//------------------------------// // Shake the Skies // Story: Cybertron Girls // by SonicSpeedster97 //------------------------------// If Shockwave still had his emotions, he would have been fairly happy; now that the Virago had abandoned Cybertron with Optimus Prime, the Decepticons were finally able to completely conquer their home planet and Shockwave was able to truly focus on his scientific experiments… which were unfortunately interrupted when a Vehicon called in on the coms. “Sir, we have visitors in the SpaceBridge port. It’s Starscream and his brothers; they’re requesting a meeting.” Shockwave groaned as he looked up from his experiment. “Send them in.” Starscream and his brothers strode into the lab with simple smiles on their faces. “Ah, Shockwave. Lovely to see you as always.” Starscream remarked. “I have no use for pleasantries, Starscream,” Shockwave ordered. “State your business.” “Pleasant as ever, I see,” Thundercracker smirked as he stepped forward. “Alright, let’s get right to it.” He tossed Botanica to the ground at Shockwave’s feet. “We have a prisoner here for ya.” Shockwave examined her with an intrigued optic. “A Eukarian… one of the Maximals Lord Megatron has been after?” “The very same. And I theorize that this is the one who possesses the AllSpark.” Starscream smiled, handing Shockwave the capsule. “Unfortunately, without the Matrix of Leadership, we cannot open it. However…” “You believe I may be capable of replicating the Matrix’s energy signature to unlock the capsule and access the AllSpark,” Shockwave concluded as he accepted the capsule. “Indeed. And should you succeed, the power of the AllSpark will be ours and Lord Megatron will reign over the entire universe.” Starscream smirked. “I will proceed immediately.” Shockwave nodded, placing the capsule on his lab table before he looked at Botanica. “And the prisoner?” “Do with her as you see fit, I say,” Skywarp smirked. “Agreed. It isn’t often you have the chance to experiment on a Eukarian.” Thundercracker smiled. “Well, there’s the vote then.” Starscream smiled. “Contact us when you have succeeded.” “Lord Megatron will be the first to know when the AllSpark is accessible,” Shockwave assured Starscream as two guards grabbed Botanica by the wrists and dragged her away, scowling at Starscream as she was dragged off. Starscream was a bit worried about this; if Megatron found out Shockwave was working on the AllSpark for Starscream, he would find himself welded to a wall in front of the business end of Megatron’s cannon. “Eh, Lord Megatron has far too much to deal with now already. Simply contact me when you succeed, and I will ensure Lord Megatron is informed.” It was incredibly hard to read Shockwave with only his singular unblinking optic on his face, but he seemed to believe Starscream. “Very well. I will notify you.” Starscream nodded at this and left with his brothers at his sides for the SpaceBridge. “He won’t.” “We’ll notify you as soon as any communication comes in from him,” Thundercracker assured. “In the meantime, we’d better get back to the Nemesis before Megatron notices our absence.” Skywarp nodded as the three Seekers quickly returned to the warship. “Right on time, Starscream.” Blast Off noted. “Lord Megatron just asked that all Seekers go onto heightened alert. Only two Maximals left; we need to find the AllSpark before the Autobots do.” “Very well.” Starscream rolled his optics as he looked between his brothers. “You heard him; rally the Seekers and begin patrols.” “Yes, brother.” Skywarp nodded as he and Thundercracker walked off. Starscream made his way to the bridge, arriving just as Soundwave walked to Megatron’s side. “Lord Megatron, I have isolated the location of the latest set of Iacon coordinates.” “Very good, Soundwave.” Megatron nodded. “Onslaught, assemble a team to investigate.” “Yes, Lord Megatron.” Onslaught nodded and moved away. “And where exactly have you been, Starscream?” Megatron asked in irritation. “Out on patrol with my brothers,” Starscream said simply. “And what word have we from our dear spy Nightbird?” “She has found her opening. Soon the Omega Lock will be ours. And the AllSpark.” Starscream did his best to hide his worried twitch from Megatron as he walked off the bridge. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, the Seekers will need my command on patrol,” he said as he left. Once he was gone, Megatron looked over at Soundwave. “And where was our dear air commander in reality?” On the Ark, the girls were bored after a long few days of no action from the Decepticons as Optimus worked to decode the Iacon database and the air-teams worked to find the remaining two Maximals for the Autobots. Rainbow was seriously bored out of her mind when Teletraan finally toned. “I have detected an Iacon homing beacon.” “Finally! Felt like my Armor was gonna rust off my geode, I was sitting around so long.” Rainbow smiled as she jumped off the console and immediately transformed to bot mode. “Cmon, where is it?” “Isolating coordinates…” Wheeljack noted, tapping a few keys on the terminal before he pulled up the coordinates to be in the northern Mojave Desert. “Got it. But if we’re getting a locater signal, they must’ve already dug it up.” “Which means they’ll be moving fast to transport it to the Nemesis.” Twilight rationalized. “Which means we’ll have to move faster.” Applejack nodded. “Let’s roll.” “Way ahead of you.” Red Alert nodded as he activated the GroundBridge. “Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!” Optimus ordered as he transformed along with Elita, Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Sunset, Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and Chromia – who turned into a 2022 Toyota Sienna – who all followed Optimus through the portal. They