//------------------------------// // Emergency // Story: The Wayfaring Strangers // by BiasedAmerican //------------------------------// Soviet and Tankery landed on their feet as they landed on the ground in a forest. It was dark, and what seemed like a dead forest, with skeletons and dead trees and the thunderous clouds above. "Probably another dimension, and god it feels good to be back to being human." Soviet blurted. He also noticed that he was teleported with a ragged bag that wasn't his, so he decided to hold onto it. "Good, they're only pony skeletons." Tankery states as he examined the skeletons on the ground. Loud footsteps and multiple sounds of bones clanking together kept getting louder and louder. Soviet grabbed the old M14 and examined it further to see if it worked. He looked at the chamber and found mud all around it, so he holstered it on his back and pulled out an M16 aimed at the bushes. What came out of the treeline and bushes around them shocked the two humans, it was skeletal ponies clad in armor and medieval weaponry, with the other skeletons on the ground arising, with some ponies arriving out of the treeline that didn't lose the entirety of their flesh, but they seemed like zombies. "Fucking hell, looks like the Dread League!" Soviet yelled. "Zombies!" Soviet added to clear Tankery's confusion. "Shit! This is actually terrifying!" Tankery yelled as he pulled out a M4 Binelli shotgun and started firing onto the zombie horde as they started to charge at the two. "Run!" Tankery yelled as they both started running towards a clearing in the forest, taking potshots at the horde. "Frag!" Tankery yelled as he pulled a pin on an M67 and throwing it back onto the horde that is rapidly approaching them. "Get into the tower on our left!" Soviet yelled as the two ran towards the bell tower overlooking an entire town that seemed to be empty. Soviet slammed onto the wall near the tower's door and started to fire his weapon onto the horde while using his left arm to open the door, allowing Tankery to run in and climb up the stairs, with Soviet following him. Soviet closed the door and saw a nearby chair and a plank of wood, using them to barricade the entrance. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck! The hell is happening?!" Tankery screamed. "I don't fucking know, but wherever that bitch sent us, I think it's another alternate reality and or the future. But I think it's the dread league!" Soviet yelled. "The shit is that?!" Tankery yelled in confusion. "Controlled zombies! Or maybe they aren't controlled, but who knows, I didn't get the chance to know if they actually die from our guns, go be a lad and JFK one of 'em." Soviet said as he was breathing heavily. Tankery looked overhead from the tower's railing and fired a round to a single zombie, the bullet went through the creature's head and it fell on the ground, Tankery then fired a burst onto another zombie onto it's torso but it didn't effect it. "Hey!" Tankery yelled. "Normal zombie rules, aim for the head!" "At least we know one thing." Soviet muttered, he felt around his webbing and felt something in one of his pockets that wasn't part of his original uniform, it looks like it was put on him before he was teleported. "Found something!" Soviet yelled as Tankery climbed down the ladder out of curiosity. Soviet took out the item from a ragged bag and it was a glowing potion with a note saying, "Wherever you may be, use this potion to teleport to another dimension if the situation needs be. Be safe, - Twilight Sparkle." "Fair enough, cover your eyes!" Soviet yelled as he looked downwards and Tankery used his arm to cover his face as Soviet threw the potion onto the wall, with a bright flash of light, there was a portal leading back to their original dimension. The duo jumped through. As Tankery jumped through, he heard a door break open and as he landed through the portal, everything was normal and no door was broken in the room where they were originally teleported. "Shit! Behind us!" Soviet cried as he unloaded what remained from his magazine onto an oncoming zombie. One of the bullets hit it's head as it fell through the portal, with the portal closing behind it. Since they didn't have enough time to calm down, Starlight who was hiding behind a chair after waking up, became onfused and scared, she examined the body. She noticed a very distinct fur color and it's mane,. "No! It can't be!" She screamed in fear. Soviet and Tankery catching their breath, asked her, "What?!" "Thi- this... This is Twilight!" She yelled. The duo looked at each other as they suspected, "Most likely the future now, from what I'm guessing." Tankery