Black as Sin

by BearstarSeraph

Chapter 9: Faster than Light

Chapter 9: Faster than Light


“Fancy Pants!?”

“Rarity, my darling,” he said standing back up, “I love you to pieces but we really must spot bumping into each other like this.”

The others ran around the corner and saw the three picking up their shopping.

Fleur dis Lee held the toys in her magic, “Why Rarity? Is there something you’re not telling us darling?”

Rarity blushed, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no. These are for Princess Bulla.”

“Are y'all alright?” Applejack said as they ran up.

“Princess Twilight. Girls. So splendid to see you again,” Fancy Pants bowed his head. “So, who is this Princess Bulla?” he said standing straight, “I don’t remember any foals by that name, even among the foreign dignitaries.”

“She’s Prince Vegeta’s daughter,” Pinkie Pie bounced.

Fancy Pants’ and Fleur’s eyes widened.

“As in the incident from Ponyville yesterday?” Fleur asked nervously.

“Right-r-rooney,” she continued to bounce.

“Princess Celestia asked us to look after her,” Twilight said, “Has she already given the official statement yet?”

“No, but the gossipers have been on overdrive,” Fleur said, “You wouldn’t believe what was being said at the salon.”

“Yes, the talk at the track was anything but the race,” Fancy Pants said, “I honestly cannot believe a single ounce of it is true.” He looked at Fleur. “I would say things are even becoming… dangerous,” he said softer.

Fleur nodded.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy cowered.

Rainbow Dash hovered in front of him with her front legs crossed. “Define ‘dangerous’?” she asked skeptically.

“Oh! Rainbow Dash,” Rarity scolded, “stop making a scene. Some gossip is not Gabby Gums material.” She turned back to Fancy Pants and Fleur, “Tell you what. Why don’t I make the gossip rounds with you two,” she looked over her shoulder back at the others, “While everyone else heads to the palace. No one will suspect me with Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee.” She looked back at the two, “Is that alright with you?”

“Excellent idea,” Fancy Pants smiled, “I was actually going to ask that myself.” He lowered his voice, “The more degrees of separation between us and the palace the better, I fear.”

“Come with me, Rarity,” Fleur said, “If you’re going to be with us this afternoon, we simply must get you a new hat.”

“I’ll meet up with you at the palace later once I get a handle on what’s been happening,” Rarity said before walking off with Fleur.

“Farewell, princess. Girls,” Fancy Pants bowed, “Good luck with the new royals.” He respectfully trotted after the others.

“I don’t like the sound of this,” Fluttershy shuttered.

Twilight sighed and added Rarity’s bags to her own floating in the air. “Wish Spike was here to help carry everything…”

“True,” Fluttershy said, “But when Discord said Princess Celestia wanted him close by I needed someone to watch the animals. And he did such a good job last time.”

“What?!” everyone shouted.

Fluttershy chuckled nervously, “Did I forget to mention that?”

Rainbow Dash floated to the ground. “Discord’s here? Oh…” she sighed, annoyed.


The group entered the palace grounds. Celestia was there to meet them.

“Twilight, so good to see…” Celestia did a head count, “Where is Rarity?”

“We ran into Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee on the way here,” Twilight said, “They said they were worried about some rumors they heard, but they wouldn’t tell us. So Rarity went to hear them for herself.”

Fluttershy crept forward, “They used the word ‘dangerous’, Princess.”

“Dangerous?” Celestia asked, shocked.

“MmmHmm,” Applejack nodded, “They also said they wanted as much room between ya’ll and them as possible.”

“I see,” she said, “Fancy Pants has always been a trusted noble.” Celestia turned to face the palace, “Come.”

“So, how’s Bulla and Prince Vegeta?” Pinkie bounced next to Celestia.

“Bulla is very melancholy. She has barely eaten since yesterday. Prince Vegeta is doing very well. He is eating…” Celestia paused to find a word, “heftily. And is healing faster than expected.”

“That’s good to hear,” Twilight said, “The faster he recovers the better Bulla will feel.”

“Saiyans have really fast meet-tab-o-isms. They eat a whole bunch more than other ponies,” Pinkie Pie bounced.

“Do you even know what metabolism means?” Applejack asks.

“It’s how fast you become hungry after eating,” Pinkie Pie looked back and smiled, “Just because I always drew smiley faces all over my homework doesn’t mean the answers were wrong.” She turned forward, “Too bad Vegeta doesn’t like candy. Sugarcube Corner could really use the business.”

“I know you always look for the good in ponies,” Celestia began, “But why Vegeta? Your attachment is far more than compassion for his injuries.”

“It’s a secret.”

“This is not the time to keep secrets, Pinkie Pie,” Celestia scolded.

Pinkie Pie suddenly got in front of her. “No,” she said, firmly pointing her hoof at the senior princess.

