//------------------------------// // 3. The Titans Begin to Duel // Story: Flurry Heart's Story: Tirek vs Scorpan // by AleximusPrime //------------------------------// “The Midnight Kingdom is on a road to progress, my friends,” Tirek stated as he continued to speak to his people. “Whatever damage was done under the previous leadership will be mended. No one will dare stand up to us, and if they do, I will protect you at all…wait…what is that?” Tirek stopped his speech once he noticed several figures in the distance. They had just walked up over the hilltop in front of the castle entrance several hundred yards away. Tirek looked closer and noticed Twilight with Spike and two other creatures he did not recognize. “Princess Twilight,” Tirek grumbled before pointing to them. “My friends, we are being invaded! Allow me to show you all what happens to those who oppose my will!!” Tirek removed his crown and placed it on the floor next to him. He then crouched down and leaped forward with all his might. He soared through the air and landed right in front of Twilight and the others, causing Spike to tumble and fall while Sandbar and Ocellus nearly lost their balance. “Princess, I thought I told you to stay out of here!!” Tirek shouted at Twilight. Twilight closed her eyes and stood against the wind in her face from Tirek’s breath. She then opened them again and looked grimly at him. “Tirek, I wouldn’t come back here if I didn’t have a way to stop you,” she told the angry centaur titan. “I’ve brought the Elements of Harmony with me.” “All I see are two pathetic creatures over there with the Elements. You couldn’t even bring all of them at once!” “We’re all that’s needed, Tirek!” Sandbar shouted as he held Ocellus’ hoof and their necklaces began to shine. “GET OUT OF MY KINGDOM NOW!!!” Tirek shouted even louder. Sandbar and Ocellus began to levitate and a magic aura spun around them. Tirek gritted his teeth and charged up his magic. Twilight was about ready to cast her own protection spell but the Elements seemed to have already created a canopy around all four of them. Tirek retaliated, but his blast had no effect. He shot beam after beam at them and tried smashing the shield with his fists or hooves, but it did no good. Ocellus and Sandbar had their eyes closed the whole time, expecting the Elements to blast Tirek with the rainbow, but nothing was happening. They opened their eyes and looked around, confused. “Is it working?” Ocellus asked. “Well it’s definitely protecting us,” Sandbar replied. “I’m trying to concentrate.” “So am I.” “Think maybe the Elements are refusing to work again?” “I’m afraid so. Twilight, I don’t think we were meant to use these on Tirek!” Twilight was huddled up next to Spike as she watched Tirek try to break through the canopy. She already looked defeated. “I don’t understand! Why aren’t the Elements working?” Spike called to Twilight. “There is another way. There must be,” Twilight replied. “Spike, we need to retreat!” “Well we’ve already made him mad! He’ll just follow us to Equestria now! We never should have come here!” “Ocellus, maybe Twilight’s right!” Sandbar said. “Clearly the Elements want us to approach this differently!” “YOUR PRECIOUS ELEMENTS HAVE FAILED YOU!” Tirek shouted. “You can hear us?” Ocellus asked. “Of course I can hear you, you pesky gnat! All four of you leave now and I will one day find a way to make an example of Equestria! No one stands up to the all-powerful Tirek!” “There is one, brother!” shouted a voice in the distance. Tirek turned back to the castle town and saw Scorpan walking down the steps to the balcony. He had just finished absorbing all the power from the Absorption Stone via his mouth and Tirek was too late to stop him. He began to grow in size till he was about as tall as Tirek. His pupils turned into slits, his ears became longer and his fingertips were more claw-like. His wingspan increased by a tremendous amount. Scorpan was now prepared to take on his brother. The citizens in the crowd all cheered loudly as Scorpan crouched down and then took off with his enormous wings. Scorpan landed in front of Tirek as Twilight and the others scrambled for cover. “SCORPAN!!!” Tirek shouted angrily as he turned to face his brother. “Know your place and stand down!” “Brother, this ends now!” Scorpan replied as he pointed to Tirek. “I don’t want to fight you, but I am the king and I will protect my people!” “Oh I do, brother. I do want to fight you very much…” Tirek’s voice became softer but very threatening. He cracked his knuckles on both hands and stood still to strike fear into Scorpan, but Scorpan did not turn away from him. They stood for a few moments, clenching their fists, waiting for each other to make a move. After nearly an entire minute, Tirek’s eyes widened quickly and he shouted as he threw his fist back and dashed for his brother. Scorpan did the same and their fists collided, sending a wave of energy cutting through the air and creating a carving on the ground between them. What happened next was a series of fast-paced punches and parries as they both grunted and winced with each movement. Their arms moved as fast as lightning and were nearly impossible to see. They started to teleport all over the battlefield while fighting, leaving behind a burst of orange energy and reappearing elsewhere over the ground. Tirek finally managed to land a blow on Scorpan’s face but Scorpan did the same and they flew back simultaneously. They landed several hundred yards away and wiped their lips with the elbow of their wrists. Tirek then charged up his magic between his horns and Scorpan opened his mouth