//------------------------------// // Introductions // Story: A mother’s sacrifice // by General Sparky //------------------------------// Goldhearts come out of the portal and saw that she was in a large room filled with rows upon rows of books. “Hello is anyone here?” Goldhearts asked and started walking around the room to see if there was anyone here. After looking around the room she managed to find a small door and on the door she found a little piece of paper. It read: “Hi Goldhearts, this note is from Princess Celestia. Nightlight has told me that you would be coming within a few days. Please stay in this room for the time being. I will come by every night to see if you have arrived through the portal. While waiting for me to pick you up, feel free to read the books here to get you up to speed with Equestrain culture. Attached below is a photo of me so that you will recognise me when I come. Please stay in this room, I do not want to cause a panic in the castle. Yours sincerely, Princess Celestia. Goldhearts looked at the note and read through its contents. She took the note and placed it on a small round table near the door. She placed down her items on the ground and took in her surroundings. It was like she was in the children’s section of the library as most of the furniture here seemed to be for little kids from her perspective. The top of the book shelves were at her eye level, the chairs and tables seemed so tiny compared to her, even some of the books seemed a bit thin when she tried to take it from the shelves with her hooves. Instead she used her horn to levitate the book in front of her and started to read through its contents. Hours have passed since she entered the portal and have read through several books about Equestrian culture. She wanted to write down the things that she has learned but there is no paper around this library and instead she made a mental note to herself. Hmm, seemed like there are three tribes of pony here, Earth pony, Unicorns and Pegasus, each with different physical attributes. Earth pony tend to be stronger physically, Unicorns have a horn on top of their head and are the ones who could use spells in this world. Pegasus are horses with wings and are the only ways able to fly. There is also something called an Alicorn here, but it is usually reserved for the rulers here, which have the attributes of the three pony tribes. Hmm, in this world, I would be considered an Alicorn, since I have wings and a horn, but in my home world I would be considered a Unicorn. Interesting. Also, they have something here called cutie marks? A marking on each pony’s flanks that decide their special talent. I guess the magic works here very differently. The only thing similar between both our worlds is that horses do not wear clothes normally and is usually reserved for special occasions. She has also studied the books with maps of this world, and learned that even this world is spilt up into different sections, some with cities and some with villages or towns. It appears that Canterlot is the capital of this world. In addition, there are some other creatures that live in this world such as dragons, griffons and changelings but little is known about them according to the book she have read, they live in areas away or separate from the Equestrian mainland. In terms of technology, it varies. The military here is mainly depended on spears and spells rather than some of the more advanced weapons that we have back home and the soldiers or guards here use armour plates as their uniform rather than the pixelised camouflage uniform that my world uses. Given that most of the structures here are in bright colours and that is mostly villages rather than urbanised cores, the plain golden armour should be sufficient for camouflage purposes. “This world should be alright for you little one, there does not seem to be much of the destructive conflicts from where I come from, and that you will thrive here better than back in the human world.” Goldhearts concluded out loud, while placing a hoof around her belly. Just than the little door opened and in come a white alicorn with a tri coloured mane and she recognised the pony as Princess Celestia, the one who wrote the note. Instinctually, she bowed and called out, “Princess Celestia.” “At ease, Goldheart, I hope I have not keep you waiting for long.” Princess Celestia said as she return the bow. Goldheart retuned and stood up and looked down at Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia walked towards her and started marvelling at how big Goldheart was. It was a very long time since she has met and interacted with another pony who was taller than her. “Wow, I guess Nightlight was not kidding about your size. You are really tall.” Celestia commented, her head craning up to attempt to look at Goldheart eyes. Goldhearts giggled and blushed, slightly embarrassed about her size. Princess Celestia only came up to her chest level, and looked like a child when compared to her. She quickly bent her hooves and lied down in a comfortable position on the ground and slightly looked up to meet the Princess’s eyes. “This level should be much comfortable for you, I get that a lot back home and also I do not want your neck to hurt.” Goldheart said. Both chuckled for a while before settling