A Jewel of a Problem (Please stop adding to faves or bookshelves)

by Rainbow Sparkle

First Apologies

-*-Apple Bloom-*-

With Diamond Tiara’s help, the rest of Apple Bloom’s chores went by in a flash, finishing with an hour to spare and nothing to do, which was why they were sitting in the kitchen enjoying two bottles of ice cold apple soda.

Diamond Tiara sipped at her soda for a moment, then laid her head on the table and grumbled “So booorreedd! Isn’t there anything else to do?”

“Not really, ah’m afraid any of them other chores we’d have to both be bigger and older before AJ or Big Mac would let us do them.” Apple Bloom said, then frowned and added “Ah’d have figured you’d be happy to be done with the chores.”

Diamond Tiara grinned for a moment. “I am glad.” Her voice softened. “But I was hoping we’d be done later, when it was time for me to go home, not with an hour to spare.” She waved a pink hoof in the air. “So booooooorreedd-”

“Well, why don’t ya help Apple Bloom fix up her clubhouse?” interrupted Granny Smith. “I heard her bellyaching about it a few days ago, but she hasn’t had any time lately to do anything about it.” Granny Smith rocked forward and backwards from her stool in the corner, where she was busy sorting out apples.

“Hey, yeah! Ah’ve been meaning to fix up some of the loose boards and take care of a few of those bent nails. Do you think AJ would agree to that?”

Diamond Tiara shrugged. “I’m sure she’d prefer me to be busy than to have me just sitting around drinking your supply of soda.” She said, lightly tapping her nearly empty bottle.

Apple Bloom hopped out of her chair. “Ah’ll go see what she thinks. Keep an eye on Granny Smith!” Apple Bloom called out the last as she neared the door. Before she stepped outside, she was able to hear her grandma’s response.

“Do wha?”

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom walked outside and looked around, quickly spotting her sister heading for their Apple cellar. “Hey Applejack!” She called out, causing her sister to stop and wait as she ran up to her.

“Hey Apple Bloom. Is the brat behaving herself still?”

“Yup, in fact we even got done ahead of time. But now she’s bored and wanting something to do, so I was wondering if I could have her help me fix up the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse.”

AJ quirked an eyebrow up, but said “Well, to be honest sis I don’t really care what she does, as long as she’s not causing any trouble, so sure, she can go ahead and help ya’ll with that.”

“Thanks a bunch AJ, ah’ll go get her then.” Apple Bloom replied, turning and heading back towards the house, giving Big Mac a quick hug as she passed him heading towards one of the fields. Just as she neared the house, a soft, almost frightened voice, caught her attention.

Miss Smith…can ponies change?”

Apple Bloom hesitated, before she decided to press herself up against the wall, listening intently as Granny Smith asked “Huh? What’s that you’re asking about little missy?”

“Well…it’s just that I haven’t been very nice to a lot of ponies…and yesterday, that didn’t bother me. At all. But when I woke up this morning, I don’t know, I just felt different, and thinking about everything I’ve done to ponies just made me…not feel good.”

Apple Bloom gasped, immediately putting her hooves over her mouth. A light sheen of sweat formed over her brow, thankful nopony heard her. She lightly used her hooves to prod her ears and make sure there wasn’t something inside them that could perhaps make her hear those words coming out of Diamond Tiara’s mouth.

“Ah, you’re just growing up is all Diamond,” Granny Smith’s voice grew warm. “I remember back when I was about your age there was this filly named Emerald Shine. One of the prettiest fillies in Ponyville then, but she was meaner than a dragon during shedding season. Then one day, she stopped being so mean, and was one of the nicest ponies around. She even gave me a brooch she made from an Emerald Leaf.”

Apple Bloom was able to pick up a hint of suspicion from Diamond Tiara’s voice as she replied “So, just like that, she stopped being mean? It was that simple?”

