Cardfight Vanguard EQG: The Cardfighting Club

by MechaTomX

Touchdown Fight

After that attack, upon seeing Spearhead's Damage Zone, the Crystal Prep student council and Cardfighting Club had been shocked to witness Ember's power.

Lemon Zest was the first to recover, she got up with a smile and then announced the following, "Victory for the Crystal Prep, the winner is Ember."

Hearing that, everyone recovered from the shock and celebrated.

“Well done Ember,” said Toola Roola and Coconut Cream at the same time.

“We made it even,” Thorax said.

"I knew you'd make it, I never doubted you, Ember," Spike said.

Ember, who was watching them from her seat at the table, smiled, she was glad to have won and become stronger, but for some reason, she felt better receiving praise from her fellow club members even more than her victory.

But meanwhile, the reaction of the other members of the student council was not the same.

“Grrr, dammit, they scored a victory,” Sugarcoat said with a disgusted expression as she readjusted her glasses.

“If this keeps up, those fools will get their club,” Sour Sweet added through gritted teeth.

Hearing that, Twilight Sparkle smiled, "They underestimated the club, now they have no choice but to allow their creation when they win."

"That was a good fight," Spearhead told her.

“I guess I was lucky,” Ember said.

Spearhead smiled, "You'll need it when you face my other teammates."

“I'll do my best,” Ember answered determinedly.

Spearhead smiled and proceeded to walk away.

On the side of the Wonderbolt Academy Club.

Spearhead was returning to his team, he apologized upon arrival, "I, I'm sorry."

Flash smiled, "Spearhead, you fought very well, you should be proud."

“Yes, anything could have happened,” Soarin told him.

Spearhead smiled.

"Well then, who will be next?" asked the light blue girl.

The Wonderbolt Academy Club began to think and discuss who should be the next to fight, but before they could say anything, the yellow girl stood up from her seat drawing everyone's attention.

She jumped and landed in a very epic way.

“She think she got what it takes to be an elite cardfighter?” asked the girl.

“Well, she beat Spearhead, so I guess…” Soarin said but was interrupted by the sound of a whistle.


"It was a rhetorical question," the yellow girl told him as she put the whistle in her pocket and continued, "And no, she doesn't have it."

"Are you sure?" asked Flash Sentry with a serious expression.

"I'll take care of it, I'm not just going to defeat her," the yellow girl said as she advanced to the table, "I'm going to pulverize her."

"Umm, I guess you shouldn't say things like, pulverize her," Soarin said nervously to which the Flash nodded equally nervously.

Lemon Zest wrote the following on the board:

Crystal Prep.

Toola Roola
Coconut Cream

Wonderbolt Academy.

Flash Sentry

Lemon Zest was wondering who Wonderbolt Academy's next Cardfighter would be, but her doubts were dissolved when she saw the yellow girl approaching.

"I'm next, my name is Spitfire, and I'm here to destroy everyone," the girl introduced herself.

Ember liked Spitfire's competitive spirit, "Alright, then I'll give it my all again."

Spitfire frowned, "Your hopes of victory will be gone, we at Wonderbolt Academy train daily, we are strong in both mind and body, we don't put all our power in our cards, unlike you, we are not weaklings. ”

"Oh no," Soarin said with his hand to his forehead, "That big mouth of hers is going to get her in trouble."

"Well, she says what she wants, and she's usually right," said the light blue girl.

Ember felt excitement, for her it would definitely be a fun battle.

"That girl is scary," Spike said, "But still, she doesn't know who she's messing with."

"It's too early to relax Spike," Thorax told him, "After all, she knows which clan Ember uses."

Twilight walked over to Spike, "Ember has surpassed all odds in the previous battle."

Spike smirked, "Besides, he didn't use the full power of his Dragon Lord."

“Does it have another effect?” Twilight asked him.

“That's right, and you'll probably see it in this cardfight,” Spike replied.

At that moment, Lemon Zest announced the next battle.

“It's time to start the third battle between Crystal Prep and Wonderbolt Academy,” Lemon Zest announced.

“From Crystal Prep, Ember,” Lemon Zest announced as Ember sat down at the table and placed her deck there again.

“And from Wonderbolt Academy, Spitfire,” Lemon Zest announced as Spitfire sat down at the table and placed her deck there.

Spitfire spoke to Ember, "You're going to have to get past me if you want to be the strongest."

"I'll give it a try," Ember replied with a smile.

"Are you making fun of me?" Spitfire wondered.

But before they started an argument, Lemon Zest interrupted them.

"Time to start, shuffle your decks and draw your first hand."

They both did as they were told, shuffled their decks and drew 5 cards.

