Equestria Girls (Web Series) Season 3

by DiamondandIce

Curing an Illness

Strolling around the school grounds is a fellow Canterlot High student who happens to leave the clearing where the Eco Kids club hangs out. This student prefers to meditate in an area full of peace and quiet. He arrived at a location which happened to be some sort of garden filled with different kinds of plants and flowers. He happens to spot a bench by the garden but he prefers to sit on his knees as he pushed the benched a little for him to sit on the ground. 

“Ahhhh, peace and quiet.” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.


“Uh, hello?”

The student lost his moment of silence when he heard someone's voice calling out to him. He slowly opened one eye to see a familiar female face with long green hair and wearing a light brown striped sweater that his girlfriend Rainbow Dash and the girls encountered before with her using a stone that can erase people’s memories.

“Oh good you’re awake. Sorry to wake you up Sky, there is a bench you can sit on rather than sitting there on the ground.” Wallflower Blush said who is holding a pot of flowers. She placed the potted plant next to others of its same kind as she sat on the bench next to him. “So what brings you here? Normally I see you doing your thing at the spot where the Eco Kids are.”

“They’re currently using Wallflower and so it happens I found this place. If you have something to do here, I can leave-”

“Nonono, it's fine. I prefer to have someone to talk to than being alone.”

“Ain’t Roseluck, Lily Valley and Daisy already members of your club?”

“They’re not here yet. So if you could stay here for a while?”

“Sure. Guess I’ll have to resume my meditation when I get back home.” Sky stood up and began doing some stretches.

“Sorry again.”

Sky Blaze looked around to see more plants and flowers are around than before based on the photograph of Wallflower in the school yearbook. She retells about her apologizing to Sunset and the girls about what she did before which they accepted her apology. After that new members joined the Gardening Club and the results are right in front of them.

He then sees a blue flower with orange spots that is out of place with the others. Wallflower notices it as she picks it up and inspects it for she doesn’t recall this flower being here earlier after seeing Sky.

“I’ve never seen this one before?” She said.

“What do you mean?” Sky asked.

“I am the President of the Gardening Club and to my knowledge on flowers and plants, this is the first time I’ve seen this flower.” It then suddenly releases orange pollen as the two immediately move away coughing after inhaling some of it. “That’s *cough* *cough* new. S-Sky, what's happening to you?”

Sky raises his eyebrow and sees he has orange spots on his arms and his face as he points to Wallflower who now has the same thing.


“Okay Mr. Blaze you can close your mouth now.” Nurse redheart said after checking his mouth using a tongue depressor. “Now let me check your heartbeat.”

Sky and Wallflower quickly went to the school clinic after Nurse Redheart was done with Sunset Shimmer who happens to be there. The nurse is checking first on Sky as Wallflower waits for her turn with Sunset standing nearby.

“So what are you doing here?” Wallflower asked.

“My blood pressure went up a little,” Sunset replies. “I just need to avoid doing things that can be stressful…ESPECIALLY WITH SOMEONE WHO I AM NOT DONE WITH YET!” She then raised her voice as her attention shifted to Sky.

*Cough* *cough* “Crap.” Wallflower started to cough out bubbles much to her shock. “Okay am I not the only one who sees that I am coughing bubbles. Because I don’t think this is normal!”

“She’s right.” Nurse Redheart was done checking with Sky. “These aren’t normal chicken pox on your bodies and I haven’t seen this kind of illness before.”

Sunset begins to wonder as she looks at the flower that was placed at the far side of the room. She reaches for her bag and takes out a device made by Sci-Twi and Night Star which is a prototype Equestrian magic detector. She points the device to the plant and her guess was correct, this plant got affected by Equestrian magic and turned it into what they are looking at right now.

Her second guess is that the illness that Wallflower and Sky caught must be Equestrian as she grabs her journal that’s also in her bag and writes a message to Princess Twilight about this. She receives the message from the princess as she immediately backs away from it as she explains that Twilight and the Fluttershy from Equestria encountered this disease called ‘Swamp Fever’ and explained its symptoms. The three were horrified that the worst symptom is that if both Wallflower and Sky aren’t cured soon, they will turn into a tree that carries the disease flower.

