lost Sunset

by horizon-redeemer

chapter 7: principles student.

The afternoon sky was aglow in reds and oranges as the light of the sun slowly faded on the horizon over the Canterlot Skyline. The was worthy of a work of art made real over the city. It was the kind of thing so close to summer that made one think of warm beaches or celebrations.  

It was weather like this that made one almost forget the tension in the air around the city from the explosion the day before.

Though for one principal however driving down the road, the day was anything but pristine. 

“I’m almost there just wait a little longer,” Celestia said allowed, more to herself than anyone.

Celestia was in a state of near panic as she drove as quickly as the speed limit would allow. Every muscle in her body demanded she go faster to get home as soon as possible. A desire that was only tempered by the knowledge that she couldn’t draw unwanted attention.

Her entire body had broken out into a light stress-induced sweat as well as shaking from jitters. Leaving her feeling hot, uncomfortable, and close to a nervous breakdown. One of the worst she had felt since her parents passed away, or when her sister was in hospital from a car accident.

She wanted a break, she wanted that sweet vacation she was promised right now. But today fate had other things in store. 

From a half dozen meetings with several government agencies, the school council, and the police. Not to mention addressing the public the next day. as well as the fear of losing her job for the fourth time since the start of the year. 

And that was ignoring all the magic. 

From rainbow lasers to talking dogs, magic sing seahorses, a scared girl tearing apart reality, or even some of her students gaining magic powers. That alone left her on pins and needles on a near-daily basis.

Her only relief was the fact that her sister was exempt from the investigation from an airtight alibi. And for the first time in her life she was grateful, that her sister was wasting time dressing up at a convention. 

So to say she was near the point of breaking was an understatement.

“At least discord, luna, and twilight were able to alter the footage of events enough to convince the police nothing mystical happened on the school grounds. Or that sunset was involved” she remarked with strain.

Ever since Luna texted her already frayed nerves nearly tore at the seams. Not only did Sunset think she was six but apparently begged luna “don’t send me back,” or “ill be good.”. The implication of Sunset's words left her feeling very uneasy.

Thankfully before she could think about it any more she subconsciously turned onto N, palace street. With her and her sister's castle of a homecoming into view not long after. 

Seeing her home with its pristine white wiles with blue accents, the green lawn, the blue roof, and even the almost tower-like extension coming out of the one side like a castle put a sense of ease within Celestia. Even as the usually disconcerting empty streets or yards in the overpriced neighborhood could not sour her.

“Never thought I would be so happy to live on a rich street where hardly anyone is home,” she remarked pulling into the driveway.

Once the vehicle was parked in the garage she had to force herself to slow down to make sure the parking brake was on before all but tearing out of the car and into the house. 

The moment she entered her home she could hear the sound of her sister's muffled voice echoing from the bathroom. She couldn’t tell what she was saying but knew she was talking to Sunset from the desperation in her tone.

The sound both hurt her as well as made her joyful. Joyful that her sister was so dedicated to helping her once most hated student. As well as pained her to hear her sister sound so helpless.

Wasting no more time Celestia raced for the first-floor bathroom, desperately wanting to know what was happening.

When she finally arrived at the Bathroom she stopped a few steps away from the open door as she noticed a lack of light coming from the room. It’s just like the nurse's office. Is she scared of electric lights or is it something more?

It was then that she heard her sister's voice fill the air once again, “Sunset please I am sorry I scared you, there is nothing to be afraid of,” Luna said in a low hushed tone

In response Celestia heard a loud whimpering followed by, “I won’t be bad, I won’t be bad, I won’t be bad.” the voice of Sunset repeated like a mantra sounding close to tears. 

The sound broke Celestia’s heart, she had thought she had seen Sunset at her worst. But clearly, she was wrong. If Sunset's memories had truly regressed to that of a child… a shiver went down her spine as she finally realized just what baggage the girl was caring all these years. Baggage that may even explain Sunset's bullying and need for power. 

Unable to wait any longer she rushed into the darkened room her feet echoing off the tile, only to be startled when a loud “Ow!” rang out.

Celestia while frightened had no time to question this as at the same time she felt something catch on her foot tripping her. Feeling herself fall Celestia lurched backward grabbing the door frame with one arm while bracing her hand against the wall with the other. All while straining to stay standing as her legs threatened to buckle from underneath her. 

Thankfully after fighting with her balance for a moment she managed to pull herself up slumping forward as she let go of the door placing a hand upon her chest letting out a sigh of relief. 

 “That really hurt you know, what is it you always tell students about running in the halls?” Luna spoke with annoyance making Celestia jump in surprise.

Looking down wide-eyed she saw Luna laying on her side staring back venomously as she held one leg to her chest rubbing it tenderly. “Would it kill you to announce yourself while we have a vulnerable minor in our house?”

