Supermare, last daughter of Krypton

by Guillermo

Foalhood home

"Here's your coffee" the waitress said with a smile as she used her magic to set the cups on the table.

"Thank you" Coco said with another smile.

Ink lit her horn and caught the cup in her magic, taking a sip and humming in satisfaction. She focused on her friend, who was looking out the window at the street.

"What are you going to do during the Heart's Warming holidays?"

"Tomorrow I'll go back to Smallcolt" Coco said, looking at Ink with a smile. "I'll take what I need to work there."

"Sometimes I envy you" the unicorn commented with a little nostalgic sigh. "I'll have to spend the holidays alone."

"What about your father?"

"The usual" Ink said rolling her eyes. "Even when my mother was alive he was more focused on work than us. Now much more."

Coco frowned, thinking for a few seconds before a small smile crossed her face.

"Well, you can always come spend the holidays with us."

Ink put her coffee down and looked at her friend in surprise.

"Coco, I couldn't, it's a family celebration and..."

"Nonsense, my parents won't mind, I'm sure they'll want to meet you" said Coco, shaking her hoof to make light of the matter. "Besides, my mother will be thrilled to have somepony else to show off her food, she can't do it with us."

As Coco lightly laughed, Ink frowned at her.

"Are you sure?"


"Well…" Ink hesitated a little longer before smiling and nodding. "Very well, I accept."

"Great" Coco said with a huge smile. "Feel free to come with me tomorrow or a few days later."

"I haven't started my vacation yet, but as soon as I have it, I'll go, rest assured."

Coco and Ink smiled and clinked her cups to seal her promise.

Coco watched the landscape through the window, a few hours ago they had moved away from Manehattan, substituting the urban landscape for a more rural one. The train to the route from the city that never sleeps to Fillydelphia, passing through the interior of Equestria. She was longing to get to the town where dhe grew up, she still fondly remembered the festivities that were held there, and like Ponyville, it had a country charm that was hard to match, although from what Rarity had told her in a letter, that was something that, unfortunately, it was disappearing little by little thanks to the popularity that the city was acquiring.

Her ears twitched and, with a little adjustment, she could hear the ponies talking animatedly at the Smallcolt station, they were coming. But she stood her ground, she had learned the hard way that it wasn't a good idea to act like she already knew what was going to happen, ponies tend to be a little suspicious (unless you're Pinkie Pie), they even asked her once if she was a clairvoyant, that was a strange afternoon. When the train came to a complete stop, Coco got up with a few other passengers, made sure her saddlebags were still in her place, and headed to one of the doors to get out.

Once out of it, she took a deep breath, smiling at the pure air that entered her lungs. She walked following the crowd and went out to the town, a feeling of joy and nostalgia flooding her, it was still the same as she recorded it. She walked through its streets with a gleeful whistle, politely greeting ponies she encountered.

"Is that Coco?" said the voice of a stallion several meters from her.

Coco looked out of the corner of her eye and saw a group of ponies her age looking at her out of the corner of their eye.

"I think so," she said again, a mare.

"Do you think she has failed in fashion" said another mare with a giggle.

"As shy and awkward as she is, she wouldn't miss me."

Coco followed her path not bothering to listen to them anymore, they were ponies who didn't deserve it. One of the few things she didn't like about Smallcolt was that she hadn't made many friends in her foalhood, quite the opposite. Her gaze continued to wander to the shops on the street, trying to get away from those thoughts.

One of the shops she found was one belonging to the richest pony in the small farming town, and in the doorway, talking animatedly to customers, was his daughter, a unicorn with golden fur and a reddish mane, whose cutie mark was a sack of bits with a printed rose. The mare met Coco's gaze, keeping it conditioning before giving her a friendly nod and a small smile which the earth pony mimicked. She still remembered the time when that relationship was not so friendly.

Coco was sitting behind her parents' stall, where several different products of they own making had been placed, as her parents had placed her in charge so that they could enjoy the Summer Sun Celebration festival. The teenage mare had a smile on her face, speaking happily to the approaching ponies.

She had been looking forward to helping her parents at one of the festivals Smallcolt put on during the year, as fun as it was to explore the various stalls, being in charge of one was a very different experience and a huge responsibility that she was willing to take on.

"Wow, look who she is, but she's the peasant with no cutie mark."

Well, the only bad thing is that she couldn't escape the insults this time. Biting back the groan of frustration that was about to come out of her, Coco smiled as best she could at the mare she had told her about, Rose Golden, a unicorn daughter of Smallcolt's richest pony.

"Hey Rose, do you fancy something?"

"And stain my fine palate with food made by a failed cutie mark pony?"

Coco suppressed the growl that she wanted to throw at her. The topic of her cutie mark was something she didn't like to talk about, since at 16, she still didn't have it. She was beginning to believe that it was a side effect of having the superponic abilities that she did.

"I have only made a small part of the food, the rest has been cooked by my parents."

"Even worse, country food, ugh, no thanks" Rose said with a disgusted face, making her group of friends laugh.

"Don't you have anything better to do? Or is your life so boring that you have to come here to entertain yourself?"