and did the same. A small orb of bluish energy appeared on front of his snout and grew bigger as they both prepared to blast each other. Finally Tirek shouted and shot his beam at Scorpan while Scorpan opened his jaws even wider and blasted Tirek. Their beams met in the center and pushed against each other. The brothers both continued to exert their magic until there was an explosion that knocked them both back. Scorpan tried getting up but saw Tirek leap in the air, attempting to crush him with his powerful fists. Scorpan leaped out of the way just in time and flew to a safer distance. Tirek fired a continuous beam at his brother as Scorpan took flight to evade it. The beam cut through some mountains and trees. Fearing the beam was too dangerous for anyone in this vicinity as well as the castle town, he finally stopped and crossed his arms to block the beam. Tirek pushed harder and harder till Scorpan could no longer take it, so he teleported behind Tirek and put him in a chokehold. “TIREK, THAT’S ENOUGH!!!” he shouted. Tirek gagged and then elbowed Scorpan in the stomach. He then tried to punch Scorpan, but Scorpan was quick and dodged it. Scorpan then lifted his leg and kicked Tirek in the face. Tirek grabbed Scorpan by his leg and swung him down into the ground, creating a large crater. He tried doing it again but Scorpan teleported them both away into the air. Scorpan spread his wings and stayed afloat. Tirek began falling, but then used his magic to remain airborne. They both took a moment to catch their breaths until Tirek hollered and dashed towards Scorpan. They both met in midair and grabbed each other’s fists and pushed hard against themselves with energy emitting from their bodies. They gritted their teeth and pressed as hard as they could until they finally separated. They put their hands to the sides of their bodies and charged up energy. They then put both hands forward to send powerful blasts at each other. Scorpan underestimated the power of Tirek’s blast and his was disintegrated while Tirek’s blast came through and pushed against Scorpan, sending him far into the sky. Scorpan teleported back to the earth below, but Tirek noticed this and put his finger skyward and charged up a large ball of energy. He sent it hurtling down and Scorpan blocked it with his hands, not wanting it to do damage to the land. He threw it back at Tirek and Tirek teleported to the ground where they continued their battle. Twilight and her companions ran through a nearby forest, dodging rocks and debris that would fly in their direction every so often. A huge beam shot across the ground and carved a ditch right in front of them, just barely missing them. Ocellus transformed into a giant eagle and picked up Sandbar to carry him over the ditch while Twilight and Spike spread their wings. “THIS IS NOT WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR!” Spike shouted. “We need to get to a safer spot!” Twilight replied. “That mountain up there looks good!” They all flew to a mountain with a cliff at the top where they could spectate the battle before them. Once they landed, they were far enough away from the brothers. “Well this did not go as planned,” Ocellus said as she transformed and started panting. “So are they just going to keep fighting until Tirek gives up?” Sandbar asked. “I’m not sure. They seem to be about equal, but Scorpan is holding himself back. I’m guessing he’s trying to get Tirek to calm down and talk.” “Well I don’t think Tirek’s gonna listen,” Spike said. “We need to figure this out before Tirek flattens the entire peninsula and ends up moving into Equestria.” Back in the crystal castle, everyone continued digging but were getting nowhere. The only thing they were able to uncover was mostly dirt with some crystals, which became harder to find the further they went. They started branching out to widen the hole, but it did no good. It had been nearly an hour since they started. Discord took off his helmet and took a rest to catch his breath. “Find anything yet?” he asked. “We haven’t found squat!” Stormy called back. “Just a few large crystals every now and then,” Starlight added as she used her magic to pick up some rather dull gemstones. “None of them have any power though. I don’t know if we’re even supposed to be looking for an artifact,” Sunburst added. “This isn’t getting us anywhere, Flurry,” Trixie said as she set her shovel down and took a rest. “Can the map at least tell us what it is we’re looking for?” Annie asked. “Maybe it wants us to find out for ourselves,” Pumpkin added. “There’s got to be a way to know…wait…” Flurry said as she started to notice something. Everyone else turned their heads and saw that the wall she was in front of had a glow emanating from it. There were some cracks in the dirt with rays of sunlight breaking through. “That must be it!” Discord said. “Keep digging, Flurry!” Stormy told her. Flurry took her shovel and used her magic to dig faster until she hit something in the dirt. She could feel her shovel stop the moment it happened. “Hear that? I think I found it!” Some dirt fell down and the orb that led them downstairs earlier was visible right over where Flurry was digging. It floated out and moved down to where her shovel was directed. Flurry finally uncovered a large crystal rock with keyholes in it. “It’s…It’s the box for the keys of harmony!” Starlight shouted. “The one that gave Twilight and the others the rainbow magic to stop Tirek!” Sunburst joined in. “That was what gave them the power?” Trixie asked. “I thought the keys were on the outside though. Where did they go?” asked Discord. “Hold on, I think