My Life with Nanaimo

by Mike the Red


Nanaimo had never heard the name before, but I winced upon hearing it. She gave me a puzzled look but continued to lean into the girl's hand as she continued to savor being scratched behind her ears. I took a moment to take in the scenery, noting how high the skyscrapers seemed to go, almost poking the ceiling of the place. I did a double-take upon seeing the underside of this gigantic dome, though it was hard to make out any details. The sky seemed to melt into blackness, though the brightness made me squint to try to mentally determine what it was I was looking at. I turned my attention to my mare, who was now being pampered by this slimmer girl.

"I wonder what that feels like," I mused. "Nanaimo, the name is one of the larger cities in my home world," I stated. I turned my attention to the first girl who told me the name of the city. "So, who might you be?" I asked, taking a longer look at this girl than I should have, though she maintained a soft smile. Her thickness was an irresistible attraction.

"My name's Vanessa," she replied, her smile widening a little. She wore little clothing, and her full figure made what little she wore look like nothing at all. Her companion was a little slimmer but still fairly thick and continued to pet Nanaimo, who was now purring under that magic touch. "That's Makwela," she added as I glanced at the other girl. This other girl was wearing denim shorts and a white t-shirt and a pair of sneakers on her feet. This contrasted sharply with the barely-clad Vanessa, who didn't seem to mind appearing almost naked.

"So, um, could you show us about? We've never been here before," I asked, doing my best to avoid staring at Vanessa. This thick dark-skinned girl seemed to be everything I had been looking for in a female human, so much so that it was all I could do to stop from staring at her. She didn't seem to mind, though, and continued to smile warmly at me. Makwela had chosen to sit down and Nanaimo lay in her lap, cooing softly as the girl kept petting the pony. I turned my attention to her at this point. "Um, Makwela, could you let Nanaimo come over to me?" I asked.

"Of course I can show you around!" Vanessa giggled. I hope she didn't catch me staring, she's practically NUDE! I thought as I continued to look at her with lust in my eyes.

"Aww, do I hafta?" asked Makwela, somewhat disappointed in having to release the mare from her touch. Nanaimo gave me a hurt look. She trotted somewhat sullenly over to me.

"Nanaimo, if you want to be touched like that, all you have to do is ask," I chuckled at her. "Come on, you're MY pony, y'know?" I added playfully. She looked up at me with a hopeful look in her eyes, causing me to wilt a little under that gaze of hers.

She giggled in response but also said, "Mmmh, I don't know what it is about Makwela, but her touch is like magic!"

I decided to scratch her behind her ears at this point and discovered that my touch also had a similar effect on the mare. She cooed softly under my touch as well. As she had done so with Makwela earlier, my touch worked magic on her, eliciting soft cooing and purring noises from her. This caused me to smile and giggle a little in response.

"Is there something about this world that enhances innate magic?" I asked Vanessa. The two girls giggled at this question, but Vanessa responded first. Again my gaze was stolen by this girl, her appearance too tempting not to stare, and I caught Nanaimo in the corner of my eye flashing me a somewhat disapproving glare.

"Yup! This world has LOTS of magic in it!" she giggled, and Makwela giggled as well. I took a moment to ponder the ramifications of that statement, casually wondering if I had some innate magic within me that would allow me to use it as well.

"I'm curious to know more about this place and what it has to offer," I mused as we began a journey to somewhere. The two girls led the way with my pony and I following them. We took in the scenery, marveling at the sights and sounds of the place. There didn't appear to be any streets, just wide sidewalks for people to go wherever they needed to go.

"I know who you need to talk to," Vanessa stated warmly as she turned her attention to us, still smiling somewhat cryptically.

"I hope they're as friendly as you," I opined hopefully. I was mesmerized by Vanessa's appearance, the light glistening on her dark brown skin. Makwela caught me staring at Vanessa and giggled.

"I think he likes you, Buh," she chuckled, causing Vanessa to blush ever so slightly.

"N-nonsense, Muh! Y-you shouldn't say such things!" she stammered in response, her blush deepening. I was somewhat surprised to note the two girls had pet names for each other.

"How close are the two of you?" I asked as we continued to make our way towards what looked like the center of the city. From this distance, the gleaming towers seemed to present an almost monolithic obstacle, and the ambient light inside the giant dome reflected off the glass like a kaleidoscope. The prismatic display was very impressive, even at this distance.

Both of them blushed hard at that question and giggled like little school-girls. It took a moment for the two of them to regain a little composure. Vanessa spoke first. For a moment I could have sworn I saw some magical sparks flare between the two of them, as though they had some sort of magical rapport with each other, the kind that only two individuals who have an innate connection on an almost cellular level would have. I stood in stunned silence for the very brief flickering of a moment that this occurred. I was mesmerized by this display, something I think maybe one or both of them noticed, but Nanaimo seemed unperturbed by this as it occurred in such a short time that even the wink of an eye wouldn't have caught it.

"Um, we've been together for more than 15 years," the thicker girl replied, stealing a quick kiss from her partner. Both Nanaimo and I giggled at this, as it seemed the relationship the two of us had shared in such a short time together would have made that period of time similar to the wink of an eye. I turned my eye to the brown mare and motioned her even closer to me.

"I hope Nanaimo and I can be together much longer than that," I opined warmly. I reflected upon my age and added, "I hope I can find someone who can make me young again so I can spend my best years with my mare here."

"I think I know who can help you with that," Vanessa stated almost proudly, smiling broadly at both of us. "The physical body healers can work miracles with their magic! They have potions that can make you young again, and they can do almost anything for you!"

Her pronouncement sounded almost too good to be true -- if it were possible, such people would be able to live in absolute luxury in my home world. The thought that anyone could work magic to make people young once again was astonishing. I stood in stunned silence, contemplating all the possibilities that lay before me. Nanaimo waved one of her forelegs in front of me.

"Um, Mike? Mike? Equestria to Mike, are you there?" she asked in a worried tone.