Rose Golden frowned, glaring from her at her few friends who laughed, before looking back at Coco, a small sarcastic smile on her face.

"Wow, but if the filly is showing guts, is it because your coltfriend left you?"

Coco no longer bothered to hide her growl, her friend's departure was still very recent, and she didn't like that they used him to mess with her... despite how badly they ended. Before she could say anything, somepony approached, somepony who didn't seem very happy.

"Rose Golden" said Wood Golden, fhater of Rose.

"Hi dad" Rose said, not noticing her father's suppressed fury.

"What are you doing?" he said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, I was just teaching this country filly some manners," Rose said with a giggle.

Her father, on the other hand, grunted, looking at the group of his daughter's friends, who looked at each other nervously before walking away, confusing Rose. Once they were gone, Wood focused on Coco, a small nervous smile on his face.

"Please excuse her, I hope this doesn't tarnish the relationship between our families" he said, frowning at a surprised Rose.

"Don't worry, do you want to buy something?"

"Maybe later, but I assure you I will, I've already tried your mother's cream pie and I plan on doing it again" Wood said kindly, taking his daughter with him.

Coco knew that it was wrong, and she knew that her parents had told her that she couldn't use her abilities outside the home, but... how many times would she have the opportunity to listen while the smug unicorn was taught a lesson?

"What the hell were you thinking of calling her a peasant?" her father growled, causing his daughter to frown.

"But she is a peasant..."

"I remind you that your great-grandfather was a farmer in this town, and he worked much harder than anypony being a unicorn. Like it or not, we are country ponies."


"Listen to me, young mare, I've spent almost two hours trying to convince her parents to make a business alliance, and since I don't make it because it turns out that her daughter is being harassed by mine... the parties are over for you"

"What?!" Rose yelled, Coco didn't need her prodigious hearing to hear her, as several ponies turned curiously. "You can not..."

"Of course I can, and I assure you that I will do more, also no more going out with your friends and all those magazines of yours will go to the trash, no new dresses, no new makeup, no..."

"Dad, no..." Rose said, almost on the verge of tears.

"Dad, yes, it's time for you to grow up. If you want to keep all those things, it's better that her parents don't reject the contract because of you, and above all, that you start doing more with your life than pretending to be a Canterlot noblemare. Actually, you're going to start now, go to the community center and fill in for the worker who's on our stall."

Coco had to suppress the laugh that she was about to let out, even more so when she saw the pout worthy of a 6-year-old filly that Rose put on her face. With a growl, the unicorn turned and headed towards the communal house, a huge building where meetings, parties, and on that occasion, served to house some stalls in a covered space, located in the town square, behind of some posts, including Coco's. The earth pony shook her head in amusement, shutting off her super hearing and refocusing only on her position.

Time passed slowly, talking happily to the approaching ponies, but something began to bother her. It was a background noise, one that Coco tried to shut out, at least until she saw several ponies pointing behind her in concern. Confused, she turned, seeing something that made her eyes widen, the longhouse was on fire. Concerned, the mare turned away from her stall and approached the building, from which several ponies were emerging, soot clinging to their fur. She scanned the area and breathed a sigh of relief to see her parents outside it, watching what was going on, so she walked over too.

"What happened?"

"I don't know," Field said as he looked at the burning building. "Some idiot must have set something on fire."

"Is there somepony inside?" Coco asked as she looked at the building.

"No, they're all out, I think" her mother answered, a little doubt in her voice.

Coco was not happy with that answer, so she watched the building carefully with her vision, going through the walls and looking beyond, listening carefully. There was something, a gasp, a cry for help... and it was Rose. The earth pony looked at her parents, doubtful, they had taught her to hide her powers, and that unicorn behaved very badly with her... but she couldn't leave her there.

Making sure her parents weren't paying any attention to her, she slipped through the crowd, surrounding the building and looking for a way in. After a while, she managed to reach an area that was practically empty of ponies, with windows looking out onto the burning interior. Taking a deep breath, and praying that the immunity to damage she had always felt protected her now, Coco jumped through the window, and plunged into the fire, which licked her body harmlessly, causing her to sigh in relief.

Her eyes swept the room, walking and dodging pieces of fallen wood. The interior was worse than she thought, the wooden columns that held everything up were collapsing, and several sections of the second floor walkway had already collapsed. She spotted Rose on the other side, huddled against a section of the wall that was not yet burning, her eyes watering and coughing.

A cracking noise was heard above her, and when Coco looked up, she saw that part of the catwalk above the unicorn was going to fall off. Worried, the mare moved faster, but it was too late, the wood gave way, falling with great speed, and Rose raised her head to watch, terrified.


Coco ran, seeing how everything around her was getting slower, no, she was getting faster. The mare skidded a bit next to Rose, who was still lowering her head with her eyes closed, waiting for the blow, and she got on her hind legs, raising her hooves. Allowing everything to return to their normal speed, she supported the weight of the catwalk on top of her, thus saving the unicorn. She didn't care if she made fun of her, insulted her parents, she didn't deserve to die, and she would make sure she lived.