it can be opened!” Flurry said as she plucked it out of the ground with her magic. The top half of the box flipped back like a lid and inside were all the items that transformed into the keys during Twilight’s battle with Tirek. “THE KEYS!” Discord, Trixie, Starlight and Sunburst shouted in unison. “That must be Mommy’s Wonderbolts pin she got from Spifire!” Stormy said as he picked the pin out of the box to marvel at. “Fluttershy’s flower from the Breezies! It hasn’t wilted at all!” Discord said as he took the flower and held it close. “And that’s Rarity’s thread spool she got from Coco Pommel!” Sunburst said, using his magic to take the thread out and show it to Starlight and Trixie. “And Mom’s coin that Silver Shill gave her!” Chip said as Annie took the coin. “Oh my gosh!! Pound look! Pinkie and Cheese are going to be so happy to have Boneless #1 back!” Pumpkin said as she shook the rubber chicken around with her magic. “Guys, look!” Flurry said. She took out the final key: Scorpan’s necklace. The orb was glowing over the necklace and then finally died out. At last they had found the relic the map was leading them to. “This is what the map wanted us to find. Scorpan must need to give this back to Tirek!” “Wait, Flurry…that’s no ordinary necklace!” Sunburst said as he adjusted his glasses. “THE PENDANT OF RESTORATION!!” he and Starlight said excitedly. “Wait, hold on a minute… that’s the Pendant of Restoration?” Discord said, confused. “I thought it was just some ordinary relic from King Vorak’s family!” “It was made under his rule,” Sunburst began to explain. “King Vorak’s father Oltok made a lot of bad decisions during his reign and regretted them in his final days when Vorak took the throne. Vorak had his best sorcerers make a pendant that had the ability to fix disorder: a pendant that no villain would ever covet for they would only seek to destroy, not rebuild. He gave it to a dying Oltok so he could undo the harm to the Midnight Kingdom that he had caused, but sadly Oltok passed just as he began to hold the pendant and Vorak was tasked with solving it himself. I don’t know if the pendant was ever used at all.” “Why couldn’t King Vorak just use the pendant after that?” Pound asked. “Because it can only be used to fix things by the very person who did the damage in the first place,” Starlight answered. “And now Tirek is the one who has to use it,” Flurry said. “That’s why Scorpan left his brother with this pendant when he was sent to Tartarus! He believed that Tirek could change one day and use this pendant!” Flurry’s bow began to glow again as the pendant shone with a green aura surrounding it. Flurry looked up at her friends with a determined face. “I have to get this to Scorpan. He has to be the one to give it to Tirek, not me,” she said as she put the pendant around her neck. “Well if you’re going, we’re coming with you!” Stormy said, excitedly. “Hold on now, Stormy!” Pound said, trying to calm his friend down. “Do you have any idea how much trouble we’ll be in if we go into the Midnight Kingdom with the way things are over there right now?” “That’s right, Stormy. I can’t allow any of you kids to go there aside from Flurry or your parents will have our heads,” Trixie told him. “I think we should stay here. It’s too dangerous,” Annie said, timidly. “Yeah, Mom would kill us if she found out,” Chip added. “Ditto,” Pumpkin chimed in. “Awww, but I wanted to see a really cool battle between Tirek and Scorpan!” Stormy whined. “Look Stormy, this is Flurry’s mission,” Discord explained. “When the map calls you somewhere, you’ve got to go do it. I’m sure Shining Armor and Cadance will understand. Right, Flurry?” “They’ll understand,” Flurry said. “But you’d better come with me to keep me safe.” “Well I have no choice. I can teleport you and I’m probably your best bet at defense against Tirek if it comes to that.” “Can we at least see what it looks like real quick? Pleeeease?” Stormy begged Discord. “I suppose I could open a portal in the field outside of the palace real quick, but hopefully there isn’t a battle happening at the moment,” Discord said. “All right, but we have to be quick, Discord,” Sunburst said. Discord straightened out his lion arm and pointed his index finger forward. He spun his finger around once and a small magic circle appeared. It grew into a larger circle and showed what was happening on the other end. Right before their eyes appeared Tirek and Scorpan as hundred-foot-tall titans fighting each other. Scorpan was throwing punches at Tirek as Tirek deflected them with his arms. “WHOOOOA! SO AWESOME!” Stormy said with his hooves pressed against his cheeks. Tirek suddenly punched Scorpan in the face and Scorpan flew off behind the spot the portal was in. Tirek then fired a laser at the ground and it was moving right to the portal. Everyone screamed and Discord immediately closed the portal just as small rocks and dirt began to fly in through it. Discord stood completely motionless with a shocked face. “Okay, that was a bad idea,” he said. “Discord, maybe you two should wait till they calm down,” Pound suggested. “Pound, if we wait any longer, Scorpan might not be around! It’s a friendship problem. I have to get both of them to make amends.” “She’ll be fine with me, Pound,” Discord assured the young pegasus. “Just…be safe is all,” Pound said, cautiously. Discord and Flurry took one look at each other and back at all their friends who looked very worried. “Don’t worry, everypony,” Flurry said. “I promise you I’ll come back…and with good news.” Discord took a deep breath and snapped his fingers. In a flash of light, they were both gone.