//------------------------------// // Shadows Return // Story: Cybertron Girls // by SonicSpeedster97 //------------------------------// The bowels of the Nemesis echoed with the sounds of raw rage as Megatron bashed his way through various footsoldiers, working off his anger. “The AllSpark, all but within my grasp! And once again, Optimus Prime and his Autobots find a way to stand between me and my destiny!” He roared as he blasted several of his soldiers down with his cannon. Starscream smirked from his place in the shadows, remarkably proud of himself for keeping the fact that he was the one to disable Nightbird secret from Megatron. And in it, he saw a chance to get his hands on the AllSpark first. “My liege, if I might be so bold-” He flinched in fear as Megatron’s flail suddenly embedded itself in the wall next to him. “Far too bold, Starscream!” the gunmetal warlord growled. “Do I look as if I’m in the mood to listen to your preening?!” Starscream had always feared Megatron, even amidst all his maddening schemes. “Please my lord, I wish only to serve you. And- And I have a plan to do just that.” Megatron snarled as he retrieved his flail. “Be brief.” “While I agree that Nightbird was a worthy warrior, her failure was far more than disappointing.” Starscream relented. “Thus I volunteer to infiltrate the Autobot base myself and attempt to bring you the map to the AllSpark.” “And if you should fail as well?” Megatron asked rightly. “Then I assure you, My Liege, that you will never hear from me again.” Starscream bowed nobly. Megatron nearly said something before the ship’s coms toned. “Lord Megatron.” The warlord was growing weary of these interruptions. “Speak, Soundwave.” “Unknown signal detected on Decepticon communication frequency, requesting GroundBridge.” This surprised both Megatron and Starscream. “Perhaps one of our lost brothers has emerged from stasis.” the commander suggested. “Possibly, Starscream. But I will not risk anything, on the off-chance it is Autobot duplicity.” Megatron snarled. “Soundwave, send the nearest patrol unit to the origin of the signal. They will determine who exactly is contacting us.” “As you command, Lord Megatron,” Soundwave reported. As it turned out, the closest unit was Motormaster, as well as Dead End, the now healed Breakdown, Wildrider, and a gold bot whose alt-mode was obviously an Indy Car, all currently taking something of a rest in Upstate New York. Motormaster sighed as he stood up and looked at his team, having just gotten off the coms. “Alright Stunticons, up ‘n at em. We’ve got new orders; someone's makin’ a GroundBridge request a few kliks north. We gotta make sure we can trust it.” “Why should we trust anyone? We’re called Decepticons for a reason.” Dead End pointed out. “Cmon Dead End, don’t bring the mood down.” Wildrider ordered. “Besides, if it’s Autobots, then we get to scrap ‘em!” “That’s the spirit,” Motormaster smirked. “Now… Stunticons, Metal to the Peddle!” That was all they had to hear before they all transformed and roared off down the road after the signal. Totally unaware of the watchful eyes viewing them from above. “Hey guys, we’ve got some old friends up ahead,” Rainbow smirked from the air. “Sending you a pic now.” Prowl and Cliffjumper smirked when they saw the images of the Stunticons on their screens. “Well, well, well… Motormaster again,” Cliffjumper remarked. “He nailed Brawn over Nightbird last time, and I’d bet half my Energon rations he’s after her again.” “Sure seems to know where he’s going,” Rainbow remarked. “Think I’ll buzz down and say hi.” “Hold off on that; we’re closing on their rears,” Prowl ordered. “Think I’ll try and get their attention myself first. Cliff, fall back a bit.” Cliffjumper quickly did as he was ordered, allowing Prowl to turn on his lights and siren. The Indy Car saw this in his rear-view and scowled. “Hey boss, we got Autobots. Betcha I can kill ‘em all before you do.” Quickly he transformed and jumped onto the back of Motormaster, firing back at the two Autobots. “Gah! Hey, no free rides bolt-brain!” Motormaster reminded. “Breakdown, Wildrider, pull back and hold them off. Dragstrip… race you to the