The mundane and the rather odd

by Susuoan

The beam pt.1 (Wallflower Blush)

Wallflower didn’t know why she even bothered. It was the same thing every year. She had hoped that this time, someone would talk to her, or notice her when she was the one trying to talk to them, but alas.

Wallflower had long since given up and was currently leaning on the edge of the auditorium, focusing her energy on looking at memes instead.

Looking at one she found particularly funny, she couldn’t help but chuckle, and the sound echoed all over the room.

The sound echoed all over the room.

Her head raised rapidly.

The ballroom was completely and utterly empty. No students, no staff, no DJ, no Pinkie Pie.

As Wallflower panicked, her hands reflexively moved towards both sides of her face.

Oh no, I zoned off so bad that-‘ she thought, before being interrupted by a loud noise.

The booming, thundering sound, enveloped and surrounded the whole auditorium—and maybe even the whole school—causing Wallflower to jump in her place.

Curiosity taking over, Wallflower left the auditorium and headed towards the origin of the explosion.

“Are they firing fireworks? No, that didn’t sound like a firework at all,” she said.

As she turned around the corner near the school’s entrance, she took notice of the crowd of people idly standing there.

“What’s going on?” she asked rhetorically, not quite expecting an answer at this point.

She quickly noticed, however, that their expressions were blank, vacantly staring forward. More importantly, their eyes had lost all normalcy and were replaced by a swirling, hypnotic pattern.

Following their gaze headed outside, she noticed the monstrous, flying, red demon speaking to the new girl and her friends.

“Gee, the gang really is all back together again!” the demon mocked.

“S-Sunset Shimmer!?” Wallflower cried in a horrified manner as she took a step back.

Taking another look around, she noticed two other—smaller—demons; Snips and Snails, she figured.

“Now step aside,” Sunset continued, “Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already!”

Her hair flaring up, Sunset Shimmer created a sphere of energy in-between her hands. “She needs to be dealt with,” she coldly said as she launched the sphere towards Twilight Sparkle, her friends quickly running over to protect her.

Wallflower stood there, her hands covering her mouth, and her eyes wide opened as the concentrated beam of radiating energy crashed against all six girls.

All was in silence as dust and magic floated in the air surrounding the affected area. As it all settled down, Wallflower was quick to notice that the group of friends was embracing one another—not hurt in the slightest—and surrounded by some sort of energy coat.

“Huh?” Wallflower asked in unison with Sunset, both confused at what was going on in front of them.

“The magic contained in my element was able to unite with those who helped create it!” Twilight blurted.

Wallflower didn't know what that had to do with anything.

She was even more confused when the group of friends suddenly grew horse ears, and some of them got wings on their backs.

All of that happened as Twilight recited some core values only to then shove “magic” at the end. Twilight’s voice echoed all around the place as if it had some sort of filter, and Wallflower didn't understand why it did that.

In her shock, Wallflower zoned off, trying to make sense of everything, and stopped paying attention to whatever cheesy nonsense Twilight had said next.

Wallflower didn’t stay like that for long, however, as shortly after, a laser beam brought her back to reality.

A thin, rainbow-colored laser beam shot right past her and into Sunset’s ex-boyfriend. From there, it shot from person to person, their eyes returning to normal as it did.

Two other beams were shot at Snips and Snails, who were now swirling inside of a rainbow tornado.

If that wasn’t enough, the six girls were enveloped in a white, magical aura, floating in the air as a wide, giant rainbow shot through the sky, swirling in a DNA kind of way, only to then collapse onto a bigger rainbow tornado.

It was safe to assume Sunset’s demonic self was inside the tornado. Wallflower was slightly pleased to have witnessed this.

When the beam crashed, it left a crater, and in the middle of it was Sunset Shimmer—back to her normal self, and with ragged clothes—in the middle of a smoke cloud.

Still alive.

Wallflower Blush was utterly confused.

What the fu-