Dimensional Tales: Pokemon is Magic

by snivygamer97

The Gang's First Gym Battle Part 1

“To protect the world from devastation,” Jessie began the motto.
“To unite all peoples within our nation,” James continued.
“To denounce the evils of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above,” Both villains said simultaneously.
“Jessie,” The red-haired woman said.
“James,” The blue-haired man said.
“Meowth! I don't get why you two are always talking and I'm stuck doing all the work!” Meowth complained.
“We haven't got much time. If they're heading for Pewter City, they'll have to pass this way,” Jessie reminded.
“And they'll fall right into our trap. Their Pokemon, including those Unovan amphibians and that Pikachu, will be ours!” James said gleefully.
“Come on! Dig it deeper, and we'll cover it up so well, they'll never guess its a trap. Ha! Perfect!” Meowth said giddily as the trio finished their pitfall and covered it up.
However, as soon as they cover it, James loses track of it. “Um, guys we have a problem!” James screams in panic. “I can't even tell where the trap is!”
“Wasn't it here?” Jessie suggests as she points to the left.
“Is this it?” James says as he points right.
“Where did it go?” Jessie asks as the trio starts moving around.
“It's over there!” Meowth yells as they try to look for it to the left again.
The trio wonder where the trap is as they notice too late that the ground gives way under them and they scream as they fall into their trap.
Ash notices Pewter City out in the distance. With Pinkie Pie and Rainbow cheering in delight. “It took us a few days, but we did!” Ash cheered.
“So, that there is Pewter City! I thought it would be smaller,” Pinkie Pie was amazed.
“I'm glad we finally made it out of that forest,” Dawn sighed in relief.
“I know, right? As beautiful as that forest admittedly was, I’m relieved to finally be free from all that icky sweating and dangerous bug Pokemon,” Rarity agreed.
“Really, you two? You should be happy for your friends and how we’re gonna face off against our first Gym Battle,” Applejack scolded.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. So, Ash, which Pokemon do you plan on using for the Gym Battle, Ash?” Dawn questioned.
“Simple. I plan on winning with my Pikachu, Snivy, and Aipom,” Ash answered cheerfully.
“As happy as I am to finally be in this city and one step closer to our goals, I do feel sad to be away from the forest Pokemon,” Fluttershy noted.
“Agreed. If we had more time, I would have tried to study those Butterfree and Beedrill more,” Twilight said in disappointment.
“Maybe that’s a good thing?” Spike whispered.
“I agree. We’ll be away from those creepy bugs for a while now. Yay Pewter City!” Misty cheered.
“Phew. While I understand loving the forest you guys, I have to agree with Dawn and Rarity. For a while there I thought I was going to be in this forest for the rest of my life!” Ash cried out as Pikachu and Snivy cried out in agreement.
“Pewter City is gray, the color of stone. This town has always been famous for stone,” One man on the side of the road said as the group approached the man and sat on nearby rocks.
“Huh? What the? Who's this old guy?” Ash asked in confusion.
“No offense,” Twilight noted.
“So, does anyone know who this old geezer is?” Rainbow bluntly asked as her Snivy facepalmed.
“Rainbow Dash! Don’t be rude to this gentleman. Give him the right clothes and I’m sure he’ll look great!” Rarity scolded Rainbow.
“Why, thank you young lady. Sorry to say, but I haven’t met you before,” The man noted.
“I haven’t met him before. He’s new to me,” Dawn said.
“Same here,” Misty agreed.
“If you don’t mind, can you tell us who you are?” Fluttershy asked.
“Yep! And maybe we can manage to be best friends,” Pinkie Pie suggested.
“Okay? Also, the name's Flint, and some of you are sitting on some of my merchandise,” The man, named Flint, snarked.
“Oh! Sorry,” Ash and Fluttershy apologized as they got off the rocks.
“Merchandise? You mean you sell rocks?” Applejack asked, confused.
“Oh, I bet they hold some historical significance!” Twilight cheered.
