//------------------------------// // chapter fourth: like the holiday July 4th // Story: Mark Invents Microsoft Edge // by Faedelaide //------------------------------// Shadowmark Crimsonmoon and Nightmare Moon (two moons woah) were making out on the beach. they weren't wearing anything cuz horses dont wear clothes ever. ignore that Mark has a sweater on in the cover he just put it on to look fancy for his photoshoot. (I totally drew the cover btw don't steal) there were fireworks in the sky that were perfectly times to their smoochin. Rainbow Dash was also on the beach watching fireworks. she then said "watch this Shadowmark Crimsonmoon my love." and flew at the fireworks for some cool dodges and rolls. what rainbow dash didnt know was the fireworks were hot. and they burned. and she died. lao. Shadowmark Crimsonmoon was unimpressed. he walked up to rainbow dash (who is dead btw) and said. "do better next time, you'll get em next time champ." and every fish in the ocean clapped for him because he was so cool. Nightmare moon got up and said I'm tired. so Shadowmark Crimsonmoon tossed her into deep space. she's gone now. Also Applejack died of cardio a rest. the apples ate her. she tasted like apples. yummy.