Project Harmony One.

by Megaskullmon

Season Four: Chapter four: Mini Starlight Sunset shimmer arc: Ride to the final battle arc

Starlight and Sunset sit down beside each other while Twilight sits on the other side of the table. They’re in Jigjaws bar. Many of the patrons are being very kind to Twilight. She has proven herself to many in this town and they don’t distrust her anymore. 

A waitress comes over to look at the three.

“Greetings Queen Twilight, do you wish to have your normal meal?”

Twilight nods

“It would be great. My friends here will have whatever they want.”

Sunset Shimmer thinks a moment while Starlight just laughs.

“I would like whatever this seven fangs meal is.”

The mare tilts her head.

“Um, miss you know it’s full of meat, correct?”

Starlight nods.

“I know since I have a body now which needs food like that. I have grown used to eating meat and many other types of meaty foods. I don’t mind, its meat is a good type of food and I am sure other ponies will get used to it.”

The mare sighs, shaking her head. Looking towards Sunset shimmer. Sunset shimmer sets down her menu smiling. 

“I would love the veggie soup. If you could please add as much cheese as you can please?”

The mare nods.

“Of course now before I go. Twilight Jigsaw is wondering if you could go to the Changeling hives and see if they will trade him some of their spices for his food making? He learned they put their hives in a heavy spice farm area.”

Twilight nods.

“I will do what I can. Oh and give him this.”

She pulls a scroll out of her bag. She offers it to the mare.

“I got a trading system going with them. I just had to talk to Savannah’s family about it. Now before you go put in our orders. Have you heard from Rainbow Cloud?”

The mare shakes her head

“Not that I know of. Jigsaw said she will be in her adoptive homeworld longer. So you would have to ask Jigsaw if he might know more. Anyway, I am going to put in your orders. I hope you ladies have a wonderful conversation.”

The mare leaves to put in the orders. The three mares stay silent while they watch the various creatures come in and out. These three mares used to be able to talk to each other without any problems. Now, these days Starlight and Sunset can’t even look at Twilight.

“Look, girls, I understand I did many awful things. My punishment should have been far worse than what I got. Just please girls don’t stay silent. I know full well you two will never fully forgive me for what I did.”

Sunset shifts in her chair sighing

“Twilight I did many bad things as well. I took the life of the other Sunset and she turned around and made it so I end up in this new world. I am sure everyone I knew is long gone in the world I came from. Just I never could see something like this happening to you and you become so hate-filled.”

Starlight took a sip from her cup of tea. It wasn’t easy for her to listen either. For what she did in the past and even what she has done now. She almost made the entire Grey sector of the station vanish because of all the pain in that area of it.

“Twilight I have no right to tell you otherwise. I made a cult back then. You destroyed it and I thought I was in the right for what I did. Then I tried to go back in time to get back at you and I nearly destroyed the world. So you were very soft on me for my judgment. You didn’t even do a thing to me then make me your pupil. I felt you should have done far worse to me than slapping me on the hoof.”

Twilight sighs, shaking her head.

“I would have done worse to you Starlight. But I was either too prideful about getting you to back off or maybe I didn’t understand a great deal of what you did. Maybe the idea of being the princess of friendship blinded me to the real threat you could have posed.”

Starlight nods looking over to Sunset who nods in agreement. Twilight notices they both nod in agreement; it makes her feel better knowing she didn’t fully go in blind. She did go in blind with Sunset but she did feel sorry for what she did.

“You could have left me in the dirt as well Twilight. But I did feel bad for what I did after I learned what the power did to me. I still would have deserved to be placed in jail for years to come. I could have accepted it and then you return to see how I did.”

Twilight sighs, bringing a book of codes out of her book and setting it down in front of them. She opens it to the defense codes for Equus. She signs at the bottom of the codes they will never be changed since she made sure of it.

“Many of those who followed me worshiped me and I said to them I will bring the world back to how it used to be before friendship took over. I told them I would make sure the land is for pony only. So I am sure the elites have my fake up and going so they can keep it going. They will not accept the rule of monsters. INcluding Grogar they will fight them to the bitter end. I worry though the war will cause a lot of harm to Equus itself.”

Starlight takes the book and puts it into her back compartment, the food finally comes and the three mares enjoy a meal. A meal of friends for whatever is to come these three will be tested. Twilight will be tested harder and harder than most of them. Starlight her test is just to come she never fully faced her judgment and it will be harsh.

Sunset worked through her trials but her trials will come. Most never understand the true trials to come. Sunset looks over to Starlight and she knows what is to come. If these first ones are just as judgy as most have been. They will demand Starlight speak for what she did. They will break her even and to Sunset it’s much deserved for the easy judgment Twilight gave her.

The meal concludes and the two mares leave to head to their ship. They leave a few words with Twilight only a few heard before they left.

“We are off to our real judgments Twilight.”

Most would say they just heard Twilight crying but some say she is too heartbroken to even cry. It’s the truth most seem to forget. Twilight in the past was too easy on those who caused problems. If it was her way of her she would have let the three evil ones get out easy. What happened to them during this mess? 

