The Darkness Shard

by OliverSparkle

Chapter 17

The sun shone in the sky as it was now morning in Equestria. Everyone woke up at the crack of drawn and had yummy pancaked with fruits shaped as a happy smile made by none other than Princess Celestia herself. She enjoys doing it as it was a small way to say she cares, and to also help make Lightning happy after the nightmares he had in the last two nights.

And it be honest, it did made Lightning happy. After one bite of the pancake, his smile grew back like he doesn’t care about the nightmares anymore. It made both Fluttershy and Celestia happy that they couldn’t stop feeling happy to see the colt smile again.

After breakfast, they all gathered supplies ready for the big trip they’re going to have. Sora and the guardians didn’t pack anything since they’re not really from Equestria, but do have their own supplies they need from their own home. Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Amore worked together to magically shrink the supplies into a small size, so they didn’t have to carry everything on their journey.

Celestia placed the small supplies into her bag, which was light blue with her cutie mark on the lock part of the bag, before smiling at everyone and saying, “Okay everycreature, I think we’re all ready for this biggest journey we have yet to go on. But just to double check, have we gotten everything we need?”

Twilight looked at the checklist to see if they messed anything.

“Sleeping bags, check. Food, check. Bottles of water, check. Lamp, check. Daring Do books, check. Studying books, check. Lightning’s plushie, check. Notebooks, check. Yep, we’re all good, Celestia.”

“Perfect. Thank you, Twilight,” said Celestia, “Now, has everycreature been to the bathroom before we all packed?”

Everyone either nodded their heads or just said yes. Well, except for Shining Armor who had just realised he didn’t go yet.

“Oh, I’ll be right back!” Shining quickly zoomed off to the bathroom.

“Ohhh, Dad,” said Flurry Heart annoyingly.

Shining zoomed back in the dining hall after that quick run to the bathroom. “Better now.” He smiled proudly while Twilight and Cadence slowly shook their heads with a not amused looks on their faces.

“Okay,” Celestia continued, “And have we got everycreature to help us on this journey?”

“Not everypony yet,” said a familiar female voice.

Everyone turned to the dining room doors and saw Tempest Shadow walking towards them wearing her black coat and light dark scarf with a bag on her back.

“Fizzlepop? What are you doing here?” Asked Spike politely.

“Well, I couldn’t help but sense that Lightning Twister was in trouble and needed help again,” answered Tempest, “So I packed what I needed and came here to offer my assistances. That is, if there’s room for me to tag along.”

“Of course there is, Fizzlepop,” said Celestia while smiling, “We’ll be happy to have you help us again.”

“Yeah! Welcome aboard!” Sora said happily.

“Thank you,” said Tempest, “I am glad to be part of the team once again.”

“Hey, don’t forget about me!” Said another familiar voice which made Celestia’s smile go into an annoyed look, even Tempest recognised that voice and she was cross to hear he’s back.

“Oh sweet Celestia,” she said in an annoyed tone, “Please don’t tell me he’s back.”

“I’m afraid he is, my dear,” replied Celestia annoyingly.

Two bright lights appeared and quickly disappeared to reveal Discord and another Draconequus that had a lengthy wooly with purple and pink feathery body, skinny goat horns on her dragon-like head with a retractable frill growing on the sides of her face, a flowing cobra-like hood, a bushy pink chest tuft, two large blue bat wings with black tips on her back, two large blue eagle talons with black claws and a long scorpion tail.

“Hello, Discord,” said Celestia in an annoyed tone.

“Good morning, my dear Celestia!” Discord said in his usual happy tone, “I’m all packed and ready for the journey to the Tree of Life!”

“Oh so you know where we’re all going then?” Luna asked in an annoyed tone.

“Why of course I do, Luna,” said Discord, “I’m the Lord of Chaos, remember? I can hear everything.” He then saw Tempest Shadow, who was staring crossly at him, as he floated towards her, “Ah, Tempest Shadow. So nice to see you again.” Discord placed his eagle claw around Tempest’s neck while saying, “It’s been moons since we’ve seen each other.”

