//------------------------------// // The Scouting Party // Story: The Wayfaring Strangers // by BiasedAmerican //------------------------------// While Celestia and Twilight are discussing with their generals at Rarity's Boutique, a Royal Guard scout barges in while they were planning. "What is it?" One of the Generals said as he saw the scout. "Enemy scouts spotted in the Everfree forest! We're not even at war and they're trespassing our borders!" The scout responded, still planting from running. "Ready the garrison, we'll prepare a trap for the enemy scouts, but from which nation?" Celestia asked. "They're Griffons, they sneaked pass our border guards." The scout answered. Celestia began to think, and told the scout, "Go ready the Garrison." The Scout then left to run to the Garrison. Celestia turned to Twilight and asked her, "How good are these humans when fighting?" "No idea, but from what they say, they can take down an entire army." Twilight answered. "Good, alert them of the upcoming battles. I fear that the Great War has started from this act of aggression." Celestia states. Twilight then ran towards the Sugar Cube to find Starlight as she said before the humans arrived that she'll visit there. Then she'll probably wait a few minutes before going to Soviet since him and Luna were socializing. She barged into the Sugar Cube, "Good, Tankery. We need your help, just follow the group of Soldiers going outside Ponyville, they'll lead you there. Starlight and I will go get Soviet." Tankery stood up and heard footsteps walk down the staircase. "Good afternoon" Fluttershy yawned as she looked like she fell asleep. "Wait you're.... You are.. you're Fluttershy, right?" Tankery asked. Fluttershy nodded yes. "Ah, I was wondering where you were. But all of you stay safe and don't go outside." Tankery said as he grabbed his AKM and ran outside. And as he ran out the door, he noticed Elta asleep, from possibly food coma. "Starlight, come. We gotta get Soviet." She reminded. Starlight stood up and followed Twilight. As Tankery went out of the Sugar Cube, he noticed the spy him and Soviet were messing with earlier. "Must be waiting for the scouts." Tankery said to himself. He then followed the group of Royal Guard soldiers heading outside of Ponyville. "God I hope they're not going too far out. I was starting to like this place." Tankery muttered to himself as he ran. As Twilight and Starlight opened the main doors and walked through the main halls of the Castle, Starlight asked. "So Soviet, what's he like?" She asked. "Well he's, wait, how do you know? We haven't told you his name." Twilight pointed out. "Well uhh.... Me and spike were hiding under the table and behind the bookshelf." Starlight answered awkwardly. "Weird, but anyways, he's.... Interesting. Celestia and I left him and Luna in the table room so they can become friends, after what Soviet did. But surprisingly, they seemed to be getting along before we left." Twilight answered. "Wait, what did he do?" Asked Starlight. "He kind of stabbed Princess Luna." Twilight replied. "He WHAT?!" Starlight screamed. "But they both apologized since they were both kind of at fault. And besides, I'm sure they're great friends now." Twilight chuckled awkwardly. "Hopefully you're right, can't have another accident happen between those two again." Starlight sighed. As they arrived at the door to the table room, they saw Spike pass by and Twilight asked. "Hey spike? Has anyone gotten in or out of this room?" Spike nodded no. Twilight knocked on the door, "It's Twilight and Starlight, we're coming in." Soviet got up and spoke to Luna, "Shit we gotta hide!" He rushed up and helped Luna get up. He grabbed his M16 and quickly disassembled it on the floor as Luna went with Soviet's plan. The two entered the room and saw a rifle, broken, on the floor. Twilight looked at Luna and asked, "Uhm.. Princess? What happened to your mane?" She asked as Luna's mane was in disarray. "You too, your uniform and helmet are messy and backwards. And what kind of mask you have is upside down." Starlight pointed out. Soviet chuckled and said, "Don't worry about it." He chuckled awkwardly. "Yes yes, no need to worry. This gentleman was showing me his... weapon.. that is broken..?" Luna added. "Okay.... Oh, and Soviet. We need your help, your friend already