Supermare, last daughter of Krypton

by Guillermo

Blimp crash

Unicorn Gorge, along with Galloping Gorge, Ghastly Gorge, and Everfree Forest, was one of Equestria's natural wonders. It was crossed by the Solaris River, on both sides of it there were forests and fields full of animal life, its waters flowed into the North Luna Ocean, a few kilometers from the coastal city of Vanhoover, on one of the most beautiful beaches in the country.

It was being toured by a cruiser blimp, the largest of its kind. The deck was quite spacious, with various activities for travelers. Twilight was in the pool, lying on a hammock, and playing chess with her sister-in-law Cadence, also lying on a hammock. Next to the princess of love was Shining Armor, who had managed to overcome his dizziness thanks to various protective spells made by his wife, enjoying the sun, and next to him was his father Night Light, who was reading a book calmly.

Close to them, but far enough away to leave the family alone, were two friendship guard soldiers, who were exchanging with two other crystal guards, who at the request of both princesses, they were also enjoying the cruise before changing shifts. In the words of Cadence and Twilight, if they were going to have guards on their vacation, they should at least have fun too.

In the water was Twilight Velvet, near Flurry Heart, who had armbands and a float, giggling with boyish glee as she swam. Near them, some green thorns came to the surface, scaring the little alicorn a little, who clung to her grandmother, but when she recognized the scales, a small laugh came out of her mouth. Spike's face came out of the water, smiling at his cousin and splashing her with water, making the filly laugh, who imitated the dragon. After a few minutes of splashing, which Velvet also joined in, Spike turned and looked over his shoulder at his cousin.

"Come on Flurry, let's go for a walk."

Excited by this, Flurry walked over to her cousin and placed her hooves around his neck. Spike, after making sure that he would not be drowned, began to swim, taking the little alicorn with him, which made her get several laughs, easily thanks to his elongated and scaly body, using his small wings as fins. Velvet smiled as she saw her grandfoals having fun, moving a little away towards the edge of the pool, near her family. She rested her hooves on the edge and her head on them, looking at Twilight, who was still quite focused on her game.

"Why don't you mares put down that stupid game and get in the water? The water is perfect!"

Twilight rolled her eyes at her mother's words, though a small smile was on her face.

"Mom, the only reason you say that is because you always lose when you go up against one of us" she said as she made her move.

"Careful with that tone, I'm still your mother" Velvet replied with narrowed eyes, but she lost herself laughing lightly, followed by her daughter and Cadence. "But seriously, this is supposed to be a family vacation, you should go in and enjoy the vacation with your foals, or dragon."

Twilight frowned slightly before sighing.

"Mom, I've told you a thousand times that Spike and I don't have that kind of relationship, I'm not his mother. We're comfortable just the way we are."

"Uh-huh, but you keep treating him like he's your son and he treats you like you're his mother" Velvet said with a softer smile. "The only thing you do is deceive yourselves, the sooner you accept it, the better."

"I agree," Cadence said, drawing Twilight's attention, though she was still focused on the board. "It's a bit annoying to feel the mother-son love so strong in you and that you deny it so openly. If you continue like this, you will hurt each other."

Twilight looked from her mother to Cadence, sighing a little.

"Look, this is something Spike and I have to figure out on our own, okay?"

Cadence and Velvet looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding, deciding to drop the subject for now. The older mare focused on her husband, who was still focused on his book.

"And what about you, do you want to take a dip with your beautiful wife?" she said with an amused and somewhat flirtatious tone, ignoring her daughter, who had rolled her eyes.

"I'm afraid not, dear" Night said with a small laugh. "I'm getting to the best part, and Shining..." his gaze went briefly to his son, who had his eyes closed and was breathing calmly. "Yes, he's asleep."

As if to confirm it, Shining let out a small snore. Velvet shook her head before starting to walk away.

"Well, I'll go with my grandfoals, they know how to have fun."

Both Cadence and Twilight laughed softly, continuing their game as Velvet walked over to her grandfoals to continue playing.