No pony knows Queen Chrysalis was the only one to escape the prison and recently died to one of her former sons. The others from what she said died in the prison and were never to return. Rumors Twilight removed it so she would never see how far she had fallen. 


The ship through the eyes of Starlight

I wish I didn’t leave Twilight with those words. I glance over at Sunset who walks beside me while we get to the ship. Our first path is to get to Equss without being seen by long-range sensors and she told me they have ways to make sure it won’t happen.

“Starlight, you have the same look in your eyes that I have had. Are these first ones going to judge you harshly for what you did? Will they break you for what you did? Do you feel you will deserve it?”

My ears perk up. I quickly try to find a way to ignore what Sunset just said but she turns her head to look at me. I look into her eyes and I see I can’t lie to her. I look away, my emotions rushing all over the place. She is right. I will be judged because the first ones are who they are.

“Yes, I am worried they will do a lot to me. Then they will not join us in the final battle between Harmony and Disharmony.”

Sunset nods.

“It’s the issue of life Starlight. You lead your life with such evil in your heart that you never forgave yourself. I can understand why you never forgave yourself.” 

I took a deep breath. She is correct after all these years I never forgave myself. I never wished to forgive myself. Maybe someday I will forgive myself another time I won’t forgive myself. It’s the only way I can understand the time.

“I don’t know if I have a right to forgive myself.”

Sunset pats my shoulder with her hoof. We finally get to the ship looking through the ship. We find this is an old pony scout. These ships vanished while mapping the space lanes and they used to have a mare and stallion crew so they could make new crew if needed. This one is one of the oldest and has been cleaned out.

“Huh, who would want to make a family in this thing?”

Sunset laughs.

“I am sure it would cause many who hate each other to fall in love after a while being trapped inside this thing with just one other pony. I am sure if I had this job I would fall in love and make a foal with whoever.”

I laugh softly.

“I don’t care for this idea. It’s a bit strange. I wonder who came up with this idea?”

Sunset shrugs her shoulders and we get into the ship putting in the codes and the autopilot flies out of the starport. I watch while the ground of the flying planet slowly drifts away from us. Then turning into a peaceful planet and looking to the other side to see Project Harmony Two.

“I worry I won’t ever see this world again.”

Sunset nods.

“I worry we will never see Equus the same way again. I worry a battle is going to end the peaceful world we were born in. I worry this war is going to cause more of a problem and it’s going to end in fire.”

I take a deep breath. I agree with her that it's going to end awfully. The ship finally enters hyperspace. I heard ships get lost here. I am sure someday I will find them since I know I will be living forever. From what the clock on the ship said it’s going to take at least a week to get there. 

“We will be freezing, I hope you’re ready to dream again Starlight.”

My ears perked up waiting for a dream? The last time I dreamed was when I was in the pod. I haven’t slept like I used to because of the nightmares. I take a deep breath feeling my cybernetic lungs take in the air. It’s not the same anymore. I am mostly robotic and hardly flesh anymore. Sunset clicks the button with her hoof. I wanted to stop her. Magic forms in my core though the magic doesn’t even leave my horn it just glows. Maybe I need this but I am not sure anymore.

The ship sprays a cold mist all over the two of us. Sunset takes a deep breath in the cold mist since it will also put us to sleep. I take a deep breath myself feeling my system slowly shut down. The only thing working is my brain and eyes. I finally fall asleep feeling myself dreaming for once in so long. 



A dream I haven’t had like this in years. I see a bird standing there like she is watching me. She stares back at me while I stare at her. She comes over to put her claw on my head stroking my mane.

“You’re finally willing to listen.”

I am confused, backing away from the touch and looking at the bird creature. The bird creature laughs softly as she sits on a chair that formed in my head. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment to try to relax. I look down to my hooves gasping I fully flesh in this dream?

“Who are you?’

A smile forms across the beak of the bird creature. She shifts her claws showing stars and ships of many races including their ships. Powerful-looking ships the Gauls ships are powerful looking birds from the looks of the wings of the ships they flap to help bring gravity to the inside.

“My race is the Gaul. We and one more race are the last of the first ones. The others either died out from their wars or went to the universe between darkness where no stars come no longer. The only other living race is the Black Shells. A powerful reptilian race you will find on an old moon near a dead galaxy.”

I take a deep breath sighing.

“Why are you talking to me now?’

The Gaul chuckles.

“My species know you’re coming to talk to us about the battle between Disharmony and Harmony. I wish to warn you before you find us. They will put you through a harsh test. We know what you did in your world. We know what your friend did and she has worked to forgive herself and move on from what she did. Your thoughts still linger and are never given the punishment you deserve.”

My ears fold to the back of my head. I knew this was going to come. I knew it and I knew it would be painful for me to get over it. 

“How do you know?’

The bird smirks.

“My kind are emphatic if we feel strong emotions heading our way we know what to expect. Your emotions and mind are transmitting heavily. I can hear them before the others. Since I am a seer of my species. “

The creature stands fully coming out of the darkness. She is pure red. She had no makeup but pure beauty. Her eyes are pink, her claws shiny and her body has been through much. Her left claw is a stump.