“Now that I think about it, I think she got turned down pretty harshly by a colt she was pining after, but I like to think it was more than just an attempt to prove she wasn’t just a jerk to somepony. I think everypony is capable of being nice, just as everypony can be mean. They just have to make up their mind about how they want to act.” Granny Smith said, and Diamond Tiara was silent for a moment. Just as Apple Bloom thought the conversation was over, and she could stop eavesdropping, Diamond Tiara asked

“Do…do you think…that maybe…maybe I could change Miss Smith? Do you think I could be like Emerald Shine?”

Silence followed, and with no more words coming from either of them Apple Bloom decided she could walk on in. Her jaw dropped, as she witnessed Granny Smith finishing off hugging Diamond Tiara. The pink filly seemed just as speechless, nodding numbly as Granny then patted her on the head.

Diamond jumped up, making sure her tiara was perched just right, before noticing Apple Bloom’s entering. “A-ah! Apple Bloom there you are!”

Apple Bloom rubbed her eyes, it took a moment to gather her thoughts. “AJ says it’s alright for you to help me with the clubhouse Diamond Tiara.” She stepped into the room, glancing at both of them in curiosity.

“Oh, okay…well, thanks for the talk Miss Smith, I have a lot to think about now.” DT said as she marched towards the door. Before she reached it, she turned and smiled at Granny Smith as she added “You know, you’re pretty smart, even for a kooky old lady.”

Granny’s lips turned up in a smile as she started to say “Why thank ye-hey, wait a minute…”

Diamond Tiara winked conspiratorially at her and laughed slightly, the sound holding no malice or haughtiness, just a good natured laugh, which Granny Smith responded with a chuckle and a wink of her own.

“Come on Apple Bloom, let’s get going, the sooner we get to your clubhouse-thing the sooner I can stop being bored to tears.” Diamond Tiara said as she walked out of the kitchen. Apple Bloom made to follow her, but she got a gesture from Granny Smith, beckoning her over. Gulping, she replied,

“Uh yeah, sure thing, I’ll be out in just a sec.” After hearing an affirmative from Diamond Tiara, she trotted over to Granny Smith to see what she wanted; though she had a feeling she knew what it was. Her thought was confirmed when Granny Smith leaned in to whisper into her ear,

“It’s not very nice to eavesdrop Apple Bloom. I expect you to apologize to her before she has to go home, do you understand?”

“Yes Granny Smith…Ah’ Pinkie Pie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Granny Smith beamed at her, tussling her mane as she said “That’s my little missy. Now go on and show Miss Tiara where your clubhouse is before she gets lost in the orchard.”

Apple Bloom nodded and made her way to the porch where Diamond Tiara sat waiting.


The two walked on, with some of the apple tree’s being replaced by acorn, maple, and other breeds. Silence lingered between them, until it was broken up by a soft voice.

“Ah’m sorry ah’ eavesdropped on your conversation Diamond Tiara, it really wasn’t any of my business.”

Diamond Tiara looked up, giving Apple Bloom a sad smile. Apple Bloom felt her cheeks heat up, until Diamond chose to look away. She fumed quietly, as her guilt doubled. “Ah said, Ah’m sorry! Just-just don’t act like ah’m the bad mare, here...” She paused noticing Diamond trembling.

The pink filly shook lightly, her eyes watering. “Do you think I am a bad pony?” Apple Bloom took a step back. “I’m sorry,” whispered Diamond.

“Wh-What did you say!?” Apple Bloom blurted out, her mind not completely registering what she had just heard..

“I AM SORRY!!” cried out Diamond, now unable to control her tears. “For everything. For calling yo-you a blank flank. O-or making fun of Granny. Sh-she’s really such a nice pony. And for teasing you all the tim-ti-time...” the pink filly dipped her head, her tiara falling in the mud. “I-I’m so so-sorry...”

Diamond hated herself right now. She didn’t want to cry, but it was as if all of her emotions had been building up, and had finally broken through. She just glared at the ground, too frightened to look up, and she’d never felt so homesick in her entire life.

A soft pat, startled her. Apple Bloom had her tiara in her mouth, before placing it back on her head.

She gave Diamond Tiara a strange look.

“..Ah forgive you Diamond Tiara.”

Apple Bloom slowly patted the shaking filly, yelping in surprise as Diamond latched herself onto her.