“Likewise,” said Tempest crossly while moving Discord’s claw away from her neck, “I would have thought you would still be banished from Equestria after what you have done. Especially to Fluttershy’s child.”

Discord’s happy expression turned into a frown.

“Oh come on! Is there anypony here who isn’t still mad at me for trying to help Twilight and Oliver see they are ready for the captain and princess role?!”

“Oh I’m still mad at you alright!” Tempest said angrily, “You’ve put our friends and family in danger and grouped four villains and a seeker from another world just so for a stupid “final exam” that YOU made up!”

“Well how else was I supposed to help them see they’re ready?” Discord asked crossly.

“By supporting them!” Flurry Heart shouted.

Discord glared at the filly before disappearing and reappearing close to her which made her tremble in fear as he continued to glare at her while saying, “And I suggest you watch what you’re saying and who you’re speaking to, young filly!”

Twilight angrily stood in front of her niece as she glared at the Draconequus making him step back in fear.

“Don’t you ever speak to my niece like you did to my son yesterday, otherwise you won’t like what me, Shining and Cadence will do to you if you do,” said Twilight in an angry tone.

“Your son?! He’s a dragon and you’re a…” Discord was cut off by Twilight grabbed his beard and pulling him close to her face as she continued to glare angrily at him making more scared than he was before. “Don’t finish that sentence! I don’t care if he’s a dragon and not a pony, he’s still part of my family and my son! And if you ever say stuff like that to him again, I’ll turn you into stone as well! Got it?!”

Discord gulped nervously before nodding his head in response. “Y-Yes.”

“Good,” said Twilight crossly as she let go of his beard, “And you better, or else.”

“Yeah,” added Shining Armor, “Also, who did you just bring with you?”

The female Draconequus looked at the white stallion since she knew he was talking about her and that’s when Discord realised he’s forgotten to introduce her to everyone.

“Oh where are my manners?” Discord disappeared and reappeared near the female Draconequus and proudly said, “Ladies, gentlecolts, guardians and creatures, may I introduce you all to my sister Cosmos!”

Cosmos lifted her claw and waved at the group without even saying a single word. This made both Fluttershy and Twilight confuse. They both knew that Draconequus’ often do chaotic and silly greetings when they first meet someone new, however Cosmos just waved.

“I don’t know about you, Twilight,” whispered Fluttershy, “But I’m not too sure about Cosmos. She maybe Discord’s sister and a Serpopard, but she doesn’t act or do what Discord normally does when it comes to greetings.”

“I agree with you, Fluttershy,” whispered Twilight, “I think something might be wrong, like she doesn’t like doing Discord does.”

Twilight and Fluttershy looked at Cosmos and saw she was still waving at them without saying a word or doing anything chaotic or silly like Discord does.

“I think we should leave her until she’s ready to tell us in case there is something wrong,” whispered Twilight.

“Good idea, Twilight,” whispered Fluttershy, “Besides, we need focus on helping my baby boy right now.” She then saw her son gently being placed on Silverstream’s back so that he didn’t have to walk so much on the journey to the Tree of Life. Fluttershy smiled at the sight.

“Discord, if this is one your own ways to try and make us see you were right and did help Twilight and Oliver, you can leave it here,” said Celestia, “We have too much on our hooves, claws and hands right now. We can’t deal with your shenanigans and the nightmares harming Lightning.”

“Oh come now, my dear Celestia, I just brought my sister along just for extra backup,” said Discord, “Although, sooner or later, you will have to admit I did a good job on helping Twilight and Oliver see they’re ready for their new roles.”

“No, you didn’t!” Oliver and Twilight shouted crossly in unison.

Celestia sighed annoyingly before saying, “Alright, fine. You two can come. But let me repeat myself. Do not ever, EVER, upset Lightning or treat him like he did something wrong! Understand?”

