//------------------------------// // Sisters' Reunion // Story: Sisters' Reunion // by StormLuna //------------------------------// Ten minutes later Colgate and Celestia returned with two large crates. Celestia was carrying the one with the mirror in it while Colgate was carrying the one with the equipment in it. Aria was watching them with a look of curiosity and asked, "I take it you're giving that back to Twilight?" Celestia replied, "It was nearly ten years ago that I took Twilight and Sunset's friends in the human world away from them and today I seek to right that wrong." She sat down the crate and said, "Colgate, you stay here with them while I go get the private train ready. I don't want this stuff being transported on a regular train." Colgate nodded and decided to approach the newcomers to Equestria. She asked, "Sonata, Storm, with you being in Equestria now, what do you think you'll do?" Neither one had even thought about that since the main things on their minds were one another. Both remained silent until Colgate added, "Well don't worry about that right now, you two be happy in one another's company." Aria was less than thrilled over the question and she approached Colgate over it, "Colgate, they were just resurrected and are happy to be together again! Give them some time before asking about what they plan to do to earn a living!" Colgate sighed, "Alright, I see where you're coming from." It wasn't long until Celestia returned. She said, "Alright everypony, the train is waiting. Follow me." Everypony followed her to the train and one thing that Aria noticed was that Sonata and Storm were holding hooves. She gave the two a smile realizing that adjusting to Equestria may not be so difficult for them given they already had the hoof holding down. Colgate too gave them a smile but for different reasons. She was wondering when the two would be ready for her to help them access their magic and after that, find a job. When the train pulled into Ponyville, both Sonata and Storm looked around at the new surroundings. Sonata was the first to say anything, "Princess Celestia, where are we and what is that tree looking thingy?" Celestia couldn't help but giggle by how Sonata described it. She replied, "We are in Ponyville and that is where Princess Twilight Sparkle lives, that is where we will find not only Adagio but Sunset Shimmer." Out of the three, Sunset got along the best with Sonata prior to her death. She asked, "For realsies, Dagi and Sunset are there?" Celestia replied, "Unless Twilight is out and about, most likely." Sonata was excited to see not only Adagio but Sunset as well. The only time she had ever seen Twilight was when they were defeated in the battle of the bands so she wasn't so sure about her. While Storm and Sonata were looking around, Celestia and Colgate were unloading the cargo. Celestia asked, "So Colgate, how happy do you think Twilight and Sunset will be to see I fixed this?" Colgate sighed, "I don't know but I just hope that when she uses this cursed thing that nothing comes through." She paused for a moment before adding, "You know, I'm thinking maybe you should tell Twilight that she has to have somepony on this side of the mirror to protect Equestria." Celestia knew that Colgate likely would have preferred that she put a seal on that mirror and kept it away from Twilight but she knew what she did was wrong. She replied, "Colgate, I took her and Sunset away from their human friends. I think this is the least I can do for them and the good thing is it seems like almost no time has passed in the human world so their friends should still be the same age." Colgate mumbled, "Whatever, I still think this is a bad idea." Celestia went silent as she knew that any further communication with Colgate over this would be pointless. She knew of Colgate's overall opinion of the human world and Twilight traveling back through. Once they got to the castle Celestia knocked on the door, "Twilight, do you think we can talk?" Relations between Twilight and Celestia had soured somewhat since Adagio's return to Equestria and the destruction of the mirror. After a minute she yelled, "What is it?" Celestia replied, "Twilight, I need to talk to you and Aria needs to speak to Adagio." Twilight opened the door and by her side was Adagio and Sunset. Out of the three, Sunset was the least pleased to see her. She sighed, "What do you want?" She first turned to Adagio, "Adagio, I need you to come out here. Aria wants to speak to you about something very important." On most days Adagio got along fine with Aria but it was this one day that she still didn't want to have to deal with her. She then heard Aria's voice, "Dagi, just come out. I'm not the only one here who wants to see you." She sighed in frustration and headed out but would stop in shock when she saw who was with Aria. Her jaw dropped open, "It can't be! Celestia destroyed the mirror and you two are supposed to be dead." Sonata rushed to Adagio, embraced her and exclaimed, "It is us, Aria talked to Celestia about reviving us, both of us!" This was something that shocked Adagio more than anything, Aria being the one to be behind all this. She turned to Aria and said, "She's shitting me, there is no way that you would ever do this. The Aria Blaze I know would never have Sonata revived, much less her boyfriend, the one you killed." Before Aria could respond Storm replied, "Adagio, Sonata isn't lying about this. It was Aria's idea that Celestia resurrect both of us and bring us to Equestria." Adagio was still having trouble believing this. She knew how to get her sister to tell her the truth, she knew that using the same words with her that she used with her after the death of Sonata would do the trick. She approached Aria and asked, "Aria, I would love to know when the bad girl I used to know became such a softy." This did not get the angry outburst out of Aria that Adagio was expecting. Aria calmly replied, "Dagi, we were both sad this morning. It is just a matter of me wanting to bring Sonata back. I wouldn't say it is a matter of me being a softy, it is a matter of me finally being something I should have always been, a good sister." Sonata added, "Yeah and now she is a great sister!" Adagio again wanted to test Aria, "You know what Aria, you are the worst!" Aria held her head low and replied, "I know Dagi, I know I'm the worst. I've been the worst ever since we got banished to the human world. I'm not going to deny it......" All the negativity was really starting to bother Sonata. She yelled, "Please Dagi, stop! Aria has changed and this is proof of it! She is being the true siren sister she once was and that is all I want for us, to be true siren sisters!" Aria added, "And like I told you when Celestia destroyed that mirror and Colgate got you that job at the hospital, siren sisters are always there for one another, always!" It did bother Adagio some that now it was her that was causing Sonata undue stress despite her only testing Aria. She sighed, "Sonata, I was merely testing Aria and she has proven she has changed. She truly is the siren sister she once was." Storm had no clue as to what the three were talking about but wanted to find out. He asked, "Sonata, what is this whole siren sister thing?" Sonata put her arm around him and replied, "We can talk to you about that later but for now, I'd love it if we could get some tacos!" Aria laughed, "Oh you and your tacos!" Colgate was still with them and she commented, "Well I'm taking all four of you out for tacos and I'm paying....." Before she could finish her statement Sonata squealed, "For realsies, you're taking us out for tacos!" Colgate replied, "For realsies now let me go talk to Celestia. She needs to know where we are going." Once Colgate headed into the palace to tell Celestia, Aria had a huge smile on her face. She felt like finally they could be what they lost over a thousand years of being, true sisters. She knew that no longer would they have being humans corrupting them and with Sonata back, it was like the team was back together.