“Could be. The guidebook says that Pewter City is a mining city,” Dawn noted.
“Yeah, yeah. This is all really interesting and all, but remember that these things are still just dumb rocks,” Rainbow reminded them.
“Hey! Rocks can be great! My family runs a rock farm back home! Heck, my sister Maud even has a pet rock,” Pinkie Pie scolded Rainbow. 
“But…wha…?” Misty was confused.
“It’s Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it,” Spike whispered to Misty.
“Your friend here is kinda rude to be honest. But maybe some of the rest of you’d be interested in these stones. They’re Pewter City souvenirs. Wanna buy some?” Flint asked.
“Sure we do! Maybe we can get Bolder a playmate!” Pinkie Pie said giddily.
Before Pinkie could get out her money, Ash interrupted, “No thanks. I'm traveling, trying to become a Pokémon trainer.”
“And we’re traveling with him,” Twilight said.
“Oh, and listen up! Some of us plan on becoming Pokemon Coordinators!” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully.
“Are you now?” Flint asked.
“Yep, it’s true. I plan on surpassing my mom someday,” Dawn confirmed.
“Anyway, can you tell us where we can find a Pokemon Center? I really need a good bath right about now,” Rarity asked.
“Same here,” Dawn agreed.
“I’ll do you one better. I can see that some of your Pokémon may be worn out, especially that Pikachu. Why don't you all follow me? I'll show you to the Pokémon Center,” Flint offered.
“Thanks. We appreciate it,” Fluttershy bowed respectfully.
“See? Looks can be deceiving. He's a really nice guy,” Ash noted.
“I'll say. Things seem to be looking up for us,” Twilight said.
“Are you sure?” Misty asked cynically.
“I agree with Misty. For all we know, this guy could be a thief or even a killer!” Rainbow warned.
“I don’t think he is,” Applejack said as she shook her head.
“Oh, by the way, that'll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rocks,” Flint noted as if there wasn’t a problem. Everyone falls over in disbelief, except for Pinkie Pie.
“Can I still buy and name one?” Pinkie asked.
“No, we won’t. Sorry, Pinkie,” Twilight noted.
“I’ll say! You gotta be kidding me!” Spike was shocked. 
“Would you accept gems or bits as payment?” Fluttershy asked as Applejack and Misty shook their heads.
“Uh, no offense sugarcube, but these folks don’t use them, remember?” Applejack whispered as Fluttershy blushed.
“I'll handle things here,  you guys. But for now, Ash, Spike, girls, you all need to get your Pokémon to the Pokémon Center. I’ll meet you at the Gym,” Twilight said as she got out her wallet.
Our heroes head toward the Pokémon Center…
“Please, revitalize my Pokémon,” Ash asked politely as he motioned to Pikachu and Snivy as well as holding his remaining Pokeballs.
“We ran into some trouble and our Pokemon are exhausted,” Rainbow admitted.
“Sure, right away, Ash, Rainbow. I’ll be more than happy to help you and your friends,” The Nurse Joy replied back.
“Huh? Nurse Joy?” Ash was confused.
“Yes, I'm Nurse Joy,” The Pokemon nurse confirmed.
“But this isn't Viridian City, this is Pewter City,” Rainbow was confused.
“I know. How can she be in two places at once?” Rarity wondered.
“Maybe she has clones?” Pinkie suggested.
“Or maybe she’s an imposter!” Rainbow accused.
“Now, now everyone. Let’s not jump to conclusions. She may just have a big family like me,” Applejack suggested.
“Reading the guidebook, I think you may be right Applejack,” Dawn agreed.
“She is?” Rarity asked politely.
“Correct. You see, the Joy in Viridian City is my little sister. I'm the older Joy,” Nurse Joy explained.
“I wouldn’t worry too much at first, girls. I was confused at first myself,” Misty admitted.
“Seeing how you like to complain to us, I’m surprised to hear you say that,” Rainbow snarked. Spike nudged Rainbow and gave her a disapproving look as Misty looked mad. Fortunately, Nurse Joy intervened.