“Oh yes, of course, Princess. Anything you say.” A fake holy appeared on top of Discord’s head.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, guys,” whispered Gallus to his friends as they all nodded their heads in agreement.

“Okay, back on the checklist,” said Celestia, “Constantine, you still got the map for the Tree of Life?”

“Still got it with me, love,” answered Constantine before lifting his hand out as dark golden grasp formed above his hand to reveal the map to the Tree of Life which was a dark golden grasp line showing where they need to walk on. Everyone, except for Discord, was amazed by Constantine’s trick.

“Wow okay, that is totally awesome, Constantine,” said Rainbow in amaze, “I’m so glad you stayed in Equestria.”

John just smiled at Rainbow before giving her a thumps up while saying, “Cheers.”

“Okay, looks like we have everything we need for the journey,” said Celestia happily, “Let’s get going!”

“To the Tree of Life!” Donald shouted happily.

Sora looked at Lightning before walking over to him. He bent his knees down to the level of where Lightning was on Silverstream’s back and gently stroked his mane while saying, “Don’t worry, Lightning. We’re gonna help you get through this. I promise.”

Lightning nodded his head at Sora in response.

The guardians and the Equestria group all started to make their way out of the castle and on their way to the Tree of Life.

The guardians and the Equestria were now walking among the streets of Canterlot as John magically made the map appear in his hand to see where they need to go now.

“Where to now, John?” Spike asked flying next to John.

“According to the map,” replied John while looking at dark gold grasp style map, “It says to keep going forward before turning right.”

But just as the map magically disappeared from Constantine’s hand, the guardians and the Equestria group were suddenly stopped by a big blast that was shot right in front of them and made a big dirt mark on the ground.

“Woah! What was that?!” Sunset Shimmer asked in shock.

Vincent turned and saw where that blast came along with who did it.

“Look!” He shouted while pointing up.

They all turned as they looked up and saw who Vincent was pointing at. On top of the balcony of the castle was a pony wearing a black coat, similar to what Tempest Shadow used to wear, as a few tiny sparks lit from inside the hood.

“Who is that?!” Pinkie asked in shock.

“Somepony who’s trying to stop us,” replied Starlight.

Suddenly, a quick whoosh appeared near the groups to reveal a human with grey hair with a bit of white in the middle and has blue eyes with the right eye looking blinded. He wears a white shirt with a black tie, a dark brownish trench coat and a red scarf with black shoes. It was Gellert Grindelwald.

“Who is that?” Lightning Twister asked in fear.

“Someone who’s trying to stop us as well,” replied Capper.

Just then, two familiar ponies walked towards the strange human and stared at the groups. One had a white coat with dark pink mane and tail with a tiny blue bow at the end of the tail, the other had a brown coat with light blue mane and tail, and they were both wearing orange prison suits. It was Mr and Mrs Warlock.

“Who are they?” Asked Ventus in shock and worriedly.

“They don’t like me,” answered Oliver in shock and worriedly.

And lastly, a red Pegasus landed angrily on the ground as she glared at them. Lightning recognised the pony first and began to shake in great fear as he hugged Silverstream’s neck.


“What?! That’s his abusive father?!” Donald asked in shock.

“Yes,” answered Oliver, “And before anyone else can say they don’t like us, let’s just assume that not everypony here likes us and there will be those that will try to stop us.”

The human reached into his trench coat and pulled out a stick was made from elder wood, was 15 inches and contains a Thestral tail hair core. It was the Elder Wand.

“I don’t like what he’s got there,” said Flurry Heart in feae as she hid behind her mother’s hooves.

“Me either, honey,” said Cadence.

“What is he doing?” Shining asked worriedly.

Grindelwald points his wand at the groups as a dark green grasp shoots from the stick and flew towards them. Suddenly, the green grasp was flicked away by a orange spark and hit the wall of a building making a dirt mark on it.

