//------------------------------// // Chapter 14 - Discussion // Story: Cozy Hearts // by Princess Starflight //------------------------------// "Um, what even is the beginning?" Cozy wondered. Flurry thought about it. "Reformation, I guess. I think." Cozy pouted, sticking out her lower lip. "What about it? It's stupid." Flurry huffed. "It's not stupid. You would know that if you gave it a chance!" Then she realized Cozy was staring at her. "Oh. Sorry." She took a few breaths to calm herself down. "Whatever. I still think it's dumb. Can we skip that topic?" Cozy asked. "No...okay, fine, I'll just ask you one teensy-tiny little itty-bitty question about your reformation." Flurry paused. What should I ask her? "Well, get on with it, then! Golly, Flurry, we don't have all night." "Okay, okay! Umm...do you feel better, somehow? Like, I don't know, less evil or less afraid?" "What am I supposed to be afraid of?" Cozy laughed bitterly. "Ugh, whatever." "Skip?" "Fine. But we're coming back to this later. So...what's next? Hmm...oh, it's the...d-darkness..." Cozy frowned slightly. "Uh, not trying to be a coward, like you, but I really don't think it's a good idea to discuss darkness...in the dark. And alone, with just the two of us." Flurry shivered, and it wasn't because she was cold. "Yeah. Good point." She was suddenly very glad to have company, even if the company was Cozy Glow, who was totally a super-duper really good pony. (Yes, that was sarcasm.) "What's next? Snowli-" "Be quiet," Cozy whispered. "Please...not Snowlight..." Her head drooped and her mane fell in front of her face. Flurry resisted the urge to wrap a foreleg around her. “It’s okay, Cozy. It wasn’t your fault. We’ll skip that too, if you want,” Flurry murmured gently. She tried to sound comforting, but on the inside she was slightly excited. Was Cozy getting better if she felt shame for her actions? Maybe she could be reformed after all. “Okay,” Cozy whimpered, her voice quivering. This time Flurry really did wrap a foreleg around her. She was surprised when Cozy didn’t pull away or slap her foreleg away. Surprised and glad. “Can I ask you something?” Cozy said, sounding more like herself. Less vulnerable. “You just did. Okay, yeah, you can ask me.” Flurry chuckled. "Sorry, go on." "What exactly made you go along with the escape plan?" Cozy asked, surprising Flurry slightly. She hadn't been expecting that question. "I mean, I thought you'd be scared to get in trouble." Heat rushed up to her cheeks. She could hardly admit it was because - because...wait, why had she gone along with the escape? I wanted Cozy to like me! her annoying yet truthful mind responded automatically. Why would you want that? the other half of her mind asked. Because I really, really like- No, it was because I wanted to get out of that stuffy castle and have some fun, that's all! My parents don't have the right to ground a princess! It was unjust behavior! She told Cozy the last thought, still blushing furiously. "But isn't that encouraging bad behavior? I'm not complaining, of course. I like how you rebelled against your parents. Perhaps you're not too much of a goody-goody." Her last sentence made Flurry beam. Cozy had complimented her! Sort of, anyway. "But is that really a good decision when you're trying to reform me?" Cozy asked. "Hey! You came up with the plan," Flurry retorted. "You didn't have to listen to me," was Cozy's comeback. "I...I don't know why I did, then." "Oh, golly! You might be on the path to evil, after all." Cozy cackled. Flurry just rolled her eyes. "It wasn't an evil act. Disobeying your parents isn't against the law or something like that. What if your parents told you to cut off your head? Would you really do that?" Cozy pressed her lips together in a tight line and didn't respond. It was a moment before Flurry realized that Cozy didn't, in fact, have parents. There was an awkward silence. "No, I wouldn't," Cozy said finally. Flurry winced. "I'm sorry. I forgot," she said truthfully. "But...if I'm going to try to reform you, I've got to know you better. Would you mind telling me about...about your parents?" Cozy turned away from her, and Flurry instantly knew she had said the wrong thing. Stupid, stupid Flurry! She smacked her forehead with her hoof. But surprisingly, Cozy actually answered her. "My parents and I were originally from Manehattan," she said in an emotionless voice. "We lived in a small house. Small-ish, anyway." "What