Rainbow Talks

by SugarHoneyIceTea123

Sandbar and Yona need to talk…

“…Sandbar?” Yona said, jostling the light weight leaning against her.

“Mm! I’m awake, I’m awake!” Came a reply as Yona saw her boyfriend jolt up in her peripheral, shaking off whatever vestiges of sleep that were still on him. He took a few frantic looks around to confirm that he was still, indeed, in their treehouse in the Everfree, with Yona being his only current companion. The two absconded to the treehouse after classes ended for the day in order to have some time alone with each other. The light outside told Sandbar that he hadn’t been dozing for very long.

Yona couldn’t help but giggle. “Yona make for comfy bed, Sandbar?”

Sandbar looked down, giving a sheepish, apologetic smile. “Sorry, babe. Late study-sesh last night. Though part of me thinks you don’t really mind all that much…” he said, raising an eyebrow at her.

Yona merely nodded. “Yona likes that Sandbar feel safe around Yona. Plus, Yona really likes pony-cuddles.”

Sandbar smiled and nestled himself back into Yona’s side, nuzzling his head against hers. “Preach. So, what’s up?”

Yona blushed a bit as she looked away, embarrassed. “Ah… Remember when Sandbar told Yona about how boyfriend was… Poly…? Poly…?”

Sandbar gave her a look, unsure of where this was going. “Polyamorous?”

Yona nodded, glad that Sandbar remembered for her. “Yes! That! How Sandbar felt he could be in love with… more than one creature.”

Sandbar suddenly felt apprehensive, wondering why Yona brought this up so suddenly. He rolled over to his back and scooched himself so that his face was directly below Yona’s, looking up at her. “Yeah, I also remember saying that I was perfectly fine being exclusive with you. I know polyamory isn’t for everycreature. I’m not about to do anything to make you uncomfortable.”

Yona’s eyes widened as she shook her head. “No! No! Nothing like that! Yona just wondering…?”

Sandbar raised an eyebrow. “Wondering what?”

Yona didn’t meet his eyes, and he could tell from this close up that she was blushing under her caramel brown fur. “How… How would polyamorous relationship work? What… What do creatures do when…?”

Sandbar was still confused, but saw nothing wrong with giving Yona an honest answer. “Well, it depends on the polycule.”

Yona looked down. “Polycule?”

Sandbar nodded. “Just a word for a group of creatures who are part of a polyamorous relationship. Sometimes, polycules are closed off, meaning it’s just those creatures and no one else. Sometimes, it’s an open relationship, meaning everycreature is free to date whoever they want. Sometimes, everycreature in a polycule is dating everycreature else, equally. Sometimes, one creature might be dating one creature in the polycule and no one else.”

“It’s like any other relationship. You do what feels comfortable and you be open and honest with what you want and what you’re expecting.” Sandbar finished explaining, though still giving Yona a not-too-accusatory look. “Why do you ask?” Sandbar asked, now really interested in getting to the meat of things.

Yona still kept her eyes off of him, clearly debating something with herself if her scrunched muzzle was any indication. (Sandbar had to fight off an urge to lean up and kiss it)

“Yona… Yona might be having feelings. Romantic feelings… For somecreature other than Sandbar…”

The treehouse was so silent, all that could be heard were the birds chirping outside.

“Oh.” Was all that Sandbar said.

Whatever Yona heard in that simple ‘Oh’ started to make her panic, as she looked down at Sandbar with manic concern. “Not that Yona doesn’t want to date Sandbar anymore! Yona does! Yona wants to keep going on dates and cuddling and kissing, Yona really likes the kissing part!”

Despite his girlfriend obviously going through a bit of a panic, Sandbar couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, I like the kissing part, too.”

“But, Yona has been thinking… about doing those things… with somecreature else.” Yona said, becoming slightly more comfortable as she started to realize that Sandbar didn’t look upset at all. In fact, he had a slight smile on his face as he absorbed everything.

“That so? Anyone I know?” Sandbar asked, genuinely curious.

Yona grumbled, glad that Sandbar was being so accepting but also embarrassed at letting out so much at once. “Swf Ft…” Yona mumbled under breath.


Yona inhaled, held the breath for a second, then exhaled as she looked down at Sandbar’s kind, patient eyes. “…Swift Foot.”

Sandbar cocked his head, surprised. “Really? Huh, didn’t think you were even into girls?”

Yona glanced to the side, giving an annoyed huff. “Neither did Yona, until recently.”

Sandbar couldn’t help but muse at the irony of the whole situation. It was no secret to any of their friends that Sandbar held quite the candle for Swift Foot when they first met her, awestruck by her beauty and grace.

Course, that was all before he and Yona started dating. Swift Foot’s sudden disappearance after the Feats of Friendship more or less sputtered that crush to the ground. Even after they and their friends reunited with Swift Foot (and subsequently learned about her extremely complicated family situation), Sandbar was with Yona by that point and didn’t see much reason to reopen old feelings. And if Swift had ever noticed his massive crush on her, she clearly never made mention of it.

Still, Sandbar couldn’t deny that Swift Foot was still just as gorgeous as ever.

And, apparently, Yona agreed.

“What do you like about her?” Sandbar asked.

“Huh?” Yona turned back to look at him, definitely not expecting that particular question. For a split second, Yona was worried that Sandbar was upset or jealous (especially considering his past affections for Swift Foot), but he seemed genuinely interested.

“Uh… Yona likes how sharp Swift Foot is. She’s smart, wily. Yona likes how she lets no one tell her what to do.”