Celestia’s mouth hung open in shock for a moment too flabbergasted for words to speak. Only to them immediately start stammering out a string of stress-induced apologies

Luna was not amused but said nothing about it, instead of rising to her feet before embracing Celestia in a tight hug catching the older sister off guard. “Am I glad to see you, I need your help”  she exclaimed her voice cracking like glass.

At these words Celestia overcame her shock, her face hardened as she was reminded of her original proposal for rushing home. 

“Where is she?”

At this question, Luna broke the hug stepping to the side to let her pass while pointing to the dark side of the room.

At first, Celestia thought Luna was playing some sort of cruel joke. As outside the normal amenities in their guest bathroom, the tiny sink to her left, the blue tired floor at her feet, as well as the toilet across from her she saw nothing. No Sunset shimmer.

While old sunset might pull such a mean stunt, her sister certainly would not. Though that didn’t explain why Sunset seemingly vanished into thin air in such a small room. 

Yet as her eyes adjusted to the dark space she noticed a small pair of bundles on either side of the toilet. 


She heard a tinny gasp the cyan eye locking with her own for half a second before disappearing into the dark again. 

Blinking looking closer she realized that the dark form hiding on the ground wedged behind the toilet was Sunset. The girl somehow managed to get herself into the tiny gap using the piece of white porcelain as a shield. Her body curled around it with her arms over her head while her hands were in awkward fists, at the same time her legs wear bent at odd angles as though she wasn’t sure what to do with them.

“How long has she been like this,” she asked her sister not taking her eyes off the girl who she could hear the occasional sob from. 

She heard Luna give a haggard sigh followed by the lazy shuffling feet, “Sense she ran away from breakfast after she woke up.” Luna answer defeatedly her voice sounding very old and tired.

Celestia bit her lip at this answer as it was exactly what she didn’t want to hear. That means she has been here for at least five or six hours. I need to get her out of here before she makes herself sick.”

For a moment all was silent again, with no words being spoken save for the odd babbling from Sunset. No one dared to speak, Luna was too tired to ask what Celestia was thinking, and Celestia was too lost in thought as to what she needed to do. All while Sunset herself tried her best to ignore everyone as if pretending that she was alone.

Alright, let’s see. She’s distancing herself from everyone. Trying to push herself away from the reality that's in front of her. She is clearly still in shock about being a human… as well as possibly thinks she is a child which isn’t helping. She is promising that he will behave to worry about also. And she is ether easily startled or trigged if what luna said is to be taken at face value. 

“Hmmm?” she hummed wondering curiously at everything she had learned so far. 

There was still much that she didn’t know, like exactly what had triggered Sunset despite Luna’s texted-based recounting. As well as why Sunset was behaving like she was not, though she had a good guess that she prayed she was wrong about. 

A prayer she hoped would be answered when a particularly loud sob echoed from Sunset's lips. “Oh, Sunset just what made you like this?” she whispered painfully.

However, all that could wait as right now she needed to earn the girl's trust first. Starting with dealing with food as she turned back to her sister.

“Luna, can you deal with dinner tonight? With will likely take a while and the poor girl is probably famished. “ she asked patiently. She knew what she was asking especially given how her sister couldn’t cook to save her life, but she knew Luna was likely at the end of her rope and needed a break. 

Though she paused a moment later when she remembered something important, “Oh, and make sure it is vegetarian, Sunset can’t eat meat, she is a pony after all.” 

Luna seemed to deflate at the idea of vegetarianism, the girl very much loving her meats. But she thankfully didn’t remark on it simply nodding in agreement. “I’ll think of something, leave it to me,” she answered prompting Celestia to open her mouth in worry.

 “And don’t worry I won’t set the kitchen on fire” she promised in exasperation cutting Celestia off rubbing her tired eyes and moving towards the door without another word. 

Yet as she watched her leave Celestia saw luna pause as she was about to leave. Luna then turned to look back at her, her eyes silently pleading in obvious gilt, her lip trembling nervously as she played with the hem of her nightshirt. 

 “Just-just do what you can so I can finally apologize properly,” she asked meekly before looking away.

Celestia was stunned for a moment her eyes going wide with surprise having not expected her to say such a thing. Only to then smile a moment later knowing how much the girl struggled with guilt. 

“You have my word, I won’t rest until she is free.” Celestia knew she might come to regret those words but right now all that mattered was helping her sister.

Luna did not look back simply nodding quite before deciding to exit the room her feet echoing down the hall as she went. 

Celestia stared at the doorway for a moment listening to her sister as she went. Eventually, the sound of her sister rummaging around through something cursing openly faintly filled the air as she looked for what she amused was a take-out menu.