“I have been through my tests as well. Your test will show if you’re willing to move on and accept the punishment you should deserve when all is said and done. Are you willing to accept it when it’s said and done?”

I sigh looking away from her.

“What will this punishment be?”

The creature frowns, sighing.

“Hundred years in prison and hard labor. But you will be given at least a week during the time to at least say goodbye to Rainbow Cloud and all those who will follow us. For our time is done and it’s time to move on.”

I look away from her. I deserve this. To others, I may not but it’s the only way to move on. At least they’re giving me time to do all this.

“When the two wars are all said and done. Then the stars relax and the song of war ends. It will be time for your punishment. One of my species will come for you, two of them will stay behind to wait for you. When the time comes you will go with them. They will work with you and help you through all this deal?”

I nod.

“I agree this is what I need. Do the others know we are coming to ask you to fight with us?”

She shook her head.

“Not yet I will be telling them soon. The alliance still works for Twilight and whoever controls her in the darkness. Grogar is getting his army ready to take over this world. We have been watching and we know what is going to happen to your world.”

I tilt my head.

“What is going to happen?”

She laughs covering her beak with a claw.


I grunt. I hate when those who see the future say those words. I take a deep breath nodding. I need to relax and it’s the only way to relax.

“What should I say when we find your home?”

The seer sighs looking away from me and then looking back at me.

“Say these words. “Gauls you’re needed Disharmony and Harmony have outstayed their welcome. It’s time for the time of fate to take over and Harmony and Disharmony to never return.”

I say the words in my head a few times, nodding.

“Alright… Thank you.”

The creature puts her claw on my head again.

“Wake up.”


The waking world.

I wake up with Sunset shaking me.

“Wake up Starlight We are here.”

I look around and wait until we have already landed. We landed outside of the old Griffin stone. I grunt feeling my body turning back on. The hatch opens and I get out looking at the ship. It’s seen better days after going through Hyperspace.

“Think it will be able to return?”

Sunset shrugs her shoulders.

“I don’t know. We might have to ask one of these first ones to fix it. Maybe it still works. I am unsure. Come on, let's go.”

It takes an hour to walk up the mountain to get to old Girffinstone, the bridge has been repaired and the city is repaired. What’s strange though is that the entire city is empty and has no life at all. Sunset looks defeated since I have a feeling she was hoping we would find something.

“It looks like this is a wild pony chase. Should we look around or just leave?”

I think for a moment then remember in the dream the words.

“I got an idea on what needs to happen. It came to me in a dream.”

Sunset glanced at me. I take a deep breath to yell the words I was given in my dream. I know I am going to look stupid.

“Gauls you’re needed Disharmony and Harmony have outstayed their welcome. It’s time for the time of fate to take over and Harmony and Disharmony to never return.”

After a while, the words echo many times. Nothing happens for a few pregnant moments. Finally, the sounds of wings flapping while the red creatures of many different faces and some different colors in their bodies fly into the air. The leader and the seer lands. While the others land above us. 

“Um hello.”

I wave my hoof to them. Sunset stays silent, sticking close to me, her horn glowing just in case. I know what she is going for a weapon she was given just in case it’s needed. I put my hoof on her shoulder shaking my head.

The leader comes over his wings wrapped around his body. He has a heavy feather on his head looking down at the two of us. Seeing me nodding to me.

“I know who you both are and before you give us a speech you need our help. I am going to be blunt. The only way we will help you is if Starlight agrees to her punishment. She will be given for what she did and got away easily for what she did.”

Sunset looks at me.

“What punishment?”

I sigh deeply.

“They said the only way they will help us. If I accept the punishment I am given by them. Hundred years in prison in hard labor. I know it’s harsh for what I did and I know it could be worse. But I feel the only way to end this war is to accept it.”

Sunset was about to say something then she knew she couldn’t stop me. I bow my head to the leader of the Gauls.

“I accept”

The leader nods.

“Alright, then we will wait for the battle ahead. We fixed your ship and we sent where the Black Shells are. With them, you need to be honest and tell them why you came. Don’t lie to them and don’t expect them to lift anything to help. For we are the last two first ones in this universe. Now please leave, we can't allow you to stay. They know you’re here and are now searching for you.”

The seer nods to me waving goodbye to me. I wave goodbye to her and we head back down the mountain. We stay silent with each other getting into the ship after it’s been worked on and I look towards the one who did it for us. He bows his head nodding to us.

“I will be back to see you later when all is said and done Starlight.”

I smile weakly while the two of us get into the ship to get away from the planet. They know we are here and so we must get away quickly. When we get into the ship it flies off to the next destination and the clock says it will be three days. The mist starts to spray again before I fully fall asleep Sunset looks at me.

“We have to talk when we land, understand?”

I nod and she leans back into the chair and falls asleep. I lean back into the chair myself watching the world go dark. My mind makes me wonder if my punishment is what I deserve? Maybe it is all they could think of if they sat there working it out. Equus forces might have found us and hunted the Gauls down. My brain turns off as I dream again hoping my next dream won’t be a nightmare or whatever dreams are these days.