//------------------------------// // Chapter 21 // Story: The Greatest Treasure // by Deltorix //------------------------------// I stretched as I got out of bed, then I got dressed and headed for the kitchen while thinking of what had happened the past few days. First Rainbow had her first training day for the Wonderbolts, and from what I heard she messed up badly. She even got the nickname ‘Rainbow Crash’, unfortunately, that upset her. She started copying her friends’ personalities to try and get a better nickname, but it didn't work. She even copied me, now that got her in some trouble. In the end, she learned to live with it and that all the Wonderbolts have embarrassing nicknames. The next day was a surprise to me, Rarity opened a new store in Manehattan and invited us to go with. Naturally, a few Rangers went with us, while most of us stayed behind. The opening went fine but afterwards when we went to eat lunch the only places we could find were the snobby kinds of restaurants that served small portions. When we did eventually find a place, it had such a low rating none of the locals wanted to eat at it, and Rarity wanted to help them. After a lot of arguing between the ponies and the Rangers, eventually everyone came to a compromise and all of us ended up helping. We helped the restaurant flourish as well as taught the locals that food ratings aren't everything. Yesterday was mostly uneventful, I finally convinced Eric to take a day off of training and relax at the spa, but at the same time, Rarity was doing the same thing with Applejack. Unfortunately, the spa was having multiple problems and Applejack spent the whole day fixing it with Eric actually helping her. I think those two are developing a relationship. I finished making a massive breakfast and set the table before using the intercom. “Breakfast is ready, if you don’t come and eat then I won’t make breakfast anymore.” I said with a big grin. I heard a series of footsteps and watched as Rangers and Pokemon walked into the dining room. “Morning everyone, I hope you all slept well.” I said as I took my seat.  I received a few alright’s and meh’s from them, causing me to chuckle a bit as everyone began to eat. “Good, how are the communicators coming along Kat?” I asked her before I started to eat. “They’re coming along great Roger.” She said before taking a bite out of her food. “That's good. How are you feeling RJ? All healed up and ready for some training?” I asked him. RJ nodded his head. “Yes, I am.” “Good good, I want to check on some things then we can start.” I said with a smile then looked over at Cruger. “How is the girl’s training going?”  He just sighed. “They are struggling….a lot.” He said. I nodded my head. “I understand, but they need to work up their strength. But I still think they should be unbonded from their gems, especially because they'll stop aging.” “Stop aging? Then that means they’ll have to suffer the cons of not aging if they remain bonded to the gems, such as staying stuck as children and watching their loved ones, you know.” Cruger said. “Yes, another reason why I didn’t want them to keep them. I will let them keep them for now but if they choose to quit I will contact Keeper from the Dino charged universe so he can un-bond them.” I said while I was eating. Cruger nodded his head. “Alright, then all we have to do is wait and see if they’ll want to continue being Rangers.” “Yeah, though after a year they will be unbonded no matter what, give them a chance to grow up.” I said as I finished my pancakes. “So Cam, how is your project going?” Cam sighed and his head banged against the table. “Bad.”  I cringed a bit. “I know it's tricky but maybe after we get Billy, you, him, and Kat can work together on it if you haven’t got it finished by then.” I told him. “Yeah, I can use the help.” Cam said, lifting his head off the table. “Sorry I couldn't give you more information.” I said then I looked at everyone. “Alright, I think that covers everything I needed to know. Anyone want to ask questions, or let me know any updates?” I received a chorus of no’s in response. “Alright then, you all finish breakfast. I'll go check on Twilight and her friends.” I said as I got up and stretched. I then walked out of the dining room in search of Twilight and her friends. After going inside Twilight’s castle I find her in the library. “Hey, what's up Twilight?”  She jumped and dropped her book. “Roger! Don’t scare me like that…” She picked up the book. “I am looking for any record of these energems as you call them.” “Oh? Well, I would be surprised if you find anything.” I said while leaning on a wall. “How come?” She asked me as she opened the book and began to read it. “Well for one, they were found with dinosaur bones, and two, if they were found before, you would've had a history of Power Rangers on your planet. Also…the ones bonded to the gems…don’t age.” I told her and waited for the response. “Huh, interesting.” She said as she continued to read her book before blinking, and slowly going wide-eyed. She then turned to me with a shocked look, dropping her book in the process. “WHAT?! The Crusaders won’t age?!” She all but shouted. “As long as they are bonded to the gems, yes. Yet another reason why I wanted to separate them, but for now they will keep them until either they quit or one year has passed. After that, I will separate them from the gems and let them grow up.” I told her then rolled my neck.  “B-but one year is too long!! What will happen if they keep the gems?! What if they don’t listen to you?!” Twilight said before she started rambling on about worst-case scenarios. I walked over to her and hit her forehead with two fingers. “Hey, I know a guy that can remove the gem’s power from them, and that year is because they were chosen for a reason.” “But what reason could involve fillies?!” Twilight nearly shouted while holding her forehead. “Protecting their home? I don’t know.” I said then looked out a window. “But they will have experienced rangers by their side, so they will be fine. I don’t plan on sending them into combat on the front lines. If anything they would be here to keep you and your friends safe, if the rest of us are busy.” “I’m still not sure about this, they’re just little fillies, not fighters. I think those Energems made a mistake.” Twilight said in worry. “They are connected to the morphin grid, and the morphin grid is connected throughout the multiverse. I know it sounds weird but it knows more than us.” I told her with a shake of the head. Twilight still looked unsure but sighed. “Alright, I’ll take your word for it.” I patted Twilight’s back. “Hey, at least they can get some training from the best ranger I know.”  “Yeah, right.” Twilight said before picking up the book she was reading. “Good luck with your search, maybe you will find something, I don’t know everything.” I said then I started to leave. “Thanks.” Twilight said and I left her castle. I made my way behind the castle and saw RJ stretching. “Oh hey, I was just on my way to find you.” “Well, you found me. Are you ready to start training?” He asked me. “Yeah, I always thought the whole animal spirit thing was cool.” I said before I took off my jacket and laid it on a rock. “It is, and it is also very useful.” RJ said as he took a fighting stance. I took my own fighting stance. “Getting right to it huh?” “Well, I figured we shouldn’t waste time training.” RJ said before he threw a punch at me. I blocked the punch and threw my own, then followed it up with a kick. “Good, because I need a lot of training.” He managed to block both attacks before spinning around and hitting me with a spinning backkick. “A lot of training?” He asked as I stumbled back a bit from the blow.  “Yeah.” I rubbed my side as I took a different fighting stance. “I don’t know if you remember your time as Psycho Purple, but I mostly fought using weapons and when I did fight hand to hand I was using someone else's fighting style, thanks to the morphing grid.” I told him before I ran at him and tried to punch his chest. He managed to deflect my punch and punched me in the chest. “I see. That could prove problematic if you cannot transform and have to fight as you are right now.” He said. “Oof!” I stumbled back and held my chest. “Yeah, before I first morphed I couldn’t even beat a Puttie. Of course now if I am not morphed I either use magic or my sword and gun.” I told him then I took another fighting stance, this one more defensive. “Both of those can be overcome by opponents, your weapons can be taken away from you, and if under a  lot of pressure, you might not be able to use your magic.” RJ said as he circled me, no doubt waiting to strike. “True, which is why I asked you to train me.” I told him, and then he struck, allowing me to block his punch and try to flip him over my shoulder, however, he rolled with the momentum and landed on his feet. He then kneed me in the gut. I coughed and backed away from him. “D-damn.” I did my best to fight him but he either blocked my attacks or redirected them. In the end, he kicked my ass and I ended up on the ground panting.  “I think that’s enough for now.” He said as he held his hand out for me. “Yeah, I kinda expected this, seeing as you're a master.” I said before grabbing his hand and he pulled me up onto my feet. “Hey, you did pretty well so far, with a little more training, you might be able to somewhat keep up with me.” RJ said encouragingly. I chuckled a bit. “Who knows, maybe by the end of this I will be able to kick your butt without a weapon or suit.” I said with a smirk, even though I didn’t believe that. He chuckled a bit. “Who knows? Only time can tell.” “By the way, I wanted to try something later.” I put a hand on his shoulder. “I want to see if I can use the Psycho Purple key, but I want to have strong Rangers around me just in case I can’t control it.” “Isn’t that a bit risky?” He asked me in worry. “Yes, it is but if I have control over it I can use it to sneak onto an enemy ship to either free more prisoners or take information from them.” I told him with a smile. “Plus with so many rangers around, if I did lose control they could take me down and change me back.” “That is true, but I still think it is risky.” RJ said. “I agree, but if it works I have a way to sneak into enemy territory and if it doesn't, I have my friends to knock some sense into me.” I said then patted his back. “But I won’t test the key alone.” “Alright, so what will you do now?” He asked me. “For now? Probably either hang out around town or maybe go looking for more keys.” I said, scratching my head. “Alright, I’m gonna keep training.” RJ said. “Alright, and hey, once Kat finishes the communicators I'll take you back to earth and we can go recruit your students.” I told him with a smile. He smiled as well and nodded his head. “Sounds good. I’m sure they’re wondering where I am.” “Hopefully they are holding their own.” I said then grabbed my coat. “We can have another go after a bit.” He nodded his head. “Alright, I’ll be here when you come back.” He said before he started to train by himself. “Maybe next time you can teach me how to use a spirit.” I said with a chuckle then put my coat on and started to leave, heading for town. After a bit of walking, I made it to town and saw some mares talking around the flower stand, but chose to ignore it and head to Sugarcube Corner. Once there, I opened the door and headed inside. “Hi Roger!” Pinkie said happily with a wave. I smiled and waved back. “Hey Pinkie, what’s good today?” I asked her as I walked up to the counter. “Well, we got