The others gasped.

Pinkie stomped her hoof. “I always thought when people were afraid or panicking they would randomly scream things, even if it made no sense. But now that I know I can head talk, that means I know a million-quadrillion secrets I never Pinkie promised to! I’m not telling anypony's secrets, including his!”

“That is noble of you Pinkie Pie, but…”

“No,” Pinkie Pie stomped her foot again. “How would you like it if I told everyone your head screams? The perfect, all-knowing Princess Celestia panicking behind your perfectly calm smile?”

Celestia’s ears twitched slightly before she caught her breath and stood tall.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she threatened.

“You're right, I wouldn’t,” Pinkie Pie smiled, “Neither you nor Vegeta.” She turned around.

“But you should really read the scroll of his second resurrection while you’re looking,” Pinkie Pie said as she bounded up the steps. “It’s obvious you haven’t yet.”


The group came to Bulla’s room and heard a familiar deep laugh.

The door flew open in Celestia’s golden glow. She expected to shout “Discord!” but was silenced by the sight that greeted her eyes.

Discord was bright pink, with bows and ribbons tied everywhere possible, and some places that normally could not, having a tea party with Bulla, also tied up in dozens of ribbons.

“Celestia! Darling,” he said as he pours a cup of tea in the levitating tea set. Then the cup vanished and popped in front of her nose. “Care for some tea?”

Bulla’s face lit up as she saw who else was there behind Celestia’s legs. “Girls!” she pranced over, “Lookie what I can do!” Then she looked around the floor.

“Oh! Here you go,” Discord said and a hair comb appeared on the floor between her and Celestia.

Bulla excitedly picked it up with her hoof and held it up proudly. “Lookie! Lookie! Lookie!” she squealed.

“Bulla that’s amazing,” Twilight said walking into the room, “Discord, how did you teach her so quickly?”

Discord changed his clothes to a pink version of a Sherlock Holmes costume. He blew bubbles out his pipe before taking it out of his mouth.

“Elementary my dear Twilight. Bulla’s kind is without magic, so she has absolutely no idea of how her new body works. So I used my powers to control her body so she could feel what I was doing then I let her try to copy it.”

Discord then blew a giant bubble from his pipe and it floated over. It encapsulated Bulla and he lifted the giggling foal.

“Oh! Oh! Do me next! Do me next!” Pinkie Pie bounced into the room.

“Actually, I need to talk to you Discord. So tea time is over,” Celestia ordered.

Bulla’s bubble popped and she hit the ground. “Awe…” she and Pinkie whined.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. See what you’ve done Celestia,” Discord scolded, “You’ve burst her bubble.”

Celestia walked in the room and lowered her head to the pouting filly. “I promise Discord can play with you later. But right now, I need him,” she said softly.

Bulla just nodded, not looking up from the floor.

“Awe. Don’t worry Bulla,” Discord vanished then appeared miniature hugging Bulla, “Now don’t you fret. You’ll be spending time with Rarity now.”

Bulla instantly lit up.

Then he popped up on top of Celestia’s head and held his hand above his eyes. “Hmmm… where is the pony?”

If Bulla could deflate like Pinkie’s hair, she just did. She started to whimper sprawled out on the floor.

Twilight came in. “Rarity will be here soon,” she tried to comfort, “She just needed to see Fanc…”

“Fancy Pants and Fluer dis Lee!” Bulla bounded into the air then darted around the room. “Can I meet them? Can I meet them? Can I meet them? ...”

“Did you teach her teleportation?” Celestia looked up at Discord, still on her head.

“Sorry Celestia, but I have nothing to do with this.”

Suddenly Celestia felt four hooves on her back.

“So when do I meet them?”

Celestia lowered her wings to reveal Bulla on her back. She picked her up in her golden glow. “That can be arranged child. But not today.” She set her on the ground. “I’m sure they have plans for the next few days, but…”

“But can’t you make them come or else? You are the Princess.” Bulla gave Celestia puppy dog eyes.

Celestia gasped, “And what is this ‘or else’ to be?”

Bulla put her hoof to her chin for a moment. “I actually don’t know,” she put her hoof down, “I’ve never seen Mommy or Aunt Chi Chi and 18 use it because everyone always does what they say.” Then she jumped in the air, “But it has to be amazing to scare Daddy and Goku! They are the strongest in the universe. And Mommy says the universe is really really big so that’s almost everyone everywhere,” she added, proud of her knowledge.

“I’m sorry Bulla, but I will do no such thing,” Celestia said sternly, “And after that outburst, I hesitate to introduce you at all.”

“What?!” Bulla shouted.

