//------------------------------// // Three Crystals and A Princess // Story: Tell Me Everything // by TwiShine45 //------------------------------// It was nearly night. The sun cast its long shadows on the ground as Twilight Sparkle made her way through the streets. She had come to Silver Shoals on a mission. No, it wasn’t one that the Cutie Map, nor her new title as ruler of Equestria had called her to. This was simply a self-imposed mission of investigation. The regal pony needed to know. It had been bugging her for weeks…moons, even. She desperately needed the truth of what happened between Celestia and Luna. True, she’d gotten all of the supposed answers and shared them with everyone else. But, deep down inside, she couldn’t help but feel that pieces were missing. So it was that she made her way down the long streets of the small alcove by the sea. She could hear the waves playing tunes against the rocks to one side. On the other, the gentle village began its preparations for the evening. Considering the average age of the town’s populace, she wasn’t surprised when she heard ponies making ready for slumber. A smile crossed her face as she heard two old denizens arguing over the placement of a pair of dentures. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. Elder ponies, she thought. But, they are the most respected, revered ponies in the land. They must remain so, for they hold our history in their hooves. Truly, they must be honored…perhaps I should create a special day just for them. Yes! I will! Note to self: tell Spike to write up the decree when I return. She had no time to ponder these things further and hurried along on her journey. A black trench coat furrowed its way along her slender back, and she was silently thankful that she hadn’t hit her Alicorn growth spurt yet. Her eyes flashed with joy as she approached her final destination: a small cottage on the outskirts of town. For the former rulers of Equestria, Celestia and Luna had not made a massive fuss over their lodgings. They preferred the simplistic, non-trivial things in life. The chance to get out of the limelight pushed them in this direction. Twilight thought it was rather honorable, and it certainly did credit to the sisters’ collective unselfishness. The cottage in question wasn’t much to write home about, though it was a sturdy structure. It held two bedrooms and a shared living area, complete with a fireplace and a small chimney. The kitchen jutted off to one side, holding all the victuals that the sisters might need. Twilight had visited on multiple occasions, and she was impressed with just how high a culinary level they’d reached. Luna, in particular, could bake pies that Twilight had never found so delicious before. Celestia was handy with a skillet, frying up splendid hay cakes and delicious carrot fritters. But she wasn’t there to feast. She was there for answers. So, she gathered herself and raised a hoof to knock. Her thuds were answered by a mumbling sound from inside, and she wondered whether she’d woken one of her friends. But, again, she had to shake the concern away. Celestia and Luna had been secretive about their past for far too long. Sure, she knew how the story ended. Tonight, she wanted to know where it all began. She figured that life in the palace would be incomplete without knowing. Passing the historical archives every day would be some form of torture. “Twilight?” Came the kind voice of Celestia, interrupting her thoughts. “Princess Celestia!” Twilight chirped. Celestia chuckled. “You know you don’t have to call me that anymore.” Twilight blushed. “I know…but…even after only a few moons…it still feels like you’re ruling. The palace still resounds with your hoofsteps. I guess…what I’m trying to say is…I miss you and Luna. We all do.” Celestia smiled and beckoned with a hoof. “Come in, my dear friend.” “…you want to know what?” Celestia asked, using her magic to raise a hot chocolate cup to her lips. “I want to know about you, Celestia,” Twilight said firmly. “I want to know the truth of what happened between you and Luna. I feel…like I’m missing a piece of a friendship.” “Those are hard questions with harder answers,” Celestia said, cryptically shifting her cup around. “Are you certain you wish to know?” “Yes, please,” Twilight said. “I remember the stories you used to tell me as a filly. Stories like The Battle of Hoof Way…and the great struggle between Equestria and the Southern Desert Lands. You taught me our nation’s entire history…all except one thing. That’s what keeps me up at night, Celestia. Every time I walk those carpeted hallways in Canterlot, I feel you. I feel your legacy…and Luna’s, too. You both were an integral part of creating what Equestria is today…but it all came from brokenness. Please, tell me everything. I want to know…I need to know.” Celestia pursed her lips, then breathed. “Very well, I’ll tell you…” I was born Radiant Sunshine of the Glowing Dawn. Yes, I know it’s a long name, but back then, ponies were saddled with such monikers. My parents were named Thunderous Mountain Range and Gentle Wind of The North. That was back during the dark ages…the times before the first Hearth’s Warming. Yes, I was alive for that first one, though I was barely two weeks old when the Fire of Friendship was first lit. After that, ponies came together to celebrate the founding of Equestria, with Star Swirl the Bearded as its guide. You already know of him, my dear Twilight, so I’ll dispense of that. Anyway, as I was growing up, my parents would tell me stories of Star Swirl and his exploits. Before I knew it, they’d enrolled me as his student, among about thirty other unicorn foals. Much like you, Twilight, I was…well…somewhat pampered by my own teacher. Not that he gave me special consideration, but he would take me under his wing at times. Anyway, my lessons continued…and then my sister was born. My parents named her Moon Glow of The Tranquil Forest, owing to her dark hue and piercing blue gaze. It didn’t take long for her to become Star Swirl’s pupil as well. Together, we studied and had many fine times with the wizard. He taught us so much about magic, about Equestria, and about the most important magic of all…the magic of friendship. Twilight, he showed us the actual Fire of Friendship, blazing away in that cave as it has ever since. He told us the story of the Windigoes and how the pony kinds came together thanks to Clover, Smart Cookie, and