Dashie and the Juniorbolts

by Foal Star

Chapter Five: Rainbow Dash's Plan

Lightning Dust grumbled rather angrily under her breath as she started trotting down the roads of Cloudsdale, heading to Rainbow Dash’s home. Despite being determined to find Rainbow Dash for Starlight, she still didn’t really like the idea of her wingpony turning into a foal. She continued to trot right up to the front door and gave a knock on the door, then waited patiently.

As Lightning Dust stood there she began to look rather nervous, trying to think of a good lie to tell Rainbow Dash’s mother.

The door then slowly opened and an older, blue-coated pegasus mare poked her head out with a bright smile on her face. “Hello? Who are you?” The older mare asked with a suspicious look on her face.

Lightning Dust paused, having to come up with a lie as she stood there with a dumbfounded look on her face. But she then said. “Hello! My name is Lightning Dust. I'm a friend of Rainbow Dash’s.”

Windy cocked an eyebrow and with a smirk asked. “Oh, so you’re the one who said my daughter was Rainbow Splash?”

Lightning Dust gulped seeing that she had to now explain why she’d lied that Rainbow Dash was her daughter. “Well you see, there has been a horrible accident. She was turned into a foal with a bunch of other Wonderbolt candidates as well. I didn’t want to embarrass her so I lied about her name along with the other foals to save them from it.”

Windy Whistles nodded as she still looked rather suspicious even as she said. “Ok, that makes sense.”

Lightning perked up upon seeing that despite Rainbow Dash’s mother's suspicions, she seemed to buy her story. “I only put her and the other foals in the Juniorbolts Academy until I learned of a cure.”

Windy Whistles was still giving Lightning a suspicious look, but then she suddenly chirped. “Oh thank you! Well, I’m glad that’s all cleared up,” She then adjusted her head a little at the pouty-looking unicorn on Lightning’s back and asked. “I assume that little unicorn is an adult turned into a foal as well?”

Lightning Dust gave a sheepish smile, seeing as she had to come up with another lie. “Oh yes, a lot of ponies have been turning into foals lately. But luckily, I know Twilight and she can help to get these little ones back to adults.”

“Oh thank you! My husband and I were wondering what to do with all of these foals. But unfortunately, you came at a bad time. Right now the little ones are playing hide and seek,” Windy explained as she led Lightning Dust into her home.

The teal-colored mare looked around with a rather unsure look on her face, looking for the other foals. She was now pretty worried as she looked around the room. She could hear the crinkling of diapers coming from all over the house along with the occasional giggle or sneeze.

Lightning Dust cursed under her breath seeing that she couldn’t just declare that she wanted Rainbow Dash to come out. But luckily, with the help of baby Starlight, she figured they should be able to find Rainbow and leave with her without much fuss from her mom.

“Ok, we’ll play along. Do you think that my little unicorn can help?” Lightning Dust asked.

“Oh, of course! But don’t you think the little one would like something to drink first?” Windy Whistles replied.

“Sure,” Lightning nodded. “I think Starlight would like that a lot.”

“Oh, Starlight, is it? What a beautiful name!” Windy chirped as she took hold of the grayish-purple coated filly and then plopped her down on the couch as she plopped a bottle into her mouth.

Starlight seemed rather surprised as she began to suckle down the contents!

Lightning Dust couldn’t help but giggle at the filly guzzling down the milk with a smile on her face. The pegasus waited for her to finish before the two started to search the house for the foals. Starlight went about looking under the coaches and the tables and chairs in the living room. While the little unicorn was looking around Lightning Dust decided to take the time to trot down the hallway.

As she made her way down the hall, Lightning couldn’t help but admire the embarrassing baby photos of Rainbow Dash that were hanging on the walls. Then as she opened the door to her former wingpony’s bedroom, she couldn’t help but place a hoof over her heart upon seeing how adorable her former wingpony’s room looked like a nursery. It was obvious that Rainbow Dash’s parents loved their daughter very much, and that they had redecorated her room just in case she was turned into a foal.

Lightning Dust paused with her heart thumping as she realized that her parents would never do anything like this. They’d always belittled her and told her she was never good enough as she seemed unable to meet their expectations. If she were turned into a foal they would just have her place in a daycare twenty-four/seven. It frustrated her to see somepony with loving parents, and it also made her feel like having Starlight foalnap Rainbow was wrong.

Lightning was actually starting to feel jealous of Rainbow but just then her thoughts were interrupted by something moving under the sheets of the crib. She then slowly trotted over, moved them, and gasped upon seeing a chubby, white-coated colt fly out of the crib and then run across the room!

