The Darkest Hour

by Anemptyshell

A Story in the Stars

When the precession had made it back to the palace proper, my friends and I were left behind by the golems as they returned from whence they came. The flesh and bone soldiers also seemed to give us a wide berth. It was quite the reversal after our arrival some hours ago. I couldn't speak for anyone else, but I was exhausted. If I wasn't still feeling the high of the adrenaline rush I'd had from leaping from sickening heights, I'd probably have passed out by now.

Though he'd made it back minutes before us, no one questioned where our new royal ally had wandered off to. The only place a stallion like him would be, at this point, on his big shiny throne. It was a mirror to the first time we'd spoken, and hopefully, this time wouldn't end with someone locked up.

No one spoke as we retraced our steps toward the throne room. There wasn't much to say. We'd done what needed to be done, and now all that was left was besting the real big bad and saving the day, literally. Spade seemed pleased with himself. If anything, he and Sabre were the only two not trudging along at a snail's pace.

When we did find our way back to the Crystal Empire's seat of authority, lo and behold, Sombra sat, a teacup levitated beside him as he flipped through a stack of papers by hoof. He didn't even look up as we approached. The guards, however, stiffened up a bit. I smirked at one, a brow raised in silence curiosity. The guard tried very hard to look anywhere else without moving from his post or his head from the forward position. It wasn't all that successful if the sweat on his neck was any indication.

"Now, with one alicorn dealt with, we have some time to gather our wits and strategize. The Crystal Heart can hardly be expected to house two alicorns, no matter how convenient such a trick might be. So, outside of our initial meeting and follow-up discussion in the palace's lower chambers--" Sombra said, eyes still glued to whatever papers he was rummaging through.

"You mean dungeon," Sabre corrected.

"The lower chambers, yes," Sombra agreed.

"So, Elements?" Bright asked.

"Yeah, whatever these supposed magical super weapons are," Spade said with a scoff.

"A set of six gems, a set of which was last in the hooves of the ruling alicorns of Equestria. One of which is the tyrant you seek to topple. A tyrant who has had years to find them if she did not already have them under lock and key. A set of which without your plan has little chance of success."

Sombra took a long drink from his tea and hummed as he eyed one document and then replaced it in the stack he was making his way through. The room fell into silence. The news wasn't surprising. I'd be far more worried if Nightmare didn't seek out a weapon she knew very well could beat her if they ended up in her enemy's hooves. No, the issue was the where, in her palace, maybe, in some super secret vault in the middle of nowhere, perhaps. No, Nightmare is way too egotistical and paranoid to leave something like these Elements to chance. That didn't really narrow the potential hidey hole by that much. Even if we could prove it was within the Everfree, that didn't mean we could find them without getting caught.

"I assume you have a plan then?" I asked.

Sombra finally looked back up from his papers and eyed me warily. "Of course. I wouldn't waste my time with these pursuits if there was no hope of success. It is plain to see that the fact the Elements were not involved in desolating my home as they were in the past means one of if not more of several clear factors. One, the elements were destroyed, the least likely explanation. Two, my kingdom and thus the element of surprise, is still in effect. This is likely true if we judge Luna's vassel and her response to my empire. Three, Luna was aware of the Emire's return but could not use the Elements s she no longer meets the requirements for said Elements. Then and finally, She did not have access to the Elements and thusly could not use them even if she met said requirements. This final explanation is unlikely. I doubt Celestia would have held such a weapon if it could end this farce Luna calls her night."

"Or, she had other plans for the Elements from the start."

All eyes turned to Blueblood, who had let his eyes wander into space as he seemed more interested in pondering his question than actually addressing the group. Sombra hummed and glared at the unaware Blueblood, who considered all the harder.

"Blue," Bright elbowed the unicorn, rousing him abruptly from his pontifications.

"Huh?" Blue asked dumbly as he returned to reality.

"Other plans?" Thorax asked helpfully.

"Oh, yes, quite. My apologies. I meant that aunt- Celestia might have tucked these fabled weapons away for just such an occasion. That is if we assume Nightmare Moon hasn't found and either hidden them or destroyed them herself."

"Why would she do that when she could have just blasted Nightmare and settled this back before the never-ending night?" Spade asked.

"Maybe she couldn't or wouldn't. If Sombra is to be believed, then Celestia may have had an issue with besting 'Luna,' as it was."