down. “I guess we have not formally introduce ourselves. I am Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria and would be your guide to introduce you to my world. How about you?” “Hi, I am Goldheart, I am a warhorse from the 3rd Armoured Calvary, a division of horses dedicated to the army to conduct a range of operations such as intelligence gathering, frontline combat operations and ceremonial duties. My rider or partner is Nightlight, captain in the 3rd Armoured Calvary, I believe he’s the one who has made contact with you?” “Yep. He told me that you were coming through letters. And in some of the letters he included some pictures of you to help me identify you when you come here and I just wanna say, the both of you look very cute together.” Princess Celestia chuckled, her mind thinking to the photos that Nightlight have sent. “Thanks. A lot of people told us that back in the human world. They always commented how cute we look together. He would always tied my mane in a braid when off duty, make sure I was sparkly clean for parades and after some trainings. Many envied me that I had such a good partner, who would treat me like a real person not just another object or piece of hardware to get around.” Goldheart said, as she recalled some great experiences that she had with Nightlight in the past. “It sounds like he meant a lot to you.” Princess Celestia commented. “He does. Maybe one day you get to meet him in person and then you can see how great he is.” Goldheart said. “Maybe, but that will be for another time. For now, let’s get you settled down here in this world. First thing first, you need to look like a pony that lives in this world. Do you know of any spells that can help to disguise you or maybe some shapeshifting spell?” Princess Celestia asked. Goldhearts processed in the information and started to think of the look she wanted to be in this world. She knew how to change her form through magic, it was one of the things that kept unicorns disguised back in the human world so that the humans would not know that they existed. Hmm, there are 3 pony tribes in Equestria. An Earth pony, Unicorn or Pegasus. An earth pony would be no good, I cannot use my horn or wings here. If I turn into a Pegasus, I can fly but I would not have access to my spells. If I become a Unicorn, at least I am able to keep my spells but I cannot fly anywhere. I am more stronger in the use of spells and magic, and when the foal is born she would likely be strong in her unicorn powers as that is what most alicorn foals have as they train to use their horn to channel magical spells. It would be in my best interest to be a unicorn in this world for now. As for colour palate, I think I just stick with my current one, the white body and a golden mane should be alright in this world. Princess Celestia looked intensely at Goldheart as Goldheart was looking at the ground, probably deep in her thoughts. Out of the blue, Goldheart’s horn lit up and an golden circle of flame encircled her on the floor and then the flame disappeared. Where before stood a large Uncorn lying down on the floor and stood a cute unicorn mare with a white body, golden mane and tail and golden eyes staring back at her. In addition, the Unicorn mare was at her chest height and looking up at her. “Does this look suit me Princess?” Goldheart asked. “It looks lovely Goldheart. I really like your golden mane it really suits you.” Princess Celestia complimented. “Thank you Princess.” Goldheart smiled at her compliment. “Now I was wondering how the culture like here?” Goldheart asked, curious about this new world that she is in. Princess Celestia smiled and started to explain briefly what the social norms is in Equestria and went through slice of life issues such as how time works, how the economy works and like how the day to day life of normal ponies is like in Equestria. Goldheart listened as attentively as a child eager and excited to learn everything about the world around them. Time seemed to pass really quickly as they discuss the issues. When Princess Celestia went through one issue, Goldheart would ask several questions relating to it and the Celestia would answer her queries. For the Princess, it was a long time since she has a such a lively discussion about the average lives of ponies without having to deal with the complaints of those nobles in the castle in her court. For Goldheart, it has been a while since she had this optimism and wonder at the world around her, away from the dread and feelings of despair of her world. As they were discussing, a pony knocked the door in front of the library. It broke the conversation and now both of them turned their heads to look at the door. Princess Celestia looked at Goldheart and said, “Excuse me, Goldheart. It must be my guard. I guess we were so deep into the conversation that I forget the time.” Goldheart nodded and went to hide behind the bookshelves while Princess Celestia went to answer the door. Goldheart placed her head on the floor and listened to their conversations. “Princess, are you alright? Did the creature did anything to you?” A male voice said. “I am fine, Shining. The ‘creature’ is a Unicorn, a Unicorn with a foal I might add and from my conversations with her, I found out that she is really intelligent. How about this, later