Far away, on one of the blimp's lowest floors, in the generator room containing magic crystals to power the engines, three pegasi moved nervously forward, the two behind looked over their shoulders every two minutes to make sure nopony was following them. Soon, they stopped at the largest generator, a small hatch revealing what was going on inside.

"How long will we have?" one of the pegasi asked nervously as the one in front opened the hatch.

"Ten minutes, so we'll have to get the hell out of here."

Inside the generator, a pure white crystal, almost 14 centimeters tall, expelled pure magical energy in the form of bolts of the same color, all of which was absorbed by the generator to power the engines. The pegasus dropped a small metallic bluish sphere, protecting the interior, which as it fell, began to beep. The hatch slammed shut, and turning, the pony saw that his companions were already galloping away. Growling, he followed suit, backing away from the disaster that was about to happen.

At the pool, after Twilight had won, both she and Cadence began to move closer to the water.

"Finally!" said Velvet, who was close to her two grandfoals, who turned and smiled.

"Come on Twi, the water is perfect!" Spike said with a big grin, causing Twilight to roll her eyes.

"I'm coming, Spike, but you need to go outside and put on some sunscreen. It's been almost two hours since the last time."

Spike groaned in frustration as he pointed to himself.

"Twi, I'm a dragon, my scales can withstand lava, I doubt the sun will do anything to me."

"No excuses, get out of the water already. You'll be able to get back in after waiting two minutes."

Grumbling to himself, Spike started swimming towards one of the stairs, almost as if he were a crocodile. As Twilight watched him, she felt a throat clearing next to her, and turning, she saw Cadence's amused smile.

"So... you keep saying you're not his mother?"

Twilight felt her cheeks turn a little red.

"No, just because I'm worried he'll get burned doesn't mean I'm his mother."

"Sure, and asking Big Mac, or Rarity's parents, or anypony willing, to take care of him every time you have to leave Ponyville for a long time doesn't make you his mother either" Cadence replied with a giggle.

"He's still a kid, I'm not going to leave him alone," Twilight murmured.

"Uh-huh, sure" Cadence commented with a small smile.

"Look, I'll talk to him about it after the holidays, okay? I don't want to push him with that," Twilight muttered as she walked away from her.

"Okay, but keep in mind that he might think the same."

Twilight fell silent, her hooves already heading down the stairs and into the water. She gave a small sigh and turned to Cadence, but before she spoke, a powerful explosion shook the entire blimp, scaring everypony and putting the two friendship guards on alert. Because of the tremor, Shining Armor fell to the ground, jolting awake, and looking around in confusion.

"What happened?" he asked himself, trying to get his bearings.

Some ponies shouted and pointed to the rear of the blimp, from which a large plume of smoke was billowing out. Cadence was on the move right away, taking flight to take her daughter in her magic, grabbing her with her hooves, and then levitating her mother-in-law, and she pulled them out of the pool. Twilight, after making sure that Spike was already out of the pool and approaching Night Light and Shining, began to help everypony out of the water, soon joined by the Princess of Love, who had left Flurry with her grandmother.

"Go to the lifesaver balloons!" Twilight yelled as she pulled the last pony out of the water, glancing at the two guards, who looked at each other uncertainly.

"But your highness, we must protect them..."

"Listen to her and help me! The two of them are capable of taking care of themselves!" Shining yelled, his years of training in the Royal Guard and being his captain rising to the surface, then glancing at his sister and wife, who were already approaching. "I'll help what ponies I can to escape, you make sure this thing doesn't fall."

"Be careful" Cadence said, leaning in to kiss her husband, pulling apart shortly after.

Shining nodded before walking away, accompanied by his family, the two guards, several frightened ponies, and the blimp's crew. The two princesses watched their family walk away before taking flight and walking away, along with a few pegasi who preferred to stay away or who hoped they could help the alicorns if need be. Twilight watched as the ship began to list dangerously, falling faster and faster, at this rate, there would be no time to get on the life saving balloons, much less for the ponies inside to get out.

"We must stop the blimp" she said, thinking of any possible solution, trying unsuccessfully to calm her nerves.

"How?" Cadence responded with frustration. "Our magic isn't strong enough to hold that thing, and it's falling too fast to put out the fire safely."