 She was not sure why she eavesdropped on her sister as she did. Maybe it was because she hoped her sister would return and make her problem go away. Or maybe just the sound of her sister's voice helped comfort her nerves. Whichever it was she knew she was stalling and needed to get to the bottom of this current problem before she let it fester any longer.

Looking back to sunset her eyes now fully adjusted to the dark she could see the girl was a wreak. Her borrowed sleepwear was a mess of wrinkles and stains. Her hair looked like it hadn’t been groomed in days, which given the last few days was quite possible. Her posture was that of clear discomfort caused by laying where she was. And her body shook from what she assumed were chills from the cold floor as well as the plumbing sucking away heat from her body. 

Seeing this she knew there was no more time to dawdle as she got down upon one knee to get closer to Sunsets level like Luna had done.

It was here when the sound of her shoe clicked upon the floor that a cyan eye came up to look at her. Yet this time instead of immediately looking away the girl seemed to stare as if looking at her for the first time. Not only that Celestia could have sworn she even heard a slight gasp of aww leaving her lips as she took in her appearance. 

Seeing her student look at her with such reverence made Celestia uncomfortable, it felt almost like Sunset was looking at her as if she was some sort of religious artifact, a notion she did not enjoy. 

Yet she brushed this aside for now as she tried speaking to the girl.

“Sunset?” she asked causing the girl to squeak in surprise as if only now realizing she was being watched as well. 

Immediately she whimpered pushing herself deeper into her poorly chosen hiding place her body curling up tighter trying to make herself smaller. Her entire body trembled like an earth quack from fear. But unlike before she didn’t look away her eyes seemingly glued to her in awe of her presence.

Celestia saw this but decided not to say anything, instead, she simply smiled trying to look as pleasant as possible under the circumstances as she adjusted her approach slightly. 
“Sunset?” she repeated again, “that is your name right?” she asked this time hoping that giving her a question would goad her into responding.

For a time Sunset was quite saying nothing as she simply looked at her with uncertainty as if trying to decide something. A fact that Celestia took notice of Leaving Celestia concerned as she wondered what this delay could mean.

Eventually, Sunset nodded quietly before letting out another shiver. 

Celestia nodded approvingly trying to sound encouraging as she continued to think. Ok, so she knows her name is Sunset that’s a start at least, now let's try something else.

“Alright, Sunset you have a very pretty name,” she started doing her best to sound positive to warm up to the scared girl. “By chance, you happen to know who I am?”

This was it she knew, this one question would determine everything going forwards. 

If she remembered her then that would mean Sunset was only missing a few meager years of her past, and not three-quarters of it. It would mean they wear dealing with a scared child who only forgot her friends and not absolutely everything. While it would leave a lot of implications on how old she was alongside pony aging rates. But all that could be dealt with at a later time more convenient.

But if not then that would mean that they were dealing with a vulnerable adult who thought she was only a five or six-year-old pony from a land of talking horses. Legal problems involving Sunset thinking she was a pony aside if her memory never returned there was a real chance that she would be forced into special needs and even dropped down a few grades, or even put into a special needs home if no caretaker or other solution could be found. 

While it was not a solution she wanted to consider it was a real possibility. Especially if they couldn’t get princess twilight to help them or if necessary take her back home.

While she didn’t want to think about the possibility of losing one of her students in such a way. She needed to be ready for it as the equestrians would likely be better equipped to handle such an incident. 

Yet it was what the girl said next that nearly sent Celestia on her behind.

“Princess Celestia.” the girl muttered weakly sounding almost unsure herself of her own words.

Celestia felt like her eyes would explode out of her head. She had heard of princess Celestia it was hard not to after everything that happened. After the battle of the bands, she had asked Twilight and Sunset to tell her everything about magic and Equestria. And while she was a little skeptical at the time after the friendship games she fully believed that there was an alicorn version of herself that was Sunset’s old teacher. And apparently a monarch.

The irony of which wasn’t lost on her especially when she realized she live on a street named palace. Which even for her and Luna felt a bit too coincidental even for a parallel universe version of herself. 
Yet the shock did not last as the depressing reality set in not long after. If Sunset believed that she was Princess Celestia, not principal Celestia, then it meant that all their fears wear realized. Sunset shimmer had truly lost all her memories of the human world

While tempting to let her believe that she was the princess to get Sunset to behave she quickly decided against it. While Sunset may have believed she was a child she wasn’t stupid and would likely figure out that she was not the princess easily enough given time. Which would defeat the purpose of building up trust with the girl. 

“No I am not Princess Celestia,” she returned with a shake of her head. “it may be confusing but I am principal Celestia, The princes and I simply share the same name but are not the same person.” she tried to explain delicately not wanting to panic the girl. 