Applejack stomped into the room and went snout to snout with the filly. “Bulla, ya’ll don’t go gettin’ what ya want by threatin’ ponies. And for somepony who’s been spyin’ on us, ya don’t know nothin’ bout Equestria longer than ya can spit.”

Rainbow Dash flew up into view and crossed her front legs. “Ya, seriously. If you really want to make friends, you gotta stop the spoiled brat routine. Just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth does not make you better than other ponies.”

Bulla’s eyes widened, then started to water. “Silv…er Spoon? …You think… I…?”

The ponies nodded. “Hmhmm”, “Yep”, “Absolutely”.

“… And Diamond Tiara?” Bulla squeaked.

Everyone looked confused and glanced at each other to see if anyone had an answer.

Suddenly Bulla started to wail as water poured from her eyes. She left twin rivers as she dashed to the bathroom and slammed the door. Then they heard the sink turn on.

“Twilight? What did she mean by ‘Diamond Tiara’?” Celestia looked down.

“I… I don’t know,” she looked up.

“Wait…” Rainbow Dash tapped her chin, “I think I… Yeah.” She dropped her legs, “There’s two fillies in Scootaloo’s class named that. I coached them for the flag waving contest. Definitely not the tomboy type.”

“Yeah…” Applejack said thinking, “I’ve definitely heard Applebloom say those names before. Wait a hog gone minute. Diamond Tiara’s the name of Filthy Rich’s lil’ tike. Filthy made her sing to the water when she called Granny an old coot. Wait… She looked just like the pony Babs told off at the train station.”

“But that would mean…” Fluttershy said.

The five gasped. “They’re bullies?!”

“Bravo. Bravo,” Discord clapped, “Did you girls seriously just figure that out? Honestly.” He walked over, now his normal color. “And I thought you knew bad apples when you saw them, Applejack?”

“If you knew this was going on Discord why didn’t you say anything?” Celesta scolded.

Discord shrugged his shoulders, “Since when would my word count for anything? Besides, I've never witnessed any of this. But I can sense when a pony takes pleasure from causing disharmony. It’s kinda my specialty. And when those two stood before my statue on their little school field trip, they reeked of it.” Then he crossed his arms, “And I’ll tell you right now Bulla hasn’t got a mean spot in her soul. Now I think you girls should explain to her that you were not comparing her to those two when you called her a silver spoon.”

The girls rushed over to the bathroom door and Twilight turned the handle with her magic.

“Bulla?” Fluttershy said softly as the door squeaked open.

Celestia saw everyone’s jaws drop and ears pin back. She and Discord looked over their heads.

Inside, Bulla had not just turned on the sink, but the shower and separate bath as well. She was sitting on the toilet lid, pulling the lever over and over again as she wailed.

Celestia’s golden glow enveloped the door and gently shut it. Everyone turned to her shocked.

“As difficult as this is to witness, this is a valuable lesson she must learn. Even if its initiation was an accident.”

The girls all sulked.

Discord began tiptoeing towards the door in a black and white bandit’s outfit and mask.

“Discord, leave her alone,” Celestia scolded.

Discord's clothes vanished and an angel’s halo appeared over his overly innocent face.

Celestia sighed, then began to walk towards the door, “You girls are free to roam the palace, but don’t come back to Bulla for at least 30 minutes. Come Discord. We need to talk.”

The girls parted one way while Discord and Celestia walked another. Fluttershy and Discord looked back at each other before sighing and continuing on.

“I know you can be stern Celestia, but honestly…”

Celestia turned around. “Discord, what have you heard of last night?”

“Why? Did some chaos happen without me?”

“You… honestly don’t know?”

Discord crossed his arms, “Sorry Celestia. I spent all night with little Bulla.”

“You’ve been with her all night?”

“Sorry Celestia, but we swore a Pinkie Promise not to talk about it.” He uncrossed his arms, “But she is very homesick. I think the sooner we reunite her with her father the better.”

“We will be able to do that in a few more days,” Celestia said, “The doctor’s report says he is healing extremely rapidly. Prince Vegeta explained it by saying his native species has accelerated healing abilities.”

“That’s good to hear. Soooooo,” Discord rubbed his hands together, “What happened last night and what does this have to do with me?”


Discord was floating in the air on his back with one hand on his head and the other pointing at a glaring Celestia. “You tried to impersonate your sister and didn’t last five minutes?!”

“Discord!” Celestia shouted.

“Oh! All right. All right…” Discord grumbled as he came back to the ground. “So what does this have to do with little old me?” He disappeared then popped back with a movie camera and a director’s outfit. “Want some acting tips?”

“No. I need you to be a fly on the wall,” Celestia said flatly.

Discord popped back to his normal look, “With Vegeta I assume?”

“No, the Griffon Empire Embassy.”

Discord’s jaw literally hit the ground. Then he took his horn, stuck it to the side of his head, and racketed it back up.

