//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Fire! // Story: Flutterdash: Never Leave Me // by Silver Moon //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash was doing tricks in the park. An excited Scootaloo watched from below. The two of them had just gotten back from Canterlot, where the Wonder Bolts had been preforming. Inspired by the famous Pegasi, Dash had come straight to the park to try out some new tricks. “Do another loop-de-loop!” the younger Pegasus called happily to her hero. She was so in awe of the flying pony that she did not notice Twilight run by looking frightened. “Maybe later, kid,” Dash called over her shoulder as she chased after Twilight. “Hey, slow down girl. Where’s the fire?” Rainbow asked, catching up to the purple unicorn and flying beside her. “The, the Everfree Forest,” panted Twilight. “I think it may be Zecora’s hut!” “What? Nah, Zecora lives over there,” Dash pointed a ways to the right of the cloud of smoke rising from the trees. “She should be fine. The smoke’s coming from…” The Pegasus stopped dead. “No,” She breathed. “No, it can’t be.” What’s wrong?” Twilight looked at her friend, concerned. She had never seen Rainbow look so afraid. “Where’s the smoke coming-” she started to ask, but the Pegasus interrupted her. “Have you seen Fluttershy today?” “No, I think she has a spa date with Rarity today. What’s wrong?” Twilight demanded, but Rainbow Dash had already flown off. Shaking her head at her slightly crazy friend, Twilight turned to see a dejected looking Scootaloo next to her. “Where’s Dash going?” asked the orange Pegasus, staring after her idol. “I’m not sure, Scoot.” “But she was going to show me more tricks today! Now what am I going to do all day?” “I’m sorry. Oh, but you can help me organize the library if you want!” “Er, no thanks. See you around, Twilight!” With that, Scootaloo hopped on her scooter and sped off, leaving Twilight to go organize the library alone. Meanwhile, Dash had burst into the day spa. “Fluttershy?” she called hopefully. She looked around, but there was no sign of the yellow Pegasus. Spying Rarity, Dash zoomed over to her. “Where’s Fluttershy?!” she demanded. “Well, I don’t know,” said the unicorn. “She’s never been this late for a spa day. I figured she was just out flying with you. That’s why she was late last week, after all.” “Last week? Oh, yeah we were on a date.” Rainbow shook her head. “So you haven’t seen her today at all?” “Date?" Rarity asked, although she was worried by the fear in the Pegasus’ voice. “Did you say ‘date?’ Like a Date date or like a spa date?” “A date date. OK? Now have you seen her?” “Not all day. But if two are dating you must tell me about it! Wait, Rainbow come back!” Rarity called after her friend but the speedy pony was already out the door, flying full speed. As she flew, Dash spoke to herself, almost praying. “Fluttershy, please be home. Please be safe. Don’t be where I think you are!” Reaching Fluttershy’s house, she pounded on the door. She let out a sigh of relief as the door opened, only to snatch it again when she saw it was just Angel. “Is Flutters home?” she asked, panicked. Angel shook his head. Before he could do anything else, Dash was gone once again. Now she knew where Fluttershy was. Part of her had known since she had seen the smoke, but now there was no doubt. Fluttershy was in the house in the woods. But the reason Rainbow was flying as fast as she possibly could was not that. The reason was far worse. For the smoke that was floating above the Forest was coming from the clearing in which the house stood. Although she was fly faster than ever before, the flight to the clearing seemed to take ages. Landing in the larger clearing, Dash took off at a gallop, running down the path to the house. She knew what would greet her, but that did not stop her from halting in shock at the sight of the house. Heat blasted the Pegasus as she crept towards what looked like a house made of nothing but fire. “FLUTTERSHY!!!” she yelled, coughing on the thick black smoke. There was no response, but her heart told Rainbow that Fluttershy was in there. There was no choice of what to do; not giving herself time to think, Dash found the door by memory and kicked it open. The heat was almost unbearable, the smoke stung her eyes as she looked for the mare she loved. Only one corner of the house was not completely on fire. In that corner was Fluttershy. Even as Dash flew over, she knew something was wrong, something more than the smoke and flames. “Flutters?” Rainbow asked softly, landing next to the other Pegasus. “Flutters, please wake up.” If the pony heard her friend, she gave no sign. With a sob, the blue Pegasus picked up the yellow one. Carrying Fluttershy to the door and out into the clearing was easier said than done, but Dash never gave