Dean's New Life

by Moon_Skritch

Chapter 7: Flight Training and a Date

Chapter 7
Flight Training and a Date

The sounds of tweeting birds fill my ears as I wake up, I look to my left to see the sun rising in the window. What a beautiful morning. I get up and stretch out my legs, I slept pretty well after partying all day yesterday. It's funny really, being eighteen doesn't feel different than being seventeen.

I look back at my wings and open them up, I wish I knew how to use these things, I move them up and down to stretch them out and then fold them back. I take a deep breath and let it out as I open my bedroom door, I walk out into the hallway and notice it's really quiet. Everyone must still be asleep, I walk into the living room and it's empty, yeah everyone's asleep still, they must have stayed up late cleaning up. I feel bad for not helping, but they said for me not to help cause it was my day and I didn't need to work.

I never really got to look around Twilight's house that much, so I decided to take a small tour by myself. The house has a lot of bookshelves, with lots of books, kind obvious though cause it is a library. I look at random books not really paying attention to the names, I hear a door open, I turn around and see Alex walking out of his bedroom groggy, Alex looks at me and says with a sleepy voice, "Morning..." "Mornin' Alex." I say back. "Twilight or Spike up?" he asks me. "Not really, how long were you guys up last night?" I ask him. "Til about midnight, it took a while to clean up." he sighs.

We hear a knock on the door and I jump, "Who could that be at this hour?" I ask. Alex shrugs and says, "No clue bro." I open the door and Rainbow Dash is standing there with a smile on her face. "Hey Rainbow you're up early too?" I ask. "Well duh, I am here aren't I?" she says. "Anyway, it's about time you guys used those wings of yours, and I’m gonna teach ya." Me and Alex smile and say "Umm...Okay..." at the same time.

"Okay then, lets go get started!" She says. "But what about Twilight? She will wonder where we are at." I say worriedly, "She'll be okay. I don't think she will freak out. So come on we are burning daylight!" We walk out of the house and close the door behind us, we follow Rainbow until we see an open field with no trees.

"Alright so first thing you have to do is stretch, you don't want to take off and pull a muscle, cause that hurts like crazy." Rainbow Dash says, extending her wings. Me and Alex open our wings and we follow Rainbow as she does stretching exercises. After about 10-20 minutes of stretching she says "Okay, now open your wings all the way and flap them as hard as you can." I hesitate, I look over at Alex, he is flapping his wings slowly and starting to float up a bit with his eyes closed. I look straight ahead and gulp, I open my wings and slowly begin flapping my wings, harder and faster, I slowly lift from the ground.

"There you go guys, now focus on that and try to increase your altitude." Rainbow says assuringly. I flap a bit harder to raise my altitude, I gain about 10 feet of height, Alex soon follows. I glance back at my wings and I watch them flapping, It feels like I’ve done this a million times. A breeze comes through and almost makes Alex lose his balance, Rainbow goes over to him and holds him in place, he smiles, "Thanks Rainbow." He says. She smiles back.

"Okay now, let's get to moving around in flight. All you need to do is just lean forward and flap forward. Here I'll demonstrate." She lays flat and turns her wings, and flaps hard making her move forward. Me and Alex look at each other and try to copy what she does, which we seem to manage. "See it's not so hard guys, you just need to Practice. Now for your first challenge." She says and points to a rock on top of a hill, "I want you to fly over to that rock touch it and come back to me. Alex you go first." Alex cracks his neck and takes off, stumbling every now and then but he picks himself back up. He flies back to us with a smile. "You did it Alex!" Rainbow says smiling, she looks to me, "You're turn."

I gulp and breathe in and let it out, I control my breath as I slowly follow what Rainbow did and I move forward to the rock, soon my speed gains slowly, the rock comes closer, I slow my flapping and stop at the rock and I touch my hoof to it. I nod, and I head back to Alex and Rainbow, I look over at them and they aren't even looking at me, I laugh, what lovebirds.

I quietly make way up behind Alex, "I did it!" I yell on purpose to make them jump. I start laughing, "What are you two lovepegasi up to?" they both blush. I shake my head, "Haha, I'm just kidding, so what do we do now Rainbow?" I ask. "Well, since you guys have flying down pat, we need to work on landing." We watch her as she slows her flapping and slowly loses her altitude, we follow what she does. "Once you get about a half foot off the ground you should be okay for a safe landing." She stops flapping and closes her wings and lands on the ground all four hooves perfectly on the ground.

I go first and close my wings and land, I lose my balance a bit but I don't fall, I watch as Alex tries to land, he closes his wings and he lands on the ground and loses his balance completely and falls. "Oof." He says as he falls. Rainbow laughs a bit and holds out a hoof to him "First time is always the hardest." shes says as he grabs her hoof and stands up.

We spend a couple hours practicing all the flying techniques. We don't fall much at all, after a while we don't even lose balance. Just then we hear a grumbling noise. Alex holds his stomach, "Ooh, I'm hungry..." I nod in agreement, so does Rainbow. "I think you guys get the idea of what to do. Let's go get some grub."

