//------------------------------// // Stars // Story: Flashlight Week // by Banshee531 //------------------------------// Flash had always had a mild fascination with astrology. He could name most of the constellations and all the planets in the solar system, but that was where his knowledge fell. But that all changed when he started dating Twilight, who had enough knowledge about the stars to fill three entire books and a small pamphlet. In fairity, she had that same amount of knowledge about pretty much everything, but astronomy seemed to be one of her favourite subjects. When Flash learned about this, he of course decided he needed to capitalise on it. So there they were, on a date that involved sitting on the hood of his car a few miles outside the city to look up at the stars. Without the bright city lights polluting the sky, they were being treated to a large verity of stars and constellations. Currently, Twilight was telling him about an ancient story from the Greek days about the figure behind the constellation of Orion. "She then ran to her father, the king, who was so upset with Orion he blinded him with his power. Orion was in great pain and wandered around for a while until he ran into the god Hephaestus. Hephaestus then gave him a servant that acted as his eyes, allowing Orion to travel east until he meets the sun god, Helios. Helios heals his eyes and allows Orion to run back to have his vengeance on the king, but the king took that time to build an underground shelter and Orion is unable to find him so he wanders off." "Huh," Flash was impressed by this story. "That's one wacky tale. How do the ancient Greeks come up with this stuff." "Actually, a lot of people believe the tale is meant to explain the constellations journey throughout the year. He starts in Chios, which is due east of mainland Greece, explaining when he rises above the eastern horizon. He then moves over to chase a star that's meant to symbolise the princess he was chasing before he was blinded, leading to him sinking below the western horizon." "Is that meant to represent his meeting with Hephaestus?" Flash asked. "Yup, his forges are said to be located in mount Etna. That's due west of mainland Greece. With his new servant, he travels under the earth before meeting Helios in the west where the sun rises. With his sight restored, he rises in the east again to chase the princess and the king and the whole cycle starts over." "Wow," Flash smirked, "that's pretty amazing." "I know," Twilight nodded. "That's why I love stars. I know they're just balls of gas that are constantly burning, but they all have so much history and mythology behind them. I could spend my entire life reading the many tales made up about them. They're amazing." "Yeah," Flash nodded. "And to think, each of those stars has at least one planet circling it. And who knows what life forms could be living on any of them." Twilight giggled, "I never took you for a believer of aliens." "I've learned to be very open minded over the last few years," Flash told her. "I never believed in alternative dimensions either, but look where that go me." Twilight saw the point of that, looking back up at the sky and all the stars above them. "It's hard to believe, isn't it. Most of those stars have existed since the dawn of time. They burned back when humans were nothing more then one celled organisms and they'll probably keep burning long after we go extinct or evolve into something else entirely. They may even keep burning until the end of time itself." "Yeah," Flash nodded, "the ultimate survivors." He thought about that for a moment and smiled as an idea formed in his head, the teen knowing he would look like an idiot doing it but decided to anyway. "What are you doing?" Twilight asked when Flash got up off the car hood and stood on the grass of the clearing they were in. "I'm gonna do something that might look idiotic, but I don't care." Twilight raised an eyebrow at this, "most people carve their initials into a tree to signify their relationship. And yeah, trees live for a long time as long as they're not knocked down by something. But you just said that the stars last a lot longer." "Your point?" Twilight asked before Flash took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. "HEY! STARS! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I NEED YOU TO LISTEN AND REMEMBER SOMETHING IMPORTANT! DON'T FORGET IT. NOT UNTIL THE DAY YOU BURN OUT. REMEMBER THAT FLASH SENTRY LOVES TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND WILL ALWAYS LOVE HER UNTIL THE END OF TIME! REMEMBER THAT ALWAYS!" Finally over, Flash began to pant from the large amount of oxygen that required. He then looked up at Twilight, who was still shocked by what had just happened. "There, I just carved our initials into the stars themselves." Twilight stared at him, then smiled as she got up off the car and moved over to hug him. "You are such a goof." Flash smiled back and hugged her tightly. They stayed like that for a minute or so before Twilight pulled away. Flash wondered what she was doing until she took took a deep breath. "STARS! REMEMBER THIS TOO! TWILIGHT SPARKLE LOVES FLASH SENTRY AND ALWAYS WILL!" Flash laughed at this and the pair moved closer to kiss, doing so for a good while under the light of the stars. They may have had their share of troubles, but those two would always be bonded through the vows they made to the stars themselves. And those stars would remember. They would carry the message of the two lovers throughout the universe. Maybe even forming a new constellation in the shape of them embracing. The stars would always remember the declaration, until the end of time.