"I could hold an Ursa Minor, I can hold a blimp."

Cadence sighed and shook her head.

"You know as well as I do that you almost didn't make it, and an Ursa Minor only weighs 2 tons, the blimp weighs almost 17. We don't have enough magic to stop it, or even slow its fall. The only thing we can do is help so many ponies as possible." Cadence focused on the nearby pegasi, who were waiting for the princesses to finish speaking. "If you want to help, get the ponies that can't get to the balloons out of the blimp!"

Cadence shot towards the ship, flying at full speed, followed by several pegasi. Twilight watched her for a few seconds before grunting and mimicking her, but she had another goal in mind. She lit her horn and headed towards the lowest part of the blimp, she wasn't going to give up without trying. But before she could do so, she heard an explosion behind her and, turning around, saw a blur, of which she could only make out the colors, red and blue. The blur quickly approached the bottom of the airship, causing Cadence and the pegasi that followed her to stop for a moment, surprised, the princess turning to look at the younger alicorn, they knew who she was.

Supermare placed her hooves on her head and placed them on the wooden and metal surface of the blimp, flying at the same speed and slowly coming to a stop. The wood snapped easily and the metal began to bend, but she managed to stop completely, and the mare carefully began to level the blimp. The two princesses looked at each other before approaching the source of the fire and starting to use their magic to put it out, while the pegasi went to help the workers, guards and Shining Armor. However, three pegasi did nothing, instead, they looked at each other before taking a pair of glasses from their saddlebags, putting them on and focusing on the mare.

Supermare lowered slowly, making sure the blimp didn't move too much, keeping the ponies on board out of trouble. Twilight and Cadence finished putting out the fire and entered the area of ​​the disaster in search of the wounded and leave them safely on the ground, while Shining, the crystal and friendship guards, along with the workers, they made sure that everypony got off the ship, returning with empty life balloons to continue taking out passengers.

After nearly an hour, Supermare settled to the ground and, with extreme care, gently lowered the blimp to the ground, backing away so she could leave, making sure before the huge ship didn't capsize on its side. Once ready, she took flight and surveyed the ship with her x-ray vision, making sure nopony was inside, nodding in satisfaction that the only ponies there were already grabbing the last of the balloons, so she turned away and went to the other side of the river, where all the passengers were, including the two princesses, who were making sure their family was okay.

"Everypony is fine?" Supermare asked as she landed on top of her hooves.

Twilight and Cadence turned to see her, walking closer.

"Thanks to you, yes" Cadence said with a smile.

"You have also helped, Your Highness" Supermare answered with a smile and a small bow. "I would not have been able to put out the fire or help the wounded in time."

"Anyway, thanks," Twilight chimed in with an even bigger smile. "If it wasn't for you, this would have been a thousand times worse."

Supermare nodded, glancing from her to the ponies, who all glanced sideways at her and murmured, amazed at her presence.

"Before I go, I would like to apologize to you, Princess Cadence" said the mare as she looked at the aforementioned, who raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I know very well that my first appearance in the Crystal Empire was a bit reckless, I hope I haven't caused too much trouble."

"Don't worry about it" Cadence said with a small laugh. "Believe me, the Empire has suffered worse than a quick visit from a flying earth pony."

"So I've heard" commented Supermare with a small laugh as she began to fly. "Anyway, I have to go, but first I wanted to tell you that I'm ready to talk to you about my reasons for doing what I do. I hope that helps you see myself in a better light."

"That's not necessary, my aunt Celestia already sees you with better eyes than other vigilantes" said Cadence with a smile.

"Where do you want to meet?" Twilight chimed in, looking curiously at Supermare. "And how do we contact you?"

"You can choose the place, and don't worry about contacting me, just call me and if I'm not too busy, I'll show up as quickly as possible. Just make sure it's between four and ten in the afternoon, I'm more active at that time ."

Both princesses looked at each other before nodding at Supermare, who smiled and rose higher into the air, focusing her gaze on the ponies.

"I hope this experience doesn't stop you from traveling in a blimp again. Statistically speaking, it are the safest form of transportation."

With those words and one last smile, she shot off into the sky, out of sight in no time.