some eclairs that just got done.” Pinkie said. “Or if you want, you can have some freshly baked cookies.” “Hmm, both sound good but I have always preferred donuts.” I said with a smile. “Two eclairs please.” “Oki doki loki! Will that be for here or to go?” Pinkie asked as she grabbed two eclairs. “Hmm here, I just got done with some training with RJ.” I said with a smile. Pinkie nodded as she put the eclairs on a plate and handed it to me. “Here you go! Enjoy!” I chuckled and paid for them, then took the eclairs. “Thank you, Pinkie.” I walk over to a table and sit down. “So, how are things?” Pinkie asked me. “Hmm? Oh, they are good so far, Kat’s project is coming along and like I said, I am getting some training by RJ.” I told her then took a bite of the donut. “That’s great. And what about the Crusaders? How are they doing with the whole training thing?” Pinkie asked. “From what I heard, not well, but they are safe.” I told her as I ate my donut. “Good, I can’t help but worry a bit for them since they’re bonded to something that makes them unable to age and basically makes them immortal.” Pinkie said. “Think of the trauma that’ll cause.” I blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Did Twilight tell you that or did your Pinkie sense tell you?” “Tell me what?” Pinkie asked with an innocent smile. I shook my head with a chuckle. “Right, anyway, at most they will keep the items for a year.” I told her as I looked around at the other customers. “Then if they don’t want to be Rangers, you’ll call the guardian of the Energems and have them unbonded right?” Pinkie asked as she aided another customer. I nodded my head. “Pretty much.” “Well I hope they don’t become Rangers, being kids, they are easy to manipulate should one of the meanies decide to use them against us.” Pinkie said. “Yeah…” I sighed and started my second donut. “Hopefully they won’t have to fight.” “Yeah, but keep an eye on them, like I said, they’re kids, they’ll try sneaking out to go and join in the fight.” Pinkie said. “I know, which is why I have Cruger teaching them.” I told her then looked over as the door opened. In walked Fluttershy and another pony, he was a pegasus stallion with blue-green fur and dirty blonde mane and tail, wearing a simple shirt and jeans. “Hi Fluttershy! How are ya doing?” Pinkie asked her. “Oh hello Pinkie, I am just helping my brother find a job.” Fluttershy said with some annoyance in her voice. “And she’s been doing such an excellent job in doing so.” The stallion said. I raised an eyebrow. “If that was true you would be at work right now, which means you keep turning down the jobs, or doing a cruddy job and getting fired.” I said leaning on my hand as I finished my last donut. “No, they just couldn’t handle my amazing talents.” The stallion said and Fluttershy just sighed. “Roger, meet Zephyr Breeze, my brother.” Fluttershy said. “Zephyr huh? Well, he needs to grow up, not everyone gets the job they want.” I said and got up. “I should go check on Cruger and the SPD base, I wonder if Celestia found any volunteers yet.”   “Um, Roger, can I speak with you first?” Fluttershy asked me. “Sure, what’s up Fluttershy?” I asked her with a smile. She looked at Zephyr, who was being brought into the kitchen by Pinkie then looked at me. “Can you please give Zephyr a job to do?” Fluttershy asked me. “Me?” I asked then looked back at where Zephyr went. “I don’t know, I mean most of what I do is dangerous, but…if you don’t mind some rough treatment, I could ask Cruger to take him in as a cadet.”  “Anything! Cause honestly, and I wouldn’t normally say this, but he’s driving me and my friends crazy!” Fluttershy whispered-shouted just as we heard a commotion in the kitchen that didn’t sound all that good. I and everyone inside the shop looked at the kitchen door. “Uh, yeah I will do what I can. I am sure once he goes through boot camp he will have a better attitude.” I said then rubbed my head. “Cruger is gonna have his hands full.” “Just tell him to go a bit easy on Zephyr, he’s….not used to intense physical stuff.” Fluttershy said as Zephyr and Pinkie came out, covered in all sorts of cake batter and icing.  “Sorry Shy, baking isn’t gonna cut it for him.” Pinkie said to Fluttershy. “It’s all or nothing Fluttershy, it's how this works.” I said before sighing and put a hand on her shoulder. “I know how you feel, I had a sister that was like your brother, but after she signed up with the army she changed.”  Fluttershy sighed. “Alright.”  I smiled at her. “Don’t worry, he won’t get hurt, just very very tired.” I said with a chuckle.  “Ok.” Fluttershy said, then looked at Zephyr. “Zephyr, this is my friend, Roger, he’s gonna be giving you a job.” She said to him. I looked at him and offered my hand to him. “I will warn you now, it will be hard and there are no shortcuts, but you will grow into a better pony because of it.”  Zephyr just raised an eyebrow in confusion and looked at Fluttershy, who just gave a weak smile of encouragement. He then looked at me smiled and shook my hand. “Alright, it shouldn't be too hard. What do you do? Construction?” I chuckled and smirked. “Let's just say a special part of the guard, it’s called SPD.” My smirk turned into a grin as I wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and then I started leading him out.  “SPD? What does that stand for?” Zephyr asked me. I chuckled and kept leading him to the train station. “Space Patrol Delta.” “Space Patrol? You mean we’re going into space?” Zephyr asked excitedly and slightly worried. I laughed and shook my head. “No, at least not without years of training.” I told him and then I stopped once we were at the train station. “Just gotta make a call.” I pulled out my Morpher and dialed Cruger. “Hello?” Cruger asked as he picked up. “Hey, it's me, Roger, I think I got you a new cadet.” I told him with a smirk. “A new one? Who?” Cruger asked. “Fluttershy’s brother, his name is Zephyr Breeze. He is a bit of a free spirit and needs some discipline.” I said with a smirk. “Alright, bring him on over.” Cruger said. “No problem, we are getting on the train soon. Good thing Celestia added the train tracks up to your base.” I said with a chuckle. “Yeah, good thing.” Cruger said. “Anyway, I’ll see you when you get here.” “Yep, oh and call some of the others, I want to test something later.” I said while I got two tickets. “On it.” Cruger said. I hung up and walked over to Zephyr. “Alright, one train ride away from your new life.” I said to him and he seemed nervous. “Um, yay?” He said. “I used to have a sister like you.” I said with a soft smile. “She would drift from one job to the next for most of her life, but then one day she joined the army and became better for it.” “I doubt joining the army will be good for me.” Zephyr said. “You never know.” I said as the train arrived. “Um, Roger, do you mind if I come with you? Just to make sure Zephyr is going to be ok?” Fluttershy asked me. I looked back at her surprised she came along. “Huh? Oh sure, just ask Cruger.”  Fluttershy nodded her head. “Ok.” The three of us enter the train and soon we are on our way. I look around and see that the mares are looking at us. “That poor mare, having to watch over two stallions all by herself.” One of them whispered. “I know right? It must be exhausting watching over just one of them, but two?” Another whispered. I rolled my eyes but then I looked at Fluttershy. “After we get there I can show you around while Cruger shows Zephyr around.”  “Ok.” Fluttershy said. I nodded my head and leaned back as I watched the outside of the train. “Oh dear, she lets him walk all over her, maybe we should help her.” One of the mares said in a whisper. “Yes, we should.” Another mare said. I crossed my arms and tapped my finger on my arm. “Hey Fluttershy, don’t let anything they say bug you.” I whispered to her as I saw her frown. “I’m trying not to.” she whispered back. I smirked and whispered. “If they try to do anything, they will be in for a surprise.”  Two mares then start walking over to us. “Oh no.” Fluttershy said quietly, I smirked and patted her hand before I looked over at them. “Is there a problem ladies?” I smiled and winked at them. “Yes, you should be ashamed of yourself for walking all over this mare while she is watching you both.” One of them said. I laughed and smiled. “Oh, I think you have things mixed up, my friend here is coming to where I work to get a tour while I get her brother a job.” I smirked at her while looking her over. “Although, maybe you would like a tour too.” I said, in an attempt to make her feel uncomfortable. She huffed. “Do you really treat all mares like that?” She asked me. “Only the ones that bad mouth my friends, sweet cheeks.” I said with a grin. The mare ignored me. “He needs some improvements in manners dear.” She said to Fluttershy. I snapped my fingers in her face. “Hey, if you have something to say, say it to my face. I am a person and will be treated as such. Of course, if you want to keep acting rude I can be just as rude back.” “The only rude one is you young man.” The mare said, a stern look on her face. “Now don’t talk back to a mare like that.” “I will talk however I want, just because I am a guy does not make you better than me.” I told her then I smirked. “For example, I bet you have never met all four princesses.” “And you have?” She asked me. “Yep, in fact, I work for them. Maybe you have heard of the new branch of the guard, SPD? I help run it.” I told her, then used a bit of magic to show her the badge Celestia gave me.  “What? You?” She asked in slight surprise. “Yes, now go sit back down and learn some manners, it is rude to gossip about someone behind their back.” I told her with a frown. The mare frowned at me. I wave her away. “Go on shoo, we are done talking.”  The mare huffed and walked away while a bunch of mares glared at me, making Zephyr try to shield his face and Fluttershy looked embarrassed. I smirked and leaned back. “Relax you two, they just need to learn to relax and respect other people’s privacy.”  “I think I’m starting to regret this.” Zephyr said to himself. “Oh relax, I am sure you can find a place on the team.” The train started to slow down before changing tracks. “That’s not what I’m worried about.” Zephyr said. “Then what?” I asked him as the train approached the SPD base. “That fact that you might upset every mare you encounter.” Was his response. I waved it off. “Relax, I only mess with those who are rude to my friends. Do you really think your sister would be my friend if I was like that to everyone?”  “Well, no. But still.” Zephyr said. “Look, I only did that to make her go away and leave us alone, you won’t end up like me.” I told him and stood up as the train stopped. “Come on.” The two followed me and we exited the train. “Ok, now where do we go?” I pointed at the large building with the dog head on top. “We go there.” I started walking as the train backed up and headed back the way it came. Zephyr looked where I was pointing and jumped back in shock. “How did I not see that there?!” I chuckled and patted his back. “Because your eyes were on the ground.” We head inside where I find Cruger working on some kind of tablet. “Hey, brought you that cadet.” Cruger looked up at us. “That him?” He asked, pointing at Zephyr. “Yep, that’s him.” I looked over at Zephyr. “He may look mean but as long as you follow orders you will do great, if not well, get ready for a lot of push-ups.”  “Um...” Zephyr said nervously. I crossed my arms. “Think of it like this, you could work on your muscles and if you pass you would be a cop, and mares love a stallion in a uniform.” I said then patted his shoulder. “You can handle this.” He still looked a bit unsure before Fluttershy placed a hand on his other shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile. “You can either do this or run away and drift from job to job till you burn all your bridges.” I said to him. He was quiet for a few seconds before sighing. “Alright, let’s get going then.” I smiled and Cruger took him to show him around. “While he is shown around, would you like to have lunch?” I asked Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded her head. “Sure.” I smiled and waved a hand as I started heading to the cafeteria. “Fortunately the whole facility is fully stocked.”  “That’s good.” Fluttershy said as she followed me. “Yeah, so how long has your brother been like that?” I asked her. “Too long.” Fluttershy said. “He did go to a mane styling school, which was his dream but he was not very good at it.” “Well maybe he just needs some discipline to get him back on track, I am sure with some hard work he will find his place.” I said and got her some tea as well as a salad. “I don’t know, he’s never been good at working hard.” Fluttershy said. “That may be but this will be different.” I said with a smile and gave the food to her. “Because he’s going to be joining a police force?” Fluttershy asked me as we sat at a table. “Yes, you see the boot camp doesn’t just teach you how to use the tools and get your body ready, it also teaches you responsibility, discipline, and self-respect.” I told her as I started to eat a sandwich. Fluttershy nodded her head in understanding as she drank some of her tea. “Yeah, he may need a bit of those.” “So what do you plan on doing after this?” I asked her. “Well, I plan on going to the spa with Rarity later.” Fluttershy said, “After that, I’ll be helping some of my animal friends.” “I see, well I hope you can relax now that your brother has a job.” I said with a smile. “I wouldn’t want to get my hopes up just yet.” Fluttershy said before taking a bite out of her salad.  “True, but I have faith.” I said with a smile. I got up and stretched. “Well, we should get going, but we can stop and see the girls before we leave if you want.” “Sure.” Fluttershy said as she finished eating. I smiled and started walking. “I think I will bring you along when we get to the Animarium, I think you’d love it.” “The Animarium?” Fluttershy asked, tilting her head in confusion. “What’s that?” “It is a floating island where large animals called the wild zords live.” I told her with a smile. “Zords? They have a place to live?” Fluttershy asked me in curiosity. “Some zords are living beings while others are large robots.” I explained to her. “Maybe later I can let you meet the red lion zord.” “That’s amazing! What is the red lion like?” Fluttershy asked me. “From what I know, he is strong and loyal. He is also the leader of the wild zords.” I explained to her. “He sounds like a good Zord.” Fluttershy said. “Yeah, he is.” I smiled and chuckled. “I wonder how the girls are doing.” We walked down the hallway. “I hope they’re doing alright.” Fluttershy said. “They should be fine, I mean the worst I could imagine happening to them is getting bruised during training.” I told her with a smile. “I hope not.” Fluttershy said. “Fluttershy, bruises are a good thing, it means they learned and won’t get hurt the same way in a real fight.” I told her. “Well…I guess you’re right, but I still don’t like the idea of the girls getting hurt.” Fluttershy said. “And they weren't getting hurt trying to get their cutie marks before?” I asked her. “....ok, you have a point.” Fluttershy said. We soon came to the rec room and when I opened the doors we saw the girls playing on the foosball table. “Ah win again!” Applebloom cheered. “Aaaaw! I was so close!” Scootaloo said before crossing her arms. “Hey girls, I brought a friend.” I called out as we walked in. “Fluttershy!” The three fillies said in unison as they ran over to her and hugged her, which she happily returned. I chuckled and smirked seeing them happen then I looked over to see Diamond and Silver. “How are you two doing?” “We are doing alright.” Silver Spoon said with a shrug. “That's good, I hope the five of you are getting along.” I said with a smile. “We’re getting along quite well actually, though there were some bumps here and there.” Diamond Tiara said while rubbing her arm. “Well, I suppose that is to be expected. At least you five aren’t at each other’s throats.” I said. “Yeah, that honestly got a little, well, old.” Silver said. “Well, I hope your training is going well.” I said before I heard the door open and a soot-covered Cruger walked in. “I’m guessing it isn’t.” Diamond said as she and everyone else stared at Cruger. “Whoa, what happened?” I asked him. “The new cadet, he overloaded one of the training equipment and it exploded.” Cruger said. “How did he do that?” Applebloom asked him as Cruger started to wipe the soot off himself. “I have no idea, he said he could improve it, then after a few seconds it exploded. He is fine, though I have a feeling that this is going to be a long boot camp.” Cruger said. “Improve it? How in Equestria did you think a pony, who hasn’t seen advanced technology before, was gonna improve it?” Sweetie Belle asked him. “I have no idea.” Cruger shook his head. “Can you five go take care of the new cadet?” He asked the girls. “Sure thing Mr. Cruger.” Applebloom said. “Is he still in the training room?” “Yes, and please try not to get tree sap all over my base…again.” He said with a sigh, making me chuckle. “Oh come on! That was just one time!” Applebloom said back. Cruger rolled his eyes and pointed. “Go, and make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”  Applebloom just huffed as she and her friends left to go watch over Zephyr. “Andros, Mike, and Udonna are here and waiting in training room two.” Cruger told me. “Ah good, let's go, I want to try this out.” I said with a smile.  