Rarity's Generosity

by Incredible_E

7 - Stronger Bonds

Eventually, Apple Bloom walks up the stairs and knocks lightly on Sweetie Belle’s door. Since no reply is given, Apple Bloom slowly pushes the door open. She sees Sweetie Belle on her bed, curled up in a ball with the sheet blocking her from the outside world. The white lump sobs, so Apple Bloom jumps on the bed and sits next to Sweetie Belle. She puts her hoof on her and pats gently.

”I know how you feel...” Apple Bloom starts.

Sweetie Belle, curious about what Apple Bloom has to say, removes herself from the safe confines of the bed sheet by poking out her head.

Sweetie Belle responds with a muted voice, ”You do?”

”If anything, I have been through worse,” Apple Bloom quickly adds, ”Not that this is any less important! Just that I understand.”

Sweetie Belle now completely removes herself from the sheet, reentering the world.

Apple Bloom continues, ”I have lost family as well. I’ve been told that mom and dad disappeared shortly after I was born. Applejack and Big Mac got to grow up with them, but I did not. I do not have a single memory being with them.”

Reopening a scar of the past, Apple Bloom begins to tear up. Sweetie Belle reassures Apple Bloom that she is here for her. Just as Apple Bloom is for Sweetie Belle.

”What makes it worse, is no pony knows what happened to them. Or... No pony has decided to tell us. At least you know what happened,” Apple Bloom continued.

”I know that my sister is dead. How is that better?” Sweetie Belle asks with some rash tones.

Apple Bloom answers, ”You have closure. You get to move on when you want to. I can’t. I will be wondering what happened for the rest of my life., she pauses. ”I’m mighty sorry, I thought this would hel—“ she is interrupted by Sweetie Belle, who is now hugging her. Apple Bloom shortly does the same, returning the hug.

”It did help,” Sweetie Belle says. ”Thank you for sharing and making me feel better. You're a good friend.”

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom continue to talk amongst each other. Apple Bloom talks about stories she knows about Bright Mac, Pear Butter, and her as a baby. Sweetie Belle shares stories from when both she and Rarity were younger.

Hours of nostalgia pass as they exchange pleasant memories. Slowly, they fall asleep together, entering the world of dreams. On this one night, something magical takes place. Having shared such deep personal time together, discussing memories that relate to passed relatives, the dreams of Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom absorb into one dream. Starting off as separate realms, their similarities allow them to merge with ease.

Both see one another, commenting how strange but cool their new setting is.

Standing on what seems to be nothing, the starry void of space surrounds them. Slowly, the cosmic purple sky turns blue, the nothingness below them turns green with the appearance of grass. Now standing in a field, with trees and flowers dotting the landscape, they look up to a hill with a large tree.

Galloping towards the tree, they hear voices. Apple Bloom has only heard these voices in dreams, not remembering from the waking world. Sweetie Belle hears a laugh that is all too familiar to her.

They make it to the top to find three ponies sitting together, enjoying a picnic under the shade. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stop in their tracks, gasping and nearly breaking down. After looking at each other, they run into the loving presence of passed relatives.

Apple Bloom runs to Bright Mac and Pear Butter, never seeing them in person before, she embraces them.

Sweetie Belle shouts in shocked surprise, ”Rarity?!” she darts over to her, the two passionately hug.

After a while, Sweetie Belle finally asks, ”Why did you do it?”

Rarity slides her hoof down Sweetie Belle’s mane. ”There was simply no way I could just let Rainbow fall down that horrid ravine. I would never be able to peacefully live with myself otherwise.”

”But how did you know Rainbow Dash was alive?” Sweetie Belle asks curiously.

”I didn’t. I believed risking not saving her would be worse. Who would have known if she was alive before if she had continued to fall? I know I would be eating ice cream in emotional fits for days pondering the thought. I know I would blame myself for my inaction if I did nothing,” Rarity responds.

Sweetie Belle hugs Rarity tighter. ”I hope to be just like you. Kind and generous wherever I go, lighting up pony’s days.”

Rarity returns the tighter hug. ”You don’t need to hope darling, you already help many ponies, with all of your friends too.” Rarity pauses and glances at Apple Bloom with her parents. ”I think this has brought you and dear Apple Bloom closer together.”

Sweetie Belle pleads, ”I wish this dream never ends!”

Rarity tilts her head, ”How are you going to generously help everypony if you are dreaming, darling?”

”You’re right…” Sweetie Belle sadly agrees.

Rarity reassures her, ”I will always be with you, my dear sister. Always here” – Rarity points to Sweetie Belle’s head – ”and here.” – and Sweetie Belle’s heart.

”I know you will do a fabulous job,” Rarity adds.

”I love you,” A tear rolls down Sweetie Belle’s face.

”I love you too,” Rarity smiles.

On this clear and starry night, three shining stars dance across the night sky, leaving a beautiful glittery trail behind them for all to see.