Private Pansy. It touched my heart, and I vowed right then and there to defend that magic with all my might for the rest of my life. But, he also told us something more…and it’s something that I share with you now, my Twilight. When the Fire of Friendship was first kindled, it brought forth three crystals. For a few years, these were kept away from one another. However, they were always meant to be together, just as all those whom they represent are. Star Swirl enacted a spell to permanently bind them…or, so he thought. When an ancient evil came forth, spearheaded by a rebellious pony named Stealth Sleuth, Star Swirl was forced into a horrible decision. He had to separate the crystals in order to save them. Once the rebellion was put down, the crystals were returned to their former unity. Star Swirl, upon the occasion of our coronation, charged me and my sister with protecting them. Then they were locked away in a secret vault behind my bedroom wall in our old forest castle. But, as you know, my sister couldn’t see past her jealousy. One of the facets of her envy was that I was the keeper of the gems. She and I had many a fight over this…and I pushed her away at every turn. Oh, Twilight…some of the things I said to her….awful…terrible things. After I banished Luna to the moon, I set about building Canterlot. I thought it would help remove that part of my life from my memory, but each new building only reminded me of her. As part of the castle’s blueprints, my forepony had a special room built to house the crystals. I simply couldn’t bear the thought of them any longer. I just wanted to forget them. So…I…I hid them. I hid these stones…the very symbols of friendship itself…away. I began spreading lies about them, Twilight. I didn’t take care of them as I was supposed to. In this manner, I failed my royal duty, my friends, and Star Swirl himself… Twilight’s eyes widened. “You…you failed?” Celestia nodded. “Yes, I did, young one.” “But…you…you’re Celestia!” “An imperfect pony,” Celestia said, “constantly in need of her friends’ love and forgiveness. Some ponies revere me…and almost deify me. I hate this, Twilight. I am a pony, not a goddess. I make the same mistakes as anyone.” “We all do,” came the gentle voice of Luna as she settled into a chair nearby, tucking her wings away neatly so as to ensure comfort. “Your entry is as soft and subtle as ever, Luna,” Twilight remarked. “I didn’t even hear you come in.” “After a thousand years on the moon, a good thousand patrolling dreams before that, and the years I spent in the same realm afterward, I’d say I’ve had some practice,” Luna said with a smile. “Yes, indeed,” Celestia said, “and nopony was a better dream patroller than you.” “Thank you, sister,” Luna responded. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting, but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation. Celestia told you of our story, Twilight?” Twilight nodded. “A little, though I’m sure that there’s a lot more she probably can’t go into.” “It’s true that there are personal nuances I can’t mention,” Celestia said, “but as far as Luna and I are concerned, that’s the bulk of it. The truth is that the crystals are the most important part of the tale. Twilight…it’s now up to you to guard them.” “Me?” Twilight asked. Celestia nodded. “You.” “But…I…how? I didn’t even know they existed until now.” Celestia sighed and looked down a bit. “I’m sorry, Twilight. I should have been much more open with you about my story and about the crystals. All the same, this is part of your destiny. It was one that I saw when I chose you for royal accession.” “But, why didn’t you tell me?” Twilight asked, hurt filling her eyes. “I mean, we were so close.” “I know, my Twilight,” Celestia responded. “I regret every day that I never told you of my story. But, I felt it was for the best. Putting the burden of an impending rulership and guardianship of the crystals would have been far too great a load for you. You were still a young pony, and you still had a lot to learn about friendship.” “I guess so,” Twilight said, “but, still. It feels like you were hiding it from me just to hide it…like you’re ashamed of it.” “In a way, you’re right,” Celestia responded. “I am ashamed of my past, but I know where our nation’s future lies, and I have full confidence in her. Twilight, I need you to promise that you’ll guard these crystals. They are the most valuable treasure in the land, and villains seek them for their own evil purposes. Will you guard them, Twilight?” Twilight stood up a little straighter, feeling proud that Celestia had called her to such a task. But, at the same time, she also felt some kind of crisis. Her stomach panged a bit as she thought of all the terrible things that could happen. The crystals could get lost, or broken…or, she thought with a sudden shudder, they could be separated. “You seem frightened, my filly,” Celestia said in a kind, motherly way. “I…I am,” Twilight said. “There’s nothing wrong with that,” Luna said from her spot on the couch. “Many nightmares are sudden occasions, and born from one’s deepest fears. Your facial expressions, Twi…I’ve seen them before. When I used to traverse the dream scapes, seeking out those negative spawns which threatened a pony’s peaceful slumber, I saw them. Many times. Twisted, nasty expressions. Ones that spoke of fear and not of love. Now, I see them in your waking eyes.” “I am afraid,” Twilight said. “Of what, dearest?” Celestia asked. “Of what could happen should they break apart…the crystals, I mean,” Twilight said. “That’s why you must guard them,” Celestia said, “to ensure that they don’t break apart. If they were to shatter, ponies everywhere would surely forget of the Fire of Friendship’s power. Twilight, I know it’s a ton to ask of you, but…can I trust you with them?” Twilight took a moment to gaze into her former mentor’s eyes. The pupils shot back an intense mixture of care and seriousness. But, at the same time, Twilight also saw an attempt to undo a wrong long since committed. Celestia was trying to repackage her past and use Twilight to change it. While the crystals had never been separated, it seemed that the former ruler blamed herself for being careless with their story. Now, it was up to Twilight to renege on the white mare’s negligent lack of forbearance. It was her turn to shine. “Alright…I will,” Twilight said. “I swear that I will guard these crystals…with my life, if necessary.”