“What the?” Constantine asked in confusion.

Before anyone or anycreature could say anything else, a orange sparkling ring shaped portal opened and out came ninw humans.

One man had black hair and beard with gray tinges. He wore a two layered blue tunic with a mystical red cowl and cape, a golden eye shaped medallion, golden rings on each hand, a brown leather strapped and sashed belt, dark blue pants and black leather boots with blue strappings and light blue straps on his arms. It was Doctor Strange.

The second man had gingery hair. He wore a white shirt with a dark blue bowtie, orange vest and dark blue trench coat with a tiny green Bowtruckle on the left side of the trench coat, blue jeans and black shoes. He was also carrying a suitcase. It was Newt Scamander.

The other man, next to him, had brown hair. He wore a white shirt with a black jacket, jeans, tie and shoes. It was Theseus Scamander, Newt’s brother.

One woman had brown hair. She wore a white shirt with a black leather jacket, black jeans and shoes. It was Tina Goldstein.

The second woman had gingery hair. She wore a pink coat with a pink scarf, pink jeans and black shoes. It was Queenie Goldstein, Tina’s sister.

The third man had brown hair. He wore a white shirt with a light blue vest, dark red tie, light blue jacket and trousers with black shoes. He was also a tiny bit fat. It was Jacob Kowalski, Queenie’s husband.

The fourth man had brown hair and beard with tiny bit of white. He wore a white shirt with a light blueish vest, jacket, jeans and hat with black shoes. It was Ablus Dumbledore.

The last man had long black hair. He wore a black shirt, jacket, jeans and shoes with a red tie and tiny chains hanging out from his shirt. It was Aurelius Dumbledore, once known as Credence and Albus’ nephew.

Doctor Strange used his sorcery magic to make the wind blow stronger and made Mr and Mrs Warlock fly backwards as they landed on their backs.

“Wow! That was amazing!” Rainbow said in amazed, “But who are they though?”

“Go! Run!” Shouted Strange as he and the other humans ran past the groups.

“Your names are go and run?” Asked Pinkie in confusion, “Weird names, especially since there’s eight of you.”

“No, what he means run away from them,” said Twilight before running off to catch up with the eight new visitors as the rest of the groups followed her.

Pinkie Pie looked behind her and saw The Warlocks getting back on their hooves. That’s when she quickly realised what Twilight just said and now understood what the beard man had just said them.

“Ooohhh,” Pinkie said before running off to catch up with her friends and the new visitors.

“Get the little pony,” said Grindelwald.

The Warlocks and Cold Wind all chased after the two groups and the new visitors as Grindelwald followed them. The black coat pony jumped from balcony and onto a building before jumping off that building and onto the ground as he chased after them as well.

Rainbow Dash, who was flying next to her friends, looked behind her and saw the three nasty ponies and the evil man running after them.

“Guys, they’re now on our tail!” Rainbow said to the others.

“Well technically, Rainbow, not all of us have tails,” said Discord while flying near her.

“Not now, Discord!” Rainbow said crossly.

The Warlocks and Cold Wind were catching up to the groups as they tried to run faster to get away from them. Grindelwald shot more green grasp from his wand as they blasted to the ground making more dirt marks since the ponies and creatures kept dodging the attacks.

Aurelius turned towards the evil lot, while still running, before pointing his wand at the ex-orphanage owners and shot black smoke at them which made fly backwards and hit the ground.

“Nice one, nephew!” Albus said proudly as Aurelius turned back forwards while still running with his uncle running beside him.

The Warlocks got back as Mrs Warlock glared at the groups while growling angrily before saying, “I’m not letting him escape us this time!” She got up and ran after them with Mr Warlock following her.

Doctor Strange used his sorcery magic again and opened another orange sparkling ring shaped portal near them as it showed a dark sky, with tiny sparks of different coloured stars, dimension through it.

“This way! Hurry!” Strange said to everyone while running to the portal.

Doctor Strange jumped into the portal followed by his seven friends.

