When You Wish Upon a Star

by Kibat Grenbuku

Bonus Chapter 1: A Devine Conversation

Fount Well of Wishes, Lady Wishing Star’s P.O.V.

As looked through the pool, watching Carson and Twilight cuddling, I couldn’t help but smile. These two are a very fine couple indeed, despite Carson being three years young than her, humans like him are very complex and irrational beings, but I can’t change on whom he loves. If he loves Twilight, then I won’t get in the way of winning her heart. I continued to watch their restful sleep, hoping they’re guided by Luna into the realm of dreams.

My smile then faded as I felt another presence in my Fount Well. I sighed, closing my eyes and said, “You shouldn’t have got yourself involved Devine.”

I heard slow footstep coming towards me, along with jangling sounds. Looking behind me, I see an anthropomorphic avian, standing at four foot three, his entire feathers were bright white, with black accents over his silver eyes, under his wings he has black feathers and talons of the same color, on his right leg is seven pairs of golden rings with different colors of the rainbow. This was my apprentice, the white horned crow, Devine Light.

“If you could be more specific my lady, I would’ve understand what you’re saying.” He says to me sarcastically.

I wasn’t buying it. “You know exactly what I’m referring to Devine,” I explained to him as I got up and walked to him, “You freed Discord while that boy was just getting himself settled in! How could you be so reckless?!”

“Why pass the blame on me my lady?” He asked me, “I only did it for the timeline’s sake.”

At this point, I don’t know if this was out of mockery or honesty. I just sighed in frustration and placed my left front hoof on my forehead. “Devine, when we are specifically told by the Great Star to leave any timeline alone, we let them play out unless we have to truly step in and interfere before anything gets worse.”

He crossed his wings and turned away from me, “Be that as it may my lady, every timeline needs to have Discord involved. I made sure of that.”

“But under what circumstances?!”

“By the Great Star’s circumstances, not mine.” He retorts at me with a snark, “I’m sorry if I come off as harsh, but do not question my motives if I had none unless other wise.”

I was once again not buying it, “Carson told me that you released Discord and sent him to blackmail him.” He looked at me with glare that matched mine as I asked, “Why?”

He scoffs and says to me, “Do you not see that this Carson had already caused a distraught to the timeline before he ever arrived here?” Now I dropped my glare and was left confused, “There was a disruption before he came here, and he was the cause of it. I told the Great Star of his existence, but it spoke of the prophecy, the one who will become the true savior of this Equestria. I told it that it was mistaken, but it refused to listen… so I took matters in my own wings.”

I was left in shock, not by the fact that Carson’s presence has already been noticed by the Great Stars, but the fact that my apprentice would try to have him blackmailed for his existence and would surrender to Devine? I was fuming. “I can’t believe that you would do this behind my back,” I say to him firmly, “And endangering the life of a boy no less! I will inform the Great Stars of this development and you will answer to them of the row you cause. Is that understood?”

I can see him sneering, a low growl from his throat. He stops, then he bows and says with the lowest tone he possibly could, “As you say… my lady.” He turns away and leaves the Fount Well.

But as he left, he shot a quick glance with an angry look in his eye, before returning to look ahead. I could only just sigh in sadness, I already know that Devine would walk down his path and I can’t do anything to prevent it… but I now know who can change his mind and heart in him.

I just hope that he hasn’t gone too far.

Devine Light’s P.O.V.

As I walked into my chamber, I looked at one of the guards and asked him, “Has the prisoner I ordered arrived?”

“Yes sir,” he confirmed, “Straight from the pits, as upon request. I must warn you sir, the Willing Wolf in question has had escaped slavery custody before and has suffered many injuries… are you sure he’s-“

“Just. Let me. See him.” I commanded the guard. Without any hesitation, he opened the gate and gave me a torch. Walking down a long spiral brimstone staircase that leads to a hundred feet drop, I stopped at the three hundred and a quarter feet to the end and brighten the cell.

The prisoner before me is a blue and white Willing Wolf, with a black sleeveless vest, and a worn out light gray scarf around his neck. He looked up at me with crimson red eyes, snarling at me with his canines.

I opened the cell door and walked slowly to him. “It seems that I was right having you here,” I told him coldly, “You really are something special Willing Wolf. I can see why your kind is truly the rarest.”

“Go to Tartarus you scum!” He snaps at me, “If you think I would work for you, you can forget it!”

I only smirked at him, looking at left over dried blood on his paws and under his muzzle, I start to make myself sound sympathetic, “You know… we have a lot in common than you realize. Both of us lost loved ones we care for so much, then we became slaves to abusive masters from far away lands.” I then leaned in and then whispered to him in his ear, “You still want revenge, don’t you? Revenge on Verko who enslaved you; Revenge on Ak’Nar who casted the branded enchantment on you; …Revenge on the Princesses of the Sun and Moon who had your kind eliminated.”

His ears perked up and looked at me in shock, while I crookedly smiled I him.

“Y-you couldn’t have known.” He said to me, his voice shaking.

“Oh, but I do,” I told him, “Princess Celestia and Luna were the ones responsible, and I have the proof.” From under my wing was a broken piece of a golden lance that one of the guards had on the day the Willing Wolves were annihilated. I let the piece drop with loud clangs on the brimstone floor. “You recognize this, don’t you?”

“This… this cannot be…”

“This was the same lance blade that was wielded by the same guard who killed your father, the same guard who ordered that cave in to kill you and your clan.”

Looking at the lance piece at first, absorbing the information that I told him. He got himself up and looked at me, the same angry glare he gave me when we first met from a few minutes ago. “Where is the guard now?” He growls.

“In due time,” I reassured him, “For now, I’ll make you a deal. I have a few targets I want you to eliminate, targets that you are quite familiar with.”

“They being?”

“The first target is Ak’Nar, the enchanter who placed the brand on you. He has a pendant called Blue Moon Medallion.”

“And you want me to retrieve it for you?” He asked me.

“No,” I explain to him, “The Blue Moon Medallion once belonged to your clan, it is yours and yours alone. The next target I want eliminated is the same slave master who kept you enslaved in Klugetown, the mole rat Verko, I too have grudges with that rat, but I have plans to get rid of the Princesses.”

He nods as he understands the targets, then he asked me, “Anyone else?”

I smiled and said, “Yes, there’s an armada called the Storm Corp, it’s lead by their current Storm King, Seuz. He’s too much of a nuisance and a dimwit of a conqueror, he leaves nothing behind when I specifically instructed him to find any artifact of each land.”

“He works for you?”

“Not anymore once you take his place.” I inform him.

He was shocked at the last piece of info I told him, “You want me to be the new Storm King? For what purpose?”

“Many purposes…” I cryptically tell him, I handed him a folded small piece of paper, “Once you complete your tasks, find these artifacts on this list. After that, you’re free to do whatever you wish. No strings attached.”

He looked at the folded paper, then back at me. “How do I know that I can trust you?” He asked.

“You don’t need to trust me,” I told him as I shot daggers from my wings, cutting the chains that held the wolf, “All you need to know is that want these accomplishments done, and I want everyone silenced. No witnesses.”

He got up and glared at me one last time. We kept staring for about a twenty seconds, then he says, “It will be done.” With that, he leave the cell on all fours and up the staircase.

I could only smile as I whisper to myself, “Like many before you, every dog will obey their master.”