“The pony who found me out so quickly was a griffon slave I’ve since confiscated. The empire has been slighted, and the ambassador’s family humiliated. I want you to keep an eye on them. They will be trying to restore their honor. Trying to kill the slave is the most obvious solution, but there could be others.”

“I assume you have him stashed in the palace somewhere?”

Celestia nodded.

“Welp, one fly on the wall coming up.” Discord turned into a bug. “How’s this?” he asked in a squeaky voice.

Celestia nodded, “Very good. Proceed.”

Discord disappeared in a little puff of smoke.

Celestia let out a short sigh.

“Princess Celestia,” a pegasus guard runs up, “Princess Cadence has just arrived from the Crystal Empire.”


Celestia came to the front of the palace. She could tell even from this distance something was wrong. Cadence stopped talking to the guard when she spotted her. She bowed politely to him before jogging up.

“What’s wrong, Princess Cadence?”

“Princess Celestia, what’s really happening here? I’ve heard stories of a new dark mage.”

Celestia’s ears pinned back. “Have the rumors spread so far already?”

“Some say King Sombra has returned. Others that he’s been reborn an alicorn of hatred. Or a brand new mage all together. The Crystal Empire is in a panic.”

“I doubt coming here has done anything to calm your subjects.”

“I thought that even if half of it was true, I should be here. Just in case.”

Celestia nodded. “Very well. Since you are here, we could use your help with Prince Vegeta.”

“Then there really is a new dark mage?”

Celestia nodded again. “We can talk on the way.”


“How many times do I have to say I want to see my daughter!” Vegeta shouted at the two guards now standing on the other side of the door.

“We can send word upstairs since you’re so insistent, but as we’ve said before Princess Celestia has ordered you two stay apart until you are well. Which won’t be any time soon if you keep standing up like this.”

“Your Majesty,” the other guard began, “I can tell your shoulder has slipped out of place under your bandages. Please allow us to reset your bones so you can rest while the message is relayed.”

“Not until you tell me where she is!” he shouted.

“For the last time,” the first one gripes, “she is upstairs in one of the guest suites. Princess Celestia would never stick a child down here.”

“Give me one good reason why I should believe you? You would say that no matter what!”

The first one groaned. “I’ll send the message. You stay here.” He walked off.

Vegeta and the second guard watched until he was out of sight.

“So then…” the second guard sighed as he turned back to Vegeta. He was surprised to see him backing away from the door. “Glad to see you’re finally lying down.”

“Oh, I’m not lying down,” Vegeta smirked.

Then the guard heard clinking metal.


“And that’s the whole story as we know so far,” Celestia sighed.

“That’s nothing like I’ve heard or imagined,” Cadence said astonished.

“Princess Cadence, since you are here, could you look into his heart with your magic? Vegeta has proven adept at countering Luna’s magic, but I doubt he can do the same for you.”

Cadence nodded, “Of course. I’d be happy to.”

“But first I think it would be best for you to counsel the child…”

Suddenly they heard galloping hooves and turned around.

“Princess Celestia,” the guard bowed, “Prince Vegeta has been making a ruckus. Somehow, he has come to the impression his daughter is below as well and the guards down there cannot assuage him.”

Celestia gasped at the thought.

“Oh my,” Cadence said, “When did this start?”

“I do not know. I was only informed to tell your Majesty of his demands to see his daughter.”

Cadence turned to Celestia. “Sounds like as good a time to meet him.”

“Yes, Bulla will have to wait,” Celestia said, trotting past the guard.

Cadence and the guard followed.

“So why did you want me to visit Princess Bulla first?” Cadence asked, catching up to Celestia.

“To say Bulla is a spoiled brat is an understatement. Her parents have never told her no, and she believes the use of fear and intimidation is a normal exercise of authority.”

Cadence smiled, “So you want me to use my super-duper foalsitting powers on her?”

“Yes. I’m sure Princess Twilight will enjoy your help,” a smile peeked out of her serious face.

Cadence chuckled, “I’m sure she will.”

They turned down the hallway leading to the dungeon.

Celestia furrowed her brow. “Now Prince Vegeta has a sharp tongue and is quick to stab with it. Brace yourself.”

“I also heard you exploded in a ball of fire and set off some sprinklers,” she chuckled.

Celestia blushed a deep, deep red.

Cadence giggled, “I guess that rumor is true as well.”

“So…” Celestia gave a fake smile, “How is everything in the empire?”

“Boring to be honest,” Cadence sighed, “I never fully appreciated everything you do until now.”

“Yes, a little mischief now and again does the soul good. I’m sure you’ll find an outlet soon.”

“That will have to wait until after the Games,” Cadence said, “After a thousand years, none of the public facilities are remotely close to modern standards. And to think that the empire was the most advanced society at the time…” she looked back up at Celestia, “I feel, lucky, to be born when I was.”