“Should we trust them?” Asked Rarity while still running.

“What choice do we have? Come on!” Constantine replied as he ran straight to the portal with everyone else following him.

They all jumped into the portal one by one with Yozora being the last one to jump into it. However, Grindelwald and the four bad ponies were getting close as they jumped into the portal before it closed behind them.

Inside the portal, the colourful stars all flew backwards while Doctor Strange, his friends, the guardians of light and the Equestria group all flew forwards. Doctor Strange, Newt, Theseus, Tina, Queenie and the Dumbledores flew straight while the others all spun round, even Constantine and Vincent. Jacob and Donald were both screaming since they’ve never been through something like this before.

While flying and spinning in the dimensional portal, Pinkie Pie suddenly saw Grindelwald, Cold Wind, the Warlocks and the black coat pony flying towards them.

“Guys!” She shouted worriedly, “They’re onto us!”

Doctor Strange saw this and made an orange sparkling rope and swung it towards Cold Wind. The rope hit him causing him fly backwards to where he was now behind everyone but still flying forwards. Cold Wind growled angrily before flying forwards to catch up.

Newt, Theseus, Tina, Queenie and Albus took out their wands and shot tiny light blue grasp balls at them, but the evil lot kept dodging them while Grindelwald shot tiny green grasp balls at them as Aurelius uses his dark smoke to block them with the help of his wand.

Doctor Strange flies towards Grindelwald, while dodging his green grasp attack, as his cape comes off him and flies towards the bad ponies by itself making the ponies and creatures look at it in complete shock. They’ve never seen a cape move by itself before.

“Okay, that cape, is totally amazing,” said Twilight in amaze.

“No argument here,” said Applejack.

Doctor Strange tried to punch Grindelwald, but he was able to dodge quickly. Grindelwald give the upper hand and punched Strange in the face. Strange gave the dark wizard payback and punched him twice in the face as Grindelwald grabbed his fist before he could punch him again. Doctor Strange grabbed Grindelwald’s fist as well before he give him another punch.

“What happened to your eyes and long hair?” Asked Strange making Grindelwald confuse.

“Sir, I have never seen you before in my life.”

Grindelwald and Strange struggle to move their fist to each other’s face to punch it until Strange moved his foot up and kicked Grindelwald in the stomach causing him flying back a bit after letting go of Strange’s fist.

Lightning was struggling to reach Silverstream as he was scared of what he was right now. Suddenly, he heard the voice of his abusive father behind him. “Lightning Twister!”

Lightning turned his head round and saw Cold Wind flying angrily towards him with a very angry look on his face.

“You are so in for it now after spending the rest of my life in prison!”

“Ahhh! Silverstream, help me!” Lightning cried in fear while still trying reach the pink hippogriff.

“Hold on, Lightning!” Silverstream called while flying towards her favourite cute colt.

Silverstream tried to reach her claw out to grab Lightning, once she was close enough to grab him, but before she could save him, Cold Wind grabbed Lightning by the wings and pulled him away from the hippogriff.

“Lightning!” Silverstream shouted worriedly.

Lightning tried to break free from Cold Wind’s hooves, but he was still too strong for him to even escape. And because he spent the rest of his life in prison, he had gotten so strong that he was holding the colt’s wings too tight. So tightly that his wings started bleeding making Lightning yelp in pain.

“Ah! Ow! Ow! S-Stop it! Ow! Ah!”

Silverstream gasped in shock while seeing what Cold Wind was doing to the poor colt, and she didn’t know what to do. Cold Wind continued to tightly hold Lightning’s wings until he felt a dragon claw on his shoulder. He turned and saw an angry looking Smolder glaring at him.

“Get your dirty hooves off him!” Smolder shouted angrily before punching the abusive pony in the face causing him to let go of Lightning and fly backwards to where he bumped into the Warlocks knocking them away and making a sound of a bowling ball knocking pins down.

