough.
You may write directly to me with the following address:

Central Royal Armory
Barding Street
Canterlot, Equestria

Don't get yourself killed - Sturdy Stitch

Grinning at the stallion's closing remark, you neatly fold up the piece of paper and tuck it away in a pocket.

Once you've had enough of sitting around idle for a moment, you decide that there's no time better than the present to start the break in process by wearing your new boots around the house.
In the meantime, you go around your home and retrieve both the container of hydrating grease from your trip to Canterlot, and a simple brush made with pony hair; this one in particular being a color reminiscent of mint ice cream.
With the addition of a suitable rag in hand, you retrieve your old boots and return to your spot by the fireplace. Wasting no time, you dive right into some long overdue maintenance.

Starting with the mint green brush in one hand and the left boot in the other, you begin the meticulous process of brushing away all the dried on dirt and debris from the surface of the well-worn leather.
The task isn't difficult by any means, but it's one that you choose to take your time with, finding it somewhat relaxing in its own way.
After brushing away the majority of the dirt off the old boots, you take the hydrating grease and open it for the first time, revealing an amber colored substance inside.

Taking your designated rag, you scoop out a small dollop of the grease and start applying it to the leather, scrubbing and working it in as you go. The results are immediately apparent.
Slowly but surely, the dull, faded appearance of the footwear changes, becoming darker, lustrous and more supple. By the time you're done, the difference is night and day.
It's not a perfect job by any means. You wish you had some sort of saddle soap to clean out some of the deeper staining. Making a mental note of it, you're curious to try and find some at a later date; surely it's available.

Nevertheless, this is the best your boots have looked since you first arrived in Equestria, and in a way, that brings you a sense of comfort.
Besides the clothes you had on your back and some keys in your pocket, these old boots are a precious relic to you from your old world, your old home, and your old life. They're all you have from that fateful day.
Peering inside one of the boots, an old tag catches your attention, one embroidered with a familiar flag. Worn and faded, but undoubtedly recognizable.
Gazing upon the sight of it, you can't help but lose yourself in thought as you begin to reminisce of the day you bought these brand new.
More than that, though, the memories of the family and friends you left behind quickly become the dominant focus; memories that you've tried not to dwell on.

What happened after you were swept up in that storm? Was there anyone else out there? If so, what happened to them? Did they end up in another world like you?
Such questions filter into your mind, though you know there is no answer. More likely than not, there will never be one either.
You've also wondered if a search effort was made to try and find you. Are they still looking, or have you been pronounced dead? Part of you hopes for the latter, for their sake.

At least that would bring them some closure, you think to yourself.

Still, the guilt of inadvertently having caused the ones you loved and cared for heartache and distress pains you.
If nothing else, if you could have just one wish, you would wish for nothing more than to send a letter to mom, the old man and your brother, letting them know that you're alive and well; to not worry about you...
...and to say one more time that you love them.
That final thought gives you pause, closely followed by the sensation of tears wanting to well up in your eyes.

Before that can happen, you notice Notaulix walking up to you out of the corner of your eye, snapping you from your trance.
Turning your head, you watch Notaulix come to a stop to next to you, looking up with concern in his eyes as he rests a forehoof on your knee.

"Are you okay, Anon? You've been staring at those for a long time." Notaulix gently questions you.

"Oh uh, uh... Yeah, I'm fine." You stammer. "Just feeling a little nostalgic is all. These boots haven't looked this good in a long time. See?" You respond.

"Yes, they do look much better!" Notaulix enthusiastically agrees. "What is that strange stuff that I watched you use, Anon?" He then asks.

Setting your boots down on the floor, you take the open container of grease and present it to Notaulix to see.

"This? It's some sort of hydrating grease. The kind of material my boots are made from has oils in it that are lost over time, turning it hard and brittle." You answer.

Notaulix looks at the amber colored substance with interest, before bringing his nose close to sniff at it. However, one whiff is all it takes for the changeling to quickly recoil from it, much to your amusement.

"It has a strong scent!" Notaulix exclaims.

"Yes it does." You agree with a chuckle. "Personally, I kind of like it." You add.

"I see... What is it made from, Anon?" Notaulix asks.

"Hmm. Honestly, I have no clue what's in this particular mixture. Whatever it is, it works." You answer him while sealing up the container.

"It seems very useful. What other uses does it have?" Notaulix continues with his questions.

"Other uses? I'm not really sure if there are any beyond the intended purpose." You reply.

"Then it fulfills its purpose very well." Notaulix says, nodding his head for emphasis.

"Sure does... Oh! You know, this can certainly be used on all the Glyph Skin components of that saddlebag of yours. It'll keep those bits in top condition." You say.

"That's great, Anon! But... what's Glyph Skin?" Notaulix questions you, accompanied with a confused tilt of the head.

"Guess I never explained that one to you, did I? It's the name of the magically resistive material that you had trouble with this morning. Same stuff that my new boots are made from." You explain.

A pause develops in your conversation as Notaulix ponders your words. You take the opportunity to stand up, stretch, and stoke the fireplace with another piece of wood.

"What else can you tell me about Glyph Skin, Anon? I would like to know more, please." Notaulix requests.

"More? Well, I don't know that much myself, but I could tell you everything the old stallion I met at the armory in Canterlot told me. Would that do?" You ask Notaulix in response.

"Yes, I would like that!" Notaulix eagerly answers.

"Alright, how about you go make yourself comfortable on the couch again? I'll join you there in a moment." You suggest.

"Okay! Thank you, Anon!" Notaulix agrees.

After cleaning up and putting everything away, you settle down next to Notaulix and proceed to recount everything Sturdy Stitch had told you about Glyph Skins, in addition to Barkmat.
While you admittedly were told far from everything there is to know about it, the cursory knowledge you pass on to Notaulix is enough to satisfy him for the time being.
If anything, the resulting conversation worked wonders to lighten the mood between the two of you, paving the way for the rest of your day together to be relaxed and enjoyable.

Afterwards, you left Notaulix to his own devices, taking some time to retreat to your room and work on your journal in private.
By the time you were done, the two of you were eager to work together and prepare a simple vegetable soup. The warmth and comfort it provided was a welcome contrast to the cold, damp day outside.
Following that, the remainder of the evening was spent in peace and quiet, ending with you and Notaulix taking your respective turns in the bathroom to clean up and get ready for bed.

Once the sun set and you were sprawled out under the covers in the comfort of your bed, you reflected on the day. While it was a bit strange, it was a good day nonetheless.
With your room dark under the cover of night, and the house silent, you close your eyes and await a good nights rest.

Though as you were soon to find out, sleep is something that would have to wait...