“ACK!!!!!” Apple Bloom toppled backwards, trying to push Diamond Tiara away. “Woah there, no huggin-’ GAH!!! You’re getting mud on my mane!”.

They mud wrestled for several moments, before both fell over giggling.

Diamond Tiara gasped for air, looking up at the clouds. “So, is the clubhouse much farther?”

“Nooppeee, it’s not that much farther. Just another minute or two.” She paused, before squinting at Diamond. “Ah promise, if you’re just pretending ta be nice, ah’ll gladly smack you all the way to the moon.”

Diamond Tiara grinned, “Cutie Mark Crusader Moon Explorers!!!” She laughed before running past Apple Bloom into the forest.

“Yo-you can’t say that!” Apple Bloom sputtered in shock, before chasing after her. “Get back over here!!” She couldn’t stop grinning.

-*-Cain (Diamond Tiara)-*-

~Wonderful, performanceeeeee~ cooed the voice.

I gritted my teeth, running further into the old orchard. I ducked underneath another branch, ready to spring out away any nasty surprises. The rocky terrain was rough underneath my hooves, having almost tripped over several unkempt roots.

~To think… Apple Bloom swallowed all your dirty lies. The old hag was even dumber. Bwahahahaha!~

“SHUT UP!” I screamed but the rotten feeling in me didn’t go away. The voice had suggested the whole idea, and I took it. My fur still had patches of dried mud.

The voice went quiet.

“Golly, did you say something Diamond!?” announced Apple Bloom, having finally caught up with me. She gave me a wide grin. “Oh!!! Here we are!”

I turned around. There was Apple Bloom, pointing her hooves excitedly at…

“Sweet holy Celestia!!! What did you gals do to that thing?” I glanced over at Apple Bloom, who looked rather sheepish as she pawed at the ground, an embarrassed chuckle escaping her lips as she glanced at the clubhouse, drawing my own eyes back towards it.

What had been a happy and homey looking clubhouse was now a slightly charred mess of broken smashed tiles and splintered wood. It was a miracle that the structure was still standing, what with the gaping hole in one side of it. All in all, it looked like someone had set off some dynamite. Looking back at her in shock, I asked, “I thought you said we just needed to fix some loose boards and nails!” She smiled awkwardly, leaving me to gaze at the wrecked treehouse as I added “Seriously, were you girls trying to be demolition experts?”

“Actually, we were trying to see if we could be Cutie Mark Crusader Al-che-mists. Ah think Ah’ve got the hang of it, and Scootaloo doesn’t seem too bad at it…but ah think Sweetie Belle missed a step or two…” She murmured, looking at the clubhouse before her eyes widened and she said “Hey, maybe we could be Demolition experts! Ah’ll have to suggest that at our next meeting.”

Dear god, what have I done? I thought to myself, images of Ponyville once again ruined and nearly destroyed popping into my head. Note to self, tell Granny Smith not to let them near any explosives. Out loud, I smiled and said “Well, you can’t do any of your cutie mark hunting…”

“Crusading.” Apple Bloom corrected me, and I dipped my head as I resumed speaking.

“…Any of your crusading until you get this place fixed up, and you’ve only got an extra hoof to help for a little while, and I’m still bored, so let’s get hopping.” I replied, doing my best to do a pony equivalent of ‘after you’.

Apple Bloom just nodded and walked over to a pile of construction and cleaning materials nearby that I hadn’t noticed, the damaged clubhouse drawing most of my attention. I trotted after her, and when I got near she pushed an apron, bucket of soapy water, a sponge, and what looked like the latex socks, over to me as she quickly began putting her own set on.

I looked at what she had given me, looked at the ruins of the clubhouse, and sighed, setting about getting ready for what was going to be my least favorite task today.. This was going to be one long ass hour.


Despite my utter dislike of the job, I quickly got over it and fell into the same mindset I’d had for every other chore I’d helped Apple Bloom. Humming some of my favorite tunes to myself helped, though Apple Bloom’s attempts to follow along every so often proved distracting. Excepting that, we didn’t say anything to each other that didn’t involve getting the clubhouse cleaned up.