Celestia smiled softly remembering, “Yes… Luna and I have witnessed a great deal…” Suddenly Celestia stopped. She wiped her eyes with her hoof. “But tomorrow will always be better,” she started as she picked up the pace, “Let’s hurry to the dungeon.”

They came to the stairs and saw the barred doors at the bottom. The five remaining guards, three unicorns and two pegasi, saluted their Majesties. The messenger trotted forward and resumed his post.

Celestia and Cadence began to walk down the long stairway.

“So how deep in is he?” Cadence asked.

“Not far. First passage to the left. Last cell.”

“Courier! Courier!” They hear echoing from within. One of Vegeta’s guards skidded to a stop at the door, “Prince Vegeta has escaped!”

“What?!” Celestia's wings flared out and she leaped into the air. She sailed to the bottom as Cadence galloped behind. Celestia’s shoes hit the marble floors with a loud bang. The guards were thrown backwards by the force of her Canterlot voice. “Where is he?!”


“Where is he?!” echoed like booming thunder through the halls.

Vegeta cringed. “Well they know I’m gone,” he thought, twisting his jaw to get his ears to pop, “Need to find Bulla.”


Back at Vegeta’s old cell, Cadence was helping heal the injured guard while Celestia examined the lock.

“He melted the latch like cutting it with a knife?! How is that possible? This metal is supposed to be magic proof!”

Cadence finished healing the stallion’s head, then looked at the cracked ceiling above. “That must have been quite the impact to crack the crystal tiles,” she said, “Are you able to tell us what happened?”

Celestia turned around. “Yes. How were you overcome so easily?” she ordered.

The guard rubs his horn. “I can’t explain what happened. There was absolutely no trace of magic emanating from him. It felt like a pure physical impact from below. Then I don’t remember anything.”

“How could you be lifted without magic?” Cadence said surprised. Then everyone turned to the sound of Celestia’s hoof steps as she paced back and forth.

“How could he… the temperatures needed without magic… and to crack the tiles…” Celestia mumbled.

Cadence could see the panic forming on her face for the first time in her life.

“With his injuries… magic horn… magic metal… magic tiles… magic armor…” Suddenly Celestia stopped in her tracks. “How is he doing this?!” she shouted.

“Princess Celestia,” a pegasus guard in the cell said, “the prisoner’s blankets have been torn.”

The unicorn guards suspend the blankets. There was a large section of cloth missing.

“This doesn’t look like a rip to make ropes,” a guard said.

Celestia stomped her hoof to call the guards to attention. “We cannot continue to underestimate him…”

Cadence has not seen this look in her eyes since her wedding.

“… We must always assume the worst and act accordingly. That’s an order!”


Vegeta retightened the knots holding the pieces of blankets over his hooves.

“Glad for this spell,” he thought, “these patches aren’t thick enough to muffle my steps otherwise.”

He continued to look around, “This place is huge. The desertion I expected but not the size. How many thousands of prisoners did the author think to stick down here?”

Vegeta looked back the way he came when he heard the echoes again. “At least they are not any closer,” he thought, returning forward. Then he saw the flames of the torches dance on a sudden breeze. He ducked into the shadows.

A small pegasus guard flew through the halls. “Probably female,” he thought.

Vegeta watched the flames. They returned to normal. He took several steps back into the main hallway before voices made him return to the darkness.

“prisoner… escape… watch… careful… guard… prisoners… don’t… them… escape…” Then a flurry of affirmatives before the pegasus returned the way she came.

“There are people up there,” Vegeta thought. He closed his eyes. “Still can’t sense energy yet… dang it.” He walks back into the light. “Those voices were really close though…” he thought looking at the next set of intersections. “One of these next hallways.” Then he noticed one in the rear had a brighter aura to it. He slipped past the first two intersections and poked his head around the third.

“Dang it. Another crystal hallway… These things must have some purpose other than refraction or they wouldn't be everywhere.” Vegeta then studied the refraction while keeping his ears focused elsewhere. He saw movement.

Vegeta smirked.


“What do you think Wall Cloud meant by ‘Magic without Magic’?” a pegasus guard asked the unicorn next to him.

“Quiet,” said an earth pony in slightly fancier armor, “We were ordered to watch the echo so to not alert the escapee.” He looked down the heavily guarded side branch. “And to make sure they don’t get the information they need.” He turned to another pegasus, “Waterspout, you’re in charge here while I go inform the other checkpoints.” He took the ring of keys around his neck in his teeth and unlocked the gate. He left the keys in the lock as he shut it behind him.

Waterspout took the keys and looped the string over his neck.

Suddenly, several torches at the front of the hall went dark.

“Rapier Wits, I thought you recharged the fire crystals?”