up. Once the two of them were in the larger clearing and safe from the flames, Rainbow Dash lay Fluttershy down on the ground softly. It did not look like she was breathing. “Flutters, wake up. Pease wake up, I need you!” Dash was crying now, tears flowing thick and fast down her face. “WAKE UP!!” She yelled. “WAKE UP!” Sobbing now, almost unable to breathe, she whispered one last word. “Please.” Crying desperately, Dash looked at the Pegasus lying on the ground in front of her. Fluttershy looked broken; her long, beautiful tail was half burnt off, her hind feet were both bloody, all of the feathers on one of her wings had been burnt away. Her hind leg was bad too. The right one was clearly broken, bent all the wrong way. Most of her soft yellow fur was stained gray with smoke and ash, but there were two clear paths on her face. Tears had run down her face, carving a path in the black soot. Leaning forwards, Rainbow kissed Fluttershy on the cheek. Her own tears falling faster than ever, making their own paths in the filth. Then the blue pony gasped. Fluttershy’s eyes flickered open, just a little bit. “Dashie?” she whispered. “Dashie, is that you? Don’t-don’t leave me.” She coughed gently. “Don’t leave me.” “Never,” Dash whispered back. “I will never leave you. Don’t you trust me?” “With my life.” “Well, that’s good. Come on, let’s get you to the hospital.” Picking Fluttershy up gently, Rainbow Dash started to fly back to Ponyville. Dash was flying slower than usual now, tired out from her frantic flight to the fire and now carrying the weight of another pony. As they flew, Fluttershy began to talk. “It’s my fault, Dashie,” Fluttershy whispered. “Hush, save your energy,” Rainbow told her, but for once the shy Pegasus ignored her. “I hoped you would come see me instead of the Wonder Bolts, so I waited in our house,” Futtershy coughed again, and Rainbow cried even more; it was the first time Flutters had called it their house. A house for just the two of them. Rainbow tried to speak, but Fluttershy was talking again. “I had nothing to do, so I cleaned. I cleaned all day and half of the night, so I got tired. I was so cold, I just wanted to rest by the fire for a little while. I took a blanket and sat next to the fire. But I think I fell asleep.” Rainbow could picture what happened next. “Stop, it’s OK, you need to rest.” Dash did not want to hear what happened next, the picture in her mind was clear enough already. Once again, however, Fluttershy ignored her and kept talking. “I woke up because it was too hot. My wing hurt really badly. I opened my eyes, but all I saw was orange and yellow. I was surrounded by fire. I was fire; my wing was burning. I tried to fly to the door. The smoke was too thick; it burned my eyes and was choking me. My wings could not hold me up, and I could not find the door. I ran the wrong way; I was trapped on the wrong side of the house.” “Stop, please. Save your breath,” Rainbow was begging now, her own breath catching in her throat as she cried. “There was no window for me to climb out,” Fluttershy continued as if Dash had never spoken. “So I tried to kick a hole in the wall. I did, after a while. My right leg broke through, but it got stuck. When I pulled it out, I felt and heard it snap. The pain was too much, and I was choking on the smoke. All I wanted to do was rest. So I lay down, only for a minute. Then I woke up, out of the house, out of the flames. I woke up, and, and you. You were there.” She paused, and coughed. Looking right at Rainbow Dash, she smiled. “You were there. You saved me.” Her eyes closed again. “You saved me, Dashie. I trusted you, and you saved me. Thank you, Dashie. Now promise me one last thing.” “Anything, Flutters. If you promise to rest. Deal?” “Deal,” Fluttershy opened her eyes and looked right into Rainbow’s. “Promise you will never leave me,” she whispered. “I promise.” Fluttershy nodded, and closed her eyes. Her breathing slowing down to almost nothing as she slipped from consciousness. “I’ll never leave you,” Dash whispered again as she flew. “Never.” By the time they reached Ponyville, Rainbow Dash was almost too tired to fly. She flapped weakly above the ground, unable to keep a high altitude. Things were starting to blur; it was hard to fly straight. Suddenly, Fluttershy let out a small whimper. ‘She needs me,’ thought Dash, and was filled with new energy. Putting on a burst of speed, she flew to the hospital. Once she reached the hospital, Dash burst through the doors. “Help,” she gasped, panting. Within seconds, the two Pegasi were surrounded by nurses and doctors. Before Dash knew what was happening, they had pried Fluttershy away from her. “NO!” Dash shouted, trying to chase after Fluttershy, trying to get to her. Three nurses grabbed hold of the blue Pegasus and held her back. “Rainbow