emerged in the desert and easily spotted the Decepticons near a ridge, finishing clean-up of a large amount of rubble from the recent digging. “Right on time; looks like we caught them while they were movin’ out.” Arcee smiled as she looked through her visor at the dig site. Rainbow scanned the area until she saw another GroundBridge opening nearby… which allowed Megatron through, followed by Knock Out. “Must be here to examine the loot himself.” “Not surprising; after what happened with the Energon Harvester, I doubt Megatron trusts anyone else with these relics,” Twilight remarked. Below, Megatron approached his mercenary general with great intent in each step. “I received the locator beacon on the Nemesis; do you have it, Onslaught?” he asked. “Do we ever.” Onslaught smiled and snapped his fingers, prompting one of the Vehicons to step forward with a large canister. “Behold, My Lord.” Onslaught opened the canister with a flourish and Megatron’s optics went wide. “Well, isn’t this a fine stroke of irony…” Knock Out smiled as Megatron reached into the canister and produced a large metal shield with blue and orange highlights and three small gun barrels on the bottom. Chromia’s optics went wide when she saw it. “By the Forge…” “What is it? What is that thing?” asked Applejack. “The Skyboom Shield; the weapon of Sentinel, the Prime before Optimus.” Elita recognized. “Said to have the power to shake the heavens when it’s activated.” “So not the sort of unchecked insane power we want in Megatron’s hands,” Rainbow noted. “Gotcha. Let’s make this quick.” Quickly she jumped over the ridge the team was hiding on and started firing down at the Decepticons. Megatron immediately raised the shield to defend himself as the gunfire rained down. “Well, there goes subtlety,” Sunset remarked as she and the rest of the team raised their blasters and fired down at the Decepticons. “I believe that would be our cue to leave, sire.” Knock Out remarked, hiding behind Megatron and the shield from the gunfire. “So it would seem, Knock Out.” Megatron nodded, barely feeling the impact of the blasts or bullets against the shield. “Decepticons, withdraw!” Onslaught and several Vehicons fired back at the Autobots to cover Megatron as he inched closer to the GroundBridge. “You’re not getting away that easy!” Rainbow smiled and fired a missile at the warlord, only for it to explode against the Skyboom Shield… which was strangely starting to glow on the seams. Twilight looked closely at the shield, scanning it as best she could with the systems in her visor. “Wait a second…” And what she saw stunned her. “Cease fire! Cease fire!” The Autobots were confused, but that proved to be enough of a reprieve for Megatron to try for a lucky shot at Elita. Quickly Chromia leaped in front of her and intercepted the blast with her own shield, knocking her into Elita’s arms as Megatron, Onslaught, and Knock Out disappeared into the GroundBridge which deactivated and left the Vehicons behind to fire on the Autobots. Quickly the Autobots blasted them all down and split up to survey the site. “Why’d you call us off, Twilight?” asked Rainbow. “Because I know how the Skyboom Shield works,” Twilight explained, earning some surprised looks from the Autobots. “I know how it’s capable of shaking the sky; it absorbs kinetic energy and holds it in place for use as a concussive weapon.” “However the shield works, what matters now is that it’s in Megatron’s hands.” Elita scowled. “And he will not hesitate to use it however he wishes.” Unfortunately, the way Megatron saw fit to use the shield right now was as target practice to confirm Twilight’s theory for himself as Shockwave – who had recently been called from Cybertron – watched in intrigue. “As I originally theorized, Lord Megatron, the shield absorbs all incoming kinetic energy for redistribution.” “Can the technology be replicated, Shockwave?” Megatron asked seriously. “I want one for myself at the very least and enough for the entire Decepticon army at the very most.” “Theoretically Lord Megatron, I can replicate this technology,” Shockwave noted, scanning the shield. “The alloy is unusual to me, however; rare, but not impossible to replicate. I may only be able to create one shield. I will return to my laboratory on Cybertron and proceed with the work immediately.” “Notify me as soon as you have it completed,” Megatron ordered as he took up the shield for himself. “In the meantime, I’m certain Optimus Prime will derive no little enjoyment from seeing the weapon of the tyrannical Sentinel Prime on my arm as I destroy him.” “Yes, Lord Megatron.” Shockwave nodded and left for the SpaceBridge… with Starscream on his tail. “Whilst we’re on the topic of scientific projects, how goes your other experiment?” the air commander asked. “Slowly. Locating the correct energy signature has proven more difficult than I originally anticipated.” Shockwave said simply. “Lord Megatron is aware of this project, is he not?” “Of course he is; he approved it himself,” Starscream assured. “I merely wish to limit the distractions our lord and master must contend with in this war.” “Your reasoning is logical. I will continue with the project and inform you upon its success.” Shockwave said simply as he left Starscream’s side. Starscream sneered as he walked toward the flight deck and met his brothers on the way. “The only person he intends to inform of this project’s success is Megatron.” Thundercracker sneered. “Obviously. Ensure we are informed first of any communication from Cybertron.” Starscream ordered, dedicated to his plan. Come hell or high water, he would possess the power of the AllSpark first and Megatron would pay for all the abuse and slights he had inflicted on the air commander… who would soon become ruler of the Decepticons.