“I did this morning,” the unicorn insisted.

Waterspout pointed down the hall, “Well it doesn’t look like that to me.” He walked over to him and held out his hoof. “Give me the fire charm. I’ll relight them.”

Rapier gave Waterspout a red pendant from around his neck. He flew off into the dark.

Several minutes go by…

Then several more…

It was still dark.

Rapier walked forward. “You ok there?”

Suddenly, the rest of the torches went out plunging the hallway into darkness.

“This can’t be good,” Rapier Wits said. Then he felt a warm breath on the back of his neck.

“Well, aren’t you the smart one,” came a rasping voice.


“Someone escaped their cell? I didn’t even know there was someone else down here.”

“Shush, not so loud,” the earth pony officer nodded his head forward towards the last of the cells.

The unicorn saluted. Then his eyes looked behind him.

The officer turned around and saw the torches had all gone out behind him.

“Stallions forward!” he ordered.

He and the four unicorns left the last cell block and entered the darkened halls. They lit their horns to illuminate the darkness.

Vegeta was pressed against the ceiling of an open cell. His tail was hidden along his belly against the ceiling. Luck had been on his side so far with his mane. He could hear the gasps and the galloping as the light rushed forward.

Vegeta exited, continuing to slink along the ceiling as the five found the unconscious ponies he deliberately left in a pile. He was ungraceful and blunt, wrapping his energy around the unicorns, but he knew they could not feel what he was doing.

All the officer heard was the smashing of bone and crystal and the light suddenly going out. He turned around but saw nothing. He looked around frantically for the others. Then a piece of crystal clinked along the floor.

He looked up and saw his companions embedded in the ceiling. Then a shadow stretched over him and down the hall. He turned around slowly and saw a silhouette of a large creature hanging from the ceiling; its wings outstretched blocking the light.

Then it pounced.

He came face to face with a large pegasus. His mouth refused to open, but nothing was holding it shut.

Vegeta smiled at the fear in his eyes. “Seriously, why couldn’t Gohan mimic the cool comic books,” he thought.

“I am going to let go of your mouth,” he said, “If you don’t want cracked teeth or a cut tongue, I suggest you don’t scream.”

The pony felt the pressure release from his mouth.

“I am looking for my daughter,” Vegeta said, “A white unicorn child with solid blue hair.”

“Even if I did know, why would I tell you?”

Vegeta pushed his face closer to glare eyeball to eyeball.

The officer hid his surprise when his helmet tipped up and he felt what felt like a key lock against his forehead. Then he felt his fur stand on end and as if his skull had gone transparent revealing his soul.

“You’re a natural talent,” Vegeta said, pulling his head back. He then looked behind him, “But definitely can’t hide that you don’t want me headed back there.”


Vegeta turns back to his victim, now shaking like a maraca.

“Horn… Wings… Not possible…”

Vegeta clapped his mouth shut before he could scream. Then he backed off of him.

The officer tried to move but he felt like he was wrapped in a tight blanket. Suddenly he floated into the air — the last thing he would remember.


Vegeta came back from relighting the torches and floated the unconscious guards into the empty cells. He did not lock the doors fearing the sound the latches would make. Then he continued back into the hall.

Vegeta spotted something odd at the final gate. A board leaned up against the bars of the previous cell with several black robes hanging on hooks and a full-length mirror. Vegeta carefully picked one up. After satisfying himself it’s not magically booby trapped, he put it on and looked in the mirror.

The dark color was definitely an improvement over his white bandages, rolling around in dirt could only do so much. He also noticed its size. It’s almost the perfect size for him; on a normal pony it would drag on the ground obscuring any details of the wearer’s features.

“Are there torture chambers in this world?” he thought. Vegeta looked at the last gate. “If so, Bulla’s definitely not back there. And the guards did say they didn’t know anyone else was in here…” Vegeta trotted back down the hallway.

Vegeta then gallops back, grabs the keys and begins testing the lock, “Quick look to be safe…”

The first thing Vegeta noticed was the smell coming from the empty cells as he walked deeper in.

“Smells like insectoid creatures,” he thought. Then he shivered, “Humans do like evil bug clichés. Some eight-legged pony with fangs is gonna lunge at me any second.”

Vegeta gasped coming to the last set of cells. They are all full of children chained to the walls. Then he notices they are all in the same position, their shackled hooves underneath them. The ones fully in shadow have a slight green glow underneath their crooked horn locks.

“Mine doesn’t glow like that… then again my magic is black unlike everyone else’s neon signs,” he thought.

“Are you here to save us?” one brown and black-haired foal asked with puppy dog eyes.

Vegeta bit his lower lip. “I’m sorry. But I’m only here for my daughter.”

“Daddy!” erupted from several cells, followed by begging and arguing over who the real daughter was.