Alex and I start to walk back to Ponyville when Rainbow says. "Why not fly? it's faster." I look at Alex and shrug. "Why not." I flap my wings and start to float, Alex does the same and we take off to Ponyville.

We arrive at Ponyville and we land in the town square, next to a fountain. I hear a familiar voice, "Dean!" I get glomped by a pink mass, I fall to the ground and laugh, "Hi Pinkie." I say as I look up at her on top of me. She gets off of me and I get up. "What's up?" she asks me. I extend my wings and say, "Well, Dash taught us about flying and it's not as hard as it looks." Alex taps me and says, "Hey man, Me and Rainbow are going to go get something to eat, you coming?" "You guys go on ahead I'm going to hang out with Pinkie." I look to Pinkie, "If that's okay." She hugs me and says "Of course it's okay! Why on earth would I say no?" She smiles. Alex says, "Well okay man I'll see you later." he leans in closer and whispers, "I think Rainbow is beginning to really like me." I nod and whisper back "Good luck bro." I give him a 'brohoof' and he heads off with Rainbow.

I watch them go off then I feel a peck on my cheek, Pinkie. I turn to the pink pony and smile, she smiles back. "Thank you for an awesome party last night." I say to her, "Anything for my Dean." she says. I half-expected her to say 'Deany-Weany' or something of the sort, but she didn't, thank goodness. "So what you wanna do today Dean?" she asks, my stomach garbles and grumbles, she starts to giggle, "I think your stomach made the choice for you." we walk to the nearest restaurant called "The Salad Bar" and we go in and each order a salad, we sit down with the food and start eating.

I wonder how she would react if I asked her if this counted as a date, I stop eating and say hesitantly, "Uh..Pinkie?" She looks up, "Um, I was wondering, after we eat could we go to the park and you know, walk around and stuff." I didn't want to say like 'Do you want to go on a date' or something original like that. "You mean like on a date?" she asks in a cute voice, totally catching me off guard.

I blink my eyes and say, "Uh, yeah actually, like a date." I smile a little bit. She reaches out and touches my hoof and says, "I would love to Dean." Her leg bumps mine, and she smiles. We finish eating and pay the check. We start out the door when we hear, "Hey guys." we whip around and see Alex and Rainbow standing there. "Oh Hey, what're you guys doing here?" i ask. "Same as you, getting a bite to eat. Where you headed?" Alex asks.

"We are going on a date in the Park! Hey you guys should tag along! It could be a double date." Pinkie says as she jumps around excitedly. Alex and Rainbow blush when they hear her say double date. Alex puts one hoof on the back of his head and smiles shyly. "Uh.." he puts his hoof back down and looks at Rainbow, she looks back and she smiles as if to say "Yes". Alex nods then looks to me. "Sounds fun. We will go." Pinkie jumps for joy, I watch her smiling at her randomness, it's cute really.

We walk into the park on some cobblestone ground, there is a lot of grass, of course, and trees. I smell the air, nature never smelt so good. We walk around talking and Pinkie says, "Why don't we find a patch of grass and sit down?" We all nod, we have been walking for about an hour, more or less.

We find a simple little patch of grass and we all sit down, well lay down. Pinkie lies right next to me and cuddles up against me, I put a hoof around her and she nuzzles me. Alex and Rainbow sit across from us, they don't cuddle or hold each other, they must be real nervous.

"You guys okay?" I ask Alex and Rainbow. They look at each other and blush. "No need to be shy around friends, look at me and Pinkie." I hug Pinkie. They both stay still looking at each other. After about a few minutes Rainbow slowly scoots closer to Alex, who looks over when she moves. I'm not really seeing any of this, Pinkie keeps taking my attention away by kissing me.

I catch a glimpse of Alex slowly putting his hoof around Rainbow, who snuggles him. Pinkie finally stops kissing me and she lays her head down on my foreleg and closes her eyes. Rainbow leans against Alex and closes her eyes.

I look at Alex and he nods his head with a cool smile like he is saying "Hell yeah!", I chuckle a bit. I hold up my hoof to give him a thumbs up, and then I realize, I don't have thumbs. I hear a light snore next to me, Pinkie has fallen asleep, I look over at Rainbow and she has too. I look up at Alex and start laughing quietly, he laughs also.

After about fifteen minutes, Pinkie wakes up. Her eyes immediately open and she starts apologizing "I'm sorry Dean, I didn't mean to fall asleep on our date." her face saddens. I look at her and say "Don't worry, it's cool, you were in a comfortable position." She smiles.

I bring my right foreleg back to me and stand up and stretch, I was staying still the whole time Pinkie was asleep so my body is real stiff right now. I extend my wings out and stretch them out. Alex is still laying down cause Rainbow is still asleep. Out of nowhere we hear, "Ah-Choo!" from Pinkie, which makes Rainbow jump out of her skin, "What? who!?" we all start laughing, "Not funny guys." she says. Alex sighs and stretches. "Ugh, how long was I asleep?" Rainbow asks. "Not long really, we've been here the whole time though." Alex says stretching his wings.