“I'll return 2,” Ember said returning 2 cards to her deck, she shuffled it and she drew 2 cards.

“I'll also return 2,” Spitfire said returning 2 cards to her deck, she shuffled it and she drew 2 cards.

At that moment, they turned over the card they left on the table while the two of them shouted:


But Spitfire practically shouted louder, as if she had a megaphone, "STAND UP VANGUARD."

“Ahhhh,” Ember groaned as she covered her ears, “Was it necessary to yell at me?”

“No, but it is necessary for the concentration of both players,” Spitfire replied.

"Ahhh," Spike complained as he covered his ears, "I think my ears are going to bleed."

“You can say that again,” Twilight told her as she covered her ears.

"I think my ears are going to bleed," Spike repeated.

"Spike, it's just an expression," Twilight told him.

"Oh," Spike replied, feeling a bit silly.

"She really do that for concentration?" Spearhead asked, "Or does she just like to yell at people?"

"I think a little of both," replied the light blue girl.

Ember decided to just keep going and started her game, "CHAOS EGG." (PWR4000/G0)

Spitfire's unit was a kind of zombified cheerleader, who had white skin with no color and wore broken pom-poms, but most notably had bat wings on her back, "UNDEAD CHEERLEADER." (PWR6000/G0)

Ember: 0/6 Damage
Spitfire: 0/6 Damage

"Spike Brothers," Thorax said.

"Spike, how does that clan work?" Twilight asked him.

“The Spike Brothers is a clan of demonic football players, they specialize in making superior calls from the deck, thus creating a really offensive strategy with lots of attacks taking care of the cardfighter hand,” Spike replied.

“They are from my own nation,” Toola Roola said as she looked at her deck.

“Let's just hope Ember doesn't have a problem,” Coconut Cream said.

Lemon Zest announced, "The last victory belonged to Crystal Prep, so Wonderbolt Academy has the right to choose, Spitfire, do you prefer to go first or second?"

“My deck works best when I'm second, so I'd rather Ember go first,” Spitfire said.

"Alright, my turn and draw, Ride," Ember drew a card and placed one in her Vanguard Circle on top of the Chaos Egg, "BLUE FLAME SALAMANDER." (PWR8000/G1)

“Blue Flame Salamander skill allows me to draw an extra card from my deck,” Ember said as she drew a card from her deck, to which Spitfire frowned.

Doing that, Ember decided to end her turn.

"My turn, draw, Ride," Spitfire took out a card and placed on Undead Cheerleader her unit, she was a kind of football player with horns and blue skin, she had fangs and many thorns on her back, "STRIKER GIRL." (PWR8000/G1)

Ember looked at her carefully, "I know that unit, this will be tricky."

“Now i Call,” Spitfire said as she placed another copy of the same unit in the left front row, “STRIKER GIRL.” (PWR8000/G1)

“Here it comes,” Ember said.

“I'll attack your Vanguard first,” Spitfire said as she swung her Striker Girl horizontally.

“Damage Trigger check,” Ember said as she decided to take the damage, then she placed a normal unit in her Damage Zone.

Ember: 1/6 Damage
Spitfire: 0/6 Damage

“And now I activate her skill,” Spitfire said making Ember give her a serious look, “When Striker Girl manages to hit a unit, I can check the top card of my deck and if it's a grade 1 Spike Brothers unit I can Superior Call. and place it in the back row.”

Spitfire looked at the top card of her deck, she frowned and put it back.

“It wasn't what you expected right,” Ember told her with a smile.

“Silence,” Spitfire told her as she brought her Vanguard horizontally, “I now attack your Vanguard.”

“No Guard,” Ember said determinedly.

“Drive Trigger check,” Spitfire drew a card, “Lucky for you, it wasn't a Trigger.”

Ember placed another unit in her Damage Zone.

Ember: 2/6 Damage
Spitfire: 0/6 Damage

“Now Striker Girl's skill,” Spitfire said as she drew a card from her deck, she smiled.

“Superior Call,” Spitfire placed an Undead Cheerleader-like unit right behind her Vanguard, only it seemed to be on fire, “HELLFIRE CHEERLEADER.” (PWR7000/G1)

“Oh, so that's how her deck works,” Twinkleshine said.

"It makes a lot of sense, football players move as a team to make a touchdown, that's why their clan makes Superior Calls," said Lyra.

“Ember may not be able to win this one,” Moondancer said.

"Hey," Spike told them, "I remind you that Ember is very strong, no matter how many players she calls, Spitfire will never get a home run."

The girls looked at each other in confusion as they listened to Spike.

"What?" Spike asked.

"That's baseball, Spike," Lemon Hearts told him, "not football."