coordinates.” “Oh, it’s on!” Dragstrip could never turn down a challenge so he jumped off his commander, transformed, and floored it down the road. Breakdown and Wildrider did as they were ordered and fell back, flipping weapons out of their sides and firing back at the two Autobots, who quickly swerved to avoid the fire. “We’ve got this covered, Rainbow. Get after Motormaster and the others and find out what they’re after.” Prowl ordered. “On it,” Rainbow smirked and fired her boosters to swiftly catch up to the last three Stunticons, swooping down to Dragstrip and transforming, running alongside him with a smirk as her hair condensed into a rainbow-colored helmet. “Hey there.” “Wha- more Autobots?” He was reasonably annoyed by this. “No way; I’m not losin’ here, especially not to some femme with wings. I’ve got a rep to maintain.” Rainbow smiled; this guy seemed about as obsessed with winning contests as her, if not more so. She smirked; she could use that. “Well, here’s your chance buddy. Race ya!” Her power suddenly activated and she dashed down the road ahead of the astounded Dragstrip, leaving a rainbow-colored blur in her wake. Dragstrip just snarled. “No one outraces me. No one.” With that in mind, he fired his engines and opened a nitrous valve, sending him flying down the road after her. “Dragstrip, you idiot! Wait for us!” Motormaster growled and roared after him in anger, Dead End swiftly pursuing. As Rainbow dashed ahead, she saw exactly what it was the Stunticons were after; Nightbird, in a clearing of the woods holding a ramshackle transmitter and screeched to a stop. “Huh. I thought those lunkheads were here after you.” Obviously, she was right, as Dragstrip roared up and transformed, horrifically angry. “No one outraces me and lives to tell about it.” Dragstrip snarled as he raised a massive blaster, firing on Rainbow in rage. Dash simply dashed around him, dodging every blast and returning fire with a few blasters she’d stolen from the Ark without Red Alert realizing it. But even she realized she was in over her head when Motormaster and Dead End arrived and began supporting Dragstrip, forcing her to take cover and turn on her com. “Hey Cliff, I really hate to be the ‘a little help’ girl, but… A little help?” “Kinda busy right now!” Cliffjumper noted as he and Prowl were pinned down by fire from Wildrider and Breakdown. It was just then that a communique came in from the base. “Autobots, return to base.” It was Optimus, and from his voice, everyone could tell it was urgent. “I’d love to, Optimus, but I’d love even more to stop Megatron from getting Nightbird.” Rainbow pointed out. “You should have interchangeable warheads for your missiles. Try hitting her with a pulse charge; that oughtta wipe her drives.” Wheeljack ordered. “Worth a shot, I guess.” Rainbow shrugged and quickly found exactly the swap function. Quickly, she prepped a pulse charge and leveled it at Nightbird, smirking when she saw the Stunticons standing near her. “Say goodnight, boys!” The rocket was let loose and when it impacted with the ‘Cons, they all froze, surrounded by electric currents and crying out in pain. With the Decepticons immobilized, Rainbow quickly switched to jet mode and took to the air. “See you guys back at the Ark, Cliff!” “We’ll be waiting!” Cliffjumper smiled as he tossed out a grenade at the other two Stunticons, surrounding them in a large cloud of gas that suddenly grew a strange crystalline form around them. “Ha-ha! Ah, I love glass gas.” “Cmon Cliff, let’s roll!” Prowl ordered as they both transformed and roared back down the road, straight through a GroundBridge. The pulse charge swiftly wore off as Motormaster snarled at Dragstrip, swiftly bashing him down with a backhand. “Next time I tell you to wait for me, maybe you’ll listen.” “I never lose a race.” Dragstrip insisted. “And that rainbow-colored freak just changed that. But not for long.” “Later, Dragstrip.” the commander ordered. “We’ve got a mission; let’s finish it. Dead End, go round up Wildrider and Breakdown. I’ll call for a ride.” Dead End just sighed and transformed as he roared down the road. “Motormaster to Nemesis; the communique is