were your parents' jobs?" Flurry questioned when Cozy stopped. She shrugged. "You didn't know your own parents' jobs?" Flurry hoped that didn't sound rude, but how could you not know your parents' jobs? Well, I guess not everyone has a princess and a prince for parents. Still. "No," Cozy replied tersely. "Oh. What were their names?" "Rose Quartz and River Stone." "What did they look like?" "Rose was pale pink with a darker rose-colored mane, and River was light blue with a dark blue mane." Flurry gave up trying to chat with Cozy. Cozy was being too evasive in her answers for Flurry to find out anything, anyway. "Okay," she said. "Thanks for telling me. I'm sorry if I seem nosy." Cozy shrugged, which was an improvement. Flurry had expected an insult to be flung at her, but Cozy didn't seem to care. She seemed to be thinking about something else. "Are you hatching an evil plan?" she asked, before she could stop herself. Her brain screamed, I didn't give you permission to voice that thought! Cozy chuckled half-heartedly. "No." "How do I know that?" She squinted her eyes at Cozy against her better judgement. Stop putting your freaking hoof in your mouth, Flurry! her brain bellowed, but she persisted. "How?" she asked again. "You don't," the other mare replied simply. "So you were hatching an evil plan." "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." Cozy shrugged. "Why are you asking me this, anyway? Do you want me to form an evil plan?" A small smile fluttered at the corners of her lips. "But...but. No, of course not, but you've had all this time to hatch a nefarious plan and put it into action. Your wings are back and nopony's taking them. We don't even have a tracker on you! What's stopping you?" Flurry asked. "Nothing, I guess." "I guess I better search your mind, then, with my almighty alicorn powers," Flurry lied. She didn't even know if such a spell existed or not. She certainly hadn't heard of something like that. Cozy's eyes widened. "You wouldn't." "But I can." "What's stopping you, then?" "Nothing, I guess." Agh! They were talking in circles. Why were they talking in circles? What was the point of escaping if they weren't doing anything productive? "Are you tired?" Cozy asked, changing the subject. "Are you?" Flurry stifled a yawn. "Very," Cozy admitted. "I need sleep for my intelligent brain to function, you know!" Oh. Perhaps that was why they'd been talking in circles. It was just lack of sleep. "Are we just going to sleep out here?" Cozy continued. "No. It's not safe. We need to find a better place," Flurry insisted. "Can't you just, I don't know, conjure a tent out of thin air or something?" "I can try." Flurry closed her eyes and tried to focus on what a tent was like. What it looked like, what it felt like, even what it sounded like (though a tent didn't really make any specific noises). She formed a strong image of a tent and turned it around and around in her mind. Warm insides. Black in color, maybe, for camouflage? No - green. The sky wouldn't stay dark when dawn came, and the grass around them was green, anyway. "Wow." She opened her eyes at the sound of Cozy's voice. Wow indeed. There, right in front of their eyes, was a tent, already set up. Dark green, just like what Flurry had thought of in her mind. “Did you actually just call it into existence? Or was there already a tent like this, and you teleported it here?” Cozy asked. “There was probably a tent like this nearby. I’ve never heard of anyone just ‘calling something into existence,’” Flurry answered. But how did it look exactly as she had imagined? Was that just the magic? "Okay, then. Come on, let's go to sleep," Cozy said, and trotted inside. Flurry followed her, and- Oh! It was wonderful. For a tent, anyway. There weren't lights in the tent, but Flurry felt like the inside was glowing. It was warm and cozy, and she felt like this was hardly a place where it - the darkness monster - could appear, even though they were still surrounded by darkness. Outside, anyway. There weren't pillows or blankets, but it would have to do. The tent was soft and comfortable, anyway. She and Cozy lay down next to each other. Sadly, they were both the farthest away they could be from each other inside the tent. Wait. Sadly?! Oh, whatever. Flurry was too tired to think about it. "Good night, Cozy," she murmured, already half-asleep. Cozy just grunted. Soon, the two ponies fell into the dark chambers of sleep.