"That's right, is not a home run, it's obviously a strike," Twilight said causing everyone except Spike to look at her.

"Wow, you two really don't know anything about sports," Sunny Flare said, pointing at Twilight and Spike.

Spike and Twilight, both of whom had flushed with embarrassment, looked away.

"Can you blame them?" Indigo Zap asked, "They're nerds, they don't know anything about sports."

“Hey,” Twilight and Spike yelled at the same time.

"Should we say something?" Toola Roola asked.

"Ummm, better not," Thorax answered, not wanting to get into the strange conversation.

“My turn, Draw,” Ember said as she drew a card from her deck.

"Grr, Ride," Ember said as she placed a unit on her Vanguard, the reason being that she didn't have any more grade 2 units in her hand, "DRACONIC PRIESTESS." (PWR8000/G2)

"Oh no, it's too bad she couldn't get her Dragon Princess out," Spike said worriedly.

“At least his Priestess will get the boost since Spitfire has an empty front circle,” added Coconut Cream.

“Call,” Ember said as she placed a unit in the right front row, “BLUE FLAME SALAMANDER.” (PWR8000/G1)

“One more time,” Ember said as she placed a Draw Trigger just behind her Vanguard, “MYSTIC SNAKE.” (PWR4000/G0)

Spitfire laughed, "You must be so desperate to put a Trigger onto the battlefield."

Ignoring her, Ember placed her Salamander horizontally, "I attack your Vanguard with my Blue Flame Salamander."

“Yes yes, damage check,” Spitfire said without interest and placed a normal unit in his Damage Zone, “No Trigger.”

Ember: 2/6 Damage
Spitfire: 1/6 Damage

"Is that all you have?" Spitfire asked.

“Thanks for asking, I still have a lot more,” Ember said as she placed her Vanguard and the unit behind it horizontally, “I attack your Vanguard with my Mystic Snake-powered Draconic Priestess and don't forget the power of my Vanguard, plus power because you have an empty front circle.” (PWR 16000)

But before deciding whether to protect himself from the attack, Spitfire blew his whistle again.


“Uhh, now what?” Ember asked as she covered her ears.

“I will guard that.”

"And was it necessary to blow your stupid whistle?" Ember asked furiously.

“It's fun and I like it, I think, yes, it's necessary,” Spitfire replied with a smile as she placed a Heal Trigger in her Guard Zone, “TOXIC WATER BOY.” (SHLD 15000)

"Drive Trigger, check," Ember pulled a card from her deck, seeing it she smiled, "Your defense was useless, BERSERK HATCHLING, CRITICAL TRIGGER."

Spitfire frowned even more, as she placed a card in her Damage Zone, "Damage Trigger, first check."

Ember: 2/6 Damage
Spitfire: 2/6 Damage

“Second check,” Spitfire placed another unit in her Damage Zone, but smiled at it, “DEMONIC COACH, DRAW TRIGGER.”

Ember: 2/6 Damage
Spitfire: 3/6 Damage

Spitfire pulled a card from her deck and placed it into her hand, "That extra card will come in handy."

“Mystic Snake Skill,” Ember said as she soul charge the Snake and drew a card, “After I support a Kagero unit, I can put it in the soul and draw a card from my deck.”

“That won't do you any good,” Spitfire said.

“My turn is over,” Ember said.

“Sounds good to me, Stand and Draw,” Spitfire said as she stood her units upright and drew a card from her deck.

"Ride," Spitfire placed on her Vanguard a unit that was a kind of anthropomorphic dragon that wore a football player's uniform, also wore a helmet which was pierced by its horns, "TOUCHDOWN DRAKE." (PWR10000/G2)

“Now I'm going to use his skill,” Spitfire said as she removed 2 cards from the Soul and sent them to the Drop Zone, “I Soul Blast 2 and look at the top 5 cards of my deck.”

Ember watched her carefully, she knew that the next thing would not be pretty.

“And if there's a grade 2 Spike Brothers unit, then I can Superior Call,” Spitfire said as she went through the cards she drew, she smiled, selected one while she sent the others to the bottom of her deck, “Okay, I call, it's another copy of Touchdown Drake."

She placed him right behind Striker Girl, but at that point, she switched positions, now Touchdown Drake was in the front row while Striker Girl was in the back row just behind the aforementioned unit.

"Here it comes," Ember thought.

“I'll attack yours with my Vanguard first,” Spitfire said as she placed Touchdown Drake horizontally.

Ember thought about it for a moment, but saw that it would be too risky to protect herself, and since she only had 2 damage, she decided to receive the attack, "No Guard."

“Drive Trigger check,” Spitfire drew a grade 3 card, “It's not a Trigger, but it's my strongest card.”