legit. It’s Nightbird.” Obviously, Megatron was more than a bit surprised to hear that, but also remarkably happy. “Is that so?” He didn’t see the look of surprise on Starscream’s face – mostly because he didn’t care – and instead looked straight to his communications officer. “Soundwave, send the GroundBridge. And have Bombshell report to the bridge.” The order was quickly followed as the GroundBridge opened near the site. “Dragstrip, pick her up,” Motormaster ordered as Dead End, Wildrider and Breakdown rolled up. “Bout damn time. What kept you?” “Cliffjumper. Glass gas.” Breakdown explained simply as he transformed rather stiffly. “Mm, I hate that stuff.” Motormaster nodded. “Alright, let’s move.” Dragstrip scowled as he hoisted Nightbird’s offline body over his shoulder as they all marched through the GroundBridge, to the bridge of the massive battlecruiser. “Lord Megatron, our champion has returned.” “Excellent. Your service will be rewarded, Motormaster.” Megatron nodded, turning to the beetle that started this madness. “Bombshell, examine Nightbird’s drives.” “You might wanna take an especially close look,” Motormaster instructed. “The Autobots’ rainbow-colored flyer hit us with a pulse charge; might’ve fried some of her systems.” “Thankfully, my Cerebro-Shells are extremely well-protected against EMP weapons,” Bombshell assured as he removed the shell from Nightbird’s head, plugging it into the computer. And what he saw amazed him. “Incredible. Lord Megatron, our creation has succeeded in her mission; we have a practically complete map to the location of the AllSpark.” Megatron was more than amazed as he looked at the practically dead machine in the Stunticon’s arms. Swiftly, he grabbed her up from Dragstrip’s arms and walked off the bridge. “Soundwave, cross-reference the map with charts of this world. I will be in the medical bay.” And indeed, that’s where he went, welcomed by Knock Out and Flatline, fairly surprised by the sight of Nightbird in his arms. “Ah, Lord Megatron. Quite a surprise to have our old human-built friend here.” “Though a perfectly welcome surprise, of course.” Flatline assured. “Which is, of course, more than can be said for the fact that she has succeeded in her mission.” Megatron smiled, laying Nightbird down on the surgical slab. “And for her loyalty to the Decepticon Empire, she shall be rewarded greatly. And made a true Decepticon.” Knock Out seemed confused by what he meant. “You mean…?” “Indeed Knock Out; I want you to give her true life,” Megatron assured. “A full Cybertronian rebuild; biotech systems, a T-Cog, and a Spark.” “Lord Megatron, with all due respect; cloning the biotech and T-Cog we can do, but how are we supposed to give Nightbird a Spark without access to the AllSpark?” Flatline asked seriously. “A wise question indeed, Flatline.” Knock Out agreed. Megatron simply scowled at his medical staff as he activated his comlink. “Soundwave, contact Shockwave; order him to SpaceBridge to the Nemesis to assist our medical staff.” “As you command, Lord Megatron.” The warlord glared at his medical crew as he raised his eyebrow. “Satisfied?” He didn’t wait for an answer; he simply turned to leave the sickbay. “I expect progress next time I arrive.” With that, he left the medical bay and returned to the bridge. “Soundwave, report.” “Shockwave has been contacted. ETA of SpaceBridge; 30 nanocycles.” Soundwave reported. “AllSpark map data has apparently been corrupted by the Autobot’s pulse charge.” Megatron scowled. “Pull whatever resources you need; just get that map decrypted. I want the AllSpark in my hand.” “As you command, Lord Megatron.” It was just then that a SpaceBridge portal opened at the back of the bridge, allowing a remarkably intimidating Decepticon to come forth. Megatron smiled as he saw this soldier arrive. “Ah, Shockwave. Welcome to the Nemesis.” The newcomer was deep purple with a large cannon in place of his left hand, connected to a massive, armored backpack by a large cable. But what really set this Decepticon apart from all the others was his singular cyclopic gold eye in the center of his otherwise empty face. The Autobots had no idea what they were in for.