went to the outskirts of Ponyville, go and find him because we need your help to defend from an enemy attack." Twilight replied. "Yes, ma'am." Soviet said as he ran off, fixing his uniform. Luna walked out saying, "And I have uhhh, something to go to-" she was cut off. "Princess, if I may. I know you're our leader and I'm no fashion expert, but we have to do something about your mane. It looks roughed up." Starlight pointed. "Why yes, that is greatly appreciated of you, Starlight." Luna accepted. The three went to find Rarity to go to the spa and hair salon to relax and fix Luna's mane. But as they left, Twilight and Starlight noticed that Luna was getting a little weak, and Twilight asked, "Are you sure he didn't do anything to you? Did he attack you in any way?" "No dear, he didn't do anything harmful to me. We had a wonderful time." Luna answered. 10 minutes later... "Alright, I'm here and I'm hungry." Soviet said as he arrived to the newly erected defenses the Royal Guard set up as they await for the oncoming enemy force. "Yeah, we're just waiting for the recon unit to hit us, haven't seen them yet, but I'm guessing they're close." Tankery added. "Alrighty, I guess we'll camp here. Did you happen to bring any food?" Soviet asked. "No? Wait, you ate earlier. What did you do when I was gone?" Tankery asked. "Well, nothing, just got hungry." Soviet answered. "Yeah... sure..." Tankery replied, suspecting something. Meanwhile on the other side of the town, the trio arrived at Rarity's Boutique and Rarity screamed, "Oh dear! Princess, what happened to your hair?!" Luna gulped while blushing, "I'd prefer not to say." "Hmmm... but anyways, we have to go to the Spa to get you relaxed, you seem to be exhausted." Rarity pointed out. Luna agreed and Starlight prefered to stay at the Boutique and said, "I'll just stay here. Today's events took a lot out of me." "That's okay, we'll go to the spa. Stay safe darling." Rarity said as they left. As they left, Twilight asked Luna. "So what did actually happen? Don't worry, you can tell me." "I'll tell you later, but for now, I just need to relax. And I didn't know there was a spa here. But thank you, dear." Luna retorted. Soviet and Tankery were wondering something that was itching their heads. "Alright, let's test it. Get a M252, I'll get the ammunition." Tankery spawned the mortar and Soviet spawned a box of mortar rounds. As they did, the Guards around them were curious and surrounded them to see what they were doing. There were murmurs heard and Soviet and Tankery can clearly hear them, the guards don't trust them but nonetheless, they are curious on what was happening. Tankery and Soviet got into positions as Tankery was the gunner and Soviet multi tasked and became the loader, spotter, and commander. Soviet grabbed his binoculars and grabbed a round. He yelled, "Adjust, One Two Five! Smoke! Fire for effect!" Tankery adjusted the mortar. Soviet then put a round that had a grey outline on it and inserted it into the tube. He and Tankery both covered their ears as they looked downwards while kneeling. A loud hollow bang was heard as the guards around the duo screamed and immediately dove into the ground as they were scared. Soviet got up and pulled out his binoculars, he looked towards the hill he was aiming for and he saw a puff of smoke rise. He looked around for the Scout and yelled, "Scout! Get over here." The scout then ran towards him and Soviet asked, "Which way is the enemy coming from?" The scout pointed West, and Soviet immediately looked at West with his binoculars and saw a group of Griffons and Changelings that seem to be lightly armed, as they seemed to be wondering what that loud bang was. Soviet yelled, "Hostiles! West! Everyone, stay here. We'll handle this." Soviet then looked at Tankery, "Adjust, West! Six, Five, Two! Smoke! Fire for effect!" Soviet grabbed another shell with the same outline and dropped it into the tube. This time, the guards knew what to do so they covered their ears and so did the duo. There was the same thud noise earlier and Soviet got his binoculars and looked at the hostile group. He cheered, "Direct hit!" But the guards were confused as all they knew was that they just fired magical smoke at them that did absolutely nothing. A few seconds earlier, the Griffon Sergeant asked one of