"That seemed within Celestia's purview and supposed position of the benevolent matriarch of Equestria. A bleeding heart that was unprepared to do what must be done," Sombra said. The vitriol thoroughly stomach churning.

"Either way, we're still no closer to possessing these Elements," Sabre said.

I nodded. "True."

"Is that true, though?" Sombra asked.

Okay, it was clear that Sombra knew something. That, or he just really liked having the final word. It could be both, if I was honest. We were missing pieces, we had a goal and knew what tool would enable said goal, but the where and how were still very much up in the air. There was an even bigger question at play, though. If these dreams Sombra and I had been having were supposed to guide us in besting Nightmare. Why wouldn't they just give us these Elements of Harmony or at least tell us where to look? Why take us across Equestria just to have us turn around and march back? It didn't add up.

"You've noticed it, haven't you, Stargazer? This whole roundabout farcical battle at my gates. Whatever force has ear wormed its way into our dreams seems to have a far deeper plot at play. If not, they'd have simply gathered the Elements and been done with this game."

"Yeah, clearly, whatever their game is, they forgot to tell us the rules. We're wandering blindly through one event after the next. I don't like it."

"Yet, we play our parts all the same. As we will continue to do for the time being. I wish to see what trite direction these oh-so-far-thinking puppet masters have in mind next. That said, I believe it is time for us to retire for the night, yes?"

Sombra had a point, and honestly, I'd take any excuse to catch a few at this point. I was numb from the neck down. If I could feel my body, I'm sure the pain alone would have knocked me out. The others weren't much better. Cadence hadn't pulled any punches in our little scrap. I hope a while in her new cage might wake her up from her insanity.

"Isn't that a bit reckless?" Sabre asked.

Dang, it Sabre. Shut up and let me get some sleep, you skeptical jerk. He wasn't wrong, but we had few leads and fewer options at this point.

"What would you suggest then, guard?" Sombra asked.

Sabre didn't respond. I doubt he had any better plays. None of us were at our best right now, but the reality was that Sombra was right. The King of Grump might be somewhat, if not overwhelmingly, abrasive, but he was no foal. The worst that could come from seeing what these visions of ours had in mind. I mean, nothing was forcing us to do as they bid.

"I see, very well then." Sombra pointed to one of the guards at the throne doors. "Show our guests to their rooms. They've earned that much."

"Gee, thanks. Glad we earned such praise."

Sabre snorted at Spade, who was giving Sombra a smile that seemed ready to tear his cheeks open with how wide it spread.

"You won't hear me complaining. Besides, Queen Chrysalis will worry if I put off letting her know we're still safe. I'm sure she and Sir Shining Armor will be most appreciative that we bested Cadence," Thorax said.

"Yeah, probably," I said.

Thus we were waved away by Sombra. We followed the crystal guard like a herd of zombies as we were brought to a hall of doors that opened to a set of equally empty but functional bed chambers. I didn't mind the lack of commodities. It had a bathroom and a bed, which was all I needed. The bed's siren call was nearly irresistible after tonight's nonsense.

"Well, Good night," I said over my shoulder as I closed the door behind me. I swore if my sleep was dreamless, I was going to start thinking these voices were watching us a lot closer than I found comfortable. That, combined with the fact one of these dream visitors could replay the past as if watching a film, left me far more self-conscious than I was happy with.

That didn't stop sleep from claiming my exhausted body. It didn't stop the dark from closing in. It had little in the way of control on the shadows, the darkness, the quiet. I was almost afraid the voices did hear Sombra's plot and thusly left us to flail helplessly. A fear that was left all the worse by the void around me. I had to wonder in these moments, out of everything that could terrify me, everything that could go wrong, why the dark was no longer among them. When one is swaddled in it almost every night, one will grow used to it. I don't think I liked that thought or the reality it spoke to.

So, I sat and waited. There was little else to be done. I would either be left alone until morning or someone would speak. I just hoped that Sombra and I didn't end up in a shared dreamscape. That would be kind of awkward.

"Hello!" I said into the void. My voice echoed back and then back again.

"Hello?" a voice called back. This time it wasn't an echo. The voice was strained but was recognized as the feminine voice from before. It was faint as if calling from far away. Though in the void, it carried just enough to be intelligible.

"This is Stargazer. Can you hear me?" I asked.

I wasn't sure I needed to add my name, but it can't hurt to be specific when all is dark. I let the words sit in the air and waited. It seemed it took a moment for the words to go between, a bad signal if I'd ever heard one.