Pinkie looks up at the sky, its not sunset but it's getting close, we still have time. "So what do you guys wanna do?" I ask. "Well as long as I’m with Dean I'm okay" Pinkie says with a smile, and she kisses my cheek. "We could walk around more?" I ask. Everyone nods at my idea and we walk around for another hour talking about random stuff.

We take a look up at the sky and see that it's getting dark. "Well we should get back to Twilight's, I guess, it's getting dark." I announce. Alex nods and Rainbow dash speaks up. "Wait, um, Alex can stay at my place, if he wants to. I still want to hang out with him, he is a pretty cool guy." Alex chuckles, "Heh, I'm not that awesome." Rainbow grabs his hoof and says "Today was awesome, you made it awesome, so you're a cool guy." Alex smiles. Rainbow opens her wings and flaps and hovers in the air, Alex does the same. "I'll see you later Dean!" He gives me a nod meaning "Aw yeah a night at Rainbow's", I just shake my head and chuckle giving him a 'brohoof'. They fly off and I hear Pinkie out of nowhere say "I wish I could fly." I look back at my wings and I look down at the ground.

I feel a nudge and I don't look up, "Whats wrong Dean?" Pinkie asks. "I feel bad because I have wings and you don't." I say in a sad tone. "I wish there was a way I could give you mine..." She gets in front of me and lifts my chin up, "Don't worry about it Dean, I'm happy to be an earth pony. If I wanted to fly I could use the hot air balloon!" She smiles. "Yeah, but I bet you wish you could fly in places that the balloon wouldn't work." I say "Oh, that's okay." I get an idea, Maybe Twilight can use her magic to give her temporary wings, I don't tell Pinkie though, I'll surprise her with it.

I look up at the sky, the sun has gone down and the moon is rising. Me and Pinkie walk back to Sugarcube Corner, we stop at the door and she hugs me, "I had fun Dean, you have to be the most awesome pony around." I smile and say, "Thanks Pinkie, You're awesome too, I mean even more than I am." She just shakes her head, "No way, you are way cooler." and she stops the silly argument right there with a kiss. I sigh of joy and we pull apart. She gives me one more hug and walks up to the door and stops. "Do you want to stay over here Dean?" she asks. "Uh, sure." I say with a smile. I'm kinda worried that Twilight is wondering where we are, but she knows we can take care of ourselves if need be, though I feel bad for not telling her. I go in with Pinkie and we head upstairs.
Alex follows Rainbow on top of a cloud with a house on it, he is unsure about standing on the cloud. Rainbow lands on the clouds and it poofs a little bit of white fluffiness around her feet. Alex slowly lands on the cloud, and to his satisfaction he is able to stand and walk on it. He follows Rainbow inside her house and he looks around in the room.

"So what do you wanna do Rainbow?" Alex asks. She yawns and says, "I want to go to bed, sadly I only have one bed." Alex shrugs and says, "It's cool I can sleep on the couch." She smiles, and hugs him. "You're awesome Alex." "Sure.." he says. "No really you are, you are nice to me, you're cool to hang with, your easy to talk to." Rainbow says and Alex puts his hoof up to Rainbow dashes mouth and says "Thanks Rainbow, I never thought I was that cool." he laughs a little and puts his hoof back down.

Rainbow stands there for a moment, then quickly walks up closer to Alex and kisses him. He is surprised by this and he freezes in place, Rainbow just stays there and continues to hold that kiss, finally he just relaxes and enjoys the moment. After about what seems eternity but was only a minute or so, Rainbow pulls back and blushes. Alex clears his throat, "Wow, that was, um, amazing..." He says and blushes also. "Well we better head to bed." Rainbow says. Alex sighs, "Okay.." he starts to walk over to the couch when Rainbow stops him, and she says, "My beds big enough to hold 2 pegasi, besides I don't have another blanket, so we are going to share my bed." Alex smiles and follows Dash into her room. She crawls in bed Alex next to her. Alex lays there still in a daze from the kiss earlier, he feels something bump his hoof and hold it. He lays there and closes his eyes, sleep taking him over.
I walk in with Pinkie into her room, she has a somewhat large bed but not huge. I ask her "So where am I sleeping?" She points to the bed, "We can share this bed if you want." She smiles. Maybe she will let me hold her as we sleep I don't know. She climbs under the covers and I get on the other side and get under the covers also. Pinkie scoots closer to me and I put my hoof around her holding her softly, she nuzzles into me and closes her eyes, I lay my head back and stare at the ceiling.

Wow, what an amazing day this was, first date with Pinkie, actually first date ever. Getting a lot of kissing, which is awesome every time, I love the taste of sugary cookies every time I kiss her, I lick my lips a bit, yep I can still taste it, so awesome. I sigh of enjoyment. I wonder what would be going on if I wasn't here right now, I'd probably be still running through the forest trying to find a way out. I look at my hoof, I start to wonder, how did I change exactly? What caused it? I've been so caught up with liking the new me, I haven't really questioned how it happened. I start getting anxious to know. I squeeze Pinkie a little bit, I'll deal with that thought in the morning, even though it wont leave my head. I close my eyes and fall asleep. I will find answers tomorrow...

(end of Chapter 7)