Lex walked through the corridors of the laboratories, specifically, area B, in the basement of the building. The scientists he was with looked at him out of the corner of their eyes, some with respect, others with fear, not very used to seeing him around. Soon, he arrived at a conference room, opening the door with a hoof detector. Inside, the chairs had been removed, leaving only a table where a more compact and powerful model of computer developed by Lexcorp rested, and in the background, a large screen that covered the entire wall, also developed by the company.

"Have you finished studying the data?" Lex asked as he entered.

It had been a day since he had sent his team to collect data of Supermare, and he had left one of his top scientists all the previous afternoon and this morning to study the recorded video and develop his theories before showing them to Lex. The only other pony in the room, a dark brown-furred pegasus with a black mane named Natural Cells, nodded nervously from behind the computer.

"Yes, Mr. Tech."

"Well, start now, I don't have all day."

Natural nodded quickly and went to work. Before long, an image took shape on the screen, a huge blimp and a small dot just below. The video began and immediately zoomed in quickly to the distant point, revealing Supermare.

"Unfortunately, the princesses put out the fire before the subject could use her icy breath, so we couldn't collect data on that, and she also didn't use her heat vision," Natural reported nervously.

"I hope there are other data and I have not risked so much for nothing."

"Yes, Mr. Tech, we have other data that may be of interest to you" answered the pegasus quickly, fearful of his boss's wrath, pressing some keys.

Supermare's image took on a rippling aura around her.

"After studying the footage, I think I have a theory as to how she accomplished her flight." As nervous as he was in Lex's presence, his voice was filling with emotion. "She has the ability to modify her own gravitational field."

Lex raised an eyebrow, getting a little closer to the image of Supermare.

"Does it have any similarities with levitation spells?"

"No, it has nothing to do with levitating anything. Her body literally creates a gravitational field around her, allowing her to escape Equs's natural gravity and, in plain language, fly."

"If so, does it affect other objects?"

"According to these data, only if they are objects of minuscule size and mass, like a marble or a small stone," reported Natural, also looking at the Supermare video.

"Can it be countered?"

"With current technology and knowledge, we cannot cut off her natural ability to do so, we can only hold she on the ground, nothing more, although that would have to be done with methods that do not resort to force" Natural pressed a few more keys and the images of Supermare changed to show her muscles and, in some sections, her bones. "Her molecular, bone, and muscle density are much denser than ponies, in fact, they can exceed even a dragon's. Her body seems to be adapted to an environment with stronger gravity, which, added to her high density, would explain some of her strength. If this is correct, we are dealing with a being external to Equs."

Natural looked excitedly at the image of Supermare, the only alien being known to ponies. They could learn so much from her. His gaze focused on Lex, who had not taken his eyes off the mare

"That was something obvious even without the data, it was enough to see her abilities" he said with an indifferent tone, then looking at the pegasus. "Anything else? I hope this isn't all."

Swallowing a bit of saliva, Natural shook his head.

"It's not the only thing, Mr. Tech. I said that her molecular density and Equs's low gravity compared to what it might have been on her home planet explained some of her strength, but there is one more thing that gives her much more strength."

The images showing Supermare changed to show the color spectrums that the ponies couldn't see, and the one that stood out the most was UV rays, and what it showed caused Lex to be surprised for the first time that day. All those rays were being absorbed by the mare, and a few, minimal ones, were expelled from her body.

"The sun... the sun gives she her strength," Lex murmured.

"That's right, she's a solar battery" Natural said while looking at Supermare. "Her body absorbs solar radiation at an accelerated rate and uses it to fuel her abilities."

"How much energy does she absorb compared to what she expends?"

"According to these data" Natural focused on the computer for a few seconds, "in an hour she earns a thousand times more energy than she spends."

"And if she is deprived of sunlight and ultraviolet?"

"She would be two months or so before she would have to start rationing the use of her powers. As long as she has access to that energy, she is invincible."

"Nothing is invincible doctor, we just have to find her weakness" Lex said calmly. "If her body absorbs energy at an accelerated rate, we just have to counter that, and once we figure out how, Supermare won't be a problem."