Vegeta saw at least a third of the children were white foals with various shades of blue hair. “Either she’s not here, or I didn’t pay enough attention to what she looks like now,” he thought.

Vegeta turned to address the block. “All white unicorn foals: I will only unlock the chains of the one who answers this question correctly. What do Uncle Gohan and Aunt Videl call themselves when they play dress-up?” He moved in front of a cell, “Every white one gets 30 seconds for one guess starting with this cell. Starting now.”

Vegeta mouthed a long 30 seconds as the foals all panicked. “Times up. Next cell.” He moved to the next cell. “30 seconds starting now.”

“Sweetums and Pumpkin Pie,” answered one.

“Nope. Next.”

“Kitty-kat and Lumberjack?” another said.

“Nope. Next.”

“Spicy Taco and Hot Sauce!” came a shout from the previous cell.

Vegeta cringed. “What did your parents do in front of you?!”


“Wharents… do… fro… tofu!”

“You hear that?” Cadence asked.

“That’s Prince Vegeta’s voice,” Celestia snorted.

“But who is he shouting at? It has to be far away for how garbled it is,” a unicorn guard said.

Celestia's face screamed even if her voice did not. “Oh no. The Changelings.”

She galloped off leaving everyone in her dust.


“Aaaaaand for the last time — No,” Vegeta said, accentuating his facial muscles for the word “No”. Vegeta turned to leave, “Seriously you guys are waaaaay too young for some of those answers.”

“If you don’t let us go, we’ll all scream and alert the guards!” he heard a foal say.

Vegeta walked over to the cell and saw a peach filly with gold hair. “I can assure you half pint, I’ve left no one capable of hearing you scream on my search. And what makes you think I won’t do the same for the rest of you if you try that stunt?”

Vegeta was surprised by the reaction of the cell. He can’t help but feel a small twinge of pride at all the foals glaring at him. Then he remembers why he feels that twinge.

He sighed, “Look… when I was your age… I was locked up too. And I know how you feel to be left behind like this. But if I release you all, all that’ll accomplish is most of us getting recaptured and whatever you have been suffering until now will be more than doubled. Now two people are easier to escape than twenty. And when we do, I give you my word I will get help and come back for you. It won’t be immediate, but once I return to my country, my warriors will be more than willing to return.”

“Your country? Your warriors?” the filly said skeptically.

Vegeta lowered his hood revealing his horn and spread his wings to the collective gasps of the children. Vegeta walked forward to show the others. Then he straightened his cloak.

“You’re all bandaged up?” another foal asked.

“Let’s just say Celestia isn’t too fond of me,” Vegeta said, “As hard as it is. Do not lose hope. Tomorrow will always be better… one must believe. Now I’ve lingered too long as it is…”

“But Mr. Alicorn…”

Vegeta walked over to the original brown foal.

“Please… the chains hurt.” He extended his front leg showing the green glow around the shackles. Then the glow spikes and lightning sparks across the foal’s body as he screams.

Vegeta took up the keys, “Fine. But remember you are on your own.” He unlocked the door and entered the cell. He began testing the keys on the foal’s shackles. “I’ll leave these keys with you. I cannot stay any longer.”

The fifth key unlocked the first shackle, the others soon followed.

Vegeta dropped the keys at the foal’s feet and began to walk out of the cell. Then he was hit from behind. He landed hard sideways against the opposite cell and could feel his ribs pop. He was in no pain, but he also could not breathe. He blacked out.


“We shouldn’t have done that.”

Vegeta opened his eyes. He was chained up in a cell, still in the bug section by the smell. Vegeta saw lots of black ponies with insect wings in the hallway.

“Well I was right about the fangs,” he thought.

“Are you talking back to me, pawn?” said another. Then it flashed in green flame and turned into a white royal knight. Others soon followed.

“These must be the Changelings Dash mentioned,” Vegeta thought. He started quietly melting the new shackles.

“He offered us an alliance against Celestia. Now we’ve destroyed that chance,” the unchanged Changeling said.

“He offered that thinking we were children. Do you think he would have kept it after he found out?” one that had become a lime green pegasus said.

“We could have turned back into foals when his ponies storm the prison. How would they have found out beforehand?” the black bug continued to protest.

“Drones are not born to think,” the white knight growled, lowering his horn.

“You’re a drone too, just a higher ranking one.”

Suddenly the changeling was wrapped in a green glow and was thrown against the crystal wall. Then the white knight charged, stabbing him with his horn.


The changelings turned and saw Vegeta standing.

“Thank you for letting us out,” the white knight came over, “And with the ruckus you’ve probably caused, we can join the search for you then slip out when no pony is looking.”

“Where is your country that you’ve never heard of Changelings?” another laughed.