Dash, calm down,” one of them said. “We can take care of her now, you can’t help her anymore. Calm down.” “NO!” Dash shouted again, tears fell down her face again as she strained against the other ponies. “No, I promised I would never leave her! She needs me!” “No, she needs a doctor,” the nurse sounded calm. The calmness filled Rainbow with rage and she struggled harder. “If you want to help,” the nurse continued, still in the calm voice. “You can tell us what happened.” “There was a fire!” Dash screamed. “There was a fire! There, I told you what happened, now LET ME SEE HER!!!” Dash had her eyes closed, all of her energy on trying to get to Fluttershy, so she did not see the look and nod passed between the nurses. Dash felt one nurse let her go and tried to fly again, but then she felt a prick on her neck. “No, no she needs me,” Dash said as the world started to blacken. “I promised.” Then the world went completely black as the blue Pegasus slipped into unconsciousness. ************************************************************************************* Rainbow awoke in a dim room. Feeling groggy, she sat up. Or tried to, rather. Restraints held her down, preventing her from moving. “Let me up,” she moaned. Slowly, she remembered what had happened. Tears flew down her face as she screamed out again. “LET ME UP!!!” Her voice echoed around the empty room, blocking out the sounds of her struggles. “LET ME UP! I NEED TO BE THERE FOR HER! I said I would never leave her…” Dash trailed off, unable to scream any longer. Tears streamed down her face as she gasped for breath, sobs wracking her body. Unable to free herself, unable to get to Fluttershy, unable to do anything else, Rainbow cried. So violent were her sobs that she did not notice the 4 mares enter the room. Once the tears died down enough for her to see, Dash looked up to see her four other friends standing in front of her. Applejack stood furthest on the left, her hat held solemnly in front of her chest. Twilight stood next to her. The unicorn blinked, her violet eyes spilling tears down to the floor. Pinkie Pie was next in the quiet line, standing unusually still. Her usual bouncy attitude was replaced with one of sorrow, pain and loss. Rarity, last in line, was the first to speak. “Darling,” she began carefully, looking at the Pegasus sadly. Dash only looked at the white unicorn. Taking this as permission to keep talking, she continued. “Dash, we know this is hard to hear, but,” the unicorn paused, tears cutting her voice like a blade. Shaking her head helplessly, she backed up a few steps to cry soft, lady-like tears. Seeing that Rarity would be unable to give Dash the news, Twilight stepped forwards. “Dash,” she said and hesitated. How could she bring herself to cause her friend even more pain? It was clear that the colourful Pegasus could use some good news, but the news she had to be told was anything but. Unable to say what needed to be said, Twilight too stepped backwards, tears soaking the ground at her feet. Pinkie took one look at the two weeping unicorns and started to bawl. Seconds later she fled the room. Dash and AJ stared after her. As Twilight moved closer to Rarity, seeking comfort, Dash tried to dry her tears. A difficult task when restrained. But she had to, she had stopped crying once she noticed her friends. After all, what kind of Dare Devil cries? Applejack looked at her three friends and sighed. “Guess it’s up to me to tell the truth,” she said. The Earth pony sighed again. “Some pony has to, after all. Dash… it’s Fluttershy. The doctors said...” Applejack swallowed. Looking Dash directly in the eye, she finished. “The doctor said she is not going to make it. She inhaled too much smoke. Ah’m so sorry.” Dash blinked a few times. Then she spoke. “No,” she said, her voice scratchy from all her crying, yet her words were strong. “No,” she repeated. “No, you’re lying. Why are you lying to me? Aren’t you supposed to be the element of Honesty? Why are you lying?” Panic edged her words as she spoke once more, her voice rising in anger. “You’re lying to me. Why are you lying? Why-“ “Dash, Ah am most certainly not lying to you. Why would I lie about something like this?” Applejack spoke sharply, her voice cutting across her friend. Dash reacted swiftly, jerking her head to the side as the words slapped her. “Fine then,” she huffed. “Fine, you’re not lying. You’re just wrong. Yeah, that’s it!” Rainbow’s voice was filled of hope, her face lighting up. “Yeah, you’re wrong. Fluttershy is going to be fine. Just fine. Right? Right!” Dash laughed, a little bit insanely. “No, Dash. No she is not,” Applejack spoke sternly, yet her face was soft with sympathy. “Fluttershy is going to die. There is nothing any pony can do about it. Ah’m sorry.” Dash blinked. She seemed unable to comprehend what she