Smolder turned to Lightning who was now free from Cold Wind’s grasp, but his wings were still bleeding. “Braveheart!” She shouted worriedly.

“Ah! S-Smolder!” Said Lightning still feeling pain from his broken wings.

“Everyone, hold on!” Shouted Doctor Strange before using his sorcery magic to open up another another orange sparkling ring shaped portal on the right side of the dimensional wall as it sucked up the guardians, the Equestria group and the new visitors. The portal quickly closed leaving the five villains still flying straight forward through the portal and mostly heading back to their home after their failed ambush.

The three groups fell through the new way portal as a bright light shone beneath them and faded away to reveal a forest with light brown leaves on the ground. They all landed on the leaves, some on their backs and some on their fronts, before the portal disappeared.

Oliver breathed slowly after experiencing what had just happened. He slowly sat up before rubbing his head while groaning in pain.

“Oh, my head,” he said, “What just happened back there?”

“Here, let me help you,” said Newt offering his hand out to the alicorn. Oliver stared at Newt before taking his hand as he helped him back up.


Oliver and Newt saw John Constantine running towards them before worriedly saying, “Oliver, that was one nasty fall we all had. Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” answered Oliver, “Just had a bad landing, that’s all. Going through new places ain’t always that easy, I can tell you that.”

“Ah it never is, mate,” Constantine said while smiling at his friend before turning to Newt Scamander, “By the way, I want to have a word with you.”

“Oh, no! Lightning!” Oliver said worriedly before running to his nephew’s aid. John and Newt watched him run to Lightning before looking at each other with John saying, “In a minute.” The two then rushed to catch up with Oliver.

Fluttershy slowly got back onto her hooves while groaning in pain after that nasty fall.

“Fluttershy,” said Discord as he floated towards her, “Are you al…?” Before he could even finish, Fluttershy suddenly saw her son. “Lightning!” She shouted worriedly before running towards him.

Discord crossed his arms angrily while saying, “Hmph! And I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence.”

Lightning was crying in Silverstream’s arms as his face was buried in her chest. His wings were still bleeding and badly wounded after the tight grab by Cold Wind. Silverstream was hugging him while gently stroking his head in comfort and trying to calm down as she gently hushed him.

“Shhh…shhhh…” she whispered softly in his ear.

Oliver, Newt, Constantine and Fluttershy shockingly saw what was wrong with poor Lightning Twister as everyone else, including Cosmos, stood around the poor colt in the arms of the hippogriff.

Fluttershy gasped in shock and worried. “My baby boy!”

“Twilight, quickly, in my bag!” Tempest said in a worried tone while pointing at her bag which was laying on the ground near a tree, “There’s a bottle of a potion that can heal broken wings!”

Twilight nodded her head in understood before running to Tempest’s bag to get the potion as Tempest then added, “It has the yellow liquid in!”

Twilight opened Tempest’s bag and magically lifted out the mini potion bottle with the yellow liquid in. “Found it!” She flew back to the others while carefully holding the bottle in her hoof.

“Good. Now clean the brush part,” instructed Tempest as Twilight did what she said and spun the lid round to clear out the liquid on the brush part.

Tempest gently took the bottle from Twilight and spoke gently to Lightning, “Lightning kiddo, this will sting a bit. Hold on to Silverstream, okay?”

“O-Okay,” Lightning said while looking at the dark purple unicorn with tears in his eyes.

Tempest took out the brush from the bottle and pulled over Lightning’s right wing first as she slowly and gently made tiny drops of yellow liquid drop onto the wing. And she was right, it did sting a bit as Lightning started whimpering and groaning from the stung of the potion liquid.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” He said painfully.

“You’re doing great, buddy,” said Sandbar in support while Tempest did a few more drops on the wing before moving on to the next wing.

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked worriedly, “I thought he was still with you when we were in that portal!”