Cruger nodded his head before we headed towards training room two. Once there, we saw the mentioned rangers waiting. “Hey everyone, glad you came.” I said then look at Fluttershy. “Stay back, just in case.” “Ok.” Fluttershy said. I look at the rangers. “I already told RJ this, but I will tell you now.” I summon the purple Psycho key into my hand. “I am going to test this key, if I can control it then I have a way to sneak onto enemy ships, if not…well that's why you all are here.” “Are you sure doing this is a good idea?” Udonna asked me in worry. “It is a risk, but that's why I am doing it with all of you here, ready to knock me out if something goes wrong.” I told her. “And what will happen if we can’t?” Andros asked. “Cruger could lock down the base, and call for backup. I am sure with all the rangers on this planet working together one psycho would be no match.” I told him. “Well…I guess you are right.” Andros said though I could tell he was still unsure about this plan. I stood in the middle of the group. “Are you all ready?” I asked them. They all nodded their heads. “We are.” Mike said as they prepared to morph in case things went south. “Alright.” I hold up the psycho key and my Morpher. “Seeing as they never had a morph call I think I’ll go with…Go psycho!” I said before sliding the key in and turning it. Purple lightning covered me as my Morpher called out. ‘Neziranger!’ I looked myself over as I clenched my hands a few times.  “I am still me, but I can definitely feel a surge of power.” I said, though my voice sounded more synthetic. I heard three collective sighs of relief. “That’s good.” Mike said. I rolled my neck and cracked my knuckles. “This is going to be very useful.” I said and started to shadow box, using RJ’s corrupted fighting style. “Indeed, but be careful, you might end up being corrupted at some point and we just got lucky the first time.” Udonna said. “True, I won’t use it unless absolutely necessary.” I said before powering down and shivering. “Tingly.”  “Well, I’m glad we managed to figure out that you can turn into a Psycho Ranger without things getting violent.” Andros said. “Yeah, and with it we have a way for me to sneak into the enemy's ships.” I said before pocketing the key. “Have you made a plan for where to go after leaving Equis?” I asked Andros. Andros shook his head. “Not really.” “Alright, well hopefully you can find a route that lets you find more heroes to join us against the villains while avoiding the villains.” I said while scratching my head. “Yeah, hopefully.” Andros said. “By the way have you watched any of Power Rangers in Space?” I asked him while we all started to leave the training room. “No, I have not.” Andros said. “Well I will save you some time, Your sister was kidnapped by Darkonda, Zhane wakes up and joins the team, you and the rangers from Earth fought the five psycho rangers, and in the end, you killed Zordon to stop the evil alliance.” I told him. “I what?!” Andros asked in shock. “He asked you to, and it unleashed a wave of good energy that killed all evil in the universe.” I told him. “Killed all evil?” Udonna asked in shock. “His death is capable of doing that?” I shrugged and said. “It could just have been the show thing because more bad guys show up later in the main timeline so perhaps it only got rid of the active evil.” I chuckled and added. “Funny thing, that reminds me that in the show the mystic mother was played by the same actress that played Rita Repulsa, and more than that, I believe she was the same person in the sentai version.”  I then saw Andros lost in thought, not hearing what I had said about the actress who played Rita and a few other characters in Power Rangers. I hummed one of the Power Rangers theme songs as we walked along. “Oh yeah, and Darkonda has multiple lives, like a video game character.” “Multiple lives? But how?” Mike asked me. I shrugged again. “I have no idea, it could also be a leftover from the sentai Megaranger. In that show, they go into a virtual world to fight the villains.” I said then rubbed my chin. “I wonder if I should have a weekly thing where I show the whole town of Ponyville episodes of Power Rangers.” “Wouldn’t the villains use that as an opportunity to learn some of our weaknesses?” Mike asked. “Maybe.” I said with a sigh.  “Hey, it’s a good idea, but it’s a bit risky.” Mike said. “Maybe I can show the sentai episodes instead, and maybe Twilight could use a translation spell so we can hear them in English.” I said while thinking about it. “Isn’t that still risky?” Andros asked. “Not really, the sentai have different stories, and different main characters, and their powers are similar but the bad guys have been fighting Power Rangers long enough to know what we can do.” I told him, then chuckled. “For example, Andros’ team were teenagers that had to go into a virtual world to fight bad guys. The mighty morphin team were ancient warriors from the age of the dinosaurs. The Lost Galaxy team were actually warriors protecting a magical forest. Shall I go on?”  “Ok, you made your point.” Andros said, holding his hand up. I nodded my head and then smiled. “Plus it would take months to get to my team anyway.” I said with a chuckle. “The Gokiagers were the thirty-fifth season of the show.” “Thirty-fifth?! Power Rangers had that many versions?!” Andros asked in shock. I shook my head. “No that is the sentai, Power Rangers didn’t adapt every different version, there were only twenty-three seasons when …ugh… Super Mega Force aired. After that, there were a total of twenty-nine seasons with twenty-two or twenty-three teams, depending on if you count different suits with the same people or not.” I explained to him. “Oh, alright.” Andros said. “Yep. Well, that covers everything I came here for, I think I will head back to Ponyville and do a bit more training.” I said with a smile. “Alright, see ya then.” Mike said. I gave them a two-finger salute then looked at Fluttershy. “Want a ride back to Ponyville?” Fluttershy nodded her head. “Yes, I do.” “Alright, see ya around guys.” I said before making a portal to Ponyville. “See ya.” Andros said with a wave. “Goodbye.” Udonna said next. “Take care.” Mike said. I smiled and waved at them before me and Fluttershy stepped through and went back to Ponyville. “Hopefully your brother will shape up. See ya around Fluttershy.” I said with a smile and headed into Twilight’s castle. “Goodbye Roger.” Fluttershy said back. I walked through the hallways as I hummed in thought about what I should do next. ‘Hmm, my options are to travel to look for more keys, train with Rangers, or hang out with the ponies.’ I then bumped into Twilight who had a panicked look on her face. “Roger! Sorry for bumping into you like that but I just received word from Celestia about something terrible!”  “What's wrong Twilight?” I asked her while helping her up. “There is an attack on Manehattan!” Twilight said and my eyes widened. "Damn, ok…any information about it?” I asked while I turned around and headed out the door. Twilight shook her head. “None, all the princesses know is that something is attacking Manehattan.”  “Damn, they must be looking for another power coin.” I said with a frown and headed to my ship. “If you and your friends want to come then get them now, we will be going as soon as everyone is on board.”  Twilight nodded her head and teleported away, leaving me to go to the ship. I get onto my ship and go to the intercom. “Attention everyone, there is an attack at Manehattan so we will be taking off shortly. Anyone who wants to fight, stay on board, anyone who wants to volunteer to stay at Ponyville to keep it safe, get off.” After a few minutes of waiting, Twilight and her friends got on the ship. “Let’s get this thing moving already! There are innocent ponies in trouble!” Rainbow said impatiently. I was waiting in the living room. “I am waiting for a few of the rangers to get off.” I told her, then got up and walked over to the keys. “If you're going to help, you will use these but only these ones.” I point at the keys that I know won’t be active. They nodded their heads. “Alright, who are these?” Twilight asked as she looked at the keys. “Lots of different teams, most of them I pointed out are teams I am sure won’t be using their powers.” I told her. “Ok.” Twilight said. I looked over as the Pokemon left then clapped my hands. “Alright Twilight with me, the rest of you pick a key.” I then walked to the cockpit and started the engines. The rest of the Mane Six nodded their heads and started looking at the keys I had pointed out while Twilight followed me. I started flying the ship away from Ponyville and looked at Twilight. “Which way?” Twilight pointed northeast of Ponyville. “That way, and hurry, I don’t want the villains to cause any more damage than they already have.” “Right, go pick out a key, there should be a piece of paper with notes on each of the keys.” I told her and set the course. Twilight nodded and left to go pick her key for the mission. I flew my ship, watching the land pass by. “I wonder who we will be fighting.” I wonder out loud. I heard someone come in and looked to see Wes and Eric. “Good to see you two are coming with, who else is coming?” “Well, that pink dragon friend of yours, the ponies obviously, as well as Madison, Vida, and Xander.” Wes said then smiled. “So we are going to a big city?” “Yeah, but if we don’t stop the bad guys, it won’t be for long.” I said with a frown. “Then let’s hurry and get there.” Eric said. “Alright, but don’t blame me if you fall over.” I said with a smirk and sped my ship up and the whole ship shook, knocking the ponies over. “Hey! What’s the big idea!?” I heard Rainbow shout from the pile of ponies. “Blame Eric, he said to speed up!” I yelled with a laugh. “Eric!” All six ponies shouted at him. “What? We want to stop the bad guys right?” Eric asked them. I chuckled a bit then called out. “Alright everyone get ready, we should be there soon, a minute at most. Twilight come up here and keep an eye on the land, make sure I stop at the right place.” “Trust me, you’ll know where at Manehattan when you see it.” Twilight said as she walked in. “Good, and here's what I want you and your friends to do, I want you six to keep the people safe and fight any foot soldiers, leave the monster to us.” I told her. Twilight nodded her head. “Alright. We’ll do our best, but what would happen if the monster attacks us?” “Then you defend yourselves until we can get there.” I told her, then I saw the city coming up so I slowed my ship down.  The city had plumes of smoke coming from it as well as small explosions here and there. “Oh my Celestia.” Twilight said as we looked at the destruction. “Sorry you had to see this.” I told her before stopping the ship over the city. “Let’s move.” I get up and run to the door. “Alright everyone, the ponies will work on fighting foot soldiers while the rest of us rangers will be focused on any monsters that are leading the attack.” Everyone nodded their heads. “Right.” They all said. “Then let’s go.” I open the door and we head outside and jump down to the city. I see a few different types of foot soldiers, Krybots, Quantrons, and Cyclobots. “Alright everyone let’s move!” Everyone nodded and morphed into their respective Ranger forms. “Set sail!” I morphed then tossed my Morpher to Rose who also morphed, the Morphers calling out ‘Gokaiger!’ Then Wes and Eric morphed to their calls. “Time for timeforce!” and “Quantum power!”  The Mystic force rangers called out. “Magical source Mystic force!” While the ponies called out several calls. Rainbow Dash called out. “Dragonzord!” She was covered in green lightning and became the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger. Applejack called out. “Blazing Phoenix!” In a bright blue flash of light, she became the Blue Phoenix Ranger Fluttershy held up her key and called out. “Dino thunder power up!” She does a backflip as her suit forms onto her and she is turned into the Dino Thunder Black Ranger Pinkie held up the silver Gokaiger ranger key and called out. “Set sail!” A silver X and V come out of the key and fly around before hitting her, making her become the silver pirate force Ranger. Rarity called out. “Jungle Beast! Spirit Unleashed!” A purple wolf came out of her cam formed around her, becoming the Jungle Fury Purple Ranger. And lastly Twilight called out. “Crimson Hawk!” In a red and yellow flash became the Crimson Hawk Ranger. Placeholder “Let’s kick these guy’s butts!” Rainbow said as she punched her open palm. “Focus on keeping the people safe, leave the butt-kicking to us.” I said before the rangers and I ran into the city. As we ran, we fought any foot soldier that tried to fight us, easily defeating them while also helping any civilian that needed help. Not long into the city, I saw five colorful people come out of a building. “Oh crud.” I saw five evil rangers, SPD A-squad. “Who are they?” Wes asked in shock and confusion. “That is SPD A-squad, they joined the bad guys.” I told him and aimed my gun at them. “But why would they do that?” Eric asked as he and the others readied their weapons. “Money I think.” I said before the evil rangers spotted us.  “Rangers!” The evil green A-Squad Ranger shouted before they pointed their guns at us and fired. I rolled out of the way and fired my gun at them. “Just give up! We got you outnumbered.”  “No way! Numbers don’t mean anything against us!” The blue A-Squad Ranger said as he and the rest of the A-Squad took cover behind some rubble while they kept firing at us. I used my sword to block a few shots as I moved out of the way. “Damn, ok I think we need to step it up.” I pull out the red SPD key. A bullet pierces through the rubble I was hiding behind and hits the key, sending it flying out of my hand. “Damn it, give me some covering fire!” I called out and looked for the key before just summoning it back into my hand. “Hey Roger! Hurry it up! Not a lot of us have long-range weaponry here!” Eric shouted. “No shit.” I said before standing up. “SPD Emergency!” And turn the key to morph into the red SPD ranger, my Morpher calling out, ‘Dekaranger!’ Then I turn to face them and fire both my delta blasters. “Take this!” They immediately took cover but red and pink got hit, causing them to scream in pain before they returned fire, causing me to duck. “Hey Wes, Eric, I think it's time to show them what red rangers can do.”  “Yeah!” Eric and Wes said at the same time. I took a few more shots before I called out. “SPD, Battlizer, Sonic Mode!” I was then covered in a bright light as I was covered in armor and held a large sword. “Let’s go!” Wes shouted before he and Eric fired their blasters at the evil Rangers, managing to hit a couple of them.  I ran at them and used my sword to block their blaster fire before cutting one across the chest and kicking another. “Use your battlizers!” “Red Battle Warrior!” I heard Wes call out followed by Eric. “Megabattle, Active! Battle Ready!” Eric shouted before the two were covered in a flash and when it died down, both were wearing their respective Battlizers. I blocked more laser fire before I kicked the green ranger. “Oh yeah!”  Then I saw large roots grow out of the ground and grab the pink ranger. “Hey! Where that hell did these come from?!” They shouted in surprise as they struggled against the roots. I smirked and watched as a powerful wind and surge of water came from Mystic Force blue and pink rangers and knocked the A-squad blue and green rangers away. I looked at the red ranger and smirked under my helmet. “Seems it is just you and me. Too bad you turned evil, it's rare to find a female red ranger.” “As if I care.” She said before firing her gun at me. I blocked the shots with the sword while running around her. “Was it worth working for Grumm to betray everyone?” “If it means being on the winning side, then yes, it is worth it.” Charlie said as she tried to shoot me but I kept dodging. “Stay still damn it!” I rolled my eyes before I knocked her gun out of her hands and punched her face. “Too bad, I am afraid that isn’t a good enough reason.” I pulled out the Delta Morpher and aimed it at her. “You are charged with treason and helping an evil force conquer Earth.”  The Morpher flashed between a red X and a green O. “No! Wait, don't!” Charlie said in a panic. It stopped on the red X and I clicked it. “Guilty!” The Morpher blasts her and traps her in a confinement card. “Man, these guys weren’t so tough.” The blue Mystic Force ranger said. I reached down to grab the confinement card. “Don’t lower your guard yet.”  “He’s right, we don’t know what else is in this city.” The pink Mystic Force ranger said and just as I was about to pick up the card, something exploded near me, sending me and a few other Rangers who were close to me flying. “See?! We let our guard down and now something else is attacking us!” “You think you can beat us that easily?” Psycho Red said as he stepped out from behind a building. “Hey losers pick up the bitch, we are getting out of here.”  “Don’t count on it!” I said before I got up and ran at him, but then a portal opened right in front of me. “Shit, no!” I tried to stop but ended up going through it.