Malgrephor The Demon

by Black Iron Tarkus

Oh the Pain, The Pain of it all!


because i luv u gaise so much, update.


The whiteness began to slowly clear form my eyes. I also started to regain feeling, which aided me in realizing that something was drastically different.


My eyes snapped open. The first thing I saw was the enormous door, a few inches from my face. Looking down, I saw my hands still inside the holes. Quickly, I jerked my hands from the slots; whatever they had done, I didn’t feel like allowing them to repeat it. But making me temporarily blind and completely numb wasn’t all those holes had done.
I whipped around.

“Whoa! ………..what the fuck?”

The sight that greeted me was different from before. The hallway was the same, flawlessly carved walls, ceiling and floor, with the same carvings as before. However, this time it was well lit by rows of bright torches. Plus, there was a bright red light at the end of the hall. So……. Wait, did I activate something?

My query was quickly answered by the door making a very, very loud noise. I’m not quite sure how to describe it, but the most accurate description I can think of is that it sounded like a brontosaurus giving birth to a roaring t-rex, while Thor punches his way out of its stomach, blowing the inception horn.


I quickly whipped in the direction of the hallway, and ran as fast as my feet……..hooves, could carry me.


I continued to scream all the way down to the end of the hall, hoping to god I didn’t somehow activate a super weapon that wiped out the first Equestrian civilization.

Christ, this day has gone from mundane to awesome, then shitty, and now it’s just plain-




‘Ok, srsly, I really need to stop over analyzing while trying to run for my life!’

I thanked god I was only a few feet from the exit. As soon as the pain faded and my nose stopped bleeding at least a little bit, I leaped to my feet, and dashed toward the entrance. If only I'd noticed that their was no-slope to get up to the opening of the cave (like before.); I might have been prepared for what I saw next.

"............................................ Wat?"

'Wat' indeed. Instead of stepping out into the lush, green Everfree forest, I found that I was actually on top of a small plateau.
but what really rustled my jimmies, was the land around me.

Overall, the best way to describe this place is a giant-ass cave, except, instead of being a tunnel in shape, the horizon was in all directions. In the distance, I could a giant, burning lake of fire, that broke into several rivers. The ceiling itself was as high as the clouds would have been on earth or equestria. Here and there were giant stone pillars that supported the ceiling. And despite the enclosed space (and insane amount of heat) the air seemed fresh, as if this place had it's own atmosphere. Before me was a long, flight of stone carved steps, which lead to the earth below. Just at the foot of the plateau, was what appeared to be an enormous city of stone.

"Fuck, I'm in Tartarus."

I turned around to have a look at where i'd just came from. The structure I had exited looked like the remnants of a giant stone temple. Parts of it had been eroded away, other parts fallen over or collapsed. But what bothered me was the fact that the temple was in no was connected with the ceiling.

'Wait, if it's not connected with the surface, than how the hell did i even get here?..................... did putting my hands in those holes teleport me to other side.... wait, its not the other side of the door, just a door to another that...... wait... I.........bu-........................................ AW WHATEVER!"

To many think hurt Malgrephor's brain.

Well, lets asses the situation. I have two options to choose from. A.: go down to the city and find out what the hell I am, because this fanfic is convenient like that; or B.: go back the way I came and get the fuck out of here.


"Oh fuck that shit, I'm getting out of here"

'course i would have, if the door hadn't gone ape-shit with the inception horn brontosaurus , T-Rex, Thor thing.

"NEVER MIND!!!" I squealed as I sprinted toward the stairs. my pace didn't decrease when i made it to the stairs, in fact, it actually doubled.


'Heheh.......clopping, dats-


Yup, I tripped..............................again............................*sigh*


I shouted the parts of my body that were being brutalized by the solid stone steps. I couldn't believe I hadn't been knocked out already; then again, I had those horns to protect the back of my head. Still, every other part of my body was being pummeled, but i soon dismissed that as another demon-thing.

Oh look, I'm over-thinking again; but i guess that's okay, since I'm already in agonizing pain. You know what? As soon as I get to the bottom, I'll just shove a spoon up my ass, because if i'm gonna hurt that bad, I might as well just do it to myself.

After what felt like an eternity of unending pain and torment, I finally hit level ground.

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggh." was the only sound I managed to say to describe my pain.

I gave myself a couple of minutes (the least I could do for myself, I figured) to recover. Once I gained feeling in my limbs, I stood up to face the city.

It wasn't really what I expected Ponified hell would look like. The buildings, though made of stone, looked like quaint manors, a lot like Ponyville's houses. Despite the fact the city looked as if was crumbling, I could hear sounds that a thriving city had.

"What the hell, let's meet the locals."


To say the least, I was kinda shocked at what I saw at first, but it began to intrigue me. the city DID have locals after all. There were ponies, Griffins, Diamond dogs, things, hell, even Dragons! Although, there was something notable about their appearance. To be frank, they didn't look....well... alive.

I could see their bones, however, they appeared to have ethereal skin, which looked as if it was rotting in several spots. Their eyes were like milky white orbs. finally, they wore ragged clothing, held up by frayed-ropes. So basically they looked like the undead deserters from Return of The King.

These "people" began to unanimously stare at me. Not to say I don't blame them,Ii mean, I'm likely the only thing they've seen with flesh in a long time.

Although, I noticed that their expressions were different from what I'd readied myself for. Instead of looks of distain, shock or even disgust, they looked surprised, others, looked strangely overjoyed, but most looked as if they were about to burst into tears.

'Do these people recognize me or somthing?'

My question was quickly answered by a voice calling to me.

"Excuse me?" the voice sounded raspy. I turned to see three of the ghouls standing near me, a pegasus, a griffin and one of those Khjiit things to be exact. They all held the same expressions as the rest did.

"Um.... yes?" I said awkwardly.

"If it isn't.... too much trouble....... would you please come with us?" the pegasus said.

'Is he pleading?'


"Good, good. this way." with that he and the others began to move down the street. As I started to follow them, I noticed something in the distance, a high tower that seemed to loom over the whole city.


All shall be revealed next chapter. Back sooner than you think.