had heard. “No,” she said once more. “You’re wrong. Please? Please can you be wrong?” She was begging now, beginning to understand what she had been told. “Please be wrong. I need her to be ok. Please? Please be wrong?” “Dash, she is not wrong,” Twilight looked up as she spoke. “She is telling you the honest truth, just like she told me a few years ago. When I was on the cliff, remember?” Twilight tried to smile. She hoped that the memory would distract the Pegasus from their dying friend. Her hopes soared as the restrained mare tried to nod. “Yeah,” she said. “Yeah, I remember. Then you dropped. And Fluttershy and I, we saved you. Together. The two of us,” Rainbow Dash paused, her eyes filled with pain. “And that will never happen again. It can’t. But it has to. Fluttershy can’t die. She just can’t, Twilight. I need her.” “I’m sorry. There is nothing we can do.” “NO!” Dash screamed. “NO!!” Struggling again, Dash continued to shout. “FLUTTERSHY?! WHERE ARE YOU!?" “DASH, STOP!” Twilight tried to get her friend to pay attention to her. But Rainbow Dash was in a rage and refusing to listen to any pony. “NO!” But then something happened that caused all four ponies to fall silent and turn. Standing in the door was the doctor. “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy is asking to see you. I’m afraid she does not have much time left. But I cannot let you up unless you agree to calm down. Can you do that?” “Yeah, sure,” Dash sounded far too calm considering she had just been screaming her lungs out. “Yeah, I can do that. Just let me up.” Cautionsly, the doctor moved forwards and undid the straps binding the Pegasus. She followed him out of the room obediently and silently. “Fluttershy is in the Emergency room,” the doctor told Dash. “OK.” They walked in silence for a few seconds. Then the doctor pointed to a door on his right. “In there,” he said. “I’ll be right outside.” “Thank you,” Dash whispered, her voice docile. Inside, she barely managed to suppress a gasp at the sight of her friend. Fluttershy lay on a bed, though one could hardly see her. Bandages covered her hind legs and both her wings. Tubes attached to IV drips had been stuck in her forelegs and wires and patches had been stuck all over her damaged body. One patch lead to a screen nearby. Watching the screen, Dash could see it beep and flicked Fluttershy’s heartbeats, slowly, monotonously, sadly. Beep… beep… beep… beep… on and on. “Fluttershy,” Dash asked softly. “Flutters, I’m here.” Dash started to walk across the room to where Fluttershy lay with her eyes closed. Slowly, her eyes flickered open. “Dashie?” she whispered. “Dashie, is that you?” “Yeah, I’m here. I’m here. I’m not going to leave you again. OK?” Beep… Beep… Beep… “OK. But, I think I may have to go away. But only for a little while. OK?” “No. No, Flutters,” panic was creeping back into her voice as Dash spoke to her friend. “No, that is not OK. I need you. I need you to stay with me. I need you.” “I’m sorry,” Fluttershy sounded truly apologetic. Even though her eyes had closed for what might be the last time, she was still afraid of hurting other ponies’ feelings. “I really am. But I have to go Dashie. And I need you to do something for me.” Beep… … beep… … beep… … “Anything, name it. Just please, stay with me!” It was agony for Dash, watching her friend die in front of her. “I need you to take care of Angel and the other animals. Can you do that? I told you how one night, remember?” It was true. One night Fluttershy had spent hours telling the other Pegasus how to care for the animals. “I remember. Sort of. Not really,” Dash admitted. “So I need you to stay and tell me again. You have to now, for Angel.” Beep… … … beep… … … beep… … … “I can’t Dashie, sorry. But don’t worry. I have it all written down. Angel will show you, just ask him. OK?” “OK, Flutters. I promise. Please stay with me.” “I… can’t. I’m too tired. I’m sorry,” she paused. Her voice had been steadily growing weaker, but when she spoke her next words, a soft strength filled them. “Dashie…? Don’t leave me,” Fluttershy struggled to open her eyes again. They locked onto Dash. The two of them stared into each other’s eyes for the last time as Fluttershy spoke once more. “Never leave me.” Beep… beep… “I promise.” Fluttershy smiled and closed her eyes. Next to her, the screen flicked a few more times. Beep… beep… Silence, for a few seconds that lasted an eternity. Then, one long beep filled the air. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep… “Flutters? Stay with me!” Tears rolled down Rainbow’s face. “Fluttershy, wake up! PLEASE?!?” But even as she pleaded, Dash knew it was hopeless. Even though tears blurred her vision, Dash could see the screen. It showed her what she did not want to see. It showed her how Fluttershy’s pulse had flat-lined. Forever.