stated. "Well shit, now we have zombies to deal with. First we have to stop and oncoming war! Now we have to stop the inevitable now?! I can't fucking do this anymore!" Soviet said as he had a mental breakdown from the horrors of that dimension. "Luna..." He whispered, "Where is Luna?!" He screamed at Starlight as he ran towards her. "She- She's at the Sugar Cube!" Starlight answered. "Fuck!" Soviet screamed as he put his head over his helmet and paved around the room to think. "Okay okay, we don't let anyone know what's happening, I'll stay here and Starlight will help me hide and study the body, you make sure that everything is fine and try to distract Luna and Celestia, and especially Twilight." Soviet ordered Tankery. Tankery took a deep breath and jogged out of the Castle, still in 1980s US Army uniform, and holstering his M4 Binelli. "You guys were gone for 3 days! Where were you?!" Starlight asked Soviet. "Another dimension for a single day, what happened when we left?" Soviet asked. "Well, not much. But everyone is starting to act strange, they don't seem to remember you guys that much and well, Elta is still the same." Starlight answered. "Strange, wait a minute, gotta warn Tankery." Soviet blurted as he ran to get his radio thay he forgot in the room and immediately yelled into it, "Tankery! Hold your position, everyone must now be considered as possible hostiles. Get back here until we figure out what's happening." Soviet warned. Nothing but static for a solid second, until the radio blasted into life with what seems to be an evil chuckle, and the radio literally came to life and hopped onto a shelf. "Oh you humans, you still manage to amaze me. And you are correct! The people aren't who they are, but they've been replaced by Changelings. And phew, hijacking this thing you call 'radios' was hard. But your friend is going to learn the hard way that Ponyville and the royal family members have been kidnapped and replaced. So, good luck to you." The voice said as it chuckled until the radio turned back to normal and nothing but static came through it. "No.. can't be!" Starlight yelled as Soviet was looking around the room and outside the window for anyone. "What can't be?!" Soviet asked. "No no no! That was Discord you were talking to!" She screamed. "Fuck! Now we have to deal with saving the Princesses' and killing Discord. But we need to warn Tankery." Soviet said as he ushered Starlight to follow him outside the castle, running. As they were sprinting, Soviet looked around his surroundings as he ran towards the Sugar Cube. Starlight pointed out, "There he is!" Tankery was behind a house attempting to hide from the populace. Soviet ran up to him and he stopped immediately as Tankery raised a K2 Rifle at Soviet saying, "How do I know it's you?" "Should I tell Starlight your search history?" Soviet answered. "Okay, it's you. And also, NO." Tankery responded. Soviet looked around and also raised his M16 as Tankery lowered his rifle from Soviet and too looked around to see that everyone is staring at them. "Everyone was replaced, except for Starlight. But we'll need to see who wasn't replaced here." Soviet said. Tankery nodded and began to stare behind Soviet, and Soviet was confused so he too looked behind his shoulder, so did Starlight. What they saw shouldn't have surprised them. They saw a physically impossible jumping Pinkie Pie happily jumping around town. Pinkie, or they thought was Pinkie, looked towards them and jumped to the trio. "Hey you three! Everyone's been acting strangely lately, can't seem to remember much this week for some reason. But you do remember, right?" Pinkie asked. "Yes, we remember. And nothing is happening, we'll figure out what's happening." Starlight explained to try to keep Pinkie calm. "Okay!" Pinkie replied as she jumped over Soviet, making him fall and making Tankery laugh as Pinkie ran towards the nearest person. "Well fuck, guess we'll need to get to Canterlot, we need to see if Luna, Celestia, or any other leaders are okay." Soviet explained. "We'll take the train." Starlight added. "Wait!" Both Soviet and Tankery said, "We have an idea!" they both said at the same time. The duo ran towards where they sort of remembered was Flim & Flam's house, and Starlight was confused but followed them anyways. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Flim and Flam's place, we need them to make something for us. If they have a factory." Soviet explained. "They do, they won a factory in an invention contest." Starlight explained. "Even better. We'll need to ask them a favor before we head to Canterlot." Tankery suggested. "Yeah, let's go." Soviet said.