“He was,” answered Silverstream, “But then that portal made him fly off my back. I tried my best to reach him but, Cold Wind grabbed a hold him before I did. I tried to save him, but I was struggling to get towards him and Cold Wind was holding him tightly that…his wings got snapped.”

Fluttershy and Silverstream sadly watched the poor colt whimper while Tempest did a few more but last drops on his wing. “Done.”

Lightning started to cry as Tempest put the brush back in the bottle. She placed the bottle down, picked up a roll of bandage and gently wrapped some around the wings one at a time while making sure she wasn’t hurting the colt.

“It’s over, little pony,” she said softly while wrapping the right wing in bandage before doing the left one, “It’s over. Everything’s going to be okay now.” After she’d finish wrapped the left wing in bandage, she placed the roll of bandage down.

“You were very brave, sweetheart,” said Fluttershy softly to her poor child.

“Such a brave little boy,” said Fizzlepop softly while gently placing a purple blanket on Lightning without hurting his wings.

Fizzlepop took out a bottle filled with medicine that can help make painful body parts better and makes it less painful. She pours some into a tiny cup and gave it to Lightning while saying, “Here, drink this, little one. It’ll help.”

Lightning let out a small hiccup while drinking the medicine from the cup. Once he drank it, Fizzlepop took the cup away as Lightning rested his head on Silverstream’s fur chest.

“He’ll be fine, Fluttershy,” said Fizzlepop, “The potion will heal his wings and he’ll be flying again soon.”

Fluttershy let out a calm sigh of relief while smiling at Fizzlepop and saying, “Thank you, Fizzlepop.

Fizzlepop smiled at the yellow Pegasus and gave her a nod.

“Where are we?” Asked Flurry Heart while looking around the forest.

“I’m not sure, little bug,” answered Twilight, “I don’t even know how far we are now to the Tree of Life. John?”

Constantine looked at the dark golden grasped map in his hand before answering, “Bad news, love. We’re in the area that has the Tree of Life in, but it’s miles away from where are we now.”

“And how many miles away?” Asked Smolder.

“You ain’t gonna like the answer…” John took a deep breath in before saying, “Hundred miles away.”

“A hundred miles?!” Fluttershy shouted in shock, “That’s gonna take days and nights to get there, and my baby boy won’t be able to handle more nightmares! Can’t you just teleport us there to make it easy and faster?!”

“I’m afraid not, Fluttershy,” answered John sadly, “Even if I knew what the Tree of Life looked like, I still wouldn’t be able to teleport us all there.”

“And we can’t really just teleport there,” said Celestia in a calm and friendly tone, “If we do that, the rulers there would think we came to attack them. We must journey there by hoof, paw and foot.”

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy,” said Twilight, “But Celestia is right. We need them to know we mean no harm to them and we just came for their help. It’s the only way to help Lightning.”

Fluttershy didn’t want her poor son to suffer more nightmare before they reached the Tree of Life, but she knew Constantine, Celestia and Twilight were right. If they teleport to the Tree of Life right now, they would think they were invading their home. She gave her friend a nod in understood instead of speaking.

“Hey,” said Doctor Strange as he and the other seven approached the two groups, “Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to say we’re very sorry for ruining your journey. We just wanted to make sure Grindelwald doesn’t harm anyone in any world he enters in.”

“It’s fine,” replied Oliver politely, “Stuff like this happens often when we go on big journeys.” Oliver started to realise what Strange had just said. “Wait. Grindelwald? Is that the name of that grey hair man? Okay okay, we’re getting off topic here. I think introductions are in order. Your name?”

“Doctor Strange.”

“Okay, and theirs?”

“They are Newt and Theseus Scamander, Tina and Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Albus Dumbledore and Aurelius Dumbledore, Albus’s nephew.”

“Great, nice to meet you all. I’m Oliver Sparkle. This is my Aunt Twilight, Spike, Mom and Dad.”

“Princess Cadence and Shining Armor,” said Cadence kindly.

“My sister Flurry Heart.”