“Sunset, you need to help us!” Wallflower said in a panic tone.

“Yes I will.” Sunset said as she backed away from her to avoid getting contact. “I need to get back to Equestria because the cure is there. I just need to find some way to bring that flower back to Equestria to get rid of it without inhaling if it will spray its pollen.”

“Sunset darling are you in here?” Rarity sang as came into the nurse’s office and found whom she was looking for and saw Sky and Wallflower’s condition. “My stars! What happened to them?”

“Long story but I need your help.”


In front of the pedestal, Sunset has the potted flower in her hands but inside a diamond container she asked Rarity to make to contain it.

“If in case their condition starts to worsen…” Sunset hands Rarity and Sci-Twi her journal. “...Inform me by writing in my journal and I will get your message using Twilight’s journal.”

“Please hurry.” Rarity said as she took Sunset’s journal in her hand.

After Sunset entered the portal, the two girls planned to prevent anyone from entering the Nurse’s clinic and to inform Principal Celestia about this. 

“All we just need is for someone to go in there and monitor their conditions to help Nurse Redheart,” Sci-Twi said. “Rarity, do you or Ardee have any hazmat suits you can provide? I’ll go ask Night Star if he has one.”

“Leave it to me darling.”

“Now we just need someone to volunteer to assist Nurse Redheart?” Sci-Twi asked.


A while later inside the school, caution tapes were placed on both sides of the hallway outside the school clinic which caught the attention of the students on what was going on after Principal Celestia announced over the speakers about what happened.

“How is Wallflower doing?” Daisy asked.

“Is she getting worse, is she alright?” Roseluck added.

“THE HORROR, THE HORROR!” Lily Valley overreacts.

“Is my boyfriend okay?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“One by one, they’re doing fine for now.” Rarity said behind the caution tapes preventing anyone, especially the other members of the Rainbooms from going beyond the tape. “Twilight is currently monitoring them from inside.”

Principal Celestia emerged from the crowd of students to check the status of the scenario. Rarity took out her phone and video call Twilight’s phone as the egghead answered it. Since she is the one wearing a hazmat suit she handed her phone to Nurse Redheart to speak with the principal who also caught the disease.

“How are things going in there?” Principal Celestia asked.

“Not…*couch* *cough*...not good.” Nurse Redheart replies after coughing bubbles. “Let’s hope Sunset returns soon with the cure. Sky started to sneeze lightning bolts, now I know what Sunset meant by shock sneezing-”


“Wallflower what’s wrong?” Nurse Redheart moves the screen to Wallflower who starts to sprout leaves on her fingers much to everyone's horror.

“Tell Sunset to hurry!” Wallflower yells from the phone.

The call ended as Rarity opened Sunset's journal and as soon as she wrote a message for Sunset to get back here ASAP…


Sunset appeared from the other side of the hallway and sprinted towards the fashionista and Principal Celstia. She pulls out a jar containing what looks like honey.

“Sorry…if I took…a little longer.” Sunset said panting. “Feed them this honey and they will immediately get cured.”

“Thank goodness you have it. Things became worse after you left.” Rarity took the jar from Sunset and knocked at the door of the clinic as the egghead came out in a hazmat suit. “Here’s the cure, now hurry!”

Sci-Twi nods and goes back inside, closing the door behind her. Everyone patiently waited for them for a few more minutes. The door to the school clinic opened as Sci-Twi got out and took off the suit. Soon Sky Blaze, Nurse Redheart and Wallflower Blush followed from behind, all cured and healthy again. The one who broke the tape was Rainbow Dash as she sprints to her special someone and embraces him relieved that he is okay but then moves away to keep her image.

“Thank you so much Sunset,” Nurse Redheart said.

“Thanks, I owe you one.” Wallflower said as she passed Sunset only to be met by a group hug from her club members.

The Rainbooms approach Sunset to congratulate and give her a group hug for she saved the lives of three people, until…

*Cough* *cough*

The girls quickly backed away from Sunset who coughed bubbles and started to have orange spots on her. She immediately asked if there's any left of the honey which Sci-Twi offered her a spoonful of ash she took it, curing her instantly.

“Man that was close,” Sunset said in relief.

“UHUH,” The rest of the Rainbooms agreed.