“You know, I've heard nice things about you and your friends, Ash. Very nice,” Nurse Joy noted.
“Uh, thank you,” Ash said with a smile.
“Yeah, I get it. We’re awesome,” Rainbow said with a blush as her Snivy nodded in agreement.
“Speaking of which, can you please look over all our Pokemon bit by bit?” Rarity asked kindly.
“Sure thing! Say, did any of you see that poster?” Nurse Joy asked as she pointed at a poster right behind everyone. Everyone looks at the poster.
“The Pokémon Regional Championship at the Indigo Plateau. All right!” Ash cheered.
“So, this is the League that we’ve been hearing about entering,” Applejack noted with interest.
“Well then, we can compete for the right to enter this competition! I'll enter the Pokémon League and win! We’ll prove that we’re the best!” Rainbow said as she high fived her Snivy.
“Don’t forget about me and Twilight! One of us can be the winners, ya know!” Applejack warned. “Though, I’m aimin’ for the winner ta be me.”
“We’ll see, Applesmack!” Rainbow said while giving a glare.
“Just do your best everyone,” Dawn said.
“Yeah! Win or lose, you guys will be winners in our books!” Pinkie Pie said gleefully.
“Good luck to you all!” Fluttershy said politely.
“When I win, I’ll be one step closer to victory and becoming a Pokemon Master,” Ash said to himself as Dawn gave a happy look.
“Ha!” Misty said doubtfully.
“Huh? What's the matter?” Ash asked, confused and with some annoyance.
“To compete in the Regional Championships, you need to beat gym trainers from different towns and get their badges as proof. Can you do that?” Misty asked, not believing he could manage the task.
“Of course I can!” We just need eight victories to get our badges!” Ash argued back.
“Same here! Snivy and our other pals can beat Pewter’s Gym Leader and advance to the big leagues!” Rainbow agreed.
Suddenly, Flint laughs at what was being said. “Don't tell me you two plan on challenging Brock, the Pewter City gym leader.”
“Of course we do! As soon as Pikachu and all our Pokémon are all better, we'll have no problem,” Ash argued.
“Just point us in the right direction and we'll beat that Brock!” Rainbow yelled.
“Now, hold on. Twilight did say something about certain Pokemon doing better at certain Gyms,” Fluttershy noted meekly.
“Yeah. The guidebook says that Brock makes use of Rock-type Pokemon in his Gym,” Dawn said.
“Ooh! Do you think he runs a rock farm too?!” Pinkie Pie wondered, much to everyone else’s confusion.
“Not really. The types of Pokemon you’d do best with include…,” Dawn began to read before Rainbow interrupted.
“Aw, come on now! We don’t need to read some stupid book in order for Snivy and our other pals to beat some dumb stones! We’ll beat them easy!” Rainbow boasted.
“Maybe we should listen…,” Ash actually agreed.
“Well, Rainbow, maybe we should read the book. Could come in handy with figurin’ a way ta win the Gym Battle,” Applejack said.
Flint, however, continues to laugh. “You three will beat him?” Flint laughs as he leaves.
“Why you little.....!” Applejack growled in anger.
“Oh, that Flint! Trying to make a fool out of me and my pals!” Ash protested as he and the others were eating in the diner that was part of the Pokemon Center..
“Yeah! We’ll show him. By this time tomorrow we’ll have our first Gym badges before Pinkie can come close to buying one of his rocks!” Rainbow Dash boasted.
“Now, Rainbow Dash…,” Applejack warned.
“Do you really think you can win? Gym leaders are different from your everyday Pokémon trainer, they're much much tougher,” Misty warned.
“Misty’s right. If I remember right, certain Pokemon may do better in certain Gyms. Like our Snivys are great for facing Rock-type Pokemon!” Ash agreed.
“Looks like we’ll win just fine then!” Rainbow noted.
“You can only go so far with one Pokemon in a Gym. Rock Pokemon would do poorly against Water, Grass, and Fighting Pokemon, though. You know, if you three ask me really nicely, I can help out. I can transfer some of my Pokemon from my Gym to help out…,” Misty noted.