Sunset seemed to visibly deflate culling in slightly at this new information. This caused Celestia to panic realizing that Sunset may shut down again knowing that her old mentor was not present. 

“But!” she added, “Princess Celestia knows about your situation, that is why I am here,” she said hastily, thinking quickly regaining the girl's attention her eyes going wide with shock.

“I-in fact those girls from before my sister and I were all given a mission by your prince Celestia through princess twilight to watch over you. That’s actually why you are here in fact. You had an accident and you're here with us for your safety. Princess Celestia herself is having us watch over you until it’s safe for you back home in Equestria. Until then we are here to protect you till it’s safe.”

Celestia wanted to cringe at the hastily chosen words and her very loose interpretation of the truth but she had little choice in this situation. 

I can’t feel guilty now, I need her to trust me and the others, I need her to feel safe or she will never cooperate with us. And we can’t have her getting scared and running off somewhere there is no telling what might happen then.

Besides if this Celestia knew what was happening here I have no doubt she would ask us you protect her until we could sort something out. So it’s not a lie it’s just a necessary premature truth till we can contact the princess” she rationalized, though it did little to help with the guilt.

Her thoughts were interrupted however when she heard a small meek voice speak up. “T-th-the princess sent you? 

Celestia did a double-take the way Sunset spoke sounding young, full of wonder at the notion that her mentor sent her. Though she did not let it show as nodded quickly not wishing to let the girl see her deception.

“Yes I am,” she confirmed with a smile. “I and the other girls are here to keep you safe as best we can. But to do that I need you to let us help you. Can you let us help you so that the princess can stop worrying?” she asked tenderly again putting the ball in her court.

Sunset at hearing this question looked away her cyan eyes closing and a hum escaped her lips. Her body tensed again as if thinking about her answer.

Celestia watched this in interest praying her little scheme worked. From what little she knew of Equestria she had heard that ponies revered their Celestia almost like a god. So with a little luck Sunset would believe her story that the princess ordered them to guard her, at least until they could get in touch with twilight. If she did it would make dealing with her easier till they could get ahold of Princess twilight.

Thankfully her wait was not a very long one as a few minutes later Sunsets Cyan eyes opened again before she gave a small nod. 

Celestia gave out a small sigh of relief uncaring if she was heard or not. Simply grateful that the worst was hopefully over as well as whatever episode Sunset was having seemed to have ended.

“Never thought a day would come where I was glad to be mistaken for an older woman.” remarking with a chuckle at the absurdity.

“Now then would you mind coming out? My sister is worried about you, you gave her quite the scare and I think she would like to know your alright.” 

Her question got a startled gasp out of the girl as she seemed to fold in on herself her body trembling once again making Celestia worry that she had gone too fast and was back at square one.

Though whether it be for good or ill a moment later sunset seemed to relax slightly. Then slowly the girl started to crawl out of her hiding place. She got stuck a few times due to narrow space as well as not knowing about her body. This prompted Celestia to interfere much to Sunset's panic but the girl never protested only stiffening or whimpering whenever Celestia touched her causing the educator distress, though she didn’t let it show.

Eventually, after Sunset got free Celestia was taken by surprise as Sunset seemed at first content to crawl upon the ground. Only to have to remind herself that Sunset thought she was a filly and likely forgot she didn’t have hooves again. 

It took her a few minutes to get her to walk on her feet. A few minutes filled with several stumbles and near falls lead to Sunset using Celestia as a living guild bar. Though much to the girl's embarrassment who looked away red-faced every time she used the educator as a crutch. 

Celestia also internally cringed as Sunset smelled horrible. Of urine, warmed milk, as well as just bad body smells, making it clear that they needed to give her a bath. 

Poor thing, she must have been so scared that she wet herself stress, she thought sadly sighing through her nose. As soon as we establish communication with Equestria we to find out what Sunsets' living condition was at this age. 

If I am right and I pray I am not, she might need a counselor. And probably should have had one the entire time. 

Despite this possible terrible future, she said nothing of it. Instead, she simply looked ahead at what she could do in the here and now as she helped Sunset shuffle out of the bathroom and into the light of the hall.

When they stepped out the sun had long set resulting in turning on some time ago. But Sunset still seemed afraid of the light even as they slowly walked as though it would hurt her. looking at the lights with new eyes as though never had seen them before.

This behavior confirming the theory that Electric lighting was a foreign concept to Sunset cursing the already highly stressed teen even more unneeded anxiety.

Seeing this Celestia decided she needed to put a stop to it now before it caused her any more stress. After all, living in a city in North-America it was basically impossible to escape electric lights. So the sooner she introduced the concept to the girl the better she decided as she altered her path to colid with the light switch panel at the end of the hall. 

“Sunset.” she began calmly

The girl looked her way worryingly as though she were a kicked puppy making Celestia’s heartache. But she didn’t let it show as she reached a hand out to the light switchboard

“You're not in trouble I just want you to watch,” she said trying to sound reassuring. 

Sunset said nothing in response but she didn’t need to. Celestia could see the way she avoided eye contact or the way her body shook. The girl was clearly terrified despite the promise of not being harmed. Yet once again Celestia pretended to ignore it for her sake not wanting to frighten her further by letting her know she was on to her as she went to explain. 

“Now Sunset this is what is known as a light switch. The lights that are lighting our home are called electric lights. They run on something called electricity that is operated by a switch panel like this one. It’s perfectly safe and used in almost anything from lighting homes to emergency services,” she explained dutifully.

To demonstrate her point she flipped the switch causing the light in the hall to turn off casting them in darkness as well as causing a startled gasp to leave Sunset's lips. Then just as quickly as it went it came back in a flash with another flip of the switch making Sunset jump slightly as well as blink away a daze as she seemed momentarily blinded.

This blindness didn’t last, however, for as soon as sunset recovered her mouth fell open in shock as she looked between the light and the switch on the wall in fascination. 

It was here that Celestia could have sworn that she heard the girl whisper “magic,” in no more than a whisper.

This made her chuckle at the thought as she decided to speak up., “No Sunset it isn’t magic, though I can understand the confusion. But it’s a form of science, like how air pressure keeps a kite up, or water turning to ice works. So not magic but it certainly feels like it doesn't it?” she explained knowably.

For a brief time, Sunset was speechless as she looked at the light above in fascination unmoving making Celestia wonder if she broke the poor girl. 

Then slowly with great hesitation, Sunset began to move, her arm slowly reaching up for the switch. 

Celestia watched with interest Sunset reached for the light switch wondering what she was going to do. Then as though answering her question Sunset closed her eyes, then with a click, they wear both plunged into darkness.

Then before Celestia had even a chance to have her eyes adjust to the dark the light was turned back on. At her side, Sunset opened her eyes to see the light that she herself had cast causing a wide toothy smile to shine on her lips a giggle of excitement escaping the teen. 

Then almost as if a switch within Sunset was triggered Sunset began to quickly cycle the light between on and off. First slow with a few seconds in between each, only to get faster till it was as fast as a strobe light. While pure delight in her discovery was plan upon her face uncaring of what she was doing.

Before long it got so fast in fact that Celestia was getting a headache 

“Ok ok.” Celestia said chuckling amused by the childlike wonder the girl had, “you can play with it more later, but Luna is waiting for us.” she reminded her.

Sunset shuddered her smile vanishing in an instant before looking up to Celestia with a hurt look. Looking very much like she got caught doing something wrong. Only to look away a moment later seemingly still afraid of being hurt or scolded.  

Seeing this Celestia immediately placed a comforting hand upon Sunset's back and began rubbing small circles

It’s ok your not in trouble,” Celestis said trying her best to sound reassuring,  “Luna is just waiting for us and I don’t want to make her wait for you just curious your not in trouble. alright?”

Sunset simply nodded at this request as she looked down at the floor appearing on the verge of tears. It disheartened Celestia to see but she knew better than to call it out. “Good.” was all she said as she began to lead her into the kitchen

Though just as they entered the kitchen her eyes lit up in recognition of something. “Also Sunset, make sure to check that someone isn’t using a light before you turn it off as that’s rude,” she added quickly.

Again Sunset simply nodded as they entered the kitchen. Only for both of them to stop to be met by an odd sight.

Before them, the kitchen looked like a battlefield with the one counter cleared of all things. The sink had at least a dozen items within that the pair could see. All of the chairs at the countertop were removed looking hap haphazardly strew about the kitchen. While a mop buck laid about. the mop handles sticking out at a precocious angle as though it would fall with several water spills literally about.

Luna herself was also in the right state. Her hair was a tangled mess that she tied back. There were several stains as well as water splashes upon her arms and face. Several buttons from her nightshirt had also come undone. All while her arm moved so fast it looked like it would fall off as she feverishly scrubbed the counter.

Celestia had to bite down a giggle not wishing to insult her as her sister went about… Cleaning. 

But instead of laughing, she decided it would be best to announce herself to let her know she was going to take Sunset up for a bath. 

Yet this proved unnecessary as Luna looked up at that moment with a flustered expression. One Celestia knew well, as it was the one that she wore when she was a few words away from completely snapping in frustration.

“I ordered a pizza from the place on twelfth it should be here in like thirty minutes there having a busy night and a delivery boy is sick,” Luna remarked bitterly from where she was cleaning up the counter from that morning making Celestia flinch.

 While Celestia didn’t want Pizza given their current charge it was good enough. Plus she figured some fast food might make Sunset happy like it did most kids, or she hoped it would.

“Alright sounds good.” Celestia returned, while you take care of that I will take Sunset upstairs to get cleaned up. She looks like she could use it, and a clean set of clothes,” she said back to her sister who began muttering curses under her breath when her washcloth hit the dried milk.

Instead of answering Luna just gave a thumbs-up before waving them off. Taking this as her cue to leave She deading a very unstable Sunset up the stairs, being careful to take her time remembering Luna’s text about her unsteadiness.

At this Celestia decided to worry about cleaning the mess in the guest bathroom later. instead of taking Sunset upstairs to give her a quick bath, a bath that consisted of Sunset fearfully sitting in the tub while she did all the washing. As well as change her out of her filthy pajamas for some clean green ones. 

By the time they wear done the mess from the sunsets episode was cleaned up by luna, and the Pizza had arrived waiting for them on the counter for them. Luna herself sulked at the counter and red checked over a large helping of Pizza alongside a cup of soda two-liter bottles. All while muttering something about Celestia being the lucky one when Celestia and Sunset returned. 

Celestia gave her sister's hand a disapproving look she noted the redness of Luna’s cheeks. But again decided deal with it later when Sunset was asleep.

Setting Sunset down at the table was a difficult affair under the circumstances. As she was still unbalanced in her human form. But after a few adjustments, she got seated right against the counter using her elbows to support herself. 

Once, Celestia, was satisfied Sunset would not fall she took her own seat not far away just in case. 

Before Celestia could even get comfortable though two low splat sounds rang out. Looking up she saw two plastic plates, one each in front of herself, and Sunset with a single slice of pizza.

Casting her gaze towards Luna she noticed her sister's downtrodden face as she looked away, “your welcome,” she muttered before looking away sipping her drink as she sulked.

Celestia watched her sister for a moment as she saw the jealousy plan on the girl's face. It was an emotion she had never hidden well since they wear children and it wasn’t hard to see why. Luna was clearly jealous that she had gotten sunset out of the bathroom in a little maybe ten minutes. while Luna despite spending hours trying failed. 

It made Celestia feel somewhat guilty as she knew her sister was trying to be more approachable. But she was often told that there was something about her that children found comforting that seemingly gave her an edge. An edge her sister was very jealous of.

However, that was also another matter as she turned her attention back to sunset who looked at her food suspiciously as though deciding if it were going to bite her or not. Shaking her head she realized she was going to have to help once again 

“Sunset,” she said getting the girl to look at her worryingly again like a kicked puppy, or pony Celestia realized. 

“Like this,” she said picking up her own pizza in both hands slowly with porous, while also exaggerating the use of her fingers for Sunset's sake. Then slowly took a bite knowing the girl was watching and learning from her.

All the while through the Conor of her eye she watched as Sunset mimicked her actions. Trying her best to manipulate her fingers the same way she did to hold the pizza. 

It was clumsy at first as the girl's grip went from too loose, to too tight, to even nearly tearing the pizza in half. But eventually, after a few tries as well as a few stains on her face from missing her mouth she got the pizza in her mouth and…

A high-pitched squeal of delight filled the air the moment the pizza hit Sunset’s tongue which put a smile on both sisters' faces.

Soon after Sunset practically inhaled the slice she was given as though it were air despite Celestia’s protests. With Luna only laughed impishly before handing the girl another slice, as well as sliding a glass of soda over to the girl. Only saying “here try it with this” as she ignored her sister’s attempts to stop Sunset. 

Sunset naturally eyed the Soda with suspicion but was clearly not too suspicious. Before long, she was eagerly drinking her soda giving out another series of loud Squeals of delight. 

After this, there was no stopping the girl who quickly devoured all in her path heedless of Celestia and eventually Luna’s warnings. By the time she was finished, she had eaten nearly four slices of pizza and two full cups of soda.

 After which her full stomach combined with the stress of the day seemed to make her doze. As within minutes of finishing her meal she began to fall asleep at the counter. 

Seeing this (and under Luna’s insistence) they brought her to the Living room where they laid her on the couch. Then tucked her in, it was a bit early still by this point, but the girl was clearly exhausted and both sisters were happy for the break. 

“Well, that was not how I wanted to spend my day!” Luna declared as she flopped into an armchair earning herself a shush from Celestia which she ignored.

“I didn’t exactly want to spend my Monday in meeting after meeting with various government and the authorities. All while playing cat and mouse with the truth trying to keep all references to magic hidden.”

“Would you have liked to do all that instead Lu lu?” Celestia asked more sharply than she intended.

Luna let out a tired sigh through her nose looking away dejected as she muttered out a “point taken.”

With that Celestia looked away from her sister towards Sunset checking on the girl to make sure their argument hadn’t woken her. Thankfully it hadn’t and she was met by the peaceful face Of sunset resting her head on a pillow putting a smile on the principles face. 

Feeling a rare moment of tenderness at the sight Celestia decided to sit herself down near Sunset's head. Reached out to the girl brushing her hair out of her face as well as adjusting the blanket. All while wondering if this was how her mother felt as the moment went on.

A moment that was quickly ruined by her sister giggling. 

“Carful you wouldn’t want to smother her with all the cakes you stuff in that butt.” luna remarked cheekily. 

Celestia’s head wiped around to glare at her sister for the remark. But wisely chose to say nothing, knowing better than to give her sister more material. 

Instead, she chose to start stroking Sunset's cheek, just like how their mother would in the past. A fact that reminded her just how much she missed her parents after the accident. As she spared a glance back to her sister to see the look on her brow she to was also reminded of the bitter memory.

“So what’s the plan, Tia?” Luna asked suddenly worry lacing her tone.

“We can’t leave her to hear Lu Lu.

“By Wednesday or Thursday, we may have class back. And even if not we will both have to return to work eventually and we can’t leave her home only that long. Especially one as mentally scared She seems to be right now. 

“I mean just mentioning her family seemed to set her off. There is no telling how she could have hurt herself had I not been here. And until we get a lid on what's happening at the school we can’t just place her in the special needs room. There will be investigators and onlookers spying on the school for weeks after this. Especially with Wallflower still at large.” Luna said finishing her tangent before betting up to head to the kitchen.

Celestia sat quiet thinking about what Luna said. She knew her sister was right having the exact same thoughts throughout the day between meetings. 

While she had silently prayed that Sunset would have recovered enough not to need a babysitter that was clearly not the case. Worse still Sunset seemed to have some form of PTSD or some other form of mental trauma that was leaving her on a hair-trigger.

In short, there was no way in clean conscious that she could leave Sunset alone even for a moment. Nor could they higher someone to watch her till the heat died down without drawing attention.

Before she could think of an answer Luna returned to her seat with the glass from dinner. The slight smell of alcohol in the air as she went caused Celestia’s nose to scrunch up in disapproval. 

Luna quickly noticed this disapproving glare she received “what? It’s been a long day.” she countered before taking a long drink.

“Instead of Judging me for getting something out of this torturous day do you have a plan for Sunset? I mean she can’t stay here, especially after the school reopens.” luna countered. 

Celestia wanted to scold Luna’s drinking in front of an impressionable minor. But knew Luna again was right this was now was not the time.

So breathing a sigh through her nose to destress she began to explain the bases of her plan. 

“For now the plan is to get sunsets and meet with Sunsets friends to contact Princess Twilight. Then till we hear back from her or on the off chance they can’t take Sunset back to find temporary housing for her and her lizard in the meantime. 

Her plan seemed so simple spoken out loud in the way she did.  But In truth, there were a number of small details that needed to be discussed.

like who would watch Sunset's pet lizard long term, or make sure she wasn’t missed in the public or Sunset's apartment. Not to mention her school absence and so many other things. But for now, that was all Luna needed to know, as the rest would need to be figured out as they went. 

Luna’s brow rose at this statement her head turning in confusion, “Sunset has a lizard?” she asked befuddled. 

“Yes, a leopard gecko I think,” Celestia answered 

“Fluttershy texted me saying she wanted to pick him up today to make sure he was alright but we couldn’t find Sunset's keys. I have the extra set of keys she gave me in the event of an emergency. So she and I will go to Sunset's apartment tomorrow to check on him, as well as get some of the Sunsets' clothes.”

“Ah-huh?” luna answered still sounding befuddled but saying no more on it.

“Alright then.” luna began, “where shall this meeting take place, it might be a few days before school the school is released. And we can’t bring the students here, that would look far too suspicious.” 

It was a good question but thankfully one that Celestia had already thought about ass he explained her thoughts. “if the students can’t go to school we just need to drop off the communication book to one of them. Probably Rainbow dash or Twilight sparkle as they have the best chance of avoiding police notice with their powers.”

“Once they send a message to the princess they will contact us and we will discuss Sunsets arrangements. With a little luck, all we will need to do is discuss how we will bring Sunset to the portal unnoticed.”

“But?” Luna asked interrupting sensing there was something Celestia wasn’t saying.

Celestia felt a pit in her stomach at Luna’s question, not wishing to admit this part. While she hated to see her student go she knew Sunset needed help they couldn’t provide, she also knew there was a chance that Twilight would turn them away. As such… 

“But in the event Twilight can’t, I sent a message to the Apple matriarch explaining everything. My hope is that by this time tomorrow we can move Sunset to the Apple family farm where they can watch over Sunset. That way she will be away from the police’s attention and hopefully far enough away to avoid Wallflower coming after her, as the farm is nearly ten miles outside the city.” Celestia explained in detail.

Luna’s face darkened at the mention of Wallflower’s name sending a chill down Celestia’s spine. It was no secret that Luna disliked had a distinct dislike for troublemakers, but luna’s expression told Celestia that Wallflower earned an especially dark place in her heart. 

“Do you think she will try it?” She asked coldly, her words biting like steel in the night.

Celestia shrugged. “I don’t know, but given how far away the farm is, as well as the fact that no one knows where Sunset is with the manhunt going on I am hoping it will be enough to keep her away. Not to mention that the farm is surprisingly hard to find from the city if you don’t know the right way.”

It was wishful thinking she knew but it was all she had. Everyone else lived too close to one another, and the apple farm was far away from the city. With any luck, Wallflower wouldn’t think to look there once they moved her. While she didn’t think Wallflower would try anything no one was going to be taking any chances. 

For a time Luna simply sat and stared at her thinking about what she was told. The look on her face told her she wasn’t entirely happy with the plan. But as she offered no counterargument it was clear that she didn’t object either. 

Instead, she finished her drink before rising to her feet with a bit of a wabble. “Alright, if that’s all I am going to punish some noobs before going to bed while I can still feel buzzed and have some fun.” She said venomously her words starting to slurry 

“Then tomorrow I will sign myself up for classes in dealing with people with trauma at school. that way you won’t show me up again,” she added pointing a finger towards her and Sunset before storming off into the kitchen in a huff.

“This day has been far too long for me” Celestia could faintly hear Luna mutter as she left

For a few minutes, Celestia heard Luna rummaging around the kitchen before returning only to storm up the stairs. Likely in an attempt to punish her fellow man in some FPS she had in her collection to blow off steam.

Celestia all the while watched her go in dismay. While her behavior was unbecoming of a teacher on a school night Celestia also felt bad for her as well. 

“I’ll need to find some way to make it up to her for this.”

“Still she has the right idea after today I could use some sleep myself. It;s been a long day and I still have a few meetings tomorrow.” 

With that in mind a taking one last tired breath Celestia made to stand, too exhausted from the day to do anymore. While wear wear a few things she should do going over paperwork and talking to some people being on of them. Between Sunset and the crater in the parking lot she decided that she could shrug off her work for the night. 

Only when Celestia attempted to rise she let out a surprised yelp, as instead of standing she nearly fell forward as something anchored her to the couch. 

Reacting quickly she reached out for anything to stop her descent. Only to have her hands eventually find their way to the coffee table in front of her. Bracing herself on it to stop her fall before she along with what was holding her was pulled to the floor.

She didn’t remain down for long however pushing off the coffee table carefully and back into a sitting position in a flash a curse on her lips as she desired to know what happened. 

Then all words died on her throat as she looked down to see what had stopped her. For holding onto her arms wrapped tight in a warm embrace around her middle was Sunset shimmer. 

The girl looked so peaceful to Celestia’s eyes. The once fear or even joy smeared face now rest with a light smile as she nuzzled into her middle. The hair she once brushed away again partly obscuring her face. Her body now relaxed as though unaware of everything that was happening. In a word she was peaceful.

Celestia smiled widely at the sightseeing sunset so content shaking her head in amusement. Despite everything, the day brought her this one sight alone was worth it all seeing her student seemingly so at peace again. 

I’m glad I gave you that second chance, seeing you here like this, makes that leap of faith worth it knowing what you became, and if necessary what I know you could become again. She thought in silent knowing as a dense shard of pride grew inside her heart.

At this with equal parts joy and dread she laid herself down beside the girl not having the heart to move her. Pulling her close as she got comfortable before using her phone to shoot off the lights. 

While she knew that she would hear no end of teasing from her sister, if this was what it took to help the girl who had worked so hard to better herself then she was willing to pay that price.

“You are such a special girl Sunset,” she commented brushing her hair from her face again. “It makes me wish I could have gotten to know you before, maybe then you would never have felt like you needed to be a bully to feel good about yourself,” she remarked tenderly before closing her eyes to sleep, silently praying for better fortune tomorrow.


well, this has been a chapter and a half. Sunset likes junk food no surprises there, and Celestia is showing her maternal side a bit to the Principle. as well as Luna's jealousy for not being able to help, but I think Luna can take some solace from the fact that it was least because it was her sister and more because her sister reminded Sunset of the princess.

now a few questions about what will happen when they finally get in touch with the princess or what Sunset is so afraid of. not to mention where has wallflower been in all of this. so many questions. so little time. but for now, those questions will have to wait. unless your reading this in the future when the story is finished. in that case, you might find answers in the next few minutes.

in the meantime thank you all again for tuning in and take care.