you will escort her to her room.” Celestia reassured her guards. “But…” “It will be okay Shining. Besides there is Gallant here. He will escort and protect me, you will just escort and guard her room for tonight, alright?” Celestia dais, and guest eyed to another guard beside her. “But..” “This is an order.” “Yes, Princess. I will guard her room for tonight.” “Don’t worry, she is pretty friendly. And maybe you can learn a thing or two from her. I will go back and ask her to come out and then I will return back to my room to rest.” Celestia winked at Shining. Goldheart lift her head and stood up and waited for Celestia to call her. “Goldheart, you may come out now.” Celestia said, as she walked inside the library, looking into the darkness of the library, trying to find where Goldheart is. Goldheart walked slowly out of her hiding place, her head low as she head towards Celestia. Celestia guesteured for her to follow her out the library and she complied. As she went out the door, she noticed she was in a hallway and Celestia was flanked by two guards. She briefly glanced at the two guards, both having a white body and wearing their gold armour. In addition, both had a sword hanging on the right side of the armour. Celestia pointed at the guard on her right and said, “Goldheart, this is Shining Armour, one of my guards, he will be escorting you to one of the guest room in the palace.” Goldheart nodded at the guard and Shining nodded back. “I will see you tomorrow morning to discuss about registering you as a citizen here and about some of the jobs that you can do here.” Celestia said. “Thank you, Princess Celestia.” Goldheart said, as she raise her head to make eye contact with her. Shining Armour then moved in front of the Princess and stood beside Goldheart. “Have a good rest Goldheart, you will need it for tomorrow.” Celestia said. “You too Princess.” Goldheart said. “Lead the way, guard.” Shining Armour nodded and started to walk towards the guest room. Goldheart followed behind him and looked around and admired the beauty of the palace around her. There were many paintings that was hung on the wall and torches placed at a fixed interval that lit the hallway. She continued to admire the artwork until they reach two large door with swirls that decorated the “Miss, we have arrived at the guest room.” Shining said stoically. She nodded and open the door and closed it shut. She glanced around the room and noticed that it has the basic amenities such as a table attached with a mirror, a large bed and a cupboard. She lit her horn and scanned the room for any traps, and there were none detected. She then throughly searched the room for any listening device and heaved a sigh of relief when she finds that there were none. She then lied down on the bed, closed her eyes ready to fall asleep until she realised, the saddle on her back was placed in the library just now. She ran out of the bed and opened the gate, “Guard, I need to go back to the library to take something important!” She shouted, shocking Shining Armour. “Erm, Miss, it’s okay no one would take your things in the library I am pretty sure we can take it back tomorrow.” Shining said calmly. “NO! It is very important to me. Now either you follow me back or I will go there myself!” Goldheart yelled back and started running in the direction of the library. Shining armour ran immediately after her and chased her down the hallway. Goldheart rushed to the library and thank the gods that the items that Nightlight gave her is still there and placed the saddle on her back and ran back to the guest room. On her way back, she saw the guard was panting as he chase her down the hallway. Feeling bad for the guard she pick up the guard and place him on top of her saddle and ran back to the guest room. Once she reached the guest room, she placed down the guard and examine him to see if he was alright. Shining tried his best to concentrate as everything happened to him in a split second, in one second he was chasing a mare and the next he was on top her and now he is back on the floor of the guest room. “Are you okay, Guard? Talk to me.” Goldheart asked frantically and placed her hooves around his face. Shining blindly nodded. “Oh no, I am so sorry guard. I did not mean to do that.” Goldheart said, she stood in front of him, her eyes looking down at him. “It’s okay. I just did not thought you could run so fast and you are pretty strong for mare.” Shining said as he stood up somewhat competently. Goldheart blushed and chuckled. “Anyways, sorry for the trouble and erm.. what your name, mister?” “I am Shining Armour. And you are?” Shining Armour asked, curious about the identity of this unicorn. “I am Goldheart, nice to meet you. Anyway it is getting quite late, I should go and take a rest, I am sure tomorrow will be a long day for me.” “Yep, good night Goldheart. And by the way you have strong physical traits, perhaps you can consider joining the royal guard, we could definitely use someone like you.” Shining Armour commented after seeing her strong abilities and strength just now during the chase. “Thanks, I will consider it.” Goldheart said and went back to the room and lied down on the bed. She closed her eyes and felt herself being lifted away into the island of dreams through the soft mattress and pillows.