The mare squealed as she chased him around the room and it was rather adorable with the little colt skipping around the room while flapping his tiny wings. The mare eventually stalled, then came over and snatched the foal up while cheering! “Got ya!” Lightning Dust took the foal and started to tickle the colt’s belly with the tips of her wings. It was so cute seeing the little colt squirm underneath her. She then said. “So, you’re Bulk Biceps, right?”

“Yeah, tats me!” Bulk replied, suspecting nothing.

Lightning Dust looked down the hall and saw Starlight struggling to chase the foals she’d found as they flapped around her. The pegasus mare then turned to Bulk Biceps and whispered, “So, where's Rainbow Dash?”

Bulk Biceps scoffed as he crossed his hooves across his chest. “I not gonna tew ya! Aren’t ya ta one who wied and put us in a daycawe?”

Lightning Dust looked downward with a rather disgruntled look in her eye. She’d been counting on Bulk not remembering. “Yes I did, and you have no reason to trust me.”

The older mare paused as she looked around the room and the guilt she felt before wasn’t going away. Lightning Dust sighed seeing she needed to stop Starlight’s plans somehow. Then an idea slowly appeared in her head she turned back to the little chubby colt and said, “would it be ok if we continue playing hide and seek in here?”

“Wight, wike we pwetending ta wook fow us to twick Stawwight!” Bulk Biceps exclaimed as he jumped up and down seeming to get where Lightning Dust was going.

“Yes, exactly you go hide and I’ll keep looking for you. That way we stop Starlight from finding all the foals.” Lighting Dust added.

“Otay but ya bettew not cheat!” Bulk chirped as he scurried off in his crinkly diaper to find a hiding spot

“You better not run away from me!” The mare shouted after him hoping he remained in the room. She then clapped her hooves over her eyes and started to count down from ten hoping that if Rainbow Dash was in the room somewhere hiding she heard her and continued to play along as well.

While Lightning Dust was playing hide and seek, Rainbow Dash was in a stroller being pushed by her father through the streets of Ponyville. Bow seemed to enjoy pushing his daughter, trotting about as if he was on a normal stroll. Meanwhile, the little filly was burying herself under a pile of blankets and trying not to be seen. She had a pacifier in her mouth and was suckling away, trying to calm herself. The filly was glad she at least was covered enough to where nopony could see her. She did that mostly just in case Starlight was going around trying to find her. But so far it was looking like things were going rather smoothly.

The other foals must be doing a good job keeping Lightning Dust distracted back at her house if Lightning hadn’t come for her yet. It was a rather good plan and Rainbow couldn’t help but feel a bit like an egghead at having gotten the idea not only from one of her baby photos but also from a Daring Do book where she tricked one of the villains to search her house for an idol she’d found while she was taking the artifact to a museum.

Rainbow then felt the stroller stop and her dad trotted over and pulled the blanket down as he took the pacifier out from her mouth a little and said with a smile. “We're here.”

Rainbow Dash gulped, feeling completely embarrassed at having Twilight see her like this, and she squirmed in her seat at the thought. She eventually got to the front door and she could already imagine Twilight babying and cooing at her.

“Oh, don’t be so embarrassed, Twilight has taken care of the princesses as babies before,” Bow pointed out. “I’m sure you won’t be any different.”

“Yeah! Weww, tis is stiww supa embewasin fow me!” Rainbow pouted. “Unwike the pwincessess, I hang out with hew aww ta time,” The little filly whined.

“I would bet it would be much more embarrassing if you stay like this, not that I'm complaining.” Bow smiled again. He quite liked the idea of having his little Dashie back, even just for a little while.

“Ugh! Wet’s just get tis ovew with!” Rainbow impatiently grumbled. The less humiliation she had to endure, the better.

Bow Hothoof proceeded to knock on the door, and Rainbow Dash looked down to see she had a cute Wonderbolt-style onesie around her body hiding her diaper (minus some of the material poking through the leg holes). At least her embarrassing padding wasn’t exposed, even though she could feel the diaper squish underneath.

The door opened and Twilight came out sporting a cute pink apron. She was looking rather confused at the stallion before her. “Hello, who are you?”

Bow bowed his head with a smile. “I’m her father, Bow Hothoof. And according to Rainbow Dash, you’re Twilight Sparkle. Is that right?”

“Yes, I am and it’s great to meet you,” Twilight smiled back. She then took a pause before adding. “I can see the family resemblance.”

“Yup, she’s got my mane and tail,” Bow replied. “But she got her coat color and attitude from her mother.”

This got a giggle from Twilight before she got a little worried and asked, “Speaking of Rainbow, do you know where she is? She was supposed to be at the Wonderbolt Academy but I got a letter from them saying that she dropped out. But that can’t be right. I was actually going to visit Cloudsdale to make sure she was ok.”