As Yona went on, she found it became easier and easier to gush about her crush with her boyfriend, regardless of how strange that sentence sounded in her head.

“And… And Yona just so proud of how strong she is! So much strength to stand up to family and to do right thing, even if…” Yona faltered a bit. “Even if doing right thing hurts her. And Yona hates seeing Swift Foot hurting. Yona just wants to scoop Swift Foot into big hug and tell her that Yona sees all the effort she makes. Tell her how amazing she is.”

Sandbar couldn’t keep the wide grin off of his face as Yona put to words nearly the exact same thoughts he had.

“And… recently… Yona been imagining herself doing more than hugging. Yona imagining herself… kissing Swift Foot. Holding Swift Foot close.”

A lot of the same thoughts, apparently.

Sandbar suddenly wiggled himself back onto his hooves, reluctantly pulling himself away from Yona as he stood up.

At first, Yona was worried that she might have said something wrong until Sandbar stepped in front of her, laying down so that he was facing her before putting his hooves on her’s.

“So…” Sandbar began, giving an understanding smile towards his girlfriend. “Just so I understand the situation correctly, you have a crush on Swift Foot?”

Yona nodded, looking away in shame even though she knew that Sandbar didn’t judge her at all.

“And you’re still in love with me?”

Another nod.

“And you would like to date both of us? At the same time?”

Yona allowed herself a quick glance towards him, tears threatening to form at the corners of her eyes. “Is… Is that okay?”

Sandbar gave a light laugh as he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “It’s more than okay, Yona, it’s wonderful. The heart wants what it wants, and you have such a massive heart. It’s no surprise to me that you have more than enough love for both me and Swift.”

Yona couldn’t help but chuckle, wiping away the not-quite-tears. “Yona does have massive chest. Makes sense heart would be too.”

The two shared a laugh, but that quickly died down as the gravity of what exactly they were discussing was beginning to weigh down.

“So, to put this in very clinical, but still necessary terms, you want to try a polycule with you, me and Swift Foot?” Sandbar offered.

Yona nodded. “If Swift Foot is okay with it. If she doesn’t want to date Yona and Sandbar, we… we accept that. And she will still be our friend.” Yona said, adamantly.

“Obviously. That was never in doubt.” Sandbar said, before an apprehensive look passed over his face. One Yona immediately caught on to. “Are you… Are you okay with me dating Swift Foot, too?”

Yona nodded vigorously, wanting to leave nothing to doubt. “Yes, Yona already thought about that for long time. Yona wants to do this with Sandbar. Yona wants to share love with both Sandbar and Swift Foot. All three of us, together.”

“All three of us…” Sandbar pondered, his mind imagining all the things he and Yona did together as a couple, only now adding Swift Foot into that mix.

He had to admit, it was a wonderful image… If they could pull it off.

Sandbar sighed, running a hoof down the back of his mane. “You know this is a massive long shot as is, right? We don’t even know how Swift feels about polyamorous relationships in general, much less how she’d feel about being in a polyamorous relationship with us.”
“I’M SUCH A TERRIBLE PONY!!” Swift Foot yelled, crying her eyes out on Ocellus’ desk. The Changeling doing her best to console the despondent Thracian pony making a puddle on her desk with gentle pats on the back.

“There, there.” Ocellus said, deadpan. Under normal circumstances, she would be much more invested in helping a friend through a moment of turmoil, but the specific circumstances made Ocellus just a tad bit annoyed at the sheer irony of it all.

“As if I wasn’t selfish enough thinking I could just waltz back into your lives like nothing happened and Sandbar would just go back to being that love-struck, puppy-eyed, sweetheart! No! Not good enough for selfish Swift Foot to steal Yona’s love from her, I have to go and fall for her, too!!”

Swift Foot looked up at Ocellus, tears and just a little bit of snot dribbling down her otherwise gorgeous face. “Can you blame me?! That Olympian ideal of perfection?! That Amazonian power gifted with the beauty of Aphrodite and the warmth and loving kindness of Hestia! What mere mortal mare could ever hope to not fall in love with her?! Sappho wishes she could make a poem over the feelings I have for that mountain of woman!”

“Mmhmm.” Ocellus hummed, checking the clock on the wall. This little meltdown was verging on almost a half hour now.

“And Sandbar! Sweet, loyal, Sandbar! I toyed with him, Ocellus! Toyed with his affections and used him as a tool! I strung him along like the wicked succubus I was, and he forgave me! Always, he forgave me for every single sleight against you all.”

“And I have the audacity, the gall, to hold a candle for them both?! Am I so selfish and so ungrateful for everything they have done for me that I still wish to steal them from each other?! I’ve learned nothing! I’m still such a terrible pony!

Ocellus sighed again as Swift Foot slammed her face back into the desk for another round of self-loathing. To Swift’s credit, Ocellus admitted to herself, she’s recently been getting a lot better over not blaming herself for her family’s many, many issues… But there was still the occasional relapse.

Made all the more annoying to Ocellus because, given her very nature as a Changeling, she knew for a fact that Sandbar and Yona would both be over the moon to hear Swift Foot’s words. She momentarily considered just flat out telling Swift Foot that both Sandbar and Yona had a crush on her and just let the three have at it.

Still, she bit her tongue. Changeling empathy was often considered a cheat for these sorts of matters. Often, it was a better idea to just let these emotions play out naturally… Regardless of how long it seemed to drag out for.

Ocellus could only hope Sandbar and Yona would hurry it up and ask Swift Foot out already before she took a literal page from Sappho’s book and put her sorrows into poetry.

She just knew that Swift Foot would end up making Ocellus proofread it.