“Are you sure she’s in there?”

My ears twitched as a familiar voice floated up to us, and I turned to give Apple Bloom a questioning glance, and she shrugged, looking as confused as I probably did.

“Eyuup, that’s where AJ said she’d be.”

I’d recognize Big Macintosh’s low southern drawl anywhere. I frowned, trying to figure out who the other voice could be as I dropped my sponge back in its bucket, flicking my ears in the direction of the large hole in the wall. “Thanks Big Mac, I think I’ll be fine from here.”

I crashed to the floor, scampering for the exit. I recognized that voice!

A hoof poked me on the forehead. I craned my neck, noticing Apple Bloom staring at me. “Ya’ll right there, Diamond?” she whispered.

“I know you’re in there!” said Silver Spoon, her voice dripping with acid. The glasses-wearing, prim looking filly stood tall. “So don’t bother hiding. We need to talk, now.”

I crumpled myself to a ball, my tiara peaking from the window sill.

“Don’t try that with me Diamond Tiara!” Silver yelled. “You’ve been avoiding me, and after what you did last week…” There was a brief pause, which gave me only a few seconds to wonder why on earth Diamond Tiara would be avoiding her best friend, when I heard, “Look, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do, so just get your sorry flank out here this instant!”

I glanced at Apple Bloom helplessly. “Help me,” I whispered.

The crusader blinked slowly, as if confused why Diamond Tiara was acting so…afraid.

“Hey there Silver Spoon!” hollered Apple Bloom, sticking her head out the window. She propped her chin on her hooves, “About Diamond Tiara-” She looked at me, before winking. “-Ah’m sure she’s sorry for whatever she did. But she’s not here right now!”

~Whats this? A member of the Apple Family lying? Ohh, I knew you’d muck up with things!~

Silver Spoon glared. “You’re such a liar, Blank Flank!”

“Hey!!! Don’t call her that!” I yelled, abandoning my hiding spot. Apple Bloom looked at me, as if I’d grown another head, before giving me a tiny unguarded smile. “Sooo…what’s up Silver Spoon?”

Silver Spoon’s expression shifted instantly from uncertainty to righteous fury as she shouted “What’s up? What’s up! Is that all you have to say to me after five weeks of not talking to me? Is that all you have to say to me after what you did last week with that stupid newspaper? What’s up, guh!” Silver Spoon shook her head and stalked over to one of the walls, punching it and adding a new hole to the already damaged club house. She looked back at me and shook her head sadly, saying “We were friends Diamond Tiara…why…why would you treat me like this?”

I saw the anger, pain, and sadness in her eyes, but I was at a loss as to what I could do. I didn’t know why Diamond Tiara had stopped talking to her, though the bit about the newspaper was leaving a nasty thought in my head. Diamond Tiara…she wouldn’t have let her paper publish a false story about Silver Spoon…would she?

~Oh, I don’t know, why don’t you see for yourself~

“Wha-” I murmured softly to myself, but before I could say or do anything else, my head started to spin and my vision went white. I vaguely heard Silver Spoon speaking to me through the sudden…whatever I was experiencing, but it was all jumbled up, so I couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

Suddenly, my vision cleared a bit and I looked around to see myself still in Diamond Tiara’s body, but I was no longer in the clubhouse. Instead, I was sitting inside the schoolhouse that Apple Bloom and the other children of Ponyville attended. I saw Silver Spoon slowly starting to clap, and the rest of the fillies and colts in the room soon followed suit. My eyes turned and saw Granny Smith sitting at the front of the class, and in an instant I knew when I was.

<They’re…they’re applauding her story? But she’s just a kooky old granny! She’s not important, she’s not special!>

What the heck? I thought to myself as I heard a different voice floating around me, the voice of Diamond Tiara. She had said something like that in the episode, but-oh, they must be her thoughts, which meant I was inside one of Diamond Tiara’s memories. Which seemed rather convenient to me considering, but then I wasn’t the one who had initiated this, but I wasn’t going to complain.

