so long nerds (?)

by AppleLauda99942

If you're reading this, I might be dead

A few weeks ago, Rainbow Dash was diagnosed with a severe cancer type that might cost her life. Her family and friends already know about it and she already delivered a letter to her family and the Wonderbolts.
"Miss Dash?" Nurse Redheart calls up. "The results of the diagnosis are in."
"and? what is it?! will I survive?" Rainbow Dash asks in panic.
"well... There's a certain chance that you will die. According to the results, the chances are 50/50 that you will not survive." the Nurse answers. Rainbow Dash is shocked and starts to tear up. "W-what?! this... this has to be wrong... What about my friends? What about the Wonderbolts? What about Scootaloo?!"
Nurse Redheart didn't know what to say. But then...

"Well you should say your goodbyes to them before it's too late" Nurse Redheart suggests.
"I.. I th-think you're right..." Rainbow Dash sobs out.
"But there are good news: We found a cure which is not verified yet to be successful against your type of cancer. You are probably the last pony to be tested with it." Nurse Redheart explains.
"as long as it saves my life..." Rainbow Dash says sadly.
Rainbow Dash doesn't lose any time to write her goodbyes in case she doesn't make it.

"hello everypony, Rainbow Dash here and if you're reading this, I might be dead. I wanted to thank all of you that you were my friends. The results of the test say that I have a 50% chance that I will die. I know it hurts to read this letter but before it's too late, I want to write my last goodbyes to all of you. You guys are absolutely amazing. I remember all the things we've done in my life. A few hours earlier, the doctors said that I have if I'm lucky at least a week to live. But we had an absolutely amazing time together and I'm very proud of Scootaloo. She can finally fly and that makes me feel better. Please don't worry about me okay? I will be fine... You know... I don't want you guys to be sad. I want you to be happy. I hope that this cure is working properly and that this stupid cancer will disappear for fucking forever. I will keep fighting against cancer. I heard a story about some dude who battled cancer and lost against it... I feel bad for his family and friends. And now the same might happen to me. I don't want it to end this way. I will keep going until the end. Rainbow Dash never dies!!!!"

As the letter gets sent to Rainbow Dash's friends, they all break out in tears as Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight read it.
Suddenly, Scootaloo is joining the group and reads the letter as well. Scootaloo gets very upset and angry at the same time. She knows that her sister might die.

"That... That's not happening, is it?" Scootaloo cries out.
"I would like to say that Rainbow will survive but... I can't tell..." Applejack responds with a lot of sobbing.
"Dashie is probably going to die and we can't do anything against it?! If that happens, then I don't want to be part of this world anymore!!!" Pinkie says in both rage and sadness.
"I know that is a very bad situation girls... I just hope Rainbow has the best protectors in Equestria..." Twilight could barely finish that sentence as she bursts into tears.

A few days later, Rainbow Dash receives the cure of that Nurse Redheart was talking about.
The medicine gets injected into her body as she desperately fights against her wing cancer.
Rainbow Dash feels a lot better after the injection of the cure, but the question is: will she survive this?

Meanwhile, Scootaloo walks over to Rainbow's house to "stay" with her sister until the end.
"Rainbow... Please... don't... die..." the young pegasus sobs out. Her eyes are as red as a very well polished apple like it got treatened like a diamond. the Mane 5 go check up on Scootaloo.

"Hey Scootaloo... still think about Rainbow huh?" Twilight says in a very calm voice.
"y-yeah... I.. I can't take it anymore..." Scootaloo responds.
"Scootaloo.. We just got a message from the hospital and..."Applejack chokes." she... she might survive... there's a 60% chance she will make it... " the farm pony adds.
"FUCK CANCER!!! FUCK YOU CANCER!!!! YOU SON OF A MINI!!!" Scootaloo cries out and finds herself in a hug with Twilight.
"Hey,Hey,Hey... It's okay Scootaloo... Everything will be fine..." Twilight speaks with a calm voice to the broken hearted Scootaloo and hugs her tightly.
"b-but what if... what if she doesn't make it..." Scootaloo says as she cries.
"She is in very good hooves right now Scootaloo" Applejack explains.

As the week comes to a end, Rainbow Dash is recovering step by step. The Pegasus actually managed to beat the cancer but still needs a week to recover from the battle. Rainbow Dash knows that she will not die to cancer but still feels weak as a consequence of the fight. The cure worked the way as it was supposed to work. Even the doctors and the nurse don't believe what just happened.

"Congratulations miss Dash, you successfully have beaten cancer!!! We can't see any signs of wing cancer anymore" one of the doctors explained. "You better tell everypony you know that you won't die".
"You bet I will!" Rainbow responds and immediately starts to write a letter for the Wonderbolts before she fails asleep.

A few days later, the Wonderbolts had received the letter from Rainbow Dash and they visited her in the hospital.
"we're so glad you made it!" Spitfire says in relief.
"That motherfucker is gone now Spitfire!!! I won't die!!!" Rainbow Dash responds.
"You showed cancer who's the boss here!!" Soarin cheers.
"Of course I did!!!" Rainbow Dash says in a cheerful voice.

The Wonderbolts are talking with Rainbow Dash for another hour before they had to leave because of another show they're going to perform. A few days later, Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Scootaloo are visiting Rainbow Dash in the hospital.

"Hey Rainbow, how are you doing?" Twilight asks.
"better than ever before!!!" Rainbow answers.
"Glad to know yer great again" says Applejack.
"we were worried that you won't make it" Fluttershy mentions.
"Darling, you did beat that cancer did you?" Rarity asks.
"heh, of course I did beat it. I drop kicked that cancer in self defense!!!" Rainbow cheers.
"TAKE THAT CANCER!!!" Pinkie squeeks in happiness.

But Scootaloo was everything else than fine. She was already in tears at the moment she saw her sister.
She couldn't take it anymore and ran towards Rainbow Dash.
"R-Rainbow?!" Scootaloo sniffs.
"Scootaloo? are you alri-" Rainbow says in a calm voice as she gets hugged tightly by Scootaloo. The pegasus returns the embrace as Scootaloo cries her eyes out.
"Fuck cancer!!! FUCK CANCER!!!!" the young pegasus yells. "IT ALMOST KILLED YOU!!!"
"Sssshhhh... Hey hey hey... it's okay Scootaloo... it's okay... I'm not going to die that quick..." Rainbow speaks to Scootaloo in a very calm voice. "I'm here for you squirt..."
"I really want.. I-I... I really want to spend as much time as we can with you..." Scootaloo cries. "You know...
a wise pony once told me: 'if you no longer go for a opportunity that exists, you're going to regret it at some point" the young pegasus adds in between of several sobs.
"I know Scoots... I know... I already promise you something. Once I'm outta here, I will teach you how to take corners at high speed!!" Rainbow talks out.

A few weeks later, Rainbow Dash was released from the hospital and the first thing she did was spending time with her friends, including Scootaloo. In the process, Rainbow taught Scootaloo how to take corners at high speed.
"and I thought that you need downforce in order to take corners at high speed" says Scootaloo.
"Flying is different than carting Scootaloo" Rainbow explains with a chuckle.