Bow scratched the back of his mane with a hoof, looking rather sheepish as he said. “Well, I’ve seen her, but… there has been an accident..” He then moved out of the way revealing Rainbow Dash laying down in the stroller. Upon seeing Twilight, the foal quickly pulled the blanket over her face!

The unicorn with a light purple coat squealed as she lit up her horn and pulled the filly out of the stroller using her magic, then levitated the filly right into her hooves! Twilight held the foal rather tightly as she cried. “Rainbow Dash! I can’t believe you're a foal!”

“Sewiouswy, stop it!”The little daredevil whined as she kicked about and crinkled her diaper rather adorably.

Twilight had the little filly placed on her back. “Oh on, this is just too adorable.”

“Yeah yeah, just dun say anyting to ouw fwiends, ok?!” Rainbow snapped as Twilight skipped into the library with Bow following behind.

“You guys came at the same time I was just going to feed Trixie.” Twilight explained. She then trotted into the library where Bow gasped upon seeing the entire library was covered in an adorable, pink foam-like material! Rainbow Dash wasn’t that impressed, having seen the library like this a few times now. Bow, however, was looking around the library with a wide-eyed expression on his face as he asked. “Wow! You babyfied your home?”

Twilight brushed a hoof over her mane and explained. “Well, there was an incident with a little lord of chaos causing my library to look like this. I’ll take this stuff down when I feel like this foal pandemic is finally over.”

“Well, it’s a good thing it's up with little Rainbow Dash flying about,” Bow chuckled. “Celestia knows she would bang herself up in our home, and it’s mostly made up of clouds.”

“Dad!” Rainbow shouted back at him, rather angry at having dozens of ponies now knowing embarrassing things about her foalhood!

But Twilight just burst out laughing. “Oh, don’t worry. I won’t tell anypony.” She then plopped Rainbow Dash in a highchair and tied a bib around her neck. Sitting across from the little daredevil sat Trixie in her own highchair waiting rather patiently. Then without warning Twilight used her magic to start spoon-feeding the two foals simultaneously. Shoveling glops of mashed yams into their mouths.

Rainbow Dash glared at Trixie, who had gotten rather used to her life as a foal as she smacked her lips on the mashed yams. Despite Twilight forgiving Trixie and adopting her, Rainbow was still rather cautious of the filly. But for now, she was paying attention to the feeding.

At first, the little pegasus tried to avoid the rubber spoon moving towards her, turning her head and clamping her hooves around her mouth. Twilight was too experienced though, as made faces at the little daredevil. Rainbow tried to resist but started giggling as she had the spoon plopped into her mouth while Twilight continued to talk to Bow.

The daredevil filly continued to chomp down on her own rubber spoon filled with mashed yams, having given up trying to avoid the food coming into her mouth. She continued to eat as Bow talked about how Rainbow Dash had turned into a foal and stayed at her parents’ house.

Rainbow was furious at this, she began flapping her wings and trying to shout at Bow when he went into embarrassing details like, how much milk she drank, how she didn’t leak her diapers, and worst of all how she came up with her silly plan to escape the daycare!

Twilight just laughed throughout Bow’s tale and continued to feed and wipe Rainbow Dash’s pouty face. Bow’s story also got some snickering from Trixie as Rainbow stuck her tongue out at her.

“Mom! Wainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at me!” Trixie whined.

“Oh Trixie, don’t worry about it. Rainbow Dash is just being her usual rude self and won’t be a foal for long, Twilight explained with a smirk. “But, if she was going to stay as a foal, Rainbow would be placed in time out.”

“Ya better not!” Rainbow whined as she kicked about like a toddler having a tantrum.

“Trust me you couldn't keep her in timeout even if you wanted to,” Bow teased.


Twilight just laughed at all the teasing her friend was receiving while Rainbow Dash continued to shout at them. After Twilight cleaned the foals up, she then quickly took the two out of their high chairs. She placed Trixie down in the playpen set up in the middle of the room while she sat with Rainbow Dash in her lap as she said. “So, Bow already told me everything. I'm just going to change your diaper, then get you back to a big pony. Ok?”

“Wight now I dun gots time!” Rainbow complained! “We gotta go hewp my fewwow Juniowbowts! Tey in twoubwe!"

"Ok, I get it. Just hold still and stop making a fuss." Twilight grumbled as she picked up Rainbow Dash’s back legs with her magic, then began wiping her rump.

Rainbow just laid back down on the changing mat and grumbled. "Just be fast, dun wanna wisk Stawwight keeping my Juniowbowts hostage.”

After she was cleaned up and strapped in a fresh diaper, the filly was placed upright on the couch. She kicked about in her padding rather uncomfortably as Twilight and Bow both looked downward with lovely smiles. Rainbow felt her cheeks turning hot as she cried. “Stop wooking at me wike tat!”