<Silver Spoon, how could you side with them? How could you side against me! It doesn’t matter if Granny Smith found Zap Apples, if it wasn’t for my grandpa Ponyville wouldn’t exist because of the stuff he helped build! My family is important, my family is special, I’m special!>

Someone’s got insecurity problems I thought to myself, rolling my eyes and becoming just a bit disconcerted when Diamond Tiara’s didn’t do the same. I briefly waved a leg, and discovered that I was simply an observer in this little memory when it didn’t react.

The classroom faded, and was replaced by the walls and desks of the Free Foal Press’s newspaper office. I was in the big swivel chair that Diamond Tiara had been using when she ran the newspaper, and Sweetie Belle was setting a story on the desk before me. Diamond Tiara picked it up and I skimmed the story and the photo accompanying it.

The photo was that of Silver Spoon, a paintbrush in mouth that was dripping with a grey paint the same color of her coat. And the photo clearly showed a splotch of paint covering part of her cutie mark.

<This…this is perfect! She’ll regret the day she decided to betray me for those nobodies! I won’t let anyone make me feel like nothing ever again, not after…>

Diamond Tiara’s voice began to fade, and the office went white as a familiar voice pervaded my mind.

~Well, I think that’s enough for now. Now go chat with your frienddddd, Bwahahahah!!!!~

Wait! I want to know what else happened!” I shouted as everything went white again, my head spinning as the voice laughed at my discomfort. Soon, the whiteness began to fade, and through a dissipating fog I could see both Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom standing in front of me.

“-should go get AJ and Big Mac.” I heard Apple Bloom saying as I started to regain control of Diamond Tiara’s body. A groan escaped my lips, and alerted the two that I was coming around.

“Don’t bother, I’m alright.” I said, slowly lifting myself from the floor and into a sitting position.I rubbed my head, wishing the feeling that everything around me was whirling would go away. I would have gotten my wish, had a certain grey filly launched herself at me, hooves wrapping around me in a tight embrace.

Are hugs that strangle you common around here? I thought to myself as I pulled away from Silver Spoon enough to breathe. With fresh oxygen in my lungs, I looked at Silver Spoon and asked “What gives? I thought you were mad at me…”

“I am still mad at you! But that doesn’t mean I want something bad to happen to you, you’re my best friend…or at least I thought you were…” Silver Spoon replied, breaking the embrace and looking down at the floor.

“Silver Spoon…” I murmured, feeling a pang of guilt rising within me as I gazed at her. Diamond Tiara had been the one to make Silver Spoon question their friendship, but Diamond Tiara wasn’t the one standing in front of her. Not exactly anyways. Reaching out to her, I started out slow as I told her,

“You remember the end of Family Appreciation week right? When Apple Bloom had Granny Smith there? Well…after the end of her story, I saw you clapping, and I thought back to when my daddy was talking, and you didn’t look all that excited. I got upset, and when you agreed with what Apple Bloom said about my family…I, I just couldn’t take it!” I stomped a hoof on the ground, removing my hoof from her shoulder as I walked over to the hole and stared out at the trees.

“So I spent the last few weeks stewing over it, I felt betrayed and I couldn’t get the anger to go away…until I saw that story Apple Bloom and her friends wrote.”

“Oh…yeah, Ah’m still sorry ‘bout that Silver Spoon.” Apple Bloom said, rubbing her head briefly and drawing our attention away from each other.

“It’s okay Apple Bloom, I already forgave all of you.” Silver Spoon replied, before turning back to me as she asked “But I don’t get it, what did you think publishing that story would accomplish? What did you expect me to do, be happy that you made half the town think my cutie mark was fake?”

I sighed, digging into my mind as I tried to discern a reasonable explanation. After a moment, I said “I wasn’t thinking about you, I was thinking about me…which I’ve been doing a lot lately. I figured that embarrassing you would make me feel better, and that maybe, hah, maybe you’d come back to me and say you were sorry for siding against me that day…”

I felt tears beginning to form in my eye, and I wasn’t sure if they were tears of regret or tears of rage, at myself or Diamond Tiara. “I might have felt good about it before…but now…*sniff* now I feel bad about it…about it and every other mean thing I’ve done…” I grit my teeth in anger, and without thinking about it I struck out with a hoof, punching yet another hole into the wall as I shouted out


I slumped to the ground, tears still falling down my face as I let out some of the emotions that had been swirling around in my head all day. Maybe it was because of some lingering dizziness in my head, maybe I was already beginning to become Diamond Tiara. Or perhaps it was because of what I was doing, manipulating ponies who didn’t deserve to be lied too.

