//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: A Digital Fox's Day Out // by Princess Elytra //------------------------------// "The baby is an Alicorn?!" Twilight gasped in surprise, as a very tired pink princess looked from the crib to her. "It looks that way..." Cadence drowsily explained to the group. Maika smiled as the baby continued to play with his tail, not really caring that this little pony had wings and a horn. "But... But... But I thought Alicorn wings had to be earned by accomplishing some great, princess-worthy deed!" Rarity turned her attention to the two other alicorns in the room. "Yeah. How can ya just be born with 'em?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow, towards Celestia. "The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!" Celestia exposed to the group as her sister stepped forward, giving a curious look to the small fox, before turning her gaze to the newborn. "It is beyond even our understanding." She then shifted her gaze back to the group, as Fluttershy mumbled, "That's not very reassuring..." Maika smiled gently as he tickled the little one's nose. Pinkie gasped loudly, before bouncing around the room, seemingly shifting between reality with each bounce. "Wow! A unicorn, and a Pegasus! So she could be a super-strong flyer and have crazy baby magic!" She said before smiling at Flurry. Rainbow flexed her wings, gaining a cocky smirk. "Well, I know all about super-strong flying!" Twilight nodded gently as she stepped forward. "And I can help keep tabs on her magic!" She smiled, turning her attention towards her sister in law. Flurry gently giggled, before making soft sniffles. A large beam of pure energy escaped her horn, blasting a hole in the nursery wall, as she sneezed. The small fox, dizzily stumbled back into the room. "Did anypone get the number of that train?" He asked before gently collapsing onto the cold crystalline floor. Coming to an hour or so later, most of the ponies, minus Twilight and Pinkie, had left to do their jobs. Maika shook his head as he stood up. "That was some powerful magic..." He says, rubbing his head, trying to clear that fuzzy feeling from his mind. Twilight glanced over at the small fox, with a frown on her face. He blinks gently, tilting his head. "Did I do something wrong?" "You haven't, but what you did was reckless. You should've known that foals are unpredictable with their- Oh. You wouldn't have known, you were born not too long ago." She sighs as she sets her book down, taking her eyes off of Flurry Heart. The baby princess took this opportunity to spread her wings and fly to her heart's content, with a certain pink pony holding onto her. "At least she's having fun~" The Pink Party pony comments with a grin. Twilight's eyes widen as she picks up the fox and chases after her niece. "Pinkie! Hold her still!" Pinkie tries to hold the foal back, her hooves scraping the floor. "I'm trying!!" She exclaims as Flurry drags her through the room, giggling cutely. Feeling a soft poke on her neck, Twilight turns back. Maika stared at her, with a bemused expression. "Can't you... I don't know... Use your magic to bubble them up so they aren't flying all over the place." Twilight blushes gently, before forming a magical bubble around the duo of Pinkie and Flurry. "There we go! And just in time for the Crystalling~" Twilight grins softly, as she does a little hoof step dance. Shining Armor was breathing heavily as Rarity brushed his mane, making him look presentable. The door opens behind them as Cadence, Celestia, and Luna made their way to the Crystal Heart. Shining smiles at his wife. "Okay. I chose the honor guard, picked the purity crystal, and I know exactly who I want to be our Crystaller. So, all we need is..." He frowns gently, as the thought was escaping him. Cadence rolls her eyes, before smirking slightly. "The Baby?" Shining's eyes widen as he completely forgot why he was setting this up. Twilight trots down the stairs, holding Pinkie and Flurry. "We're Here~" In the bubble, Pinkie was being dragged along the barrier. "She's a very strong flyer!" Cadence gently smiles as she pulls Flurry into her own magical hold. Unfortunately, the youngest princess didn't like being separated from her new playmate. Slowly beginning to sniffle, tears well up in her eyes. Maika jumps off Twilight's back, before hiding behind one of the castle supports. "Hit the deck!" He shouts out to the ponies, but it was too late. Flurry began to wail loudly, sending visible sound waves throughout the area. All of them hitting the Crystal Heart square on, causing the Ancient Relic to shatter into a thousand pieces. Everypony gasps loudly as the magic keeping the empire safe, began to fade. Applejack rubs the side of her head. "I'm guessin' that's gonna make it harder to do the Crystalling." Twilight starred at the rubble that once was the Crystal Heart. "It's worse than that. Without the Heart, the Crystal Empire's about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!" Flurry began to gurgle cutely, unaware of the danger she created. Maika shivered gently, as the cold wind blew into the area. "Guessing my fur isn't thick enough for the real Frozen North..." Quickly trotting over to the group he looks up at the ponies. Rarity glances at Twilight and the rest of the Royalty. "So... not only can we not take part in a fabulous ancient ceremony, but we're also about to be frozen solid!" She exclaims, as she hadn't packed for freezing weather. Twilight glances around nervously. "Without the Crystal Heart's magical protection, the entire city's about to become a winter wasteland!" Applejack had a look of slight confusion. "But what about when King Sombra ruled the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart was missin'?" She points her hoof out. "The city wasn't covered in snow then!" Twilight begins to trot around, in her normal Twilighty way. "The Heart wasn't missing. It was still in the castle. King Sombra had just hidden it." Celestia nodded softly. "I'm afraid Twilight is correct, and the storm clouds are already forming." She explains as thunder claps outside. Rainbow Dash smirks gently, "I can totally fly up there and bust those puppies! No problem!" She boasts, flapping her wings. Maika gives her a look. "You sure? Those clouds look very angry and violent. They might cause you to crash hard, if the hard winds are any indicator." Celestia nods. "She's right, Dash. Those storm clouds are not like the ones you know." Maika kept his mouth shut at the misgendering, because the fate of the empire is at hand. Luna trots up next to her. "As the tiny vixen and my Sister stated as we're this far north, the weather has a will of its own, and now it will only grow stronger, enveloping everything in its path." "Including the Crystal Empire." Cadence exclaims as she holds her foal close. Twilight's wings spread in terror. "And us along with it!"