his squadmates, "Do you know what that sound was?." "I haven't heard of it before, sir." The soldier replied. Then, they heard another bang, this time, it was in the middle of their squad. Smoke filled the area as the Soldiers screamed. "Calm down! It's just smoke, they're trying to obscure our vision! Quickly, move forwards!" The Sergeant yelled. Everyone was confused on what was happening, but they followed their Sergeant's orders and ran towards Ponyville. Soviet grabbed another shell and said, "Adjust! Six, Four, Nine! Willie Pete! Fire for effect!" He inserted a shell that had a pure white outline, and everyone covered their ears as the nearby guards watched in shock. Soviet pulled out his binoculars and saw another type of smoke appear in the middle of the Griffon squad, but this time, the smoke had sparks and it reached outwards instead of slowly expanding. A few seconds passed as they started to hear screaming and saw a fire spread in the small group of trees the Griffon squad was in. The scout asked in horror, "What is that?! And why are they screaming?!" Soviet replied, "It's white phosphorus, it's a chemical that sticks to almost anything, it burns anything it comes in contact in. In this case, the enemy scouts." The scout gasped and said to Soviet, "H-how is this possible?! We could've taken them prisoner! We could've gotten information out of the-" she was cut off. Soviet cut her off as he said, "There's a spy in Ponyville already, and we could get information out of him. It's a changeling, and he has the information we need. So go report to the Princess that Soviet and Tankery had dealt with the enemy encounter." Soviet ordered. The scout gulped and followed his command as she walked off in shock. Meanwhile the short dispatch of the enemy was happening, on the other side of town, Luna, Twilight, and Rarity as they were getting spa treatment in robes on chairs to relax. "So darling, how is your mane?" Rarity asked as her mane recently was combed and treated. "It's doing wonderfully, thank you for asking. How are your hoofs?" Luna asked as Rarity's hoofs were getting massaged, "They're doing marvelous." Rarity answered. Twilight was still curious, so she asked again. "So you said you'd ask me later, what happened in that room? I've never seen your mane or you that exhausted for basically staying in one room for less than an hour." Twilight pointed out. Luna sighed, and said. "Okay, I'll tell you since you keep insisting. But. Neither of you can tell anyone else, especially not my dear sister, got it?" Luna asked. Rarity and Twilight nodded. "Okay, so. What happened was, chapter 56 of Starswirl's study of genetics." said Luna. Rarity was confused and Twilight was trying to remember to what she was referring to, and she immediately remembered. "Ohh! So what happened wa-" Twilight paused as she now understood what happened and her pupils shrunk. "So you guys did-" "Yes." "So when we left, you-" "Yes." "How?" "His quote on quote, magic, my dear." Both Luna and Twilight talked between another. Rarity was still confused, and asked. "I'm lost my Dear Twilight. So what happened?" Twilight got up from her seat and whispered to Rarity. Rarity gasped and said, "I didn't know you would do such a thing, Princess." Rarity said as she chuckled a bit. "What was he like?" "How was he like?" "Did you know his actual name or his actual voice?" Both Rarity and Twilight asked. "Wait, you haven't heard his actual voice?" Rarity asked Twilight, "Well no, I heard that he was using something to change his voice." Twilight replied. Luna chuckled and was flattered, "Now slow down girls, I can't tell you all this just yet. Later, I probably will." The trio kept on laughing and Twilight and Rarity kept asking Luna questions to wear her down but she didn't. "I wonder how the defense are doing." The trio thought. Soviet lead a group of Guardsmen to the spy and already told them to arrest him. One of the guards asked Soviet what they were going to do to him as they held the Changeling in cuffs, "Leave him tied up in the Boutique, tell the Elements of Harmony that I have requested their presence there tomorrow in the afternoon." Soviet replied. The guard nodded and left. "Take him away." Soviet said to the remaining guards, they followed his order and took the spy to an unknown location.