“I could say the same for you,” Vegeta glared. He had already severed the chains. Now he melted the lock. “Tricking a Saiyan is usually the last mistake someone makes.”

“That coming from a pony locked up with so many magical locks you can’t even do a card trick,” the white knight chuckled. He turned his back. “Alright, everyone spread out. Look for guards and join the search.”

Vegeta waited until they were out of sight before he calmly trotted over and opened the door.

“Hey la cucarachas?” they heard as the light brightened behind them to well past daylight.

They turned around and saw Vegeta standing in the hallway. He was holding two balls of light under his open wings. He reared up. “Your asses are mine!”


Cadence managed to catch up with Celestia. “Changelings? Since when do you have changeling prisoners?”

“Run now. Talk later.” Celestia gasped.

Then a bright light came from the direction of the changelings’ corridor. Fire and smoke exploded in all directions and Celestia and Cadence slid to a stop.

“Princesses!” the guards shouted, running into the smoke.

The smoke quickly dissipated as Celestia and Cadence cleared the air with their powerful wings. A wind spell quickly added oxygen back to the air.

“What was that?” Cadence asked, coughing.

“Vegeta’s fire spell no doubt,” Celestia coughed, “We've got no time to waste.”


A changeling woke up and felt like it was in a bag. Then it realized it was.

“Don’t struggle. You’re hurt.” It heard a familiar voice.

“What are you doing with me?!” it squealed.

Vegeta sighed and placed the wrapped-up cape on the ground. The changeling rolled free.

“You! You killed my brothers and sisters!”

“After they killed you,” Vegeta said flatly. “Look at your side.”

The changeling looked and saw it was wrapped in white bandages.

“Those bandages both heal and numb pain. But you’re still stabbed,” Vegeta began to walk off, “You’re on your own now. That second cape is yours.”

“Where did you get these?” it asked.

Vegeta raised his wing lifting up the cape. One of his front legs was missing its wrapping. He then lowered it and walked off with a visible limp.


The group came to the Changeling cell block. All the lights had been knocked out by the blast.

“Oh the smell,” Cadence said, covering her nose.

“That is not the smell of burnt meat,” Celestia said. She took a step forward but stepped on something crunchy under her hoof. She stepped back and lit her horn, but quickly wished she hadn’t.

The hollowed-out burnt husks of the changelings lay crumbled about. A leg here, two horns together over there. Nothing resembling a complete corpse anywhere.

The guards and Cadence took a step back at the carnage. Celestia however stood her ground. She used the wind spell to clear the air, then lit the magic lamps. “This was not the hallway they were imprisoned in,” Celestia said as she began to walk down the hall. “They must have tricked Prince Vegeta into releasing them, then he… he retaliated.”

Celestia walked to an open gate, “This was their prison.”

The others were relieved that there were no body parts here. The lamps were even still lit. Celestia looked into every cell.

“Here!” she shouted. Celestia lowered her horn to override the lock’s anti-magic seal. “It’s… unlocked?”

Celestia opened the door and she walked in. Cadence was next.

The guards were laid out orderly, with what looked like great care.

Celestia’s shoulders sank. “They are all alive,” she said exhausted, “Thank goodness…”

“All head injuries again,” Cadence said, “Medics hurry and heal them.”

“All other cells in this block are clear,” a guard said, saluting.

“Good,” Celestia said, “Princess Cadence, come with me. We must find Vegeta.”

Cadence passed Celestia as she raced to leave the torched hallway.

Celestia looked up and down the main hall, “He can’t be far away now.”

“Princess Celestia, how… how could you not react to that?” Cadence asked, still in shock.

Celestia sighed, “Like I said before, I have seen much.” Celestia raised her head. “We need to keep our minds on the objective at hand,” she said in her normal tone, “Our hearts cannot afford to bleed just yet.”


The changeling carefully peeked around a corner, and was completely startled back on his haunches. “It’s… It’s the entrance!” he thought, “That alicorn… carried me here?”

“Who’s there?!” ordered one of the guards in the hallway.

The changeling turned into a brown guard. It took a deep breath and trotted forward. It saluted, “Sirs! Princess Celestia requests five more medics and the awakening of Princess Luna. She has also asked that I inform the guards watching the daughter of what has transpired and join them in relocating her, but in her haste, she neglected the location.”

The guard took charge, “Firecracker, go get the medics. Saber Rattler, go inform Princess Luna’s guards to awaken her.” He turned back to the changeling, “The daughter is being kept in a guest room above.”

One guard ran off and hung a right at the top of the stairs. The other hung a left.

“Well, 50/50 shot then,” it thought.

It saluted, then walked up the steps. It turned left.

No one called out.

It kept the same form for several hallways until it came to a quiet spot. It changed one more time, then walked in the opposite direction.