In Reflection, The Same

by Faedelaide


"Under no circumstances are you to contact that vile kingdom! I will not allow it," Twilice roared, as she had been for the past thirty minutes while Twilight stayed in her room, trying to maintain composure.

"Twilice, for the last time, This is the biggest discovery we've made yet. The fact that this ice might have connections with my Crystal Empire could push us in the right direction! Frankly, It's kind of annoying that you won't let me send even one message to Cadance with a discovery like this."

"That kingdom is vile, and the very fact that they would choose such a despicable vermin as Ma Vie as their queen proves it," Twilice hissed irately. Ever since Twilight looked at the arrow that bore the symbol of the Crystal Empire, the familiar sound of Twilice's enraged gurgling hadn't left Twilight's head, and was beginning to give her a headache.

"You don't even know this Crystal Empire. You and all of your freaky starfish friends aren't even from this timeline, or so you say," Twilight snapped back.

Twilice's gurgling suddenly stopped. "... What are you saying... Princess?"

"I'm saying, why would an arrow from our Crystal Empire be imbedded in the arm of a starfish from your timeline, Twilice?"

"... It would be in your best interest not to use such an accusatory tone with me. You don't even know that that arrow is one of yours. Perhaps our timelines are more alike than you knew."

"Well I guess we'll find out, won't we?" Twilight scorned. Ignoring her other self, she began writing a note to Cadance.

"Twilight... That is enough."

Twilight could feel the pressure begin to form again, but she continued to write, even as its unbearable influence began to weigh her mind down. She finished her writing after what felt like an eternity, and promptly fell limp onto her bed.

"Spike!" she shouted.

She could hear the familiar pitter patter of her assistant's feet as he rushed to her aid.

"What's going on, Twilight? What's wrong?" Spike looked all around the room, looking for danger.

"Note... Cadance... Send it!" She tried to say as the pressure in her head increased in ferocity.

Spike walked over to the side of her bed and picked up the note. "Twilight, this note's barely readable Are you sure-"

"Yes! Send it!" she pleaded, pushing the scroll and a ribbon towards him.

"Alright..." Spike rolled up and bound the scroll.

"Wait!" Twilight pushed the arrowhead towards him as well. "That... too."

Spike picked up the arrowhead and stared at it with interest. "ooh, that's a pretty gem."

"SEND IT!" Twilight screamed.

"Arlight alright, ok." Spike took a deep breath, then, in a blossoming curl of flame, sent the scroll away. "Done. Are you ok, Twilight?"

"Headache! Need rest... alone please!" She moaned.

Spike took the hint and left just as quickly as he arrived, closing the door quietly behind him.

The pressure slowly began to fade away. Twilight felt only relief as its agonizing grasp finally released itself from her mind.

"Princess, are you alright? What happened?" Twilice asked with as much concern as she could muster.

"I'm fine, Twilice. I don't know what these headaches are about, but at least it's passed."

"Oh good. I would... hate for any harm to befall you. You have too much potential to die by a burst blood vessel or lack of sleep."

"Thanks... I think?" Twilight lay flat on her bed. Her head still throbbed in pain, enough for her to not want to move.

Twilice sighed from within her head. "I guess we really do have no other choice, do we? This is what we've come to."

"Don't worry Twilice, Cadance is probably the nicest, sweetest, most caring pony in all of Equestria. If anyone is gonna try their best to help someone in need, it's her. She's nothing like Ma Vie, believe me," Twilight reassured her friend.

"Hmph... I've nothing else left to believe it seems."

"I'll show you, you just watch."

As if on cue, a wisp of green smoke slithered its way through Twilight's window and right into her hooves, where it formed into a scroll marked with the same symbol that marked the crystal arrowhead.

"Hmph. My argument still stands, open it," Twilice ordered.

Twilight unrolled the scroll, mindful of the same arrowhead as it fell onto the mattress in front of her. She carefully nudged it to the side, and the two Twilights proceeded to read Cadance's note.

Dear Twilight,

This arrow is very much from the Crystal Kingdom, but the origins of this arrow are a mystery to me, even with this kingdom having been gone for so long. If you wish, you may return this note to me and I will have my top historians investigate it for you.

However, the nature of your note concerns me. I know you can tend to be anxious in times of stress, and I fear this situation may be a bit too much, even for you. That is why I am inviting you to the Crystal Empire to delve through our libraries yourself, as well as take some much needed time off with your sister-in-law!

The choice is of course yours to make, and I would understand if you couldn't make it. Celestia has told me of the situation with Equestria and Griffonstone, and it must be quite the undertaking. All the same, I encourage you to visit your family here in the Crystal City!


"Huh. She does seem sweet. Sickly so in my opinion, but a welcome alternative to Ma Vie," Twilice admitted.

"See, I told you so!" Twilight stated proudly. "My sister-in-law is the best!"

"Hm... I'll refrain from arguing with you for both our sakes. Either way, what are you thinking about her invitation?"

Twilight was already raising herself up from her bed to grab another piece of paper. "Are you kidding me? Of course I'm going to go see her!"

She rapidly scrawled another note, then walked to the door to the hallway, even as Twilice began gurgling in annoyance again.