“Maybe you should…,” Fluttershy began to suggest.
“I appreciate yer concern and offers, but I kin handle this Gym Battle without yer Pokemon’s help!” Applejack stubbornly said.
“You guys may lose with that attitude,” Spike whispered to the friends.
“A’m still gonna prepare, but I won’t borrow Pokemon ta win,” Applejack said.
“Same here! I want my win to come from my Pokemon’s abilities, not those of someone I borrowed!” Ash agreed.
“You hear that? We don't need your help, Misty!” Rainbow yelled. “Still, if you wanna see us reach success, you’re more than welcome to watch us win!” 
“Is that so? Fine with me! There's no way you'll beat Brock in the Pewter City gym, even with a Pokémon of the right type!” Misty yelled as she left, much to Rainbow’s anger.
“That red-head thinks she knows more than us just because she’s a Gym Leader! Well, we’ll show her once we’ve beaten eight Gyms who the best Trainers are! She’ll come to respect us soon enough!” Rainbow boasted.
“Um, Rainbow Dash? Can you please try and not get into fights with our friend?” Fluttershy asked.
“She’s not my friend!” Rainbow protested. 
“Are you sure? We are traveling together, right?” Rarity reminded.
“Yeah! We’ve been through quite a bit in such a short time! Come on, Dashie! Remember, all it took for us to become best pals was to find a shared interest!” Pinkie Pie reminded.
“Just give her a chance,” Dawn said.
“Look, I understand what you’re getting at, but Misty has been down on me and Ash for a while now! I’ll become her pal once she lightens up, right Ash?!” Rainbow yelled.
“Actually… maybe we should at least try to be nice. That’s more likely to work out than being hostile,” Ash suggested. 
“Seriously, Ash?! You too?!” Rainbow groaned as she looked at the bill that the waiter put down as the friends were talking.
“Well, everyone. No more waiting. All your Pokémon are all back to normal,” Nurse Joy said as she handed Ash and Rainbow back their Snivys and Pikachu.
“That's great! Alright!” Ash cheered as Pikachu got back on Ash’s shoulder.
“Thanks, Nurse Joy,” Fluttershy said with a bow.
“We appreciate all you do for us,” Rarity agreed.
“So, can we go to the Gym now?” Rainbow asked impatiently.
“But Rainbow…,” Dawn began to protest.
“Aw, come on, Dawn! We can go now! The sooner we arrive, the sooner we can get our first badges!” Ash said almost pleadingly.
“But-,” Fluttershy tried to interrupt.
“Yer seriously not gonna get ready at all?” Applejack asked.
“You’ll probably be steamrolled, you know!” Spike agreed.
“Look, I don’t wanna wait any longer to take that next step in our journey, Dawn. I wanna show that all the effort my Pokemon and I have made doesn’t get taken for granted. So please, trust us,” Ash said.
“Yeah! And…it would be awesome to have our friends support us!” Rainbow said, trying to give a forced cute look.
“Wow. She must really want to challenge that gym,” Rarity noted.
“I know! I didn’t think Dashie could look so cute!” Pinkie cheered.
“Okay, fine! You win! But, if you both lose, don’t blame me!” Dawn relented.
“Perfect! Now, then. Let's head for the gym!” Rainbow said as she and Ash, along with their Pokemon, began to leave the Center.
“Well…we might as well see how well or poorly our friends do,” Rarity said as she followed after.
“Agreed. You coming with us?” Dawn asked the others.
“No thanks. I need ta prepare as soon as I can! Fluttershy? Spike? You two wanna help a girl out?” Applejack asked the two friends.
“I guess I can be of service! Eevee and Dratini could use the battle practice!” Spike agreed.
“Of course! I’d be more than happy to help. But…Ash and Rainbow…,” Fluttershy was conflicted.
“You guys can stay! Pinkie Pie and Dawn should be more than enough support! All right! Let’s go!” Rainbow said.