Regardless of the reason, I really did feel like I was a bad pony, that all the mean things that Diamond Tiara had done were somehow my fault. I didn’t want everypony to hate me, and I especially couldn’t stand the idea of losing Silver Spoon as a friend.

What is happening to me? What is wrong with me?

“Diamond Tiara…” I heard Apple Bloom say as she walked over to me, resting a hoof on my back. I turned my head to look at her, finding a soft smile on her face as she gazed down at me. “Ah already said you’re not a bad pony. If you were a bad pony, you wouldn’t be upset or sad about this, and you wouldn’t have said you’re sorry about making fun of me and my friends and family.”

My heart was seizing up, and in that instant I knew why I felt so bad. Apple Bloom’s words struck me deep down, and brought the reason forth to me. I was feeling guilty for lying to both of them, for lying to Granny Smith. But what could I do? I couldn’t risk finding out what might happen if they learned the truth…

As much as it bothered me, I needed to keep the act up for now. Celestia forgive me… I thought to myself as I said, “Yes I am…a good pony wouldn’t have published a story saying her best friends cutie mark was fake…a good pony wouldn’t have avoided her for weeks without saying a word…”

“Hey.” Silver Spoon said, and I turned my head towards her as she sat down next to me. “Hearing what you’ve said, I think I understand why you felt like you did…”

“You do?” I asked, sniffing a bit as I gave her my full attention. Despite how upset I was feeling, if Silver Spoon was somehow able to make sense of it all, I was all ears.

“Yeah, I mean, after all the things you’ve told me those losers back in Canterlot would say to you, I can understand why you would get upset about that day, and I’m sorry it came across that way. It doesn’t excuse what you did…but I understand why you did what you did to me.”

Canterlot? Losers? What on Earth is she talking about it? I thought to myself as I mulled over all of what she had told me. This was something I would have to look into when I had the time. For now, I turned my eyes back to Silver Spoon as I asked “Do…do you think you could forgive me for what I did Silver Spoon? I really do regret letting that story get published…and I’m really sorry I let my anger get the better of me.”

Silver Spoon seemed to look away, the expression on her face looking like she was really taking it seriously. For the briefest of instants, I thought she was going to turn back to me and tell me that no, she wouldn’t forgive me, and that she didn’t want to be friends anymore. But instead, she turned back to me and smiled slyly.

“I can forgive you Diamond Tiara…on one condition.”

Gulping as a feeling of foreboding fell over me, I asked “What condition?”

Silver Spoon inched closer, our snouts now touching. “The tiara.” She eyed me carefully. “For the weekend.”

I hesitated, just for a second. “Fine.”


AJ waited quietly, occasionally glancing towards the Everfree Forest. She sighed, unable to squash the worrisome feeling building inside her. Big Mac stood beside her.

“Seen ‘em yet?”

“Nope,” clipped Applejack, her eyes scanning the tree-line.

Big Mac eyed his sis. “Ya’ know. Granny was spoutin’ on about that pink filly. Said she’d be a good friend for Applebloom.” AJ scoffed, still keeping her back turned.

“Ah reckon, she’s right.”

AJ glared at her brother, before slumping her head in defeat. “Not you too, Big Mac. It’s not natural. Ponies don’t just suddenly change overnight Big Macintosh, especially ponies like Diamond Tiara.”

AJ hoped that Big Macintosh would just leave it at that, and for the few seconds of silence there was between them, she thought that for once, he wouldn’t have something profound to say to jar her thoughts.

“Your right, Ponies can’t change overnight.” He said, causing her frown to turn into a smug smirk. It vanished a second later when he stated, in that special way of his, “But little fillies can grow up AJ.”