The voice asked. It felt rhetorical, but screw giving that to chance.

"Yes, Stargazer, who are you?"

I deserved some answers. I'd been patient and did everything these voices asked. For once, it was my turn to make demands. I was no one's pawn. I was done with that life. If I was gonna help stop Nightmare Moon, I was doing it on my terms. Well, mine and my friend's terms. I'd need to ask them for their terms before next time. I'd say I'd get it in writing, but how would I even share such a contract with a disembodied voice in the dark confines of my mind?

"I'm sorry," the voice answered.

That had me reeling. If I could look incredulous in total darkness, I managed it. If not, I did it anyway. It took me a moment to wipe the speculation from my voice.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for all the ways you and all my little ponies have suffered. I never wanted to hurt anypony. I just wanted to be loved."

I could feel my brain overheating as I tried with my might to make sense of this voice's reaction. I'd never heard such a voice before, so why would they need to apologize--

My thoughts ground to a sudden sharp stop. A new question deleted every other thought. It was something Sombra had said or something he'd repeatedly said. It was a gamble, but it was at least something I was willing to wager. This could end poorly. It might even be a trap, but no pain, no gain, and all that.

"Luna?" I asked.

"You know my name?" she asked.

Dear Faust. It really was her, or it might be. A cynic might wonder if it was Nightmare Moon, but I don't think it was. It was too weak, too heartbroken. Nightmare had never shown this level of self-control, this level of humility. I don't think her ego could manage it. I didn't ultimately know for certain, but I had a hunch. I was also left wondering then how was Luna in my dreams.

"I've heard you in my dreams before. But I didn't have a name until tonight. It's the name Sombra called you, not Nightmare, he said Luna. He'd never even heard the name Nightmare Moon before tonight. So, now I have to ask. How?"

The silence was nerve-wracking. Had I scared her off? Was it Nightmare Moon? Was this all some sick joke?"

"That is a long story, young Stargazer. A tale of two sisters and how one was consumed by jealousy and envy."

"I've got time."

I left it at that. I would not budge. I was getting an answer here and now. It was several minutes before the voice spoke again.

"As you wish."

So that night, as I slumbered. I was told the story of two sisters. I was told of Discord, the Crystal Empire, and the younger sister's internal doubts and sorrow. Luna simply spoke uninterrupted, and the tale of Nightmare Moon played out before me. I'd asked for answers, and I achieved that goal to a point. I was left with quite a few more after the fact, but it was beyond me to hold that against Luna.

"Luna?" I asked once she finished her tale.


"All that being said, I am thankful for you telling me your story. But I am curious, why are you here, in my dreams, in the dark?"

It was the only question that I couldn't resist asking. Time was difficult to process in my dreams. The dark didn't help. I had a feeling in my gut, that I didn't have long till I woke. I suppose Sabre's paranoia was starting to get to me. Him and his blasted guard training.

"I'm sorry, Stargazer. But I'm afraid I lack an answer to such a question. I have spent centuries stuck in the mind of Nightmare Moon, a prisoner in my own body. To what ends or means I am given this freedom is beyond me. Though I will admit, I have enjoyed it all the same. You are a very gracious listener, young thestral."

"Thank you," I said with an unseeable smile.

It wasn't the answer I wanted, but I believed her. I had come to accept that Luna and Nightmare Moon may share a body, but they were distinctly not one another. If Nightmare Moon were this capable of subterfuge, she'd never have lost to Celestia, to begin with.

I could feel a tug. I inhaled hard as the dark started to retract. "I'm waking up, Luna." My voice was more panicked than I meant it to be. I might rouse from my slumber, but Luna, she'd still be here, in the dark. That didn't sit well with me at all as I tried to cling to the void.

"Worry not, young Stargazer. I enjoyed our time. I look forward to when we meet next. Here in the dark, in the realm of dreams. Mayhaps we can share another tale when next you slumber."

Then the void was gone. I was sat up in bed, doused in sweat hooves reaching for the dark that was no longer there. Things just keep getting more and more complicated. Then a thought struck me. It was hard enough that I was sure Sabre would follow suit with it once I told the others. Hell, Sombra might join him. It'd be a nice bonding moment for those two.

"Stars above, what next?" I asked no one in particular. The answer was a sharp knock on my door. "Screw you, karma."

That said, I made my way out of bed. Another night, another soul to save.