Rose blinked in confusion and raised her head, her eyes widening at the sight of Coco there, when a few seconds ago there was nopony with her. She could see trails of fire slither across her fur, but the earth pony barely seemed to notice, focusing only on supporting the weight of the catwalk. A glow appeared on her flanks, one that drew the unicorn's attention, and seeing what was there, her surprise was greater.

"Get out of here!" Coco's voice yelled, drawing her attention again.

Rose blinked and looked at Coco, who was staring at her. Nodding, she stood up and walked away from her, stepping out from under the section the earth pony was holding. Once away, the mare allowed it to fall at last, breaking harmlessly on top of her and closing in on the unicorn, heading for her exit, but the fire was making things difficult for her.

Coco frowned, focusing on the ponies outside the longhouse, especially Wood Golden, who had noticed that her daughter wasn't out and was being held by the firepony, and her parents, who had worried eyes on the building, but they concern was something else.

Sighing, and looking at the mare next to her, Coco took a deep breath, much more than any pony could, and blew with all her might. What came out of her lungs wasn't just air, it was a blizzard of ice and snow that blasted out and doused the flames before them. The earth pony walked at a slow pace, being watched wide-eyed by Rose, until the path to the exit was clear. Finishing, she gasped a little, and turned to look at the unicorn.

"Okay, go away."

"What will you do?" Rose says with concern.

"Get out of here before they see me and my parents give me the scolding of the century" Coco growled as he brushed past Rose, turning to see her walk away.

Rose hesitated a bit before moving forward, stepping in amazement on the already melting snow, and walking quickly outside. Coco nodded satisfied, about to leave, but something caught her attention, a touch of color on her flanks that she had never noticed. Confused, she turned to study it, but the fire around her reminded her that it wouldn't take long to put it out and go inside, so she decided it was a better idea to study the thing in her house.

Knock Knock.

Coco lowered the hoof and waited for one of her parents to open the door, which was not long in coming. The door opened and her father appeared with a smile on his face, coming over to hug her.

"Coco, you're finally back!"

"Hello dad" Coco said with a smile on her face as she returned the hug.

The two parted ways and Field entered, followed by Coco, closing the door behind them.

"Honey, Coco has arrived!"

Coco walked past her familiar foalhood home and into the kitchen, where her mother was in front of a pot, preparing a stew, turning to look at her daughter.

"Hello Coco" she said as she hugged her and smiled. "How is my little designer?"

"Fine, mom" Coco replied, then looking around the kitchen. "By the way, is you already cooking? It's still 5 o'clock, isn't it a bit early?"

"It shows that you now live in the big city" Spring said with a small laugh as she approached the stew again. "Let me guess, your food has been based on convenience food and fast food to go, yes?"


"Honey, you know what I'm saying, a good meal needs..."

"Time, love and perseverance" said Coco and Field with a small laugh.

"You always say that, honey," Field commented with amusement, making Spring look at her husband and her daughter with narrowed eyes.

"Keep it up, and you won't have dessert."

"No, not dessert!" Field said, too exaggeratedly and his laugh ruining his tone of desperation.

"You can't do that to me, I haven't thought of anything else on the way here!" Coco yelled, achieving an effect of desperation a little more accomplished than her father.

"Then don't provoke me" Spring looked at both of them seriously for a few seconds before the three of them started laughing together. "Come on, go leave your things in your room, it's as you left it."

Coco nodded, still smiling, and walked away from her towards her room, up the stairs. Opening her room, she saw her bed tucked away from her and a ponnequin in the corner. The mare approached her bed, leaving her saddlebags, unfastening the tie she always had around her neck, and her mane pin. Once without that, she went back downstairs, ready to have a relaxing vacation without having to pretend that she was a normal pony.

"I'm going to run a little, mom" Coco said, approaching the back door.

"Come back for dinner, Coco."

The mare nodded to her mother, still focused on the kitchen, and stepped out onto the porch of her house, the large wheat field before her. Her vision adjusted and she saw her father in one of the sections, working to cultivate the fruit of his labor. Letting her hearing expand, she made sure there was nopony but her family, and after making sure of it, she went downstairs, and she prepared to run, glancing at the edge of the trees ahead.

In a flash, Coco was shot into the trees, the only thing to distinguish from her was a blur of white. Field looked up for a second before smiling and going back to his work. The mare nimbly dodged the logs, jumping over obstacles, and feeling the wind in her face. She had been holding back in Manehattan, where she had to force herself to be just like the other ponies, but here, she could be herself. She barely spent a few minutes when she began to hear the noise of a waterfall, and with a smile she pushed herself forward.

Coco skidded a few meters from a cliff, from which she could see a waterfall and a flowing river, her little refuge from when she was a filly. She lay down on the moss clinging to the rock, sighing in relaxation, though her gaze went to her cutie mark. As she had feared, the bushes had brushed against her fur, slightly blurring the image of her hat, leaving hints of something red and yellow beneath it. With a sigh, Coco rested her head on her hooves and lay there, just relaxing and letting her senses expand, taking in the sounds of the forest.