Silence fell between them as they waited. It was, thankfully, not a long one as soon three forms could be seen passing out of the woods and into the neat rows of the Apple Orchard. Apple Bloom, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara were heading straight towards them, though they seemed to be taking their time.

Not interested in waiting, and wanting that brat off her farm as soon as possible, AJ set out to meet them at a quick trot. The sound of heavier hoofsteps behind her told her that Big Mac was following.

As they neared, AJ was able to pick up tid-bits of conversation the three were having, and she was more than a tad perplexed to see that Apple Bloom was talking amicably with Diamond Tiara, laughing even at some stuff she was saying.

“Hey Gals!” She called out, causing the three to pause in their tracks as they saw them approaching. “We were about to come looking for you three. What were ya’ll doing that it took another hour for ya to make it out here?”

“Oh, sorry sis,” Apple Bloom said, glancing back at the two fillies as she went on, “After Diamond and Silver made up, we started cleanin’ up the inside of the clubhouse. We...kinda lost track of time while we were working...”

AJ glanced suspiciously at Diamond Tiara, but she gave her a terse nod as she said “Well thank ye kindly for helping out Apple Bloom here with her clubhouse, and all her other chores. At least its a start on making up for all the trouble you caused.”

Diamond looked down, dragging a hoof along the ground as she murmured “Yeah, I’ve got a lot of work cut out for me to make everything alright,” Her gaze moved away from the ground, and she looked directly into AJ’s eyes as she said “But I’m going to do my best to make it up to everypony.”

AJ took a step back, startled by the young filly’s response. For a moment, she remembered another stubborn young filly pleading to Granny for forgiveness, after returning from Manehatten. Sure, it wasn’t a mistake like the one Diamond Tiara had made...but didn’t Big Mac say that fillies could grow up?

AJ looked towards Big Mac, before looking back towards the young filly. She rubbed her head awkwardly, stumbling to find the right words. “Ah-Ah think Ah misjudged ya’ Diamond.” She gave a heavy sigh, before giving the filly a weak grin.

Diamond returned the grin with a wide smile of her own. AJ was about to speak, when she noticed that for a single, brief second, something was off about Diamond’s eyes. She blinked, wondering if she had simply imagined her eyes turning yellow and red.

Applejack shuddered for a moment, a strange tingling sensation spreading from her head to the rest of her body. Then just as quickly it vanished, a dull throbbing sensation being the only sign that anything was amiss.

“Well, I better hurry on back home, I’m sure Daddy’s wondering why I’m late. Tell Granny Smith thank you for the wonderful lunch. I’ll see you later Apple Bloom.”

“Ah had fun Diamond...wow, never thought ah’d be saying that in my lifetime.”

Everypony laughed, any tension soon melting away at Apple Bloom’s words. With a final farewell from Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, the two fillies turned and headed back towards town.

AJ watched them disappear over the horizon, trying to ignore the sudden headache she was beginning to develop.

“You okay, sis?” Apple Bloom asked as she came over to her, looking up at her in worry. “Your not pushing yourself too hard again are ya?”

“Ah’m fine.” AJ lied as she rubbed her head, giving her little sis a comforting smile. But as Apple Bloom and Big Mac turned and headed back towards the house, AJ couldn’t help but look back towards town. Just after Diamond had started off, she could have sworn she had heard a familiar laugh whispering in the wind.

~Authors Note~

Rainbow Sparkle: Dear god, that chapter was a hell and a half to write. I’m not sure how everyone will like this chapter, but thanks to HoneyHoneyHoney’s help, I am fully content with this chapter now. If there’s any grammar mistakes, I’ll make sure to get to them and the ones in other chapters ASAP (which means sometime this weekend preferably)

Anyways, read, enjoy, and don’t forget to comment! Anything to add HoneyHoneyHoney?

Honeyhoneyhoney: *gives Rainbow a muffin* Psssst. And to all ya readers. Don’t forget to complain~!!! How else can we improve? Mwahahahahahaha!!!
*throws muffins into the crowd* Bwahahahahahaha!!