Bow just gave a chuckle as he took out a camera and snapped a few more pictures of his daughter while Twilight took out her amulet. “Sorry, cutie. Let’s get you back to normal.”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes as she waited for Twilight to perform her spell. The filly felt her body enlarge as the spell wrapped around her body. She felt herself age slowly and progressively, her wings sprouting outward as her mane and tail grew as well.

When Rainbow finally opened her eyes she saw that she was much taller, standing over baby Trixie, who just looked rather amazed. “Alright, enough gawking! I need to go save my Juniorbolts!” The rainbow-maned pegasus exclaimed as she shot out of the library like a speeding bullet!

Starlight was sweating rather profusely as she looked around the room, seeing that all of the Wonderbolt recruits were now in the middle of the living room. The little unicorn was rather confused as she was looking over them, wondering where Rainbow Dash could possibly be. She had searched almost the entire house for these annoying, boisterous foals who had flown all over the place. But the one pony the filly was looking for had yet to turn up and she couldn’t think of anywhere else to look.

The grayish-purple coated filly turned her attention down the hall towards Rainbow Dash’s room. Starlight then began to slowly trot down the hall, and as she opened the door she found Lightning Dust flying around the room chasing after a rambunctious little colt. The scene made Starlight furious, seeing as she had spent an hour chasing the rest of the other foals. And yet Lightning Dust was here, playing with this random, chubby colt!

“Wightning, what awe ya doing?!” Starlight bitterly snapped! “We need to find Rainbow Dash!”

The pegasus mare stopped as she looked over at her and then said, “Well, I was looking for Rainbow. But I got, well…sidetracked.”

Starlight pouted and shouted. “Weww, whiwe ya was sidetwakced ,I spent an hour wunning awound, chasing tese annoying pegasi evewywhere!”

“Well, it looks like your search has come to an end!” Starlight turned her head around and she looked right at Rainbow Dash as an adult standing over her, with her wings spread apart and looking furious.

The little filly’s mouth dropped open as she stepped back. “W..w..w…wait, how awe you back ta nowmaw?! I taught ya was hewe!”

“Well, you thought wrong. Sorry but I devised a little scheme to get myself back to normal and expose ya!” Rainbow Dash jeered.

Lightning Dust squeaked upon seeing the daredevil mare! And then said, “...W..wait…when did you turn into an adult?”

“That's not important!” Rainbow coldly replied, and then said to Starlight. “I guess we got you now, Starlight!” Rainbow Dash dove at the filly but before the pegasus could catch her, the little unicorn lit up her horn and teleported away.

Starlight then somehow ended up in Rainbow Dash’s crib where the daredevil mare peered over as she said. “That suits you well. With all the ponies you’ve regressed, you’ll be in a cell just like this for a pretty long time.”

Starlight however wasn’t phased at all by Rainbow Dash’s threats as she gave a smirk and snapped. “Tats what ya tink! Ya stopped yaself turning into a foaw fow now! But ya wiww be back in diapees soon enough!” Then the little unicorn lit her horn once more and disappeared as a bright light enveloped the room, and with a puff of smoke, Starlight was gone!

All that was left was Lightning standing there, looking rather guilty as she managed to say. “Well, I don’t have magic, so there’s no use running.”

Rainbow cursed as she looked over and snapped. “Yeah, so you know you're going to be in trouble! Not only for turning me into a baby, but the rest of these ponies as well.”

“As Stormy said, you can decide my fate. I really am sorry for turning you and the other Wonderbolt candidates into foals.” Lightning Dust mumbled as she bowed her head.

The daredevil was going to say something but Bulk Biceps came running over and pleaded, “Dun be too harsh! Pwease! She hewped keep Stawwight distwacted and kept her fwom finding out youw pwan.”

The daredevil mare eyed Lightning. “Is Bulk Biceps telling the truth?”

“Yeah, I thought that you were still hiding somewhere and played ‘hide and seek’ with Bulk Biceps in the hopes that you would play along,” Lightning confessed. “I thought you were just really good at hiding, I had no idea you were with Twilight.”

“Thank you for acknowledging how smart I am,” Rainbow Dash gloated as she tapped a hoof to her chin as she started to calm down. “And Stormy really said I can decide your fate, huh?”

“Yes she did, and I'll go with any punishment you see fit.” Lightning replied with a disgruntled look in her eye, seeming rather nervous about what punishment Rainbow would come up with.

Rainbow Dash took a moment to look around the room and seemed to admire the nursery for a bit. Then a smirk began to grow on her face as she said, “Lightning…as much as I wish to have Celestia exile you to the badlands for the rest of your life. I think I have a much better punishment for you…”