
by Someguy458

Chapter 11: Why I Forgave You

Two nights later, Thorax reflected on everything that'd happened to him during his stay in Equestria.

Over the past week, he'd attacked Rarity, nearly gotten tortured by Luna, been offered a chance at atonement with Rarity, barely survived a visit from her parents, shared love with her, and now, the public knew about him. And while they weren't exactly enthused, they were at least indifferent towards him now (for the most part; there were still a dozen or so ponies that wanted him gone).

He supposed he should count himself lucky; if he'd landed anywhere else, his reception definitely wouldn't have been as warm. And he'd met so many nice ponies since coming here. Twilight was really smart, but not always a fast thinker, and that kept it interesting; Spike was really witty, and Thorax enjoyed what little time they'd spent together so far; Applejack was always straightforward with how she felt, but not as harsh as Pharynx; Fluttershy was just so darn cute that it hurt; Pinkie Pie was a constant sugar buzz, even if he could glean hints of an underlying depression at times; Rainbow Dash was... well, she was fast; and they were all so forgiving!

And Rarity....

Just the thought of her made him smile. He couldn't quite describe how he felt about her; it was like he knew that, as long as she was around, he'd be safe and happy. They'd given each other so much that he wished they could've met sooner.

But one question still lingered on his mind.

"Why did you forgive me?"

Rarity paused her work, turning back towards Thorax. "Whatever do you mean, Thorax?"

Thorax looked down at the ground. "I know why you don't hate me right now — I've been working hard to atone, and you're really appreciative — and I'm thankful for that. But what I don't understand is why you were willing to give me this shot in the first place. You could've sent me to the dungeons, or to the Moon, or sent me back to my old Hive and let Queen Chrysalis decide what to do with me. But you didn't. Why?"

Rarity paused to think of an explanation. As she did, she glanced idly around her workroom.

Then she looked down at all the gems she was using, and the perfect explanation came into her head. "Did I ever tell you about the time I was kidnapped by Diamond Dogs?"

Thorax gasped. "You were? Why?"

She nodded. "They wanted to use my talent for finding gems, and tried to force me to work for them. It was one of the most frightening experiences of my life at the time."

"Well, how'd you escape?"

She smirked. "With a little bit of quick thinking, I was able to make myself more hassle than I was worth, and they let me go with all the gems I'd collected under their supervision."

Thorax nodded unsurely. "Okay… but what does this have to do with me?"

"The point is that I could've held a grudge against all Diamond Dogs from then on."

Thorax blinked. "And you… didn't?"

She nodded. "As I later learned, the Diamond Dogs who'd kidnapped me were only a small offshoot that hadn't let go of their mining origins. Most Diamond Dogs live in the mountains further east, where they've actually become rather civilized thanks to their close proximity to Baltimare. In fact, I've got an order in the back room for a particularly generous dam's maternity gown; it's going to be quite stunning, with the white trim perfectly outlining her—"


The pony in question stopped her ramble, blushing slightly. She cleared her throat, "Yes, well, the point is, I could've closed myself from them because I had a bad experience with some. But if I had, I would've missed out on connections I never would've had otherwise. Hay, I've even started trying to get back in contact with those that kidnapped me, but on more proper terms this time. It's slow, but progress is certainly being made."

"But what about me? I hurt you far more permanently than those Diamond Dogs clearly did!" Thorax now had tears in his eyes.

Rarity stood up from her work. "You made a mistake, that is true, but I can hardly blame you, given your circumstances at the time. I simply couldn't live with myself if I didn't give you a chance."

Thorax blushed, and yet the frown remained. "I'm nothing special…"

Rarity stepped closer, a look of absolute seriousness on her face. "You, Thorax, are one of the kindest ponies I've ever met."

The tears were now beginning to double. "Even including Fluttershy?"

"Even including her."

He looked down at the ground, blushing and crying more fiercely than ever. Rarity responded by embracing him in her forelegs, an exact mirror of their positions that fateful night when they first met.

"I've never once regretted the decision I made. Even if I could go back in time and talk to my past self, I wouldn't do it, because no matter what I'd say, I know the answer would still be —"

But Rarity's admission snagged in her throat as Thorax, unable to hold back anymore, lunged forwards…

And planted a kiss on her lips.

She was stunned at first, but he quickly realized what he was doing and drew back, stammering with worry and embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, you're just so nice to me... I-I think I love y—"

Suddenly, Rarity silenced him with a hoof tip. She gave him a very knowing look, before she kissed him much deeper, wrapping her forearms around him to draw him closer. He was also shocked, but lost himself in the passion of the kiss.

When they finally parted, they panted for breath, lost in each other's eyes. Then Rarity smirked, pulling him back in for Round 3.

Then Sweetie Belle walked in, followed by the other Crusaders. "Hey sis, I'm —"

Everypony froze at the sight of the two Changelings making out.

Finally, Apple Bloom spoke: