//------------------------------// // The Visit // Story: The Wayfaring Strangers // by BiasedAmerican //------------------------------// As the steel beast was travelling across an open field, Tankery spoke on the radio. "Halt." Just as commanded, the Bradley stopped moving. "What's happening?" Rainbow-Dash asked on the radio. "Why'd y'all stop?" Applejack questioned. "We're... Lost, I have no idea where we are except we're following the train tracks." Tankery responded. "Twilight, get up to the turret, we need a navigator." Soviet added. "Wait, were lost?!" Rarity screamed. Everyone's headphones emitted her high pitched scream and all of them groaned in pain. "Again, please don't scream into the radio." Soviet groaned. Twilight got up from her seat and took off her headset. She got out of the Bradley after Soviet opened the door. She climbed on the top of the Bradley, with Tankery opening the turret hatch. Tankery turned off his radio and said, "Alright, I have no idea where we are, but there is a huge forest on our left." Twilight rubbed her chin and responded, "Oh, that's the Everfree forest. Just go around it and we'll be at Ponyville." Soviet opened his hatch and asked Twilight, "So where?" "Around the forest and we'll be at Ponyville." Twilight answered. "Copy." Soviet responded. "Get back in, we're moving in a minute." Twilight jumped off the Bradley and went into the back. She sat down and magically picked up her headset and put it on her head. "Around the forest we go." Soviet said to himself, forgetting he had his radio activated. The Bradley started up again and started it's long trip back to Ponyville. Meanwhile in Canterlot, Celestia finally found Luna walking back to her room. "Luna!" She said as she picked up her pace to walk alongside Luna. The 2 guards following Celestia also picked up their pace, while the 2 guards following Luna continued their speed. "Luna, what did you mean that this wasn't the first time he impressed you?" Celestia asked. "Well, if I must say." Luna continued. The 4 guards escorting them became uncomfortable as Luna continued her story, and Celestia becoming evermore interested. "How's the wife and kids?" One of the guards asked. "They're okay, considering I don't have any." He answered. "Alright... Let's secure the break room and it's food, to make sure it isn't poisoned." Another guard jokingly said as the 4 turned their direction to another corridor headed to the castle's lunch room. Celestia and Luna chuckled as their guards walked away awkwardly as Luna explained what happened. An hour later, the Bradley arrived in Ponyville. Everyone got out as Soviet gazed in his IFV's beauty. Tankery walked up beside him and said, "Dude, stop looking at it or you'll be fucking it." He jokingly said. "Oh shut up." Soviet replied. A familiar laugh came behind Soviet. "That got me, even though it shouldn't have. But Soviet, are you still interested in helping in the school when it opens?" Starlight asked. "Ooh I am!" Pinkie and Elta yelled from the Sugar Cube. "Oh yeah, always." Soviet answered. "Good, because Celestia just gave Twilight the green light to start the process of opening it, and something about the EEA." Starlight replied. Soviet remembered watching that episode so he might know what will happen and he has an idea. "Tell me when things get rolling, but isn't it a bit too early to start things back up again?" Soviet questioned. "Well true, I had the exact same thoughts. But I guess it's to have more good news than the bad news that Canterlot was infiltrated." Starlight answered. "Fair enough." Soviet replied. "I'll be moving around town while that happens, I need to find something. I don't think Tankery would mind that the Bradley is missing." Soviet said as they both turned around to find Tankery half asleep on top of the turret. "You think you'll be able to escort him back to sleep?" "Yeah, I'll try. I'll need a help of a friend though, so you know Trixie?" Starlight asked. "Haven't seen her, no. But I have heard of her." Soviet answered. "But yeah, I'll get going. See you later." Soviet said as he started the engine of the M3A3, making Tankery fall off, still asleep as he hit the ground. As Soviet drove the Bradley, he changed into an M1's tank crew uniform, complete with a CVC helmet and with an added tan balaclava covering his whole face, with also goggles. "I've got the thing, might as well dress the part." Soviet thought. Minutes pass by, and they have slightest the idea on what to do. They are bored, and they have nothing to do. They're all lying on the floor, figuring out fun things to do, it's all quiet in the treehouse. They never left since they've been having 2 days with of sleepovers so they can continue their duties as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but nothing eventful has happened to them. Until they hear the sounds of mechanical whirring and the ground shaking. The sounds of what seems to be an engine gets louder and louder, "Flim and Flam again?" Applebloom called out. "Probably not, it sounds louder and bigger than one of their 'latest' inventions." Sweetie Belle remarked. "It sounds huge, I'm going to go check it out!" Scootaloo said in excitement as she ran over to the window. Her eyes became wide open and her mouth dropped, she didn't know how to feel other than fear and excitement. "Uhm.. you two might want to come over here." "What? What is it?" Applebloom asked. "How should I know? That's why I'm calling you two." Scootaloo retaliated. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle ran up to the window and their reactions cannot be understated. Their mouths were opened and they gasped in fear and surprise. "What in the hay is that?!" Applebloom screamed. "I don't know, but it's coming closer!" Sweetie Belle yelled as she watched the camouflaged beast move closer to their treehouse. The metal beast stopped in front of their ramp. The engine purred until it was almost quiet, and they didn't know what move to make next. "I reckon that thing sticking on the top is it's neck, but I don't know, let's go check it out." Applebloom ran out of the treehouse and so did Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle slowly walked out as she was very cautious and scared. "Hi! Do you need help with anything?" Applebloom yelled. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were stressing for a response. Nothing but silence came back. "Just what are you?" Scootaloo asked. But this time, a hatch opened with something emerging. A head that was covered with what seemed to be a weirdly built helmet with goggles, and a balaclava looking back at them as half of it's body stuck out from the metal beast. The creature waved at them and jumped off of the metal beast. "Hi, I'm Soviet." He said as he stood in front of the treehouse, with the three clearly shocked from what they're seeing. Soviet was confused and he looked around his body, "What? Is there something on me?" Scootaloo finally got enough courage to speak back, "No.. it's just that we've never seen a creature like you." "Oh yeah, that's right. Have you heard of the strange creatures appearing this week?" Soviet asked. The three nodded. "Yeah, that's me and my friend." Soviet said. "Ohhhhhh!" The trio said in synch. "So what brings you here?" Applebloom asked. "I have an offer for the famous Cutie Mark Crusaders." Soviet answered. "We're happy to help!" Sweetie Belle excitingly said so they finally have something to do. "Starlight Swirl is going to give me a job for Twilight's school of friendship, and I'll need help and I'll count you three as interns and teacher aids." Soviet offered. "Yes!" They all said with their eyes sparkling in excitement. "Well, that's settled. I'll be hanging around town for a bit until Starlight informs me of the progress. You three mind joining me for a ride around town?" Soviet asked. "That sounds fun, I'm going!" "I'll go!" "I'm coming too!" The three said. "Alright, that settles it. So who's going to ride inside the M3?" Soviet asked as he pointed back to the Bradley. They all nodded. Soviet opened the door and said, "Alright, all aboard!" The CMC's ran inside the Bradley immediately. "Put these headsets on so you can hear me, take them off when you're going to leave the vehicle." Soviet pointed. They put on their headsets and Soviet got back into his driver's seat and started the engine. The engine made the vehicle shake which made the fillies laugh a little. "Where to?" Soviet asked on the radio as the doors and hatches closed. "Sugar Cube?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yes ma'am, next destination, Sugar Cube Corner." Soviet said in a formal tone, which made Sweetie Belle feel funny. The Bradley started moving which surprised the three. "How's school you guys?" Soviet asked. "Pretty good, we were supposed to be having a play but we haven't heard from our teacher or anybody in a while, don't know why." Applebloom answered. "Well, what I do know is that everything will continue in a day or two. Call for me if you need any help." Soviet reassured. "Wait sorry, what is your name again?" Sweetie Belle asked. "It's Soviet, but I'll let you in on a secret at the end of the day if you all behave, got it?" Soviet asked. "You can count on us, Soviet." Applebloom assured.