Ember frowned, and placed a normal unit in her Damage Zone.

Ember: 3/6 Damage
Spitfire: 3/6 Damage

“With the support of my Striker Girl, my other Touchdown Drake will attack your Vanguard,” Spitfire said as she placed the respective units horizontally. (PWR 18000)

“Guard,” Ember placed Berserk Hatchling in the Guard Zone. (SHLD 15000)

“Grrr, I end my turn,” Spitfire said.

“Its my turn, Stand and Draw,” Ember said as she placed her units horizontally and drew a card, she smiled at the card that came out.

"NOW, KNEEL BEFORE YOUR QUEEN, SHOOT THIS PLANET WITH THE FLAME OF POWER, RIDE," Ember placed a unit on her Vanguard, it was her best unit, "BLUE FLAME DRAGON LORD." (PWR13000/G3)

“Yes, her best unit, she got this,” Spike said excitedly.

“Once she gets it out, it's practically game over for her opponent,” Thorax said with a smile.

“Then I Call,” Ember put a wingless anthropomorphic dragon who wore pants and had grenades on his belt, "GRENADE WINGBLAST." (PWR10000/G2)

“Wingblast skill,” Ember said, “Say goodbye to your Striker Girl.”

“A skill that destroys one of my units” Spitfire said in surprise as she placed her unit in the Drop Zone.

“How curious,” Moondancer said.

"What is curious?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Don't you think she should have destroyed her Drake because he was stronger?" Moondancer asked again.

"Just wait and see," Spike told them.

“Now, i activate my Dragon Lord Counter Blast,” Ember flipped the 3 cards in her Damage Zone, and the power of her Vanguard increased. (PWR 23000)

“A power boost, that doesn't scare me,” Spitfire said.

“Then feel the true power, I will attack your Touchdown Drake,” Ember said as she brought her Vanguard horizontally.

That action confused almost everyone present.

“Why she's attacking Drake, she's wasting good damage with her Vanguard,” Fleetfoot said.

“By the horrendous skill of her Dragon Lord,” Flash Sentry said.

“Horrible is just a small word to describe it,” Soarin added.

"Twin Drive, first check," Ember smiled, "Berserk Hatchling, Critical Trigger." (PWR 33000)

“Second check,” Ember pulled out a normal unit, “No Trigger.”

Spitfire placed her unit in the Drop Zone.

“And now, witness the power of my Dragon Lord, when it destroys a unit, I discard 2 cards and now it can stand again,” Ember said as she brought her Vanguard back vertically, “Behold the legendary power of the Kagero , Infinite Flame.”

“Wow,” exclaimed Twi and her friends.

"This is the true power of Blue Flame Dragon Lord, the Infite Flame," Spike said with a smile.

“Oh my, that is a horrendous skill,” Fleetfoot said.

“Sure, I must lost a drive check but it still manages to deal great damage, now I attack your Vanguard,” Ember placed her Dragon Lord horizontally.

“If Ember pulls a critical, she wins,” said Coconut Cream.

“She already have it,” Toola Roola added.

"Come on Ember," Thorax encouraged.

Ember smiled thinking that the cardfight was hers, but then.

“Hehehehe,” Spitfire started to laugh, she didn't seem to be worried.

"What is so funny?" asked Ember.

“You thought I didn't know your dirty skill, hehe, what I did was make you waste 2 cards from your hand,” Spitfire said as she placed a unit in her Guard Zone not without first blowing her whistle.


"Ahhhh, serously," said Ember while covering her ears.

"Look at the unit," said Spitfire.


“A perfect guard,” Ember said in surprise, she had now waste 2 cards, and paid 3 Counter Blast.

“Now you won't be able to use that skill again, since it requires 3 counter blasts,” Spitfire told her with an evil grin.

Ember frowned and took out a card, "Drive Trigger check, Draw Trigger, but using it on my Dragon Lord will be a waste, I draw a card and give the boost to Wing Blast." (PWR 20000)

"Hahaha, I think I ruined all your fun," Spitfire sneered, "Your tricks won't work on me, you bet everything on this turn and failed miserably."

“Grrrrr,” Ember couldn't be more furious.

"That was a good move, now her skill is sealed," Soarin said.

“This is Spitfire we're talking about, she doesn't give up easily,” added Fleetfoot.

"Ember," Spike said worriedly.

Ember was still processing the situation on her battlefield, but was interrupted by Spitfire.

"No matter how much you think, the end result will be the same," Spitfire said and then with all of her energy continued, "And when I'm done with you you will end up in a full body arm and legs cast drinkin' through a straw!"

“Grrrrrr, I must beat her, I can't let our club be beaten by someone like her,” Ember thought.