“Hello!” Flurry Heart said happily while waving her hoof.

“And these are Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Capper, Sunburst, Princess Celestia, Luna, Amore, Tempest Shadow, John Constantine and Vincent.”

“I’m Sandbar. And this is Gallus, Yona, Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream and Lightning Twister.”

“Our best students,” added Twilight.

“And Lightning’s my precious baby son,” said Fluttershy.

“I’m Sora. And this is Kairi, Riku, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Roxas, Xion, Axel and Yozora.”

“A pleasure to meet you all,” said Albus Dumbledore kindly.

Pinkie suddenly saw Jacob acting a bit funny as he felt dizzy and confuse to what he’s now seeing. This is normal to Newt and the others since both him and the other five are wizards and witches while Jacob was a Muggle, someone that doesn’t believe in magic, except for him after what he’s been through after encountering Newt, Tina and Queenie for the first time and then falling in love with a witch.

“Hey, is he alright?” Asked the pink pony.

Theseus looked at Jacob before turning back to Pinkie while saying, “Yeah, he’s fine. He’s just not used to seeing creatures he’s never seen before or anything that has to do with magic since he’s what we call…a Muggle.”

“A Muggle?” Pinkie was confused by this.

“Someone who doesn’t believe in magic,” explained Tina.

“Oooohhhh,” said Pinkie as she started to understand now, “But if he knows that you lot can do magic, how come he’s still a Muggle?”

“Long story,” answered Newt, “I’ll explain later.” Pinkie nodded her head in understood.

While Jacob was acting a bit funny and weird, Queenie went over to her husband’s aid as she gently rubbed his shoulder and said, “You alright, honey?”

“First, I see magic,” said Jacob while shaking in complete shock, “And now, I’m seeing and hearing talking ponies, griffin, yak, dragons, bug and hippogriff.

“Hey!” Ocellus said angrily after being offended by being called a bug.

Jacob saw Discord and Cosmos before pointing at them while shocking saying, “And what are they?!”

“Rude,” said Discord annoyedly with his arms crossed.

“Oh that’s just Discord and Cosmos, they’re Draconequus’,” answered Celestia, “They’re well known for doing chaos magic. But don’t worry, we’ll make sure they don’t do any chaos on you. Well, one of them.” She eyeballed at Discord showing that it was him she was on about.

“Still rude,” he said annoyedly.

“Okay,” Oliver said before letting out a calm sigh, “Look, we all have a bunch of stories to tell, especially to the newbies and what stories they have to tell. But how about we all set up camp first before story time?”

“He does have a good point there,” agreed Luna, “It’s almost time for me to raise the moon.”

“You, can raise, the moon?!” Jacob was now in complete shock even more after hearing that Princess Luna can raise the moon.

“I’ll explain later, dear,” said the Princess of the Moon while smiling softly to the baker.

“Okay, I’ll go get the tent,” said Newt before walking over to a perfect empty space in the area they’re in while carrying his suitcase. Everyone, except for Doctor Strange, Tina, Queenie and the Dumbledores, were confused by what Newt meant by tent, even Jacob was confused too.

“A tent?” Applejack asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Where are you going to find a tent?” Asked Jacob as Newt placed his suitcase flat down on the ground and opened it. He placed one foot into the suitcase and did the same with the other foot before climbing down into the inside of the suitcase. The guardians and the Equestria group were surprised by this, however, Jacob just flapped his hands up before placing them on his hips while looking away a not amused look on his face. “Should have known.”

Twilight and Flurry Heart walked over to Newt’s suitcase and looked inside it with a shock expression on their faces. They’ve never someone with a suitcase that they can climb into so easily before.

“That’s the second surprising new thing I’ve seen today,” said Flurry Heart.

“Same here, Flurry,” replied Twilight, “And I’ve got a feeling we’ll be seeing some more during our journey, even we hear the stories from Doctor Strange and his friends. And what new threats we’ll encounter along the way.”