//------------------------------// // chapper 6: we're british now // Story: Mark Invents Microsoft Edge // by Faedelaide //------------------------------// Shadowmark Crimsonmoon went to pony britian with nightmare Moon cuz he was like "i want the brits to have microsofts as well." so he picked up the microsoft building cuz he's very strong and handsome and you're wrong if you think otherwise cuz he's so hot he set his son on fire. he then put the building in a photocopier from his office in the building and copied the building. there were now two building but also twice as many ponies. so he klilled the extras and gave their bodies to the originals and said "eat up". thank you Mark. Bone smack the teeth. So mark flew (cuz he has wings cuz he's the most powerful alicorn ever. he killed princess luna so nightmare moon wouldnt get jealous) to britin and the british ponys were like "oi this chap's spiffin. oi love me microsoft it gits me outta louver innit." and mark was like "i hate thick accents" and then put them all in the photocopier so he could use them when he played super mario sticker star on his nintendo 3DS XL. but then mark was like " I wanna be